
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Iscalia (4)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Five minutes ago, Evelyn and Jirach answered Aellasis’s request for help.


“What can I do to help?”


“Evelyn. Can you control the flow of my magic so that it doesn’t leak out and gather into one point?”


It was an odd request, but Evelyn nodded. This time, Aellasis looked at Jirach.


“Jirach, can you pinpoint Russell’s location right now?”


“Russell-nim, you mean?”




Jirach looked at the distant red sphere, which seemed to be strangely distorted due to its size. The vampire focused his senses to detect his master’s blood. Jirach’s expression darkened.


“I’m sorry, but I can only tell that he’s inside that thing. The exact location is. . . . well. . .”


“I’ll help you. Receive this magical energy.”


A thin strand of magic stretched out from Aellasis’s hand and touched Jirach. Jirach realized that the magic was Russell’s. He looked at Aellasis.


“This is Master’s magical energy.”


At that point, Evelyn approached. She looked at Aellasis with a surprised expression.


“That’s right. How can you contain someone else’s magic in your body? And in such a natural form of fusion? It’s incredibly difficult. . .”


It had to do with Aellasis continuously receiving magic from Russell when she was in the egg state and with her awakening from the egg after receiving his magic. There was also the characteristic of the dragon race, which could handle magic like their own limbs. However, Aellasis, lacking the time or mental capacity to elaborate, stated:


“Can you or can’t you find him? Just tell me that.”


“I can find him. If it’s the master’s blood and magic, it should be much easier to pinpoint than before.”


“Good. Tell me as soon as you find it.”


“What are you going to, milady. . .?”


Jirach’s words trailed off. A change was taking place in Aellasis’s body. It all began with her heart. Her heart’s magic spread out its roots and stems, filling her entire body.


‘I can’t take on the form of a dragon.’


Aellasis had received enough magic from Russell earlier to transform her body into a sub-dragon.


Until now, she had used magic and spells to kill other vampires, but those were spells manifested with different magic.


She rotated the core she received from Russell, absorbing the mana in the atmosphere with each rotation. That was why the magic that Aellasis had first received from Russell remained almost intact.


Aellasis slowly released her magic. She didn’t take the form of a dragon, but she didn’t keep it in human form either. It was important to find the middle ground.


Thump, thump.


An eerie sound came from Aellasis’s body. It was not visible from outside. But inside, her will, the characteristics of the dragon race, and Russell’s magic were causing great upheaval.


And the change began. Two horns grew from Aellasis’s hair. Her pupils narrowed sharply. It didn’t go any further.


Evelyn and Jirach couldn’t hide their surprise. However, as Aellasis’s magic burst out with tremendous force, they suddenly found their own tasks.


“Suck it up!”


As Aellasis had requested, Evelyn gathered the magical energy flowing out of her body and prevented it from escaping. Aellasis gathered the magical energy that Evelyn had gathered once again with her control and concentrated it within her mouth.


A sphere of magic formed right in front of her slightly parted pink lips and sharp teeth, emanating a fierce aura.


Aellasis said in that state:


“Where is Russell?”


Jirach, who had been lost in his thoughts, regained his senses and concentrated. Russell’s blood that controlled his blood and the magical energy that Aellasis had given him. Combining the two of them, Russell’s location within the distant, red sphere was pinpointed.


Jirach bit his wrist and sprayed blood into the air. Instead of flying into the red sphere, the blood remained fixed in the air, quickly creating an image that Jirach himself could see.


In the opaque scene, Russell and someone were facing each other. The other person was not visible. But it was clear that it was Russell’s enemy now.


Aellasis didn’t wait any longer. Knowing the location was enough.


Aellasis puffed out her chest and let out a powerful dragon’s breath. With Evelyn’s help, it was not a blast that spread in all directions, but a thin beam of light that Russell would have thought of as a laser if he had seen it cutting across the air.


It also hit the red sphere directly.




The white beam pierced Iscalia’s heart. The space shook as the connection between the red crystals broke.


Iscalia clutched her chest and staggered, falling to one knee. She had sustained injuries before. Had she not regenerated numerous times until now?


But this time it was different. She couldn’t absorb it. She couldn’t melt it into her body. Iscalia didn’t know it, but it was a dragon’s magical energy.


Dragon’s mana was as deadly as divine power when it came to fighting devils.


The dragon’s mana condensed and solidified to a small diameter of about 10 centimeters. Moreover, it was fatal that it had hit her heart head-on. It completely shattered one of the crystals surrounding her heart, and cracked three others.


She needed blood more desperately than ever.


Iscalia suddenly looked up. Russell was rushing in. It was as if the exhaustion he had been showing until now was a lie. The culprit was able to react at an imperceptible moment.


The swords, scattered all at once, dug into the ground. The space was shaking, but the cracks were still small. She just needed a little more time and blood. The question was: where to get blood? The answer was right in front of her.


Russell was there.


This space was the most dazzling, or the darkest, moment in her life. It was an opportunity to stare at the image of that moment and gain unimaginable power.


That was the space that Iscalia had developed from the vampire’s power she had gained through her contract with the devil, combined with her own magic and the martial arts she had accumulated.


For now, she would stop the rushing Russell with her swords. Then, once again, she would use the blood fog, blood thorns, and waves to block his movements from all directions and find an opening to wound him. Iscalia planned so in an instant.


That’s why she blinked when Russell suddenly removed his armor and threw off his coat.


‘What?’ Suddenly, he was throwing away all the armor he had been wearing until now.


The thought that there was a trick, that something was strange, and that she should step back and assess the situation came and went as quickly as it had come.


There was nothing protecting his body at the moment. At best, he was wearing only pants and a thin shirt. Even a blade—no, even a drop of blood—could easily tear it apart.


And the smell. Iscalia’s nose twitched. Russell had sweated a lot during the battle that had lasted for hours. Russell’s black hair, soaked and stuck to his cheeks, shimmered and sparkled on his exposed smooth skin.


‘Beautiful.’ Iscalia thought so as she looked at Russell, who was approaching with a blank face. She couldn’t believe a sweaty man could possess such beauty.


It was the first time that she felt beauty in a rational way, as a monarch who had ascended to the throne, rejected countless proposals, and shared her ruin with her.


And those purple eyes. Shining brightly. Iscalia couldn’t take her eyes off of them. And she exploded the ground.


The swords’ blades, which had been waiting for the signal, rose up and pierced Russell. Iscalia couldn’t understand his intentions at all.


Not only had he discarded his armor, but he didn’t even dodge. The cost of not dodging was catastrophic. Numerous blades pierced Russell’s legs, belly, chest, shoulders, and wings.


Blood flowed. Red blood. It is the essence of life. The essence of life is something that no one wants to shed. Iscalia had not yet absorbed the blood that had fallen on the ground. A gourmet would not eat what had fallen to the ground.


The swords pinned Russell down. His limbs and face were drooping. His black hair hung like a curtain, obscuring his expression. He still held the obsidian greatsword tightly.


Iscalia tried not to look possessed as she approached Russell. A vampire, who should have been possessed, was now possessed. It was as absurd as a wolf falling in love with a rabbit.


His black armor had obscured the nape of his neck, making it invisible to her. It was an irresistible temptation, and Iscalia couldn’t resist it.


She hugged Russell, who was fixed. She caressed his face and chest with careful hands, as if she were caressing her lover. She ignored the sweat and blood covering them.


Iscalia pressed her chest against his chest. She felt Russell’s heart pounding, beating strongly. It was a completely different beat from her own cold heart, which had stopped a long time ago.


Her hand went behind Russell’s back and clasped it. It was an affectionate gesture that did not seem to come from those who had been fighting each other for each other’s necks and hearts until now.


Her mouth opened, and her sharp fangs bit into Russell’s neck. The blood she had longed for soaked her tongue and teeth and flowed down her throat.


She couldn’t stop. Something sweeter, colder, and hotter than anything she had ever eaten spread through her body. Iscalia shivered at the intense vitality. A sense of omnipotence burst forth from the depths of her mind, like a volcano.


She sucked blood frantically. At that moment, Iscalia’s heart beat loudly.


Her heart did not beat. Like all vampires, it warmed up slightly when drinking the blood of a living thing, but it did not beat.




She pulled her face away from Russell’s neck. Something was wrong. Her body was not absorbing the expected blood. It was separate. Like oil and water,And it was attacking her instead.




Iscalia tried to raise her blood pressure. It was impossible. Like a vaccine that attacked a virus, Russell’s blood attacked her unstable blood.


The sense of omnipotence vanished like a mirage in the desert. All that remained was pain. Russell’s blood, which had spread throughout her body, ran through her like a violent rebel army. The rebel army spread throughout her body like a raging fire, as fierce and violent as a flame that had met the wind.


Iscalia tried to control the blood, but even that didn’t work. Russell’s blood rushed to one place: her heart.


It swallowed up the shattered and broken red crystals. It was something Iscalia wanted, but at the same time, it was something she didn’t want.




Just then, her name came from Russell, whom she had thought was completely unconscious.




Two calls. Her body trembled. She shouldn’t look up. She shouldn’t look into his eyes. She had that thought.




She couldn’t resist the voice—the call from deep within. It was a sweet violence that was as irresistible as the blood she couldn’t reject.


Iscalia looked up. She saw it. Purple eyes. Shining brightly.


Her consciousness saw beyond that. It was an abyss. There was darkness, a deep sea, and a cave. It was beyond the limit.


It started from behind Russell. It was like opening the door to another world. Darkness flowed out like fog or tentacles, engulfing her space.


The space that had seemed to be recovering was now shaking uncontrollably. The fixed fragments of dusk were falling apart, like the ceiling of an old building.


The horizon collapsed, and the fields withered. The stakes, with the corpses impaled on them, collapsed and crumbled into ash.


The crows that had been constantly searching for corpses fell apart, unable to maintain their form in the crumbling space.


Iscalia couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her magic was there. Russell was witnessing the unleashing of her power. Her world was collapsing, and she was painting a new world over the crumbling one.


Cold. Iscalia felt cold, and she shivered at the fact that she “felt” it. Cold is a sensation that vampires forget once they become vampires.


Her body, which was always cold and had to drink warm blood to warm up, like a snake, was feeling cold. It was not a sensation that the body felt. It was a sensation that the spirit, or soul, felt.


Heavy. Her arms, which had been light until now, felt like they were carrying a ton of lead all over her body. No, she couldn’t. Russell’s space made her that way.


It was cold, heavy, and hard to breathe. It felt as though she had plunged into the depths of the ocean. It felt as though she had found herself abandoned in a far-off universe.




With a rough crushing sound, the blades that had pierced and restrained Russell’s body broke apart all at once. His wounds healed rapidly. However, he had lost so much blood that his skin was cruelly pale.


Russell didn’t care.


He walked forward with a thud. He staggered a little, but he didn’t stop.


Every time Russell stepped on it, black ripples spread out from where he stepped. The space was stained black. Behind him was already the large mouth of the abyss.


She didn’t know what it was. That terrible. Indescribable. Inexpressible. It was a darkness imperceptible to sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. She couldn’t recognize it, either as a wizard or as a warrior.


Before the unknown, Iscalia stood still. She waited for Russell to approach. The abyss was rapidly devouring more than half of her world. She laughed.


It wasn’t a desperate laugh. Rather, it was a gentle smile. It was a smile that poured out and burned everything.


“. . . . . .I thought it was the ultimate elixir of life. Instead, it was a deadly poison that addicted me to. . .your blood.”


Had she been in good health, meaning that the dragon’s breath hadn’t lodged in her heart, the outcome would have been even worse if Russell had shed blood.


It was different from Jirach. Jirach received Russell’s blood when he was dying, with his limbs almost severed.


It was a special case because of the vampire’s characteristics, Russell’s blood, which was different from that of a human, and the magic eye.


On the other hand, Iscalia was not only a vampire, but also a wizard and warrior of such a high level that she could block the connection with the gods.


Even now, Nahilnir’s inability to contain the moon’s power demonstrates her greatness as a wizard.


Russell stood before her. When she looked at him up close, she realized that he was surprisingly tall. The top of her head barely reached Russell’s chin.


Nevertheless, Iscalia was a monarch. Even in this situation, where Russell’s blood was consuming her entire body and his space was devouring her world, she did not collapse and stood tall.


She looked up at him with a raised chin and a haughty look in her eyes. Russell nodded at her.


“Well done. Better than anyone I’ve ever met. It was the first time I thought I might lose.”


Iscalia chuckled.


“It’s an honor. In my life, I’ve never seen a human stronger than you. Even my death was the result of my own choice.”


“Do you remember who brought you back to life?”


To Russell’s question, she shook her head.


“As I said before, the first and only person I met when I woke up was you. And I’m grateful for that fact. I am honored to have fought and lost against such a beautiful and strong man.”


“. . . . . .Yes.  I’m glad I got to fight you too.”


It was Russell’s sincere thought. It was a battle different from that with the dragon or the devil. Her magic and swordsmanship were similar to those of a high-level warrior. She wasn’t the only one who felt the thrill in close combat, where she couldn’t see an inch ahead.


Russell raised Nahilnir high. His obsidian greatsword was not even visible in the completely darkened space.


Only the white blade in the middle shone brightly, so that at first glance it looked like he was holding a very thin and sharp needle-like sword.


A white flash tore through the dark space. The tear in the space grew larger and larger, eventually turning everything white.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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