
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Crimson Night (3)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Ramon Errandis stood up. He looked at the dark night sky, the flames that stained it crimson, and the bodies that littered the ground.


The deaths of the soldiers and the people felt closer to him than those of the monsters. And it was still going on.


Suddenly, he turned his head to find a man. A man with an unbelievable title, Dragonslayer, from the wizards he invited himself.


He was approaching the fallen orcs from behind.


An orc with tattooed brown skin was lying down, looking at the sky and breathing. Kai grabbed his hand.


“I can’t. . . see anymore. . . Kai.”


“Chief Arcule.”


Orc Chief Arcule turned his head with difficulty towards the voice. The orc’s eyes, from which too much blood had drained, were cloudy and unfocused.


“The monsters?”


Kai looked up at Russell and the lord’s group standing a short distance away. He also glanced at the remaining members of the Arcule Guild. He then looked back at the chief.


“They are all dead. At least the ones here.”


“Members of the guild?”


“The tenacious ones survived.”


“Yes, since you are alive. . . . . .”


Arkuk coughed up a mouthful of blood. Kai tried to lift him up, but he refused. Arcule raised his hand and placed it on Kai’s chin.


Then a surprising thing happened. The tattoos etched on Arcule’s brown skin began to transfer to Kai.


The black patterns, letters, and images that had been firmly fixed flowed toward Kai like duckweed floating in water. Kai exclaimed in surprise.


“Chief! What are you doing? Stop it right now!”


Kai tried to twist his body, but he couldn’t. Kai realized that his body had become as hard as a plaster statue. From the moment the chief’s hand touched him, Kai couldn’t move.


Arcule’s tattoos were the reason he was still alive. Now there was only one left: the great warrior of Vulcan. But he was adamant.


In a blink of an eye, the tattoos had completely transferred to Kai. And they slowly sank in. From the tattoos and the wounds, the chief, now only a wound, said,


“You are the Great Warrior now. Kai Granson. Don’t waste my worthless life on revenge. Save others, and if you wish, avenge the guild members. But don’t be consumed by revenge. After that, live as you wish.”




Arkuk’s smile was faint. His long fangs, protruding from his mouth, parted slightly.


“And fix your funny fangs. It was unbearable to hear you talk. The others probably felt the same.”


For a moment, his eyes regained their light. The trembling of his body, which had been shaking from pain and bleeding, subsided. Arcule looked up at Russell, who was standing next to him. His sharp, focused eyes met Russell’s.


“I heard that you made Kai like this. Thank you. I had a good laugh because of you.”


Russell looked down at him without saying a word. Arcule turned his head to look at the sky, as if he didn’t expect an answer. He muttered his last words.


“Vulcan. I’m coming.”


Arcule’s heart stopped. Kai hung his head. As he did so, Ramon Errandis slowly approached him.


“I’m sorry,”


Ramon Errandis said to Kai:.


“I understand that you approached the guards. The bodies that have turned into mummies. I guessed, but I was afraid that my guess would turn out to be true. So I turned a blind eye and concentrated on excavating the dungeon and unraveling its secrets. I thought that if my son became like that, there might be a way to turn him back into the dungeon. I thought I’d apologize and reward you properly.”


He hung his head and looked sadly at the countless bodies lying on the ground.


“In the end, it turned out like this.”


“Yes, it did.”


Kai raised himself. He looked at Jerry and Tom, who lay behind him. As she examined their condition, Deborah was shining a healing light on them. Deborah, who felt Kai’s gaze, said,


“They’ve lost a lot of blood, but their lives are not in danger. They’ll be fine if they rest.”


Kai nodded his head in gratitude. When he looked up again, his eyes were blazing with anger.


“Are there still many of these monsters outside?”


There were. The wind carried the faint screams and the smell of blood. Kai took a step forward without waiting for an answer. Suddenly, he stopped in front of Russell.


“Thank you for saving my guild members.”


“Don’t mention it.”


Kai turned away. A red energy surged in his clenched fist, and the tattoos that had sunk in faintly emerged. The huge orc disappeared into the alley’s darkness.


Russell walked up to the Lord and said,


“I think we need to attack that dungeon to put down this riot.”


“I think so too. But since yesterday, the dungeon has become a space that no one can enter. It’s as if the previous ease with which we were able to enter was a deception.


“I’ll take care of that. Just tell me where it is.”


“I understand.”


Russell looked at Jirach.


“Kill as many vampires as you can and wipe out vampires like you.”


“I understand.”


At that moment, a knight pointed his unsheathed sword at Jirach.


“Wait, if I’m not mistaken, that one was manipulating blood. Isn’t he the same kind of monster as a vampire?”


The knight’s words caused the others to flinch and step back. Three knights, soldiers, and guild members held their weapons as they watched Jirach.


Russell said,


“That’s right. But now he doesn’t follow his original master; he follows my orders. Did you only see the blood being controlled, and not see the monsters being killed with that blood?”


“How can we trust a monster? You haven’t proven yourself trustworthy either.”




Ramon Errandis shouted.


“My lord. I am your knight, responsible for protecting you and defending the territory. Please forgive my rudeness.”


Gorden looked at Russell and said,


“The wizards said you were the one who killed the dragon. Of course, the skill you just displayed in killing the monsters was something that even I could barely fathom. However. . .”


Russell didn’t listen any further. He took something out of his coat pocket that he hadn’t taken out for a long time. It was the imperial seal that the princess had given him.


“T, This is?”


‘It worked.’ Russell had thought of keeping the fact that the name of the empire was still valid in this era, and even in this territory far from the empire, a secret. Russell said to Ramon Errandis,


“This man’s name is Jirach. Edmond involuntarily turned Jirach, a native of Errandis territory’s back alleys, into a vampire.


Ramon Errandis looked at Jirach. Jirach bowed his head slightly to greet the lord.


“But now he follows my orders, and he has delegated to me the authority to end his own life if he so desires. As you just saw, Jirach’s abilities are the same as those of other vampires. He can control vampires, these deformed monsters, and cast blood spells. I believe that he will help resolve the current riot if he participates.”


The knights and soldiers looked at Russell with a little more respect and consideration than before.


Lord Ramon Errandis also thought that the wizards might not have been talking complete nonsense when they called him the dragonslayer.


However, the lord was a man who had to do the lord’s work.


“As a vampire, you must drink human blood. Wouldn’t your vampire impulse manifest now, when others are shedding so much blood?”


Russell looked at Jirach. Jirach said,


“Since then, I have hardly felt any urge to suck blood from humans. It’s just a guess, but I think my master’s blood suppresses my urges or has some other effect.”


Russell understood. He looked straight at the Lord and said,


“That won’t happen. If it happens, I’ll take responsibility and kill him.”


Ramon Errandis had no choice but to nod his head. Russell’s eyes had that kind of power.


“Where is the dungeon?”


“It’s on the outskirts of the territory.”








The screams of humans and the howls of monsters created a strange harmony. The people looked outside, startled by the screams and the noise of buildings collapsing. They could see monsters leaping out of the buildings’ shadows.


The lively territory during the day now seemed to be trying to adorn itself with death, groans, and blood. However, there were also those who wanted to stop it.


“Push them back! Stab them with spears!”


“Watch out for your neck! Neck!”


“Ack! My arm!”


The guards who had finished work quickly prepared despite the sudden attack. However, the vampires were powerful monsters. If it weren’t for the tough armor that Lord Ramon Errandis had given to all the guards, they would have been torn apart like paper.


The number of vampires was small, but the guards could not approach them easily due to their enormous size and the gruesome distance of their sharp, blade-like claws. However, they had reinforcements.


Remeron jumped lightly from rooftop to rooftop, shooting arrows at the same time. It was akin to acrobatics in the air, but the arrows pierced the heads of the monsters that were about to attack one of the guards without fail.




The other guards’ spears and swords stabbed the vampire to death before it could recover from its punctured brain. After destroying its heart and head, the vampire lost the ability to regenerate and ultimately died.


The arrows didn’t end with just one shot. The vampires’ heads or hearts bore the arrows fired without a break.


For any creature, the brain and heart are the most important vital points, and even for monsters with regenerative abilities, it takes a lot of time to recover. The guards made the most of the time that Remeron had created for them.


With his own body, Remeron demonstrated how much support fire from above could provide for the battle situation. Hundreds of times, the guards managed to save their lives in the crossfire.


“It’s over here!”


The captain of the guards, Jensen Otbal, waved his hand toward the roof. This signal signified the repulsion of all the monsters in this area.


At that moment, the blood flowing beneath the guards’ feet slowly surged up. The guards were letting their guard down, their weapons hanging down in relief that the battle was over.


An attack coming from a blind spot is the most threatening. The blood was about to erupt, shaped like a sharp awl.




The guards turned their heads urgently at the loud scream. In the shadow of the building that no one had paid attention to, a vampire was holding onto the blade that had pierced its chest.


The vampire turned its face around to find the attacker who had stabbed it from behind, but it could not see well.




With a yell, the vampire’s upper body opened wide. The attacker swung the sword, revealing the heart within its sternum. It was not enough distance. The vampire quickly regenerated its chest and lunged at the attacker, Phel.


While Phel gritted her teeth and straightened her sword, her backup fired arrows from the other side of the roof.


The vampire raised its blood and created a curtain. However, the arrows imbued with magic shattered the blood curtain and stuck to the floor. The sturdy flagstone shattered with a thud.


Surprised by the power, the vampire gathered blood again to create a round shield, and with the other blood, it created a large awl and flew it to the roof.


As soon as Remeron jumped into the air, one side of the roof exploded. At that moment, Phel, who had been waiting for her chance, rushed in with her body lowered enough to touch the ground.


The elf’s sharp sword cut off the vampire’s legs, but unlike Russell’s ax, it was just a steel blade, so it regenerated as soon as it was cut. Similar to trolls, these monsters were much more effective with blunt weapons like maces or hammers.


Captain Jensen Otbal also realized this, so he threw the mace he had around his waist at Phel.


“Take it!”


Phel, who had caught the mace with her bare hands, swung her hips and drew a large circle. The mace struck the vampire within the circle’s radius squarely in the waist, causing him to fall out.




As it staggered to its feet, Remeron, who had found his footing, shot dozens of arrows. Remeron instantly turned the vampire into an arrow pincushion, securing it to the wall.




Phel’s sword cut the vampire’s neck, and then a kick blew its head off. The head rose and fell to the ground. The elf’s kick flew at the head that was still twitching.


“Huff, huff, huff.”


After panting, Phel barely caught her breath. After all, a human had defeated the vampire by himself, a feat she and Remeron had scarcely accomplished together. She thought that Russell was an unusually strong human.


She stepped on the vampire’s brain and tilted her head as she looked at the people staring at her with pale faces.


“Whew. Why?”


“. . . . . .No. Let’s move on to the next area quickly.”


Jensen Otbal trembled, leading the way with his sword raised. And when they entered, there was already a guest there.




A giant was swinging his fists with a roar that sounded like thunder. With the red energy in their whole body, the vampires could not use their full strength and died as blood clots.




Kai, the orc, shouted as if he were calling an almost forgotten god again. Kai, who had turned three vampires into mush, gasped for breath before finding the guards and Phel.






The two glared at each other, but they didn’t growl like they did when they first met. The situation and time were not right for that. From a distance on the roof, Remeron, clutching a bow, exhaled a breath of relief.


Jensen Otbal recognized Kai and spoke with a welcoming face.


“Kai! You’re here, too. But what about Arcule and the other guild members?”


“. . . . Jensen. Arcule is dead. Our guild has also been disbanded.”


Jensen’s expression hardened.


“I apologize. At the time, we also. . . . . .”


“It’s okay. It’s something that has already passed. I know that it’s sentimental to reach out to a ship that has sailed away, but it’s meaningless. Let’s focus on something else now.”


And as Kai finished speaking, monsters crawled out from the shadows. They were vampires who hadn’t yet fully transformed. The victims had merely received an injection of the vampire factor. The focus vanished from their eyes, and the saliva that flowed down no longer held any purpose.


Jensen Otbal couldn’t help but feel bitter about having to raise his sword against those who had been ordinary natives until yesterday. Nevertheless, he had to do it. This was due to his role as the captain of the guards.


“Okay. Kai, we’ll help too. Help us out, too.”


Kai raised his fist without a word. The meaning was clear. People and monsters rushed toward each other. Fists, spears, swords, and arrows met the monsters as they rushed in, disregarding their own bodies.


The howls, screams, groans, and blood mixed together once more.




The folks who lived relatively close to the outskirts, or those who ran inns or restaurants, flocked to the center. Laura, Robin, and Luke were also heading to the square’s center.




In the darkness between buildings and walls, monsters that had been crouching and looking for prey stretched out their long arms and caught a person.


“Help me!”


The man screamed, leaving the others frozen and unable to move. Their faces, still unable to discern whether this was a dream or a nightmare, scrambled out of their nocturnal sleep.


Cold air swirled in the air at that moment, forming the shape of a white spear. The force unleashed three spears at lightning speed. A hit to the monster’s head and both shoulders caused it to fall backward.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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