
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Omen (3)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Night had now descended in earnest. The twilight had faded, and a deep darkness crept in from the east. In the inn, which glowed all the brighter in contrast to the dark exterior, people looked down at the pale corpse.


“. . . . . .Vampires.”


Phel frowned. Evelyn also had a grave expression.


“Why are these monsters in the territory. . . . . .?”


“We’ll find out soon enough.”


Russell rose and walked outside.


As he left the bright inn, an even deeper darkness greeted him. Evelyn’s spell had repelled Ridos, who crouched down in front of him. She was calmer than when she had first charged at him after losing her sister.


However, he could see two red lights glowing in her shaded face, hidden by her hair, and he knew that Ridos was merely holding her anger inside.


Ridos spoke in a hoarse voice.


“. . .You won’t die easily.”


“It seems like your sister was the one who didn’t die easily.”




At that moment, other figures walked out of the darkness. There were six of them in total, with their eyes glowing red.


Among them was the man Russell had locked eyes with earlier that day. He walked slowly to the back. He spoke to Ridos.


“What about Ribes?”


Ridos gritted her teeth.


“That human’s power was stronger than I thought.”


“Is she dead?”


“. . . . . .Yes.”


As they spoke, Russell’s companions emerged behind him. Phel emerged with her sword, Remeron with his bow and arrows, Evelyn with her hands outstretched, and the expressionless Aellasis stood behind him.


The man who saw them spoke.


“I don’t know what you’re here for, but it doesn’t matter. This territory will soon be ours.”


The ghoulish figures, with the man at their center, formed a semicircle, their red eyes glowing. All of them had human features, and their clothes and appearances were ordinary.


There was a woman dressed in a puffy outfit, like an old woman, a man in flashy clothes, like a merchant, and a man in loose clothes, like a craftsman.


The ghouls were all expressionless, like dolls. Ridos glared at Russell.


The man gestured towards Russell and spoke.


“Spare that, man. His heart is very fresh. After cutting off his limbs, we must bring it to the master.”


Ridos stepped forward.


“Can I do it? He killed my sister.”


“As you wish. Do you need any assistance?”


“No, I don’t need it.”


Ridos walked forward slowly. As she did, her appearance gradually changed. Her black hair grew longer, almost reaching the floor, and fangs emerged from her mouth.


Her two hands extended five long claws. Russell chuckled at the sight. ‘What, is she Freddy from Nightmare?’


Her once pretty face was now wrinkled and veined like a leaf. Thanks to her transformation, her aura felt much different than when she was in human form. She had become about two to three times stronger.


Ridos spoke in a voice that was as hideous as her face.


“I will make you pay for killing my sister. I will render you unable to live or die, and I will spit on you.”


Russell didn’t reply this time. He simply threw the white axe he was holding. It was so fast that it was impossible to dodge, so Ridos hurriedly raised both hands. Ten claws intertwined.


However, Ridos had overestimated her own strength. Final Frost shattered Ridos’s claws like kindling and embedded itself in her chest.


Ridos coughed and spat out a cold breath. Ridos stared in disbelief as the intense cold spread from the axe embedded in her chest.


“How. . . . . . my claws and bones should have been harder than steel. . . . . .”


Russell raised one hand. Then, Final Frost disappeared as before, but instead of reappearing in his hand, it flew towards him while maintaining its shape. Naturally, Ridos remained skewered on the blade, causing her to soar with it.


Russell felt a cool sensation in his palm as he gently caught it. Ridos, who was gradually freezing, flickered.


With an indescribable groan, she tried to push the axe away, but the cold that was freezing her muscles and joints, as well as her gradually hardening heart, did not help her. In the end, Ridos died as an ice statue. Until the very end, her dull eyes remained fixed on Russell.


When Russell twisted Final Frost and pulled it out, Ridos’s body shattered into pieces and rolled on the floor. In those white chunks of ice, it was hard to imagine her original form.


The people behind Russell looked at him and his axe with surprised faces. Among them was Luke, the dwarf. With his mouth wide open, he stared at Final Frost.


Then, the man who had watched Ridos die spoke quietly.




Under the man’s spell, the ghouls’ bodies began to change. Their skeletons and muscles swelled, and their arms and legs grew longer. Then, five long claws extended from their five fingers.


In an instant, the humans, dressed in ordinary clothes, had transformed into such monsters.


The ghouls’ faces distorted hideously, and sharp teeth protruded from their mouths like sharks’. In an instant, the monsters filled the front yard of the inn.


Russell stood with his back to the brightly lit inn, so a long shadow stretched out in front of him. Remeron, Phel, Evelyn, and Aellasis stood beside him. Their shadows had grown twice as long, but they were still shorter than the monsters.


The monsters stood in front of them and raised their five long claws. Their mouths were torn wide open. Their lower jaws split in two, and they drooled sticky red saliva.


Russell smiled at the monsters that seemed to have come out of a nightmare. His fighting spirit, which had been dormant for so long, gave him that smile. It was like a beast’s smile.


Remeron shouted as he put an arrow on his bow.


“I’ll help you!”


“No. Stay out of this.”


Remeron hesitated at Russell’s words. Phel and Evelyn also looked at Russell with surprised eyes. However, he ignored the gazes he felt on his back and ran forward.


The man stated,




The ghouls, transformed into monsters, charged at him with their mouths wide open.


And Remeron was able to witness with his own eyes the true extent of Russell’s abilities, which he had only imagined through deduction.


Each of the five large vampires swung their claws. Blade-like claws attacked Russell from the front, left, right, and above, threatening to tear him into dozens of pieces in an instant.


However, they had not learned any swordsmanship, and because of that, there was a small but definite time difference between their attacks. Russell was a skilled man who could move his body the moment he saw the time difference.


His axe deflected the vampires’ blade claws as if in unison, passing over the left, front, top, and right in that order. It was a feat that was hard to believe, even though he had seen it with his own eyes.


Deflected, the axes swung in a half-circle at the vampires’ chests and abdomens, their bodies now wide open. The single-edged axe, which drew a white tail in the air, severed one vampire and almost cut another in half.


From the moment he first cut Ribes from head to groin and then froze and killed Ridos, Russell had realized how to kill these vampire monsters.


The cold in the axe struck the severed vampire directly, causing it to freeze solid and fall to the ground. Russell’s kick crushed it.


Vampires attacked him again from above, as well as from the left and right, just as he was about to finish off the one with its spine exposed. The one who attacked first from above had his mouth wide open, as if it were going to swallow his whole head.


Instead, Russell fed it with his fist. The vampire who had crushed his gums, palate, and tongue fell backward. At that moment, the vampires on Russell’s left and right swung their blade claws from different positions.


At the same time, Russell stepped back and leaned back. The blade claw’s trajectory narrowly missed him. And then the axe flew again.


When he cut the one on the right diagonally, the vampire on the left charged at him with its weaponless side. In front of him, the one who had managed to close its abdomen, which had been gaping open while it was squirming, came at him with both hands outstretched.


He didn’t back down this time, but instead stepped forward. The vampire’s blade claws swung to the left, striking Russell’s unprotected left shoulder.


The one who remembered the movements humans had made to avoid their claws until now had judged that the human had no protective gear. That’s why he believed that his claws would cut off his shoulder right now.


His belief was betrayed. Suddenly, part of the coat that had been covering the human’s shoulder turned into pitch-black armor. The blade claws were unable to penetrate through the armor, instead shattering into pieces.


The vampire screamed in agony from the terrible pain in its fingers, then abruptly stopped. The vampire had an axe embedded in its forehead.


The one who had charged from the front hesitated when his comrade, who he had thought would buy him some time, died in vain. He looked funny, with his two arms still outstretched in front of him and only his buttocks retreating.


Then, the man who had been watching from behind whispered something, and suddenly the body of the vampire that had been hesitating swelled up and burst. And the same thing happened to the dead monsters, the monsters that were still alive—the one that was gagging and groaning with its mouth covered and the one that was hesitating.


Their skin turned red as if something was trying to tear through their flesh, and then blood burst out. The red blood did not fall to the ground; instead, it floated in the air as if it had a will of its own.


The man who had ruthlessly consumed his subordinates chanted a spell again, and the blood turned into five huge blood-red spears.




As the man shouted, the five blood-red spears flew at him like lightning. Russell did not dodge. His coat turned into pitch-black armor at his will, blocking the five spears.


He received five shocks. Russell’s feet created a short trench in the ground. However, the man’s attack was more than just throwing spears.




The blood-red spears that had been shattered upon failing to pierce the armor were scattered on the ground like red grains of sand. The red sand became muddy as the man recited his spell, and then it gushed out like a bomb in water, covering Russell’s entire body.


He seemed unable to move for a moment, as the sticky and elastic crimson substance clung to him like a flypaper. Even then, the blood continued to expand, trying to trap Russell in a blood-red crystal.


Then the blood stopped wriggling. And then it began to freeze white. The man’s face and neck turned red as he poured his magic power into it, but it was not enough.


With a loud bang, the blood-red crystal, which was about half-finished, shattered. The man tried to control the blood with his dominance, but it was not easy.


This was because Russell’s axe’s cold and magic power interfered. The man could no longer focus only on his spells.


With a cutting sound, the man’s vision suddenly went dark. The man, struck in the groin, gazed down in disbelief. Russell’s thrown axe had severed both of his legs below the knees. The culprit was, of course, Russell’s thrown axe.


“Gyaaaah. . . . . . . . . . . .!”


The man screamed and grabbed his severed legs. No blood spurted out. His hair stood on end as the pain, like sharp needles piercing the wound every second, made the cross-section frozen white.


The man let out a desperate groan, reaching out one hand to the legs that were rolling in front of him. If he could just bring them back and attach them, he might be able to heal himself. Russell didn’t allow him to do that.


Two more cutting sounds rang out, and the man collapsed to the ground with all his limbs severed. His forearms flopped around as they hit the ground below his elbows.


It was a perfect return to the words the man had said to Russell when he first saw him.


The man looked up at Russell with eyes that couldn’t believe it.


“W, Who the hell are you. .? Are you a Knight of the Empire?”


Russell did not respond, and he stepped on his chest. Blood spurted from the cross-sections of his severed limbs as he pressed down with force, unable to withstand the pressure. The man’s mouth gushed blood, piercing his lungs as if his ribs had broken.


Remeron, Phel, Evelyn, and Aellasis approached him when they saw that the battle was over. The expressions of the two elves, who had seen Russell’s power for the first time, were worth watching. Evelyn was also slightly surprised. Aellasis was yawning.


Russell spoke without taking his foot off the man.


“I’m the one asking the questions. Who are you? How did you get the vampires?”


The man only glared at him with bloodshot eyes and didn’t open his mouth. He did, however, open his mouth. Russell wiped the drop of blood off his cheek and pressed his foot down harder.


A low scream of agony escaped him. Unlike a blood-sucking monster, the man was bleeding out all over his body. Since the floor was frozen cold due to the axe’s influence, the drops of blood turned into grains as soon as they touched it. They resembled sand from a red desert or finely ground iron rust.


Even then, the man did not open his mouth, appearing to be saying that he would rather die. Russell did not lift his foot off the man’s chest and bent down.


His eyes, powered by magic, began to glow slowly. The man’s face trembled as he saw the purple eyes that began to fill his vision. Despite his attempts to turn his head, he was unable to do so, as if possessed by a ghost.


“I’ll ask you again. What’s your name? What were you doing in the territory with the monsters? And who is your master?”


The man did not answer. No, it was closer to not being able to. He had lost too much blood. Even though he was a monster with more blood than an average adult male, he was reaching his limit.


The man muttered unconsciously.


“Blood. . . . . . Blood. . . . . .”


The man’s focus had become blurred. His short limbs, which had been flailing around, gradually lost their strength and stretched out.


Russell stared down at the man for a moment before suddenly looking at his own palm. He thought about the characteristics of the vampires he knew, as well as the one he had in his possession.


He raised his axe and cut his palm. The long wound did not bleed because of the frost’s influence.




“What are you doing?”


The others were surprised, but Russell did not care and clenched his fist. Then, the frost on the wound melted, and blood flowed out.


A drop of blood fell onto the man’s lips. The man soon absorbed the blood as if it had seeped into fine sand.


Thud, the man’s body shook. And then something amazing happened. Bony protrusions emerged from his severed limbs, and nerves, muscles, and skin covered them. It was an incredibly fast rate of regeneration. It seemed even faster than a troll’s regeneration.


The man opened his eyes. ‘Hadn’t I died?’. Until just a moment ago, he had felt all the blood in his body drain away and his heart turn into a block of ice. His confused eyes met Russell’s.


At that moment, the man realized that he could not go against Russell. The vampire’s instinct to drink only the blood of the living had combined with Russell’s blood and magic eye. The original owner’s control over the man’s blood had vanished. Russell had now become the master who controlled the man’s blood.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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