
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Omen (2)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Kai was a peculiar orc in that regard. Russell thought of the red aura that had flared from his skin when he had called out the name Vulcan.


The red aura had momentarily tripled Kai’s strength. That momentary boost would have been more than enough to turn the tide of the battle. Of course, it would not have been enough against Russell.


Russell looked back at Aellasis as they walked behind Kai’s retreating group.


“Shall we go to the church?”




They climbed the stairs, passing the square and fountain. At the top of those stairs, the church was a tall building, reaching into the sky. Wings, a sword, and scales. The symbol of Acarsus is the God of Justice.


The inside of the church was larger than it appeared from the outside, and it was equally empty. The silence seemed to justify its existence. There were a few people praying, but they did not disturb the silence with their silence.


Long pews lined either side of the central aisle. Stained glass windows let in the sunlight, casting colorful rectangles on the floor.


The priest was the same man as before. He spotted Russell and Aellasis and walked over with a slow gait.


“Glory to the justice of the heavens. What brings you here?”


“We were curious to see what was inside. One does not need a reason to enter, does one?”


“Of course not. The church is always open. You may spend as much time here as you like.”


“I will just take a look at that statue over there.”


Aellasis was referring to the statue at the church’s end. It was a statue of a goddess with four pairs of wings, holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other.


Russell nodded, and Aellasis ran over to it. Then she slowed her pace, surprised by the sound of her footsteps echoing more loudly than she had expected.


Russell asked the priest, who was watching the girl with amusement.


“Do you perhaps also sell holy water?”


The priest’s face turned slightly wary.


“We do, but. . . . . .”


“How much?”


The priest named a price, and Russell’s eyebrows twitched.


“Rather expensive. How many do you have?”


“We only have one left at the moment. Shall I get it?”


“No, that’s fine. I will just look around for a bit.”


“Very well. I hope you have a pleasant time.”


The priest bowed and walked away. Russell watched him go.


It was no surprise that he couldn’t sense any divinity from the young priest. It was rare for divinity to manifest itself, after all. If one could simply use the power of a god by believing in them, there would be no one who did not believe in a god.


However, there were not many priests who could actually use divine power. No one knew why or how a god granted their power to their followers. It was the power of a god, after all.


The reverence for saintesses, paladins, and inquisitors was not in vain. The inscrutable will of a god had bestowed power upon them.


This is also why losing divine power can lead to extreme weakness, frustration, and depression.


“Russell, I’ve seen everything. Let’s go.”


Aellasis said that he had circled the church once. The white-haired girl had a bored expression on her face.


“Have you seen everything?”


“Yes. There was nothing much to see. It’s just quiet.”


“That is what such a space is for.”


The two of them left the church. Aellasis said she was hungry, so Russell headed for the market.


The streets were as crowded as ever. As the clouds passed over the sun, bright sunshine alternated with shade.


Below, laborers worked in the hot sun, hammering and sawing away at an old building. A dwarf with a hard hat directed them, looking at the blueprints from time to time.


Merchants hawked their wares, lamenting the day their lives would end. Their lives would likely remain ruined for an extended period.


In front of a weapons display, warriors stood, pondering their companions. One warrior was holding a pair of swords, but as with marriage, more than one was a burden that would weigh him down.


Russell thought of a certain dark elf when he saw the pair of swords, and he chuckled.


When Russell and Aellasis left the market, Aellasis’s hands were full of snacks: skewers of seasoned meat, dried fruit, and bread filled with vegetables and meat.


It was then that Russell felt a gaze upon him. He turned his head to follow the gaze’s direction. A man looked at him from across the street, where carts and wagons carrying goods were passing by.


He looked to be in his early twenties. His clothes were ordinary, no different from any other mercenary’s, but his eyes were different. As he scanned Russell, his gaze had a reddish glow that distinguished a predator from prey.


Russell’s direct gaze caught the man off guard, as if he hadn’t anticipated the attention. Then he moved away from his spot, disappearing into the crowd.


However, Russell’s eyes could follow him even after he had disappeared from view. The man moved around here and there before disappearing into an alleyway.


Russell narrowed his eyes, and Aellasis, who was next to him, held out a dumpling-like bread.


“This is delicious! Try it!”


Russell took a big bite of the bread that Aellasis had given him, thinking of the man he had seen earlier. Aellasis cried out.


“How can you eat so much? I only gave you one bite!”


When they returned to the inn, the sunset was already in progress. The natural colors of red, orange, and yellow painted the sky, the buildings, and the people.


The Black Barley Inn was not as crowded as it had been the day before. There were only a few groups of two or three people sitting at the tables, drinking ale.


Russell spotted Remeron, Phel, and Evelyn at one of the tables. When Remeron raised his hand to Russell, Evelyn waved. She smiled brightly and waved back.


“You’re here.”


“Were you waiting for me?”


“A little. Not long.”


Russell ordered two mugs of stout from Robin, who was passing by, and sat down. Aellasis, too, sat down next to Russell and drank her beer.


Evelyn saw this and said,


“Is she allowed to drink?”


Aellasis only glanced at her and didn’t say anything. Russell said.


“It’s fine. How come you’re hanging out with them?”


“We met earlier. And they know you.”


“Did the thing you went to do go well?”


“Oh, the dungeon? That’s a little strange. The lord has closed off the path to the dungeon.”


“Closed it off?”


Remeron added that he had been listening.


“Yes. That’s why I came back. I wanted to check it out without the Lord, but it seems like it will be difficult.”


“What were you trying to check out?”


Phel answered Russell’s question.


“About the ancient Elven kingdom. I can’t say more than that.”


Russell shrugged. He had no desire to pry.


Just then, Robin approached them and placed several plates of snacks on their table. There were thinly sliced fruits, grilled meat with spices, and vegetables. Russell said.


“I didn’t order this.”


Robin chuckled.


“We can do this much for a kind person like you. My sister told me to bring these first. She made them all herself.”


Russell glanced at the kitchen, startled Laura, who was wearing an apron, and stepped inside. He smiled and said,


“Tell her thank you.”


“What have you done again? What is this? Tell me too.”


Evelyn looked curious, and Robin pulled up a spare chair and sat down, telling Russell’s tales of valor as if they were his own.


Whether it was the storyteller’s skill or not, Robin’s story was vivid and exciting. It was hard to believe that he was the same shy boy from their first meeting.


Remeron and Phel, like Evelyn, were hearing the stories for the first time, and they listened intently to Robin’s words. Remeron’s eyes sparkled as if they were about to glow.


Hearing a third party praise his own fighting prowess, Russell suddenly turned his head towards the outside. Remeron, Phel, and Evelyn also turned their gazes in the same direction, albeit a little late.


“So Russell-nim flicked Jerry and Tom with his fingers, and they fell unconscious. . . Why are you doing that?”


Russell said.


“We have guests.”


The door of the inn opened, and two women entered. Robin instinctively tried to get up, saying, “Welcome.” However, Russell held Robin back.


When the boy looked at Russell, not understanding what was going on, he shook his head slightly.


“Stay still.”


In the meantime, the two women looked around the inn, and their eyes met his. They both had faces that were as alike as twins. Russell distinguished between the one with a mole on her chin and the one without.


The twin women were young, looking to be in their late teens or early twenties. Their skin was firm, and their black hair was glossy. Blood stained their lips with a deep red hue. They had swords strapped to their backs.


The woman with the mole on her chin spoke.


“Are you Russell?”


Russell looked up at the two of them, sitting in a slouching position.




“Our children are indebted to you.”


Russell turned to Robin and asked.


“Do you know them?”


“No, I don’t. I’ve only ever seen Kai, Jerry, and Tom. These are the first times I’ve seen these people.”


The woman without the mole on her chin spoke.


“You won’t be able to see those guys anymore.”


“. . . . . .Why not?”


“Because they’re dead.”


The atmosphere turned cold. The chill came from the two women who had suddenly appeared in the inn. The customers hurriedly left their seats when they sensed it.


Luke and Laura, who were in the kitchen, also sensed the strange atmosphere. They looked at this side of the bar with worried and fearful faces.


Russell said.


“So? What are you two going to do with me?”


“If you’re indebted to someone, you have to repay them. Even if they’re good for- nothing.”


“There seem to be a lot of people who have come after me about that.”


At his words, the woman with the mole raised her eyebrows.


“. . . . . .You sensed that?”


“I have good instincts. And good eyes.”


There was a tense tension in the air. Remeron and Phel gripped the hilts of their swords, which they had placed under the table. Evelyn silently prepared a spell, channeling her mana circuits.


Only Russell and Aellasis had calm faces. The intruders did not like that.


“Whether you have good instincts or not doesn’t matter. You’re going to die here, torn apart.”


“You’re rather late. It seems as though you were anticipating the arrival of nightfall.


“. . . . . .”


“As I said earlier, I am Russell. What about you two?”


The woman with the mole on her chin and the woman without it spoke in turn.






The inn hall was as bright as it had been the night before. This was because the diligent Laura had thrown out the melted candles and brought in new ones. The flames from the wicks caused the white wax to drip incessantly. The hot candle wax flowed down its own body, gradually cooling and solidifying.


However, unlike the night before, there was no cheerful music or dancing drunkards. There were only nine people here.


Outside, there was no sound either, just like inside. It was still twilight, and it was not too late for drunken mercenaries, adventurers, or townspeople to sing songs.


Then, Ribes drew the sword strapped to her back with incredible speed and swung it at Russell. It was a powerful and fast swing that even Remeron and Phel, the two elves, had missed for a moment.


The sword, reflecting the bright lights in the hall, descended towards Russell like a burning flame. The sword appeared poised to sever him in two.




However, there was no sound of cutting flesh. This was because Russell’s white axe, which he had drawn from the hem of his coat at an even faster speed, had blocked Ribes’ sword.


He narrowed his eyes at the stronger-than-expected strength he felt from the axe. It was a strength that he couldn’t believe came from such a slender body.


However, Ribes was equally surprised. She hadn’t expected a human like this to block her blow. She had swung faster and harder than she had when she had defeated Kai, the orc, but this human had blocked it with ease. Furthermore, the chill emanating from the white axe, Final Frost, made Ribes’ face stiffen.


“Back off!”


Ridos shouted, but Russell was faster. When he stomped his foot, the floor cracked. Russell’s axe, which had gained momentum, knocked Ribes’ sword upwards.


Ribes hurriedly grabbed her sword and swung it around. Russell blocked it with his axe blade, and at the same time, he realized that this woman was a complete novice when it came to swordsmanship, despite her strength.


However, if she had been an ordinary person, she would have died without even realizing her swordsmanship skills, and even those who had some knowledge of swordsmanship would have died without being able to overcome her strength.


Only the current Russell could overwhelm her.


Russell’s movements became concise when he realized that Ribes’ swordsmanship skills were poor. It was the complete opposite of Ribes, who was swinging her sword wildly.


His axe moved in a mysterious way, and with the lower part of the blade, he caught Ribes’ sword blade and twisted his wrist. Then, with a clang, the axe broke the blade and the hilt it had caught.


The axe’s cold had already surpassed the blade’s limit, which is why it broke so easily.


Ribes’ face, which had already been pale, was now like a wax doll. Her expression held only one meaning. The fear of death.


“No. . .!”


Russell’s axe was swung down vertically. Ribes received the same treatment that she had intended to give him. A red line was drawn from the top of her head to her groin. It had all happened in just a few seconds.


Screams erupted. They were from Laura and Robin. However, contrary to their thoughts, Ribes did not die immediately.


Russell’s eyes widened. The red line that had drawn Ribes’ body was surprisingly wriggling, as if attempting to cling together. However, the cold emanating from his axe appeared to make it a challenging task. In any case, it was not something that a normal living being could do.


Just as Russell was about to swing his axe again, Ridos rushed in with a scream, seeing this.


At that moment, Evelyn clasped her hands together and cast a spell. The powerful spell knocked Ridos out of the inn’s wall and caused him to fall outside.


“. . . . . .What the hell?”


Evelyn, her face pale, looked down at Ribes, who was writhing on the floor. Remeron and Phel also drew their swords, their faces filled with disgust. Remeron said it in a terrible tone.


“It’s a devil.”




“It’s not just any monster. I can feel an evil aura. This is the type of aura that drains the life force from others. Almost all devils do, but. . . . . .”


Then, with a thud, Russell’s axe cut Ribes’ neck off. Then Ribes’ wriggling stopped. Russell opened the corpse’s mouth. Unusually pointed fangs gleamed white.


“A vampire, huh.”


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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