
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Devil Logos (1)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


A dragon was floating just above Russell’s head. Every person in the canyon looked up at the dragon. A white-scaled dragoa wings beat under the silver-gray clouds that peeked through the narrow gap in the cliff.


It was about 7 to 8 meters from head to tail. Its body was supple, and its four legs and feet were strong. The four wings, which moved slowly up and down, were broad but much longer from left to right.


It had a long, upright neck and head, four wings behind it, and a tail hanging down. The white-scaled dragon, which formed six vertices in total, had just cut off the current that had just struck lightning.


Two horns and bluish-gray eyes protruded from its head, and blue electricity crackled like a snake from its slightly open mouth.


━Keuheuk. . .!


A lightning breath struck Fyumeronscan head-on, causing him to kneel on one knee and groan. Smoke was rising from all over his body. Fyumeronscan was left with a large scar from the lightning that cut through half of his torso.


Lightning tore his right arm completely away. Lightning struck the whip of innocent hatred squarely and reduced it to ash. The devil’s powers tried to repair the wound, but the dragon’s powers even interfered with that regeneration. Fyumeronscan howled.


-Why! Why is the dragon here? You, Logos’ servant! Explain!


“I, I don’t know, what’s going on. . . . . . .”


Herokeinin, who had been gaping in the middle of the wall, stuttered. He couldn’t know. Recently, the only dragon-related rumor Herokeinin had heard was about a dragon’s appearance in a northeastern city and its subsequent death. Herokeinin’s eyes widened, and he looked down at Russell.


“. . . . . .No way!”


Despite the widespread rumors, the dragonslayer never lived up to the hype. His size changed from large to small, and the weapon he used changed from a greatsword to an axe. His appearance was so hideous that even the devil would have been horrified, with absurd rumors such as his eyes being purple or reddish.


However, the man who matched all those descriptions was standing right before his eyes.


He was a tall, large man, his long, black hair tied in a ponytail. In the cold weather, he wore only a coat, revealing his magnificent muscles. He carried a white single-edged axe and a black greatsword, and his eyes shone with a light blue color.


He didn’t know why he had failed to recognize him until now. A whisper barely squeezed out of Herokeinin’s throat.


“Dragon Slayer?”


Russell looked up at Herokeinin and grinned. The devil worshiper was terrified at the sight of his smile. Logos, who saw the world through the eyes of his servant, was also looking at Russell.eyes.


“Eek! Euaaa!”


Herokeinin suddenly unleashed a powerful force, tugging on the chains encircling his body. An ominous green magic power spread like a wave throughout his body and began to corrode the chains.




The devil worshiper broke the corroded chains with his whole body. Blood splattered on his limbs, and flesh fell off, but he did not stop. Herokeinin, who had become miserable, limped into the large, mouth-like hole behind him.


Russell threw off his tattered bag. Fyumeronscan, the ice devil, knew that he was going to Herokeinin, so he got up.


━Our fight is not over yet, Kuaaaak!


Once again, a bolt of lightning poured from the dragon’s mouth. Weaker than the first one, Fyumeronscan immediately dispersed the current.


━Damn it!


As Fyumeronscan created and threw an ice sword, the dragon dodged it with graceful wing movements. The dragon circled around and stopped above Russell’s head. The wing bones moved flexibly, allowing it to flap its wings up and down.


Meanwhile, Russell rushed forward and delivered a powerful kick. Fyumeronscan spat blood out of his mouth and slammed deep into the wall once more.






From behind, Ulca, the wolf, and the Paladins came running, slaughtering the demons. The demons were dying horribly, unable to resist the dragon’s presence. They soon reached Russell’s side. Jess said it with a bright smile.


“Was that a dragon’s egg in that bag?”


“Yes. That’s why it was hard to talk.”


“I understand. If I had seen it myself, I wouldn’t have known. Regardless of whether it’s a real dragon egg, could I have imagined carrying it around?”


Jess looked up at the dragon with fresh eyes. Despite its smaller size compared to myths and legends, the dragon retained its beauty. Russell said.


“Take care of that ice devil. I have to kill the one who escaped into the cave.”


Hailyn nodded.


“If it were up to me, I would have liked to finish him off, but if we have to split up, it’s better to do it that way. Go!”


Hailyn quickly calculated his and Russell’s combined strength, and he was confident that he could kill Logos and his servant alone. He was a warrior who had already fought off a dragon and taken its life. Who else could he trust?


Ulca said.


“Kill him horribly.”


“I’ll try.”


Russell jumped up. With one leap, Russell reached the middle of the cliff, which was over 10 meters high, and disappeared into the hole right in front of him.


Fyumeronscan couldn’t stop him. The devil had to deal with the dragon, the werewolf, and the two paladins who were glaring at him right now.


━I shouldn’t have been happy to visit the Middle Earth.


Right after he arrived, he never thought he’d have to fight the Dragon Slayer, a dragon, the Apostles of the Moon, and the Paladins of the Sun. However, the devil from the Ice Realm, came out of the wall and rekindled his fighting spirit.


Instead of his lost right arm, he raised his left arm and gripped the ice greatsword he had created with magic there.


The devil also lived for hundreds of years, stacking victories rather than defeats. Despite losing his right arm, the fighting spirit and evil magic burning throughout the devil’s body were strong.


Fyumeronscan charged forward, kicking the ground with a roar.


The dragon, Ulca, and the two paladins also charged at the devil.


The ice greatsword swung, and a frost storm followed its trajectory. Above that, the dragon’s lightning poured down; Ulca’s silver claws stained the void; and the Paladins’ golden holy power rose like waves.




Russell ran deep into the hole. His magic-infused eyes glowed purple. It was not difficult to follow the escaped Herokeinin.


On the floor, Herokeinin’s blood and flesh, which had been badly injured trying to forcibly escape Managarmar’s chains, continued in a long line.


Like Hansel and Gretel, who followed the breadcrumbs to return home, Russell followed the blood and flesh deeper and deeper. ‘How long did I run?’ Russell reached a cavity, where the size of the hole suddenly became enormous.


Flames were burning, and torches lined up in a circle along the wall. The ceiling was high. It seemed to be about 10 meters high. On the ceiling, stalactites hung down with their pointed ends pointing down here and there. They looked like the fixed hour hands of a clock that had stopped long ago.


An altar was in the center of the cavity, and Herokeinin was kneeling in front of it. Russell took out Final Frost from his coat.


Russell walked with a white single-edged axe in one hand and a black greatsword, Nahilnir, in the other. The sound of his footsteps echoed in the cavity.


Herokeinin, who had been kneeling, looked back at him, perhaps hearing the sound of footsteps. Russell was shocked.


His face, which had been fine until just now, was dripping with black blood from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His eyes were wide open, and they were filled with darkness.


“. . . . . .Why. If I had only had a little more time—a week, no, a day—it wouldn’t have happened so quickly. It wouldn’t have happened so quickly. Why. Why did someone like you come? Why. Whyyyyyyyy!”


He thought he had prepared perfectly. He weakened the army with corpses and laid a fog of cold air on the bottom of the canyon. He had also opened a dimensional gate to Bypfelheim, using the runestone that Logos had personally purified with his magic power.


Indeed, the demons that came out of the dimensional gate were persistent and ferocious, and he was able to summon the famous devil, Fyumeronscan. If he had only dragged it out a little longer, he could have easily broken the chains made by the Apostles of the Moon. This would have prevented him from severing his own life and flesh.


A little time. That was all he needed.


“Do you think everything in the world will go your way?”


Russell threw the axe he was holding. The axe, which flew through the air, scattering pure white frost, missed its target because of the spell that Herokeinin quickly cast with his raised hand.


Instead of cutting Herokeinin’s head, the axe sliced his left wrist. As Russell retrieved the axe and tried to throw it again, Herokeinin raised his remaining arm to his chest.


His right arm had dark skin, unlike his left arm, which looked like a human arm. A mismatched arm, resembling the arm of another monster, attached itself to the upper arm just below the shoulder joint.


Russell recognized the severed mark on his shoulder joint as the mark of the arm the church had cut off in the battle that Hailyn had mentioned before. ‘Did the devil’s power regenerate it?’


However, Herokeinin’s expression as he raised his right arm was filled with fear. He looked at his right arm, and his lips trembled.


“Ah, no. . . . .!”


The devil’s right hand stabbed right through his chest. Russell stopped. ‘What is he doing?’


His ribs creaked. In his outstretched hand was a heart gushing black blood. Herokeinin looked at his own heart with eyes filled with terrible fear.


“Lo, Logos, please. . . . . . .”


Black blood spewed from his mouth. But his right hand did not stop.


The right hand lifted Herokeinin’s heart above his head and struck it with force. The heart, which had been held in his hand, burst.


The heart began to pour out a tremendous amount of blood. It was enough to completely soak Herokeinin and create a puddle on the floor. It was difficult to comprehend how a heart, slightly larger than a human fist, could have contained it.




Russell, who let out a groan, covered his eyes with his hand. His eyes saw the vengeful spirits concealed in the black blood.


These were the vengeful spirits of the victims, slaughtered, tortured, tormented, and mentally broken by Herokeinin as he journeyed from city to village. Herokeinin could hear the screams that flooded the blood.




━Spare me, please spare me!


━My child! Please, my child!




━T, Teacher! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden, eek? My, my arm! My arm, grarararak.


He had a brief hallucination. It was a lantern slide of the vengeful spirits contained in the black, oil-like blood.


A burning village, monsters that had turned into monsters and were chewing on the heads of their families, claws that mercilessly ripped apart a mother who was showing her back while holding a baby, an ice awl that pierced the chest of a child who was running away.


It was the world’s harshest punishment for the powerless. Powerlessness became a sin.


The hallucination did not disappear even when he closed his eyes. Rather, it was more vivid in his eyelids. Russell opened his eyes again. His expression was calm, but his eyes flashed coldly.


Blood filled with damp and evil magic covered Herokeinin’s body completely.


“Ah, ugh, ughhhhhhhhh━!”


A flame suddenly erupted from Herokeinin, as if petroleum had been spilled. It was a brilliant green flame.




A voice that split into many branches cried out, searching for its master. However, the devil, aware that his plan had gone awry, mercilessly burned his servant’s life, the magic power he possessed, and the vengeful spirits.


Herokeinin was burning alive. Not only were flames streaming over his skin, but the fire was also blazing within him. The fire emanates from his empty eye sockets, nose, mouth, ears, and pores throughout his entire body.


Thin and large flames erupted like magma. The flames, which dyed the cavity and Russell a reddish color, burned fiercely and took on a form.


Uduk, udududuk.


The black silhouette grew rapidly. The legs and feet, as well as the lower and upper bodies, swelled in the same way. On the black body, vivid green cracks lined up.


The one standing there was a giant, about 2 meters and 10 centimeters tall, slightly taller than Russell. His pitch-black skin did not even reflect light. The only light was the green flames that flowed throughout his body, as well as the cracks that emitted them.


Two horns protruded from his forehead and wrapped around his head, while another flame flickered between them.


A long time ago. In a world where there was no empire or kingdom and the foundation of civilization had barely been laid, the devil Logos, who had been defeated in a fight with the Goddess of the Moon, devoured his servant and rose up.


━A thousand years is meaningless. I’m resurrecting so poorly because I’m only one day short.


Logos muttered.


At that moment, a large scythe appeared from the devil’s hand, with black currents and flames soaring from it. Logos immediately raised it and blocked the black greatsword and white axe that had come at him.


The cavity trembled violently, producing a loud noise. The ceiling, walls, and floor cracked, and stalactites fell down, unable to bear the weight.


Logos and Russell exchanged dozens of attacks in an instant and then entered a stalemate. The sound of sparks flying and clattering made their faces flicker with light and darkness.


Lines ultimately make up a melee attack, and the clash of lines results in a point. If one’s strength or skill is weak, they can use their strength to deliver a deadly blow that targets the opponent’s head or shoulder.


However, Russell and the devil were now fighting countless melee battles as equals.


They were estimating the moment when a line would connect to a point from each other’s eyes, twisted movements, the direction of their waists, and the twitching of their shoulders, and when they would continue the next attack.


The devil was surprised that a human’s technique was similar to his own, and Russell was amazed that the power of the guy who had resurrected poorly was so overwhelming. Logos’ strength was so strong that even a moment’s lapse in guard would push him back.


The stalemate that seemed like it would continue forever ended at the same time. As the axe swung sideways, Logos quickly cast a spell. It seemed almost at the same moment that a huge flame shot up from the floor, and Russell leaned back.


The flames did not just rise up; they took the form of a huge serpent and attacked Russell.


Russell, who had stepped back, infused Final Frost with magic power and stabbed it into the floor. The enormous cold energy spreading from the axe stuck in the floor of the cavity confronted the devil’s flames.


The frost and fire snakes collided and annihilated each other. In an instant, thick water vapor filled the cavity.


Despite the thick water vapor obscuring their vision, Logos and Russell grasped each other’s location and flew up again. Logos blocked the great sword that was striking from above, with both hands holding the scythe’s handle.


The air was pushed out with force. The force not only pushed out the air but also expelled the water vapor outside. Logos’ eyes widened.


━What is that, that appearance?


Armor covered Russell’s entire body. The armor resembled the exoskeleton of a ferocious devil. The real devil’s green eyes and Russell’s purple eyes, dressed in the devil’s armor, met in the air.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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