
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Into the Canyon

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato

Ulca had done wrong.


Russell stated it flatly.

“Add five more.”

Ulca looked back at Russell in disbelief.


“Surely you don’t mean to say you don’t know why.”

“I was just counting! It was just the eighteenth!”

“Because of the similar pronunciation, I can only interpret your abrupt change in speech after counting to sixteen and seventeen before that as an attempt to verbally abuse me.”

Ulca huffed in exhaustion at the length of that sentence and, as a result, failed to understand what it meant. Russell made no effort to clarify. The nineteenth slap landed on Ulca’s ample bottom.



“T, This devil! How can you be a human after doing that?!”

“Oh, I’m human. So, count the number.”

“O, Ouch! Twenty-o-one. . .”



The villagers watched the two blankly. A tall man spanked the bottom of a woman he had over his knee.

In any other household, it would have been a scene of discipline or corporal punishment, with the genders and ages of the two people involved reversed.

However, the man doing the spanking was a foreigner who had just arrived yesterday, and the woman receiving it was the guardian deity’s daughter who had been watching over the village, knowingly or not, for twenty years.

A fact that had been taken for granted was being destroyed in real time.

However, what was truly strange was that, despite her obvious dislike, Ulca never once moved to leave the spot.


“Hah! T-twenty-two. . .”

Russell, in the midst of spanking Ulca’s bottom, experienced an unfamiliar sensation. When converted to human years, Ulca’s age was still around sixteen.

In this world, it was a bit early, but it was also the age at which she could be considered an adult. Genetic differences may cause some physical growth differences.

However, even though Ulca’s speech and behavior were childish, she had the body of a clearly mature adult woman. Her breasts were voluptuous, her waist was narrow, and her hips were also very developed. Other than that, she had a very solid body, full of lean muscle without an ounce of fat.

And Russell had never, in his previous or present life, spanked a woman’s bottom, so he was very curious and in awe of the experience he was having for the first time.

It was strange that he, who had died in his previous life without ever holding a woman’s hand, was now spanking the bottom of a grown woman, and it was amazing that Ulca’s bottom was awesome.

Ulca’s clothing exposed her bare legs and feet. She was wearing shorts that were almost like hot pants, which meant that the area of skin that came into direct contact with Russell’s palm was very wide.

Every time he brought his palm down, the impact spread out in ripples across her skin, and her wolf ears and tail would spread out and then shrink back. It was amazing.

He spanked Ulca’s bottom almost unconsciously, and Ulca counted the numbers, almost crying.

Ulca was also experiencing a strange sensation. Something was, something was strange.

It was a strange sensation that was painful but not painful. Ulca, who had fought against various monsters trying to enter the forest or mountains, knew different kinds of pain.

The orc’s sword and spear caused sharp pain; the goblin’s spit caused burning pain throughout the body; and the troll’s wooden club caused dull pain.

But the pain she felt on her bottom from Russell’s spanking was strange. It was a pain she had never felt before. She would feel a sharp pain shoot up into her head, immediately cool down, and then repeat.

Ulca was slowly realizing that she was experiencing something like electricity or goosebumps in the sensation of alternating between fire and ice. Eventually, the call came for the final number.

“Ouch! Twenty, done! Uwaaah. . .!”

Ulca burst into tears. The pain she had never experienced before, the shame of being hit in front of the village she was defending, and her anger towards the man who had defeated her all brought her to tears. She cried out loud.

Russell became a little flustered and lifted Ulca to her feet. Without realizing it, Ulca hugged the object in front of her and sobbed.

Russell couldn’t understand why Ulca was hugging him after he had spanked her. However, he couldn’t just tear her away, so he just patted her on the back. Upon reflection, he recalled his older or younger sisters’ habit of running into their mother’s arms following a spanking.

Ulca hugged Russell’s chest as if she were going to burrow into it. It felt akin to a child embracing a father who had just reprimanded them.

Clap, clap, clap. . .

Suddenly, applause broke out among the villagers who had been watching. It was impossible to tell who had started it, but the people clapped their hands unconsciously.

Clap, clap, clap, clap. . .

Village Chief Cerdo clapped with a smile, and Hugh cried with tears in his eyes. Arnold and Sally clapped with proud expressions, and Ethan clapped brightly as if he didn’t know what was going on, but the adults were doing it.

Paladin Hailyn and Jess also clapped their hands together. Jess tilted his head and quietly asked Hailyn, clapping without stopping.

“I clapped because other people clapped, but why are we clapping?”

“. . . . . .They say it takes a whole village to raise a child.”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

“However, it might be that Ulca needed something a little more special.”


“. . . . . .”

Hailyn closed his mouth, and Jess looked puzzled.

Under the solemn gray sky, there was a crying woman and a man hugging her in the center of the village, surrounded by a fence. And then there were the villagers, who were clapping with smiles on their faces. It was a strange sight that even the passing north wind would have tilted its head at, but there was no one who could point it out.


It was commendable that Ulca did not run away when she stopped crying, and the villagers approached and patted her on the shoulder, saying that she had done a good job.

There were reasons behind this, such as her mother Managarmar’s message and her own sense of pride, but that was no reason not to commend her.

After the commotion, Russell, Ulca, Hailyn, and Jess entered the only inn and restaurant in the village.

‘The Guest the Wolf Brought’ was the unusual name of the inn, but all the villagers who had actually stayed there understood it, so not many people genuinely thought it was strange. Of course, there were some who did.

Jess asked the innkeeper who was bringing them food.

“Why is the name of the inn The Guest the Wolf Brought?”

The innkeeper smiled warmly at the question she hadn’t heard in a long time. She placed a plate of stew, sausages, and smoked meat on the table, along with dishes and utensils.

“The remote location of our Logos Village often leads visitors to become lost and wander aimlessly. And every time that happened, our kind Ulca would send a wolf to guide them back to the village.”


Jess nodded and looked at Ulca, sitting across from him.

“You are as kind as they say, my lady.”

Ulca ignored him. Jess shrugged and looked at Hailyn. Hailyn chastised Jess by glaring at him.

“I heard that you came as a guide. Can you explain it to us? I know the gist of it from Russell-nim here, but it’s better to hear it for sure.”

Ulca, who had not reacted to the word guide, trembled and shook at the name Russell. Cautiously (without knowing why she was doing so), Ulca turned her head and made a sullen expression when she saw Russell eating stew and picking at the meat.

“. . . I don’t think it’ll be much different from what you know. Long ago, the goddess defeated the demon Logos in battle, causing him to fall into the canyon where my mother was suppressing him. The goddess of the moon selected the wolves to alternate in that glorious position, and my turn came next. However, the demon awakened early due to unexpected variables among the demon worshippers, and my mother lost a lot of her power. I wasn’t ready yet. So they assigned me the task of guiding you to the canyon.

Hailyn and Jess nodded. Russell’s words had established a clear connection between their goal and Herokeinin’s pursuit.

“I see. Thank you for telling us, my lady.”

“Yeah. Can I eat now? I’m hungry.”

“Yes, you can. Jess. Let’s eat too.”

“Yes. I will eat well.”

The only sound for a while was the sound of utensils hitting bowls. After the slightly early lunch, the four people sitting at the table sipped the tea that the innkeeper had given them to warm their mouths. No, only Russell was sipping it; Hailyn, Jess, and Ulca had gulped it down. Hailyn said.

“We have a guide, and we have warriors to deal with the demon worshippers. It’s a bit of a shame that we don’t have a wizard. . . Russell-nim?”

Russell, who had been warming his hands around his teacup, spoke.

“As I said before, the magic I can use is limited. I never studied it properly, and it’s just something I pick up here and there. Don’t expect too much.”

“I understand. I can also use a little bit of divine magic, and the demon worshippers’ magic power and our holy power are polar opposites. I think it’s okay to leave like this. Is that alright?”

Russell nodded.

“Alright. I’ll just get my bags. Can we ride horses?”

Russell asked Ulca, turning his head. Startled, Ulca dodged Russell’s gaze and mumbled.

“No. There’s no proper road to the canyon. We could go if we had to, but it would be very difficult. It’s not very good terrain for horseshoes. Not to mention the canyon.”

Russell thought of Kry, his black horse, tied up in the stable.

“So, we have to walk. How long do you think it will take?”

Ulca thought for a moment. Ulca, who had been tapping her fingers on the table, spoke.

“I could get there in half a day if I was alone, but you guys can’t, so. . . Let’s say a day and a half to be safe.”

“It would be better to leave now. It’s still early, so if we go quickly, we can arrive at dawn or in the morning after camping overnight. Should we meet at the village entrance after preparing?”

Ulca nodded. Hailyn and Jess got up from their seats.

“Then we’ll go upstairs first. Our luggage is still in the room.”

“I need to buy something, too. Meet me at the village entrance.”

The two Paladins went up to the second floor of the inn, and Russell went outside. Ulca followed him, her movements slightly awkward.


“W, What?!”

“. . .Never mind.”

Russell headed straight for the village market street. Ulca followed Russell like a baby duck follows its mother duck.

It was not a very big village, but it had everything it needed. Russell walked around the street and bought various things.

Ulca opened her eyes wide as she watched a lantern, tent, tobacco, and various kinds of food repeatedly go into Russell’s coat.

“W, What’s that?”

“A coat.”

“No, that’s not what I’m asking!”

“Don’t think too hard about it. It’s just a coat. The coat has the capacity to store numerous items in its pockets.

Russell explained it simply, and Ulca just accepted it. However, she still found it strange and fidgeted with the collar of Russell’s coat from behind.

As they walked around the village, there were many people who recognized Ulca and greeted her. No, almost everyone they met greeted her. Hugh from the butcher shop.

“Hey, Ulca! Your eyes aren’t swollen?”

The girl comes from the general store.

“Big sister Ulca! This is an herb that helps with swelling.”

A mischievous boy.

“Big sister! Why were you crying earlier?”

“Get lost!”

Ulca screamed, and the children who had gathered around scattered like mice. However, they didn’t run away completely, and they peeked out from between the alleys and stuck out their tongues, giggling.

Ulca approached them with heavy footsteps, and they scattered completely, screaming.

Russell smiled as he watched Ulca grumble.

“You’re very popular.”

“Who’s fault is that?!”

When Ulca glared at him with her eyes wide open, Russell raised his hand playfully.

“Are you going to open your eyes that wide? Want another one?”

“. . .”

Russell was shocked to see Ulca’s face suddenly turn red. And Ulca ran away right away. Ulca’s flight caused a commotion all over the street, creating a whirlwind.



“Oh my.”

The girl, who was carrying a bucket of water, stretched out her arm to the side, and the man, who was passing by, spilled his water and screamed. The bull that was pulling a cart cried out.

Russell shook his head slightly as he watched Ulca disappear into the distance, and then he headed towards Arnold’s house.

Kry was fine in the stable. Russell grinned at the abundant hay in the manger and caressed Kry’s mane.

“Are you doing well?”

Kry neighed and shook his head back and forth. Russell chuckled and scratched his neck.

“I don’t think I can take you this time. Rest here. I’ll be back tomorrow at the latest, or the day after tomorrow.”

Kry blinked his big, black eyes and whined. It sounded like he was saying that he was okay, so take care of yourself.

Russell left the stable and knocked on the door of Arnold’s house. Arnold was out somewhere, so Sally opened the door.

“Oh my. Where’s Ulca?”

“I don’t know why you’re asking me about Ulca.”

“Why would that be? Hohoho.”

“Nevermind. Is my bag still upstairs?”

“Oh, yes. Should I bring it down?”

“No, I’ll get it.”

Russell went into the room where he had stayed the night before and picked up his bag. The egg was still safely inside. Russell put the bag over his shoulder and came down. Sally approached him and inquired.

“Where are you going?”

“To the canyon.”

Sally looked at Russell with a hardened expression.

“I see. Be careful.”

Russell left Arnold’s house and walked to the village entrance. Hailyn, Jess, Ulca, and the village chief were standing there, having arrived first.

Russell was spotted by the paladin, who was fully armed with an iron breastplate, shield, and sword, as well as a camping bag. Jess tilted his head and inquired.

“You’re not putting that in your coat?”

“It’s an important item. Are you ready to go?”

Hailyn replied.

“Yes. We were waiting for Russell-nim. Oh, we just got here too.”

“Then let’s go. Ulca?”

“. . .Huh? Oh, um.”

“The guide should lead the way.”

Ulca, who had been looking absent-minded for some reason, started walking, and they set off. Village Chief Cerdo sent them off with a greeting.

“Please be careful, and I hope you succeed.”

The two paladins bowed their heads, making the sign of the cross.

“In the name of Lutheon, we shall serve faithfully.”

Russell just nodded at the chief.

The gray sky cast an even light over the entire earth. The air was cold enough to form white breaths. Ulca led them, and at some point, she went off the road.

Poof, the snow crunched under their shoes, making a hard sound. All they could see were black trees and white snow. Other than that, it was quiet and still. There was not even the sound of a crow.

Jess exhaled loudly.

“There is a demon at the end of this forest. When I first came out, I thought I was just going to catch a demon worshipper. If I come back after catching the demon, the Order will surely appoint me as a full-fledged Paladin, right?”

Russell looked at Jess.

“Don’t say such things.”

“Yes? Why not?”

“Because it’s a red flag.”

“A red flag? What’s that?”

“Jess, stop it. Ulca, where should we go?”

Ulca led the way without saying a word. Behind her were Russell, who carried a small bag over his shoulder, and the two Paladins, who carried thick, large bags.

They left the village and the road to enter the black forest.

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