
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Ulca (1)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato

Dew trickled down the veins of a leaf and gathered at its tip. As it absorbed more dew, it swelled.

The world of dew was upside down. The sky was lower, and the earth was higher. And on the ground, a man lay with his eyes half-open, looking up at the dew. Soon, the dew fell.


The dew landed on the man’s forehead.

The man didn’t stop the dew that had fallen on his forehead from splitting into two and seeping into his eyes.

“Why didn’t you dodge it?”

“Because I thought it was a dream.”

“What if it wasn’t?”

“I would have had a different experience.”

Russell lifted his upper body. The dew that had gathered in his eyes flowed down his cheeks like tears. He shook off the cold dew.

He was in a forest.

The forest was filled with a dense undergrowth of weeds and towering trees. The voice from earlier spoke again.

“This is a dream. Dreamer.”

As Russell turned his head, a white wolf appeared from the forest. The wolf was big. Very big. Its long snout could swallow Russell in one bite.

Its white fur was shiny and soft at the same time, and its four legs were sturdy. The huge white wolf said,

“I am Managarmar. Dreamer. I am the faithful servant of the moon goddess, and I am also her watchdog.”


Russell calmly stood up. Even as he stood up, his eye level hardly changed. With its moon-like blue eyes, the white wolf looked at Russell.

Russell looked around and said,

“It’s been a while since I’ve had this kind of experience.”

Managarmar, a white wolf, smiled.

“You seem to be accustomed to living in a dream world.”

“I fought and struggled in a place like this a month ago.”

“Yes. I can see you have a sword. Nahilnir. I can also see the Last Frost.”

“The Last Frost?”

“The axe you have with you. It contains the breath of the last Frost Giant.”

Russell had heard the axe’s name from a wolf, which neither Ludwig nor Ismenios had told him.

“Those who have suffered from long insomnia have found rest. That is a good thing.”

Russell said,

“Why did you bring me here?”

Russell had gone to bed after dinner at Arnold’s house in Logos Village. Arnold and his wife, Sally, had been very hospitable.

The Paladin, Hailyn, and Jess went to the only inn in the village. They seemed to have something they wanted to tell him, but the winter night came early, and they decided to wait.

Managarmar said,

“You must have met a demon worshiper.”

“I fought one.”

“The ghoul is just a small part of his power. This is insignificant in comparison to the power he will soon unleash.

Russell crossed his arms.

“Tell me.”

“The demon worshiper is trying to awaken Logos.”

“Logos? That’s the name of this village.”

“The original owner of that name. The Moon Goddess defeated a demon thousands of years ago, shattering it into dozens of pieces in a canyon. And now, a demon worshiper is trying to awaken him.”

Russell scratched his head and leaned against a nearby tree. Even though it was a dream, he felt a real sensation on his back.

“Can a demon awaken with only a demon worshiper? What’s your role?”

“The flow of innocent time is fair for everyone. As the number of unbelievers and demon worshipers increases, the influence of the gods decreases, and other dimensions draw closer, breaking down the boundaries.”


“During that time, the demon has accumulated enough power and is reuniting. As a sacred beast, blessed by the Moon Goddess herself, I have been suppressing Logos, but my life is also nearing its conclusion. My child is still young and inexperienced. If the demon wakes up, it will die.”

‘This one, too, is a parent.’ It was difficult to guess whether it was a father or a mother, so its gender was unknown. Russell, on the other hand, somehow felt a feminine touch in his gentle tone and demeanor. He said,

“There must have been other paladins.”

“If you’re wondering why I came to you, it’s because the sun has blessed them. I, as part of the moon, cannot recklessly invade the domain of another god. I could do it if I had to, but it would only be an unpleasant experience for both of us.”

‘So that’s why you chose me.’ Russell understood. Then something important remained.

“The reward?”

Managarmar made a ridiculous expression. It was hard to guess from the wolf’s expression, but Russell thought so.

“The demon’s actions are also dangerous for you humans. If we are not careful, the central region could become a den of demons and monsters.”

“That’s one thing; this is another. Surely you don’t expect me to do it for free?”

“. . .Of course not. I will permanently bless Nahilnir with the moon’s blessing. I will have the Rune of Moonlight engraved on it. It will be useful when you fight the creatures of the underworld in the future.”

He thought it was something he would have to fight them eventually, but Russell accepted it. After all, opportunities to strengthen weapons were rare.

“Will you help me fight?”

Managarmar shook its head at Russell’s question. Its soft white fur rippled with movement.

“I am currently focused only on monitoring and suppressing the demon. Thanks to me, the demon worshiper is not able to awaken Logos easily. But it is only a matter of time. My power is rapidly dissipating, and my physical life is also coming to an end. I will not be able to help you in battle.”

“That’s too bad.”

It appeared that a wolf of this size would be useful in many ways.

“I have something to tell you. Are there any missing people in the village?”

The wolf’s words were true. Russell remembered when he first entered Logos Village.

Under a gray sky, a dark atmosphere enveloped the village like fog.

The windows of the houses emitted suspicious glances, and the streets were devoid of people. Even those who were there seemed to be in a hurry to finish their errands and go home.

The village’s only sounds were the barking of dogs and the occasional crying of children.

At dinner, Arnold’s wife, Sally, had said that the forest ranger, his son, and a few hunters had gone missing in the forest during the past week and had not returned.

She had also said that they had been meeting at the church for the past few days to discuss it, but there was no clear solution.

Managarmar said,

“The demon’s magic is a strange power that attracts and draws people in. Human emotions are the perfect meal and spice for demons, as well as a plaything for their lives. In a week, half of the people in this village will disappear, and after that, it will become a den of monsters. It will be a sanctuary for demons. Demons stimulate and tempt human desires. Avoid succumbing to their allure.

Russell nodded.

“I understand.”

Demon worshipers and the demon Logos. It seemed like he would have a proper fight for the first time in over a month and a half.

The smoldering fighting spirit was ready to flare up, burning with a fierce flame.

“Where do I go?”

“To the canyon. If you walk through the forest behind the village, you’ll see a cliff. The canyon is inside.”

“I heard it’s quite far. Unless you’re a local villager, finding it should be challenging. There’s no road because it’s a forest.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll give you a guide.”

“A guide?”

As Russell asked, he realized that his peripheral vision was slowly shaking. It was a sign that he was waking up.

The horizon collapsed, and the trees sank into the ground. The protruding leaves rose high, as if they were yearning for the sky.

In the disappearing dream space, the huge white wolf slowly stepped back. Its huge body dug into the leaves. The wolf was disappearing, but its voice still sounded loud.

“Show your sword to the guide, and it will understand. Please treat it with care.”

Russell tried to ask who the guide was, but he couldn’t make a sound. Managarmar’s spell expelled his body.

Soon, the forest and the wolf disappeared completely, and darkness arrived.

Russell opened his eyes.


When he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Recalling the sentences and scenes that would have been in the introduction of dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of novels, movies, and comics, Russell raised his upper body.

Arnold’s, Sally’s, and Ethan’s houses. Russell sat up from the bed in the second floor guest room. The bed was not very comfortable, but it was better than sleeping on the hard ground.

Russell got out of bed and opened the window. The outside air was cold. The refreshingly cold air filled his lungs, then scattered into the air as a white breath.

The open sky was filled with clouds. It was a typical northern sky.

It was still early in the village, so there were no people on the streets. Only the unknown ominousness that had touched his skin since the day before remained as a layer of ice in the shadows.

Suddenly, Russell remembered the dream and conversation he had had the night before. He removed the coat from its hanger and took Nahilnir out of it.

He had a black longsword in his hand. Russell slowly examined the sword and soon discovered something that had not been there before on the white sword blade in the middle.

A rune letter representing the moon. Managarmar engraved it on the bottom of the sword blade. It was the moonlight blessing that Managarmar had given to the weapon.

Russell raised the sword and swung it around. The longsword was exactly the same as before, except for the addition of one rune letter. He didn’t feel any energy.

The blade was sharp enough to cut hair, but that was the way it was. He tried to infuse it with magic, but the longsword was silent. Russell muttered,

“How do I use this?”

‘He should have told me if it was passive or active.’ In the end, Russell put Nahilnir back in his coat without getting anything out of it.

Knock, knock.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Arnold was there. He said, from outside the door,

“Russell-nim? Are you awake?”

“I’m up.”

“Breakfast is ready.”

“I’ll go down.”


Russell put on his coat. The air that had felt cold a moment ago faded away, and his body warmed up. He really liked this temperature control magic, whatever it was.

Russell opened the bag he had left under the bed. The egg was still there, as it had been. When he tapped the shell, it felt harder than before.

He had heard that reptile eggs usually hatch when the shell is completely closed. Can we classify dragons as reptiles?

As he went down the stairs, he smelled a delicious smell. Arnold and Sally were setting the table with plates of food, and Ethan was helping to set the dishes.

Breakfast consisted of porridge with oats and beans, boiled duck eggs, some kind of grass, and a little chicken.

Ethan wanted to ask Russell what it was like to fight monsters and how he came to know the Paladins who came in yesterday, but he had no choice but to give up under his mother’s stern gaze.

So Russell explained, with a small laugh,

“The remaining ghouls gathered together and became huge. It was over 2 meters tall and very large. Then two Paladins came and burned the skin with divine power. The monster screamed, and while I was fighting it, the Paladin raised his sword and finished it off. That’s how the ghoul died.”

“Wow. . .”

Russell’s vivid description of the battle completely absorbed the boy. The porridge on his spoon was dripping, but he didn’t seem to notice.

As they were finishing their sumptuous meal, there was a sudden knock on the front door of the house. Arnold shouted,

“Who is it?”

“Arnold! It’s me! Hugh!”

Arnold walked over and opened the door. Hugh was a man with a slightly small stature, a bushy beard, and a bald head. Hugh said,

“Didn’t two Paladins come yesterday? Right now, the village chief is talking to them in the church. He’s asking them to find the missing people.”

Arnold’s eyes widened.

“The village chief? Didn’t he say he was going to send a message to the Lord?”

“Man, when is the Lord going to come and go? Don’t you know why two Paladins came here? They must have come because they suspected something! Once you finish your meal, head to the church! I’ll go ahead!”

Hugh shouted and ran down the street. Arnold stood there with a blank expression on his face, then turned around and looked at Russell.

“Would you like to go?”

“Sure. He said he had something to tell me.”

The church was in the center of the village. When he opened the wooden door with a large cross carved on it, the church was already filled with villagers. There was no separate market square.

Among them, the paladin in white armor was immediately noticeable. Hailyn was also able to spot Russell opening the church door.

“Ah, Russell-nim!”

As Hailyn shouted and raised his hand, the villagers’ gazes turned to him. They were exclusive eyes, completely different from the friendly eyes they had for the Paladins.

Of course, Russell’s appearance was comparable to that of a Paladin in many ways. Russell had thick hair, a rough untrimmed beard, and a perfect coat for freezing to death.

Plus, he wasn’t wearing any weapons or gear, so some people looked at him as if he were crazy.

Russell smiled and slowly made his way through the crowd. No matter how crazy they thought he was, Russell’s height and size were larger than any man here. So the hot-blooded young men didn’t dare to rush in.

Hailyn smiled at Russell, who had come close, and said,

“Did you sleep well last night?”

“Thanks to you. What were you trying to tell me yesterday?”

“Oh, the village chief and I were talking about that. The village ranger, his son, and a few hunters went into the forest and didn’t come back. On top of that, they say they hear strange monster cries every night.”

“It sounds like a similar phenomenon to what you guys are after.”

Hailyn nodded with a stiff face.

And just as he was about to say something, the door slammed open with a loud bang. The sound was so loud that I was worried that the door might have broken.

For the second time, people’s eyes gathered on the person who had opened the door. She was alone. The villagers who recognized the person’s identity spoke in a welcoming voice.

“Ulca! What’s up?”

“I have some business.”

“Why have you come after such a long time?”

“Just because.”

“Come sooner!”

“When I feel like it.”

Ulca, who seemed to be quite close, walked over, greeting people here and there. It was a short answer, but the villagers seemed to be familiar with it.

Ulca stood before Russell, Hailyn, and Jess. Ulca was tall. She seemed to be over 170 centimeters(5.5ft) tall.

Despite her exposed skin, she didn’t appear cold. She adorned one shoulder with a deer hide fur-decorated leather shoulder guard, yet her overall appearance was untamed. She also didn’t wear anything that looked like a weapon.

Hailyn’s strong fist struck Jess on the head as he stared at a specific area of Ulca. Hailyn disregarded Jess as he crouched down, rubbed his head, and spoke,

“You are a beastkin. What kind of business do you have with us? Miss?”

As he said, Ulca had a pair of animal ears sticking out of her head. They were wolf ears. Her eyes were amber-colored, and her pupils were small, so they were three-dimensional. It was a slightly scary sight to look at head-on.

Her gray hair reached her buttocks and appeared to be of varying lengths, as if she had never trimmed it since her birth. So at first glance, she was reminiscent of a hedgehog.

Ulca flashed er amber eyes and bared her fangs, saying,

“Who is this guy Russell here?”

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