
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Duel

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato

A man stands writing furiously on a notebook resting on a desk. He wears full, dull black armor, a colossal greatsword strapped to his back.

He is studying in the room. A disorganized study. Scattered across the floor are books of various kinds, their publication dates spanning centuries. Some are as old as a hundred years, others as new as if they were published yesterday. All the books there were the same. Untouched by the sands of time.

The man’s hair was white. Silver streaks glistened through the white, as if to claim that it was not always like this. His skin was slightly wrinkled, yet his golden eyes held an untarnished sharpness. His brows furrowed stubbornly, his jaw clenched so hard that his cheekbones protruded, and his expression hardened into a scowl.

Soon, the man finished writing and stretched his back. He then picked up the black helmet that was resting on the desk and hooked it to his side. He glanced around the study one last time and wore the helmet as the room let out a resounding thump. He then exited through the door behind him, disappearing.

The ink on the desk notebook gradually dried. The words on it read:

‘. . . . . .Due to pressing matters, I leave behind my account in this space where the flow of time is distorted.”

‘Outside, the maddened dragon must be rampaging through Hippolias. My wife. I am not entirely to blame for the state she is in. I was reckless, and she was careless. This is the result.

‘I will now face her in my black armor, along with Nahilnir. The armor and sword she personally forged will kill her. It is an unavoidable fate. The choices and coincidences we’ve made in the past have led both her and me to this place. Damn the gods.

‘If possible, I will take her far away from here to De Calas, the city where I first met her and where she was happiest. Perhaps she’ll return to her senses there.

‘I do not wish to kill her. She is my beloved wife, and it was I who provided the cause for her to rampage like this.

‘If I am unable to end this, it will be my fault. If that is the case, descendants, please put an end to it for me.

The room shook once more. I must go.’

Once again, the room resounded with a thump, and the notebook precariously perched on the desk fell to the floor.

Time flowed. Innumerable people visited this space and the study over countless years, and the notebook was kicked around and handled by numerous hands. Additional books were stacked on top of the notebook.

One day, after about three hundred years, a woman’s hand sorted through the books. Her hand carefully picked up each book and stacked them side by side. Her hand eventually reached a notebook that had not seen the light of day for a long time.

The words on the notebook, untouched by the flow of time, looked as fresh as if they had been written yesterday. The woman opened the notebook and read the contents line by line.


The noon sun poured into the living room through the window. The air seemed to shimmer with the story from three hundred years ago, the sunlight mixing with the dust.

On the floor, the sunlight shone in a rectangular shape from the window frame. The princess’s face, receiving sunlight from one side, was half-lit and half-dark in the shadows.

“. . .That is how I came to Calisden.”

Here and there, muffled gasps echoed. Lexi’s was the loudest. Russell glanced at the two knights standing behind the sofa. They stood without moving an inch. Did they know about this beforehand, or were they just incredibly composed?

However, Russell’s nose wouldn’t have broken the day before if Lyos had maintained such composure. So the former was probably true.

Elenora quietly spoke.

“I heard that there are many mysteries hidden in the secret passages of the imperial palace. It is amazing. But may I ask if it is alright to tell us that story?”

“Why not? It is a space that only I can enter anyway. Of course, my other siblings do not know, but they will not be able to find it unless I guide them there. And it is a difficult story to believe. It is not something that non-royalty can confirm.”

The party nodded in understanding. The princess stated that it was a tale suitable for a bar conversation, yet few would find it credible. And the world already had plenty of ruins, dungeons, and labyrinths. No one would want to go into the secret passages of the imperial palace.

Russell spoke.

“It was an interesting story. May I ask why you are telling it to us?”

“Yes, I should tell you that too. . . . The dragon Ismenios attacked Hippolias, causing significant damage to the capital. The dragon Ismenios destroyed over a third of the imperial palace, resulting in a significant number of casualties. The streets were a pandemonium, and people ran around in terror. The Empire’s knights and wizards tried to stop it, but it was not easy. Dragons are creatures with formidable magical abilities and strong bodies. The situation was hopeless, and Empress Louise was on the verge of having to evacuate. At that moment, a black knight appeared.”

Lexi, who had been leaning forward, listening intently, snapped her fingers.

“That black knight was?”

The princess smiled at Lexi.

“Yes. It was Ludwig.”

Three hundred years ago, the people imagined the situation in the princess’s quiet voice. The dragon appeared in the empire’s capital and began its rampage. The blazing flames, the collapsing buildings. The black knight with the great sword faced the dragon alone.

“I heard that the black knight wielding the colossal greatsword saved many people. And not long after, the dragon retreated. The people did not know why, but they cheered anyway when the dragon disappeared. Empress Louise tried to find the hero who had saved the Empire, but the black knight had also disappeared. And Empress Louise did not search for the black knight.”

The princess turned her gaze to look out the window. The sunlight that had been covering half of her face now fully enveloped her eyes, nose, and mouth. The princess frowned slightly at the glare, but she did not turn her head. She just looked out the window and at the city beyond.

“My ancestor somehow led Ismenios to the northeastern city of De Calas. This city, Calisden, is De Calas. Three hundred years ago, the Lord confirmed its name.

“. . .I still have not heard why you are telling us this story.”

Russell felt an ominous premonition. The princess’s smile deepened as if she were playing a prank to prove his premonition.

“Yesterday, Calisden was attacked by monsters. The dragonkin were behind it. And right now, in this very place, we have a priest who received a divine message, as well as a wizard who discovered traces of a dragon. The dragon will soon awaken.”

Russell’s eyes narrowed. For a moment, his pupils gleamed with mana.

“Do you have any proof?”

In response to his question, Lyos, unable to contain himself, exploded.

“How dare you question Her Highness’s words. . .?”

“Sir Lyos, be quiet.”

When the wolf-helmeted knight spoke, Lyos subsided with a growl. Elenora, on the left, answered.

The church’s ancient scriptures describe Ismenios as a powerful dragon. She was the daughter of the war god and the earth goddess. It is no exaggeration to call her a demigod.”

Elenora continued.

“Our records do not clearly state why the dragon went mad. It only says that she did not die, but disappeared somewhere. And recently, the church received a divine message from the god of light stating that the dragon will awaken soon. Russell-nim and the dragon will rise. And the aftermath will be enormous.”

The door to the annex opened at that moment, and four Dawn Knights, who had not yet taken a seat, entered in a line. A female wizard and a male elf knight wearing armor but without a helmet approached the princess and whispered something in her ear. The princess spoke with a confident smile.

“I have proof. Russell, did you not see something strange in the city today?”

‘Something strange?’ Russell thought hard. He carefully recalled the events of the day so far. He had a conversation with the princess. His meal with the Lord His way to the castle. Shasha. The two knights. The bed. The ceiling. The lizard.

“. . .A lizard?”

“Yes. This applies not only to reptiles, but also to other small animals. Small animals are urgently disappearing somewhere in this city right now.”

“. . . . . . .”

“Conversely, large monsters are gathering. Natasha?”

The female wizard, wearing a pointed hat, spoke at the princess’s call.

“Yes, Your Highness. Using long-range magic, I observed the movement of monsters of medium size or larger from afar.

“Hmm. Vicander?”

“There appears to have been a disturbance in the swamp south of the gate as well. There are no crocodiles in sight.

The elf knight answered. The princess nodded and looked directly at Russell.

“One can interpret this as a sign of the dragon’s awakening. The priest said that it would be no more than this month at the earliest. My people have also investigated, and a dragonkin will rise by the end of this week. Perhaps the dragon will awaken today or tomorrow. If that happens, not only this city but also the continent will face a great disaster.”

Russell had not expected to experience something like this in the first big city he visited after his travels. He had only planned to rest for a short while before continuing on his journey. But a dragon? Wasn’t that a bit too grand?

“Russell, the reason I told you this long story is simple. Join me.”

“. . .Join you for what?”

Sparkling eyes met Russell’s.

“The task that Ludwig Hyperion, the ancestor of the Hyperion Imperial Family, could not complete. This humble descendant plans to put an end to it. Will you join me, Russell?”

At that moment, an exclamation suddenly rang out.

“I object, Your Highness!”

The princess’s head drooped. Her silver hair drooped with her, as if to represent her current feelings. A voice, like one rising from an abyss, called out to him.

“. . .Lyos.”

“Your Highness! We are your faithful knights! We will be enough even without that mercenary!”

“. . .It is better to be overprepared than underprepared. I do not distrust you. Did you not see the black giant standing on the plains yesterday? This warrior defeated the giant. I saw his divine power. So. . . .”

“Give me a chance!”

Lyos walked briskly around the sofa, took off his lion-helmeted helmet, and kneeled on one knee. He spoke with an incredibly loyal attitude.

“I was careless yesterday. If I am fully prepared, I will be able to defeat the dragonkin or black giant that Your Highness mentioned! And that mercenary too! So please give me a chance!”

“. . .What chance?”

“Allow me to duel with that mercenary named Russell! I will reclaim my lost honor and the honor of Your Highness!”

The people present blinked at the strange turn of events. The princess had an expression that said she did not welcome this, and so did the other knights. Only the wolf-helmeted knight shook her head repeatedly.

Even Elenora and Evelyn had smiles on their faces, and Lexi looked at Russell and Lyos in turn with sparkling eyes. They all looked expectant.

Lyos only raised his head and glared at Russell. Lyos’s fierce face resembled that of a bulldog.

“If you are a man, you will not refuse?”

Russell chuckled. ‘What a kid.’

At that moment, they heard applause as the door opened again. They turned their heads to see Lord Frederick, Zeona, and Albert entering. The lord, who had stopped clapping, spoke with a smiling face.

“How brave and wonderful a spirit! I have heard that each and every Dawn Knight that Your Highness brings with you is filled with loyalty and courage. Indeed! The rumors are not false, Your Highness!”

“M, My Lord. . .”

Albert bowed his head from behind.

“Please forgive my rudeness, Your Highness. I could not help but overhear your loud voices from outside.”

The flustered princess was about to say something, but the lord was quicker.

“Our barracks are currently filled with Your Highness’s soldiers, so we do not have a separate training ground or training hall. But do not worry! I was planning to go to the Rephilia Swordsmanship Guild with my daughter anyway, so how about we use that place as the dueling ground? Is that acceptable?”

“No, that’s, uhhh. . .”

The princess was at a loss for words. Lyos exclaimed in a confident voice.

“The location has been determined! Grant me permission, Your Highness! You answer quickly too!”

At those words, the princess turned her head abruptly and looked at Russell. Russell let out a soft chuckle at her earnest gaze. The princess’s face then showed a hint of relief. What could he do when she looked so pitiful?

“I accept.”

Everyone except the frustrated princess stood up with excited, curious, and expectant movements. The one who was most excited was, of course, Lord Frederick.

“It seems that both duelists are ready! Let us depart! The swordsmanship guild is located right below the castle, so it is close.”

And so, led by the lord, Zeona, and Albert, they headed to the Rephilia Swordsmanship Hall.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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