
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 131

Chapter 131: Hedilund (4)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Irrucil’s and Farrell’s horses followed behind. The speed, which had been slightly increased on the downhill, slowed down as they climbed a slightly higher hill.


Soon, they stood on top of the hill. Below them is a clear view, as well as a plain with a lake, forest, and hills.


In the middle of the plain stood an old city. The city, which had been used as the capital of some kingdom or the base of monsters throughout long periods of time and history, was now a city of only humans.


Buildings made of wood or brick were visible within the strong city walls. The city had no sense of unity thanks to its uneven sizes and heights, but rather, it gave a subtle sense of unity when viewed from a macro perspective.


The morning sun was shining brightly on the city’s outline, and as a result, the city walls appeared a bit whiter than their original color. Russell’s amazing eyes could see people far away in the city.


A few soldiers patrolled the city walls and watchtowers, while people moved in and out of what appeared to be the market. They were all individuals, not much different from him, living their own lives and immersed in their own problems.


Standing next to Russell, looking at the city, were Irrucil and Farrells. Farrells muttered,


“. . .Hedilund.”


When Russell looked at him, Farrells was looking at the city with a slightly absent-minded expression. His expression held longing and sentimentality.


“What’s wrong?”


“. . . . Oh, no. It’s just. . . It’s been a long time since I’ve been here.”


Aellasis, who was sitting right in front of Russell, spoke to Farrell.


“Your expression doesn’t seem like it. It’s like you’ve seen an ex-lover’s face.”


Russell, Farrells, and even Irrucil looked at her in surprise.


“. . .How do you know that?”


“Huh? I just somehow thought that you would.”


Farrell let out a hollow laugh and nodded.


“Haha, an ex huh.”


Russell intentionally did not ask Farrell to explain the meaning of his words. Surely, he would tell him if he wanted to. If he didn’t tell him, then there would be a reason for it.


“Let’s take it slow from here. The sun is nice.”


The four of them urged their slowly walking horses to approach Hedilund.


The weather was truly clear. The clouds were floating in the corners of the sky, avoiding the sun, and the sky was blue. The wind carried the scent of grass that grew on the hills and in the fields.


To avoid the sunlight, Calia was hiding in Russell’s shadow. The body newly made with Russell’s blood had almost overcome the side effects of being a vampire, but bright sunlight still made her feel uncomfortable.


As they walked steadily along the old road, the city walls came closer. The path, which had been only one lane, gradually widened, and the number of people walking on the path also increased.


Carts and carriages, large and small, pulled by horses or oxen, rolled by with noise, and farmers with loads on the backs of their donkeys and holding the reins were visible.


At that moment, Irrucil approached and spoke.


“What happened yesterday? There seemed to be some commotion.”


“We met some bandits in the middle of the night.”




Irrucil’s eyes grew round. Her white hand hit Russell’s arm.


“Why did you go alone? You should have woken me up.”


“. . .Sister.  I’m strong.”


“That’s not the point.”


Russell furtively avoided Irrucil’s sharp gaze.


“I’ll wake you up next time.”


Irrucil nodded and looked ahead again. They had now reached the end of the line of people lining up to enter the gate.


The line to enter Hedilund City was rapidly decreasing. In front of the city gate stood a soldier wearing lamellar armor with a breastplate and waist plate, a steel helmet of the same design, and a long spear.


The soldier, who had been watching the people coming and going with dusty skin and slightly bloodshot eyes, looked at Russell’s group. The soldier’s eyes widened.




The group’s gazes alternated between Farrells and the soldier. Farrell had a slightly surprised expression, but it soon turned into a happy one.


“Beckron! Are you well?”


“No, Farrells-nim, you here. . . Hey! Anyone, come here!”


As the soldier named Beckron shouted, a young soldier hurriedly fled from the guard post on one side of the city gate.


“Did you call?”


“Uh. Look after the people who are going in here instead of me.”


“Ah, yes, sir.”


Beckron, who had passed the spear to the young soldier, looked at the group, and his expression became even more surprised. Russell, who was half a head taller than Farrells, had wide shoulders and solid muscles that were difficult to hide even with his coat and clothes. And then there was Irrucil, a beautiful woman with black hair and black eyes, and Aellasis, a girl with white hair.


It was only natural for Beckron to be surprised, given the group’s unusual appearances. He spoke to Farrell.


“Who are these people?”


“These are people I met by chance. How have you been, Beckron? Why are you guarding the outer gate instead of the inner gate?”


“I’ve been well. Regarding the outer gate, it’s important to note that there are numerous soldiers present at the inner gate.


“I see. Oh, and don’t tell the Lord that I came.”


“Excuse me? Why. . .”


“I’m just going to be here for a little while and leave. I don’t want to bother the Lord.”


“. . .I understand.”


Leaving Beckron behind, Russell’s group entered the city walls.


“I guess you know the Lord.”


At Russell’s question, Farrell smiled modestly and said,


“Actually, he’s my older brother.”


“Your older brother?”


“Yes. There’s a bit of an age difference. . . My mother was the second wife.”


‘So he was also a half-brother on this side?’ Russell glanced at Irrucil and asked.


“Were you not on good terms with your brother?”


“We were on good terms. He was already ten years old when I was born. He cared for me as his younger brother. However, around the time I became an adult, the way he looked at me wasn’t very nice. That had been the case ever since the day my father repeatedly delayed the appointment of the next Lord and subjected my brother and me to numerous tests.


“. . . . . . .”


“So I simply ventured out on my own. My brother already had a lot of followers, and I didn’t want to cause any confusion there. So I just left to become a mercenary and earn some money.”


Russell looked at Farrells with new eyes. He had quite a few things in common with him, surprisingly. He shared similarities such as being a half-brother, having an older brother, and having departed due to the succession dispute.


“What about after you made some money?”


“Well, I’m going to settle down somewhere with good land. I’ll buy a manor or a mansion. Hire a few servants, and find a beautiful wife and have children. I think it would be nice.”


“What a dreamy wish.”


“Isn’t it? Now, let’s go find an inn first. This way.”


Farrells led the way as if he knew the place well. Russell, Irrucil, and Aellasis followed him slowly.


Many people passed by them. They were surrounded by merchants dressed in vibrant vests and pants, young farmers adorned with magpie nests on their heads, and even mercenaries.


“Quite a few mercenaries are present. I guess there’s a lot of work here.”


Irrucil spoke as she observed the people walking by. As she said, the proportion of armed people was quite high. There were also non-humans mixed in among them.


Despite their faces being covered with hoods, some of them could be mistaken for elves based on their light footsteps and movements, while seven dwarves with short legs trudged along. They were heavily armed with armor and axes, and their faces flushed as if they had just had some beer.


Farrells, who was leading the way, must have seen them, because he looked back and said,


“Hedilund City has some ruins that are still under development. I heard that the excavated antiques have archaeological value, so experts from all over the place are gathering. They even find magical tools every once in a while. Although most of them don’t work,


Even in the hours leading up to noon, prostitutes in thin, revealing clothes passed by the alleys and alleys, tempting passersby with light smiles.


Their targets were mostly young mercenaries who were obviously new to the world. The world of swords, blood, sweat, and steel was a new experience for these young men. These men were unable to resist the allure of the prostitutes, while on the other side, there were exotic-looking merchants who drew attention by announcing that they were closing their business.


The people’s vitality was seeping into their eyes, ears, and noses, and it was a daily life in the city that was in contrast to the old-looking walls and buildings that approached the group.


Farrell looked at such a city with a gaze filled with surprise and longing. Irrucil looked around and said,


“There are more people than I thought. It’s lively.”


“Yes. Indeed, the situation has significantly improved since my departure. It wasn’t like this back then. It seems like my brother is governing the city well.”


At that moment, the people passing by suddenly began to scatter to the left and right. As they hurriedly backed away as if startled by something, their expressions were filled with tension and fear.


“What is it?”


Five soldiers and a tall man wearing a robe were among those who approached. The robed man’s eyes met Russell’s, and the corners of the man’s mouth formed a long, thin line.


Farrell questioned the soldiers who were blocking the path.


“What is it? Why are you blocking the way?”


“You’re the Lord’s younger brother. Is that right?”


“. . .Yes, that’s right.”


“The Lord is calling to you. Come with us.”


“Did the lord know I came? Who are you?”


The robed man said,


“The Lord’s wizard, Deckers. Is that enough of an answer? Come on. The rest of your group too.”


As Deckers gestured, the soldiers moved quickly and surrounded Russell’s group. At first glance, it appeared that they were escorting them, but in fact, they were preventing them from going anywhere.


Farrells approached with a hardened expression and spoke to Russell.


“I’m sorry. I don’t know how they knew I came. . .”


“I think I know. And that’s not your fault, Farrells.”


Russell stood still and smiled at Deckers, who was looking at him with a smile on his face. The magical energy he felt from the ring’s magic circuit was the same as the magical energy he felt from that wizard.


Furthermore, the magical power he possessed was considerable. It was disproportionate to his youthful appearance. Of course, there was the outlier Russell, but he was different because he was a veteran warrior who had gone through many life-or-death situations.


Originally, in order for a wizard to increase his magical energy and capacity, his innate talent and the world of spells he possessed had to be incomparably vast, but Deckers was neither.


“Let’s go for now. We’ll find an inn later.”


Russell’s group walked forward, being escorted and surrounded by soldiers. They were on horseback, while the soldiers were on foot, so their speed was not very fast.


The road, which had seemed narrow because of the many people, was widening as the soldiers and the wizard Deckers led the way. The citizens of the city, daring not to grumble, glanced at them without complaint.


Their expressions showed fear towards the wizard. It was not simply fear of wizards, but fear of the person named Deckers.


The road to the inner city was paved with well-groomed flagstones. The sound of soldiers’ military boots and horses’ hooves rang out warmly.


As they passed the inner city walls, which were lower than the outer walls but much better maintained and cleaner, a stable was visible on one side.


“Leave your horses there.”


After leaving their horses in the stable, they soon entered the Lord’s audience chamber in the inner city. The audience chamber was splendid and antique. A man with graying sideburns, sitting on a fluffy chair with intricate patterns carved into it, looked at Russell’s group as they opened the door and entered.


He was the Lord of Hedilund, Gellerd. According to Farrells, there should only be a ten-year age difference between them, but he looked closer to being in his forties or fifties.


He glanced at the group that had entered and smiled at Farrell.


“It’s been a long time. Farrells. Almost four or five years?”


“. . . Brother.  You’ve aged a lot.”


Farrell looked at Gellerd in disbelief. Gellerd let out a hearty laugh.


“Yes. . . that’s how it is. This position is not as easy as I thought it would be.”


The position didn’t seem to be the only factor. Russell quietly looked at the wizard Deckers, who was standing behind the Lord across the audience chamber.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

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