Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The Path of Departure (3)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


Calia suddenly looked up at him. Half of her pale face was illuminated by the moonlight, while the other half was hidden in the shadows.


Inexplicable silence filled the space between them. Russell suddenly couldn’t figure out why this silence had come, but it was difficult to speak rashly.


Calia’s crimson eyes filled with moisture. Her moist eyes stared straight at Russell, as if she longed for something. Then Calia whispered softly.


“Do you know?”


“. . .What?”


“Right now, the others are asleep, waiting for your healing. Your sister watched over you and told them it was okay when she saw that your condition was improving. That’s why everyone stayed up late and just went to bed.”


“They’ve been through a lot. What about Aella?”


“She fell asleep first. Irrucil took her to sleep together.”


She took a step closer and pressed herself against Russell. Calia’s breasts touched Russell’s chest.


“Come to think of it, Aella agreed you would borrow me for three days.”


“That’s right. Don’t we still have things we haven’t accomplished?”


“That’s. . . true.”


Then Calia’s hand gently touched Russell’s face. Her heels were slightly lifted, and her lips met his.


As the angle of the moonlight coming through the corridor’s window changed, the shadows of the two people, who had been overlapping, separated. Russell saw Calia’s eyes blazing fiercely right in front of his nose and grinned. Calia licked her lips and spoke.


“Let’s continue.”




“Yes. There are only six hours left until morning.”


Russell nodded after glancing at the moon’s position and tilt. As soon as he entered the room, Calia pounced him as if to compensate for what she had not been able to do until now. However, her opponent was Russell. Even Calia could not overcome his vigor.


However, Calia had more magic power. In normal times, it would have been a toss-up, or Russell would have been slightly ahead, but after healing Tatiana just now, his magic power was also running low. So the fight between the two was almost at the same level.


When Russell pushed her down with force, Calia recovered with magic power and soared up to overwhelm him.


Their ups and downs continued until the morning sun filled the room. The fight came to an end when Calia, who had exhausted all of her magic power, patted him on the back.


“It’s frustrating. . .”


Russell laughed in disbelief at her muttering.


“No, why are you frustrated? You enjoyed it too.”


“Even so! I used my magic power, but I lost. I don’t know what kind of body this is.”


Calia pouted. She did not have the body she had in the past; she had been reborn. It was also a body created using Russell’s blood.


“Come to think of it, you’re a really strange human being. No, I even wonder if you’re a pure human being.”


“. . . . . .”


Russell remained silent while she muttered. In fact, he was aware that his own body and mana possessed many strange properties. When he was a child, the rumors surrounding him were also like that.


His father, who had been missing for a week, suddenly appeared with a baby in his arms. Everyone hushed up at his father’s strong command, but it was impossible to close everyone’s mouths.


Furthermore, given the baby’s appearance and strange eyes as it grew up, it was no wonder that people thought it was a child born between a devil and a human.


“I’m human. I remain human as long as I coexist with others.


“. . . . . . Yes, I understand. You must be lying here because you are a human being strong enough to defeat me.”


Calia’s grumbling lips climbed up Russell’s neck, pecking his cheek and forehead. Russell responded to the kiss that urged him like a baby bird begging its mother for food.


Around that time, Russell’s ears caught the sound of busy footsteps and a human presence. As the morning dawned, the servants of the lord’s mansion woke up the party.


The maids woke up early in the morning, finished their cleaning, and gathered in groups of three or five to prepare for the meal. They then headed to the kitchen, while the servants cleaned up the dew and dust that had fallen overnight.




“I got it.”


Calia snapped her fingers, spreading her shadow widely. The messy bed sheets were straightened, and the clothes scattered everywhere were tidied up.


The two got out of bed and put on the clothes that the shadow’s hand had grabbed one by one. Calia’s shadow did not stop there, and she opened the room’s wide window to let out the stale air and ventilate it.


“It’s convenient.”


“I’m a little awesome.”


The moment Calia boasted, the door suddenly opened. Russell turned around in surprise. It was because he didn’t catch it with his senses. And there were not many people in this lord’s mansion who could avoid his senses.


“. . . . . .”


Irrucil quietly looked at Russell and Calia, who were getting dressed in the middle of the room. Her white face contrasted with her black hair, and her black eyes stared intently at the two.


Russell looked at the two alternately with an awkward posture, as if a husband had been caught cheating on his wife. Of course, Irrucil was not his wife but his sister—although they had different mothers—and Calia was not a mistress.


“Sister. Let me explain. Her name is Calia. . .”


Despite the tone of his voice suggesting he was trying to explain his affair, Irrucil turned her back first, leaving Russell bewildered.


“Get ready and come out. The Lord is calling.”


And Irrucil walked away briskly. Calia, who missed the timing to greet her, blinked at Russell.


“. . .I don’t know why I feel like I’m the mistress.”


“. . .Don’t say scary things.”




Lord Tatiana greeted Russell and his party at the table with more perfume than usual. For some reason, she looked directly at Russell and fluttered her collar slightly. Every time she did, a faint fragrance wafted over and tickled Russell’s nose.


“What are you doing, Lord?”


“. . . . No.”


When Knight Escort Jord asked about Lord Tatiana’s behavior, she shook her head. Jord was standing with a cast on his left arm, but he looked fine.


It was an attitude that, as a knight, he could not delay his escort for even a moment, but it was impossible to tell who was protecting whom.


Aellasis leaned over to Russell and spoke.


“Something seems to be sparkling on my body. Russell, did you do that?”




Lord Tatiana’s skin had completely changed from yesterday. It was as if honey had been applied, and it was shiny. Her gray hair, which had been fluffy, flowed with a fresh luster and rattled. It was all thanks to the magic circuit that Russell had pierced through yesterday.


Although it was not a complete transformation, it was clear that it had received a similar level of impact. Aellasis said it enviously.


“Russell, Russell. Can I get the same thing that you did to the lord yesterday?”




“You know, what you did to the lord yesterday.”


“You’re already a dragon, so there’s nothing more to open.”


What kind of circuit would you use to pierce a dragon, a master of magic? It was something that a passing dog would laugh at. She was a dragon who would awaken to the wisdom of the world and transform into the strongest body just as she got older.


“Then when will I become strong?”


“I don’t know.”


Of course, that will only happen as she grows older. Aellasis was still a young dragon, having not even been born for a year. It would take at least several hundred years for her to truly show the same force as her mother, Ismenios.


“Great, everyone’s here. Russell. Not only did you protect the Latham territory, but you also took care of and treated my condition. Thank you so much. I heard that Sir Jess and Druid Sarannen also worked hard.”


The lord bowed her head and raised it, and Jess and Sarannen also bowed their heads.


“No, Lord. As a knight following Lutheon, it was something I had to do.”


“Me too. It would be a lie for a druid to turn away from the fate that nature has brought together. Rather, I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of help.”


Russell also calmly bowed his head.


“It was nothing, Lord. There was a devil behind the orc tribe that was about to invade this territory, so it wasn’t just the Lord’s work.”


At those words, Lord Tatiana’s eyes flashed.


“Devil. Yes, if you think about it, something like that happened at the end of the war. Can you tell me what happened? And I’d like you to introduce the ladies next to you.”


On one side of the table where Russell was sitting were Aellasis, Calia, and Jess next to him. Irrucil, Farrells, and Sarannen were sitting opposite him. Lord Tatiana was asking about Irrucil and Calia.


“The devil, whose name was Geliotos, became involved with me after I left the Errandis territory. Fortunately, I was able to kill it yesterday. Calia is a colleague who traveled with me in Errandis territory before I came to Latham territory. And the person in front of me is my sister.”


At the mention of the word “sister,” Lord Tatiana turned to face Irrucil. Irrucil bowed her head slightly.


“I’m Irrucil.”


It was a simple introduction, but even at a glance, her appearance and posture were not ordinary. She had smooth, long black hair, a white face with intelligent eyebrows, large eyes, a straight nose, and red lips. In many ways, she exuded the aura of a princess, leading one to believe that she was not of ordinary status.


Lord Tatiana compared Irrucil and Russell. Russell was also handsome, but while his appearance was like a lion that had become rough from traveling and wandering, Irrucil was like a peacock.


. . .After the meal, Tatiana asked.


“Are you leaving right away?”


Russell nodded.


“Yes. All the work is done.”


“Have you decided where to go?”


Russell nodded, looking at Irrucil.


“I have to go north.”


“North. I see. Before you go, I’ll have Vandel give you the reward.”




“Are you okay, Lord?”


“What do you mean, Vandel?”


Vandel lowered his head slightly as he spoke to Tatiana, who used honorifics for him. When they were alone, she addressed him with honorifics, even though he was an old knight who had served her for a long time. No matter how much Vandel insisted that it was fine, she wouldn’t budge.


Vandel could only feel sad and regretful to see the daughter of the previous lord he had followed when he was young grow up so much.


“I’m talking about that man, Russell. If you hold onto him, he’ll be a great asset.”


“Pfft, Vandel. Don’t say things you don’t believe. Why would a dragon slayer be interested in staying in our territory? Especially a man from such a great family.”


After everyone left, Lord Tatiana Grace stood on the terrace attached to the lord’s office. She had a bird’s-eye view of the territory she ruled below. The lord’s mansion was built on high ground, and on the highest floor of that mansion, Lord Tatiana watched Russell’s party walk along the main road.


“The name Irrucil isn’t that common. Even someone like me, the lord of a mountain valley, has heard her name. She’s a princess from the northern duchy, after all.”


“But it seems like the Lord also has feelings for him.”


“Ugh. Was it that obvious?”


“You were stealing glances at him during the meal.”


“. . .It just. . . reminded me of my father.”




Lord Tatiana did not answer Vandel’s question. She simply looked silently at the man’s back as he left the territory and went away.


“He said he would visit again sometime. I have to do my best to make the manor prosper until then. I want to surprise him when he comes back.”


A dream that had become her own, surpassing her father’s wishes. The woman buried those unidentifiable feelings deep inside her.




The sky was clear. A few scattered cirrus clouds floated by, creating a leisurely atmosphere. Russell sat on Kry’s saddle, whom he had met again after a long time, and gazed up at the sky.


Kry, who had been carrying Russell on his back for a long time, appeared to be in a good mood and nodded his head. There were a total of seven people in the party: Russell, Jess, Sarannen, Calia, Aellasis, Irrucil, and Farrell. They had come together to see off the Druid Sarannen in the forest, as well as to visit the tribe of Kai and the orcs.


On horseback, Russell approached Irrucil and inquired.


“If you’re going north. Does that mean you’re going back?”


Russell looked at her for a moment and shook his head.


“No. Did you get permission to leave for as long as you wanted?”


“. . .Why?”


“You should be back before winter. Every winter, demon beasts come down from the north.”


The northern duchy, Asor, acted as a shield against the demon beasts that came down from the Awnhilnar Mountains and the barbarians of the north. Among them, there were six families, and he and Irrucil were part of the Zahard family.


And Irrucil was the next head of the family, so it was natural that she couldn’t come out for a long time. Irrucil nodded.


“That’s right. I have to go back before winter.”


“I’m sorry, sister. I don’t plan on returning to the family. I’ll make it clear here.”


“. . .Why?”


Russell looked up at the sky again. The wind carried aimless clouds that vanished in the distance.


“I want to see more of this world. That’s why I came out. If I’m going to go back again because of someone’s coercion or request, I wouldn’t have come out in the first place.”


“. . . . . .”


Irrucil stopped. Russell stopped when he saw her standing there coldly.


Thud, thud, thud.


The ground beneath her feet vibrated with a rumble. In Irrucil’s hand, a white chain was suddenly squeezed.


“I don’t think I’ve ever really tried to force you. Why don’t I try it once?”


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

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