
Choosing the Baby’s Father From the Following – Chapter 32

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐
Phoebe winked at me and disappeared.

Since Ernst could also be the baby’s father, there was no reason for Phoebe to interfere with him in the first place.

In the room, where we were finally alone, Ernst patted the bed.

“Come sit, Lou. I’ll stroke your hair.”

Lurik would obviously object, so the cooperation of the three was essential if I wanted to leave for recuperation in two months.

I obediently sat down, trying to persuade him while I had the chance.

His long fingers, touching my hair, were very gentle.

‘You’re the Crown Prince, is there anything you can’t do?’


“Instead of getting married, you want to go for recuperation?”

Although I spoke indirectly, Ernst grasped the point at once.

I swallowed a groan and nodded.

“Getting married right now is difficult in many ways. Since I even collapsed at the monastery, it wouldn’t seem strange even if I said my health has deteriorated.”

Surprisingly, Ernst agreed immediately.

“Well, yes…… The southern part of Flavi would be good for recuperation. If we choose a lakeside city, it will be warm, and if I promise to look after you often, His Majesty will also feel at ease.”

I asked, frowning slightly,

“Will Cal or Ren…… agree?”

“Even the self-centered Cal wouldn’t dare say he’ll take a pregnant woman to Babenberg.”

He added,

“And Ren wouldn’t care about the location, as he’ll be with you wherever you go, according to your needs and wishes.”

Ernst skillfully tied a ribbon at the end of my thick, braided hair.

“All done, Lou.”

Then, he buried his head in the nape of my neck, quite naturally.

The sweet scent emanating from him filled my nose.

That alone was stimulating enough, and Ernst whined like a big puppy.

“I know it was because of the Prince, but I hate that you were stuck with Ren for a week. I’m jealous……”

I, flustered, made excuses.

“N-no, we weren’t really stuck together. At the monastery, the men’s and women’s quarters were quite far apart.”

He whispered,


It was a voice lower than necessary, like the wind.

I was startled by the feeling of his breath on my bare skin and replied,

“Yes, really!”

However, Ernst chuckled as if he didn’t believe me.

“So what? Ren can appear anywhere, anytime.”

“N-no……! Ren was also reluctant to use magic there……”

“So he never showed up as he pleased?”

His apple-red lips tested me again and again.

Unable to lie, I confessed.

“He appeared just once, but I called him. My brother suddenly called for a physician, so I needed help.”

“In short, you want to say that Tower Master Ren is someone you need, right?”

His sun-like golden eyes twinkled brightly close by.

‘You’re definitely the one using charm magic……’

Unable to avoid his gaze, I hurriedly nodded.

“Yes, yes.”

Ernst backed off as if he was letting me off the hook.

“Let’s have the recuperation in Flavi. Then I’ll find out who’s the easiest person to bribe in the heart of the palace.”

Finally relaxing, I giggled.

“Yes, I think I’ll have to go to Flavi.”


It was while Ernst was clinging to me for a long time, complaining about this and that.

―Buzz, buzz……

A familiar vibrating sound and flashing light leaked from his arms.


Ernst seemed to want to pretend he didn’t see it, but when I called his name, he sighed and reluctantly moved his hand.

I looked at the glowing sphere he took out of his arms, dumbfounded.

“You’ve been carrying that around since yesterday, haven’t you?”


Ernst slightly lowered his eyelids, curving them beautifully like crescents, and made excuses.

“You were tired yesterday. I could only say hello very briefly, right?”

He wasn’t wrong, but he could have certainly delivered the communication orb yesterday as well.

He said he was jealous of Ren, but it seems like he took it out on the wrong person……

“Well, fine……”

If he had received Callisto’s contact yesterday, he would have been even more anxious, wondering if I was okay or not.

Anyway, the communication orb activated as soon as it touched my hand, transforming into particles of light and clinging to the wall.


The man on the screen looked completely different from when I saw him in Heim a week ago, haggard, and his dazzlingly blue eyes looked empty today.

I stammered, trying to make excuses.

“Um, Cal. About me collapsing, it was nothing serious……”

The blue eyes on the screen suddenly flashed with a chilling intensity.

“How can you say that you collapsing is nothing serious? Who dared to say such a thing?”

Uh, probably, me……?

I gulped and grinned.

“It’s true! I met with the physician, and the baby is healthy. It’s almost four months in two weeks, so they said it’s a little safer……”

Callisto heaved a sigh of relief, his chest heaving in the video.

Then, he finally opened his rosy lips with a resentful look.

“Now that I think about it, you helped the Prince with his trip, but you didn’t keep your promise, Lou.”

“I-I didn’t not keep it……!”

His piercing blue eyes were so intimidating that I unconsciously lost my courage and mumbled.

“B-because it would be hard on the baby……”

He corrected me clearly.

“Our baby.”

“……Yes. Our baby.”

Even though Ernst sighing beside me would be clearly visible, Callisto remained unfazed.

“I’ll let it slide this once. For ‘our’ baby.”

“……Thank you, Cal.”

However, it seemed like Ernst had no intention of letting it go just like that.

He suddenly cut in and said,

“But Lou wants to come to Flavi for recuperation soon.”


I looked back at him in surprise, but Ernst just smiled brightly at the fierce Northern Duke.

“To a warm, southern lakeside.”

Even in the story of ‘The Sun and the Wind’ I heard as a child, the sun wins over the wind.

While Callisto on the screen muttered something, Ernst added,

“Winter is too harsh for ‘our’ baby…… The generous Duke will understand, right?”

When no answer came back for a long time, I began to suspect the connection had been cut off.

Callisto, as if he had a headache, pressed his forehead and demanded,

“Tell me the exact location, Crown Prince.”

“Well, I haven’t thought about it yet…… How about Edessa?”

Callisto’s perfect face frowned deeply.

“If you change your words later, I’ll kill you.”

Is it okay to threaten to kill another country’s Crown Prince like that?

But Ernst, not scared at all, just shrugged, his face still as bright as the sun.

“Will that be up to me? I’ll let you know for sure when His Majesty the Emperor permits it.”

Just then, as if the magic of the communication orb was running out, the light dimmed.

“Damn it! Erni, deliver the communication orb on time.”

Callisto cursed.

His complexion looked worse than before, so I quickly blew him a kiss.

‘I couldn’t even go to Babenberg, so this much is nothing.’

His lips softened slightly, and at the same time, the video started to flicker.

Callisto, whose image was becoming increasingly blurry, opened his lips to say something, but his voice no longer reached me.


Lurik came to visit in the evening and frowned when he saw my face.

“I heard you rested well after arriving, but your complexion looks worse.”

Since Ren’s magic potion hadn’t arrived yet, I used Phoebe’s makeup skills, which were quite effective.

Fortunately, the effect of the eyedrops had worn off.

“It’s just travel fatigue, so please pretend you didn’t see it, brother. I don’t want to be known as the biggest weakling in the Imperial Family.”

I said weakly, and Lurik chuckled softly.

“I…… organized the things I brought from the battlefield as you said. So don’t……”

Looking up at him as he parted his lips heavily, a small, embarrassed voice followed.

“Don’t worry. Just take care of yourself.”

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Choosing the Baby’s Father From the Following

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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