Choosing the Baby’s Father From the Following – Chapter 17.1

Chapter 17

It was three days later that we were finally able to leave the Imperial Palace.

Since there were sixteen of us in total, we decided to use the Gate to Heim.

Lurick was of the opinion that there was no reason to waste the Mage Tower Master’s energy, but Ren frowned.

“What difference does it make if it’s fifteen or twenty people? More importantly, do we really need this many people?”

Lurick coldly ignored Ren’s abrasive attitude.

From the position of knowing that Lurick had killed him after Louise died in the novel, it was enough to make me uneasy.

“Let’s go.”

The moment I grabbed Lurick’s outstretched hand, Ren took hold of my other hand.

I was caught between two large men, but I was so nervous about my first Gate travel that I couldn’t bring myself to let go of either of their hands.

My vision blurred and flickered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and clung tighter to their hands.

‘𝘜𝘨𝘩, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘵?’

How much time had passed?

With a jolt, my feet touched the ground.


As I let out a sigh of relief, Ren looked at me with amusement.

“Scaredy-cat Lou. Still afraid of Gates.”

Fortunately, being afraid of Gates didn’t seem to be out of character for Louise.

I whispered an excuse in Ren’s ear.

“Ah, I’m just worried it might be bad for the baby……”

He chuckled.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry.”

I quickly shut my mouth as Lurick turned to look at us.

Just then, guards with unfamiliar faces saluted us.

“Greetings, Your Highness the Prince, Your Highness the Princess. Welcome to Heim.”


The work progressed at a lightning pace.

“I have already taken care of the refugee issue, Your Highness.”

This was because Callisteon had come to Heim in advance and stayed there, faithfully carrying out the Imperial family’s request.

“We plan to set sail from next week, before the weather gets any worse.”

Well, Callisteon had only created an excuse for me to visit Caesarea Monastery, and he hadn’t intended to highlight the refugee issue in the first place.

“Everyone who wishes to return to their hometown will board the ship in turn. If you wish, you may meet with a representative, but I consider it unnecessary.”

Lurick, as if he had guessed as much, nodded slightly.

“Very well. Please bill the expenses to the Imperial family.”

However, as the situation had caused damage to Heim, I could not refuse the Lord’s request to host a banquet for the Imperial family.

The elderly lord seemed very excited throughout the banquet, but I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

“I had heard the rumors, but you are truly beautiful. The rumors that you inherited all the beauty and preciousness of the Imperial family were no exaggeration.”

He kept showering me with compliments, looking at me as if I were his own granddaughter.

“……Thank you.”

I could only manage an awkward reply, but the lord leaned towards me and added in a low voice,

“I heard the only reason our Grand Duke is still unmarried is because of you, Your Highness. And I can see why, hmm.”

Lurick was discussing the cost issue with Callisteon.

I decided to leave at that point, before my scary older brother noticed the Lord’s sly intentions.

“I’m not feeling well, I’m going for a walk.”

I told Phoebe, and she quickly picked up on my cue and followed me.

“It’s chilly out, would you like to go to the greenhouse? The lord’s wife is very interested in growing plants, so they say there’s a wide variety.”

“Oh, yes, that’s a good idea.”

As I walked out the door, I briefly made eye contact with Lurick, and he nodded.

He himself was uncomfortable attending official events, so I guess he was being lenient with me.

‘𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴……’


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