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Jenais’s heart sank, but she managed a smile as Ernst instructed.
“……What do you mean?”
She asked urgently in a small voice, but it couldn’t create a single crack in Ernst’s picturesque smile.
“Such an amusing incident occurred in Flavi Edessa.”
In reality, the incident had nothing to do with Jenais or the Pereira Marquisate, and both Ernst and the Emperor were fully aware of that.
However, Jenais felt extremely anxious and had to cater to Ernst throughout the rest of the banquet.
With a very bright smile.
While waiting for news from Moghald, I activated one of the many Communication Orbs Callisto had given me.
Callisto responded as if he’d been waiting, with Prillice nestled comfortably in his broad arms.
I burst out laughing and asked,
“Why are you holding her again? Where’s the nanny?”
―I held her for a moment, and she fell asleep. I was just watching her, in case moving her would wake her up.
“Watching? Watching what?”
My voice was laced with uncontainable laughter, but Callisto was serious.
―Watching Prillice.
Pfft, I burst into loud laughter once more.
Callisto smiled faintly as he watched me.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you laugh like that. Is there any progress with the former Tower Master?”
Honestly, you can deceive a ghost, but you can’t deceive Callisto.
I smiled brightly and nodded.
“Yes, a little. Ren said he was going to have a meeting with the healing mages, so I just left him.”
―That’s good.
Callisto replied and then added with a sigh,
―I heard that Viscountess Tata is receiving guests on your behalf at the Imperial Palace celebration.
“Jenais is?”
Callisto nodded and continued,
―It must have been His Majesty’s order, but it’s too much kindness for her to offer out of goodwill. I’m just afraid of what she’ll ask for in return.
I chuckled and replied,
“She’s probably just trying to get on my brother’s good side.”
At that moment, the sleeping Prillice stirred briefly.
Callisto, with his newfound dexterity, patted and soothed the baby.
I marveled at the sight of our daughter quickly falling back asleep in his arms.
“Wow, you’re quite skilled.”
Callisto looked at me with proud eyes.
―I’m as good as Phoebe Nillo.
“No way……”
After the incident in Edessa, Phoebe hadn’t woken up for a whole day.
So, we almost left her in Edessa, but as soon as the temporary gate opened, she apparently jumped up and ran out.
She knelt before Callisto and cried, ‘Please kill me!’ Then, upon spotting the gate, she changed her stance to ‘Please take me with you!’
Naturally, Callisto brought her to Babenberg.
“Is Phoebe doing alright now?”
―She wears a bonnet indoors because of the head wound, but she seems mostly fine.
Callisto chuckled.
―She hovers around Prillice so relentlessly that the Holland sisters haven’t even been able to touch her once.
The Holland sisters referred to Chacha and Collie, who had attended to me during my previous trip to Babenberg.
Callisto was planning to entrust the one who was better at caring for the baby with assisting the nanny, but Phoebe seemed displeased with that.
‘It’s understandable that Phoebe would be traumatized after what happened in the past few days.’
After all, Chilla had stolen the clothes of a maid who had briefly stepped out and snuck into the hotel to detonate a Magic Bomb.
Even with those thoughts in mind, I couldn’t take my eyes off Prillice, soundly asleep in the video.
“I miss our baby so much.”
―Tell me you miss me too.
Callisto whined in an uncharacteristic manner, but instead of laughing it off, I answered dutifully.
“I miss you, Cal.”
―Yes. You have exactly three days left.
The video began to shake.
I kissed my palm for him, who would soon disappear.
Seeing the man kiss the back of my hand in response made my throat feel dry for no reason.
I smiled even brighter to hide that fact.
I just hoped that the one who gave me all this happiness would wake up soon.
After Louise’s image disappeared, Callisto gazed at Prillice for a long time.
He had insisted countless times that she resembled him in many ways, but Prillice was, in fact, the spitting image of Louise.
That made her all the more satisfying and lovable.
―Knock, knock.
It seemed someone was about to interrupt his blissful moment.
When Callisto looked up, the Chief Attendant entered the room with a benevolent, grandfatherly expression.
“A decree has arrived, Your Excellency.”
Phoebe Nillo scurried out from behind him and discreetly took the baby.
Callisto unfolded the letter right in front of the Chief Attendant.
He had to return to Babenberg in a hurry before deciding on the fate of the Second Princess and the former Duke of Damiani, so he had to throw them into the dungeon, still alive.
Since he had asked the Emperor for advice on their disposal, this was undoubtedly the reply.
Callisto’s face stretched into a satisfied smile as he unfolded the letter.
Dear Callisto.
The Emperor had never addressed Callisto by his name alone before, so this was undoubtedly an expression of extreme affection for his younger sister’s husband-to-be.
That alone was incredibly pleasing, but the contents of the letter that followed were beyond what he had expected.
You didn’t execute them immediately just because they were citizens of the Empire. Your mercy is truly remarkable.
It seems my sister’s judgment, who praised you endlessly as a good man, was indeed correct.
But you saw what kind of response came back to my consideration, which was partly due to pity for the Second Princess because she shares half my blood, didn’t you?
As Louise’s older brother and Prillice’s uncle, I apologize for my naive choice at the time and want to make it clear that I have no regrets about the execution of the criminals.
If you can bear the trouble of repatriating the criminals, they will pay the price for their crime of harming a member of the Imperial Family with their lives, as they deserve.
I understand that you might be hesitant since you have an auspicious marriage ahead of you, but there must be an end for a new beginning, wouldn’t you agree?
―With respect, Lurik.
In short, the Emperor meant that he would have no regrets even if they were to die on the execution ground today.
―Knock, knock.
Another knock sounded, and this time, Knight Commander Leander entered.
“I’m sorry to inform you, but Gideon Damiani in the dungeon tried to commit suicide by biting his tongue, but he failed.”
Leander was startled to find a faint smile on his lord’s face.
They had already found poison while searching Gideon’s body in Edessa, and he had failed to follow the order to prevent him from committing suicide, so he was sure a reprimand would follow.
Callisto replied a beat later.
“Treat him so he doesn’t die. The Grand Duchess isn’t cruel enough to enjoy killing, but since His Majesty has permitted the execution, I intend to discuss the appropriate conclusion with her.”
“Yes, I will do so.”
Leander bowed respectfully with gratitude and turned to leave, tilting his head in secret.
In his eyes, the person who seemed incapable of killing even an ant was the very Grand Duchess-to-be, so he couldn’t understand what his lord expected of her that made him hesitate to execute the criminals.
It would be better to carry out the execution before the Grand Duchess arrived.
Ren came to me the next evening and said,
“Master has regained full consciousness.”
He nodded, unable to hide his joy.
“He knows you’re here and wants to see you.”
“Is that true……?”
I immediately went to Moghald and found the non-mage still lying in bed.
But as I cautiously called out and approached him, his eyelids, which had been tightly shut, slowly lifted.
His mystical grey eyes finally looked directly at me.
Despite his long illness, his gaze was no different from when he was the Tower Master.
I grasped his hand and knelt beside the bed.
Moghald spoke in a voice as soft as the wind.
“Please rise, Your Highness.”
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I immediately got up so he wouldn’t waste his energy repeating the same words.
And then, I thanked him for waking up and for granting my unreasonable request.
I repeatedly apologized, saying that back then, I was only thinking about protecting the baby and didn’t consider the price he would pay.
Moghald smiled faintly.
“Only by saving the lives of my niece and her younger sister would His Majesty even consider forgiving this old man……”
I rubbed my cheek against the back of Moghald’s hand, tears streaming down my face.
“Thank you so much. Moghald-nim, you saved me, my brother, and my baby who almost didn’t get to see the light of the world. The word ‘forgiveness’ doesn’t even come close. My brother will surely feel the same way……”
He spoke again, his voice faint as a whisper.
“Then, Your Majesty, I request that you return to the Imperial Palace and plead for this old man’s life.”
I choked up and looked at Ren.
Moghald must have heard about my marriage from his disciple and was deliberately trying to send me back.
However, even Ren, who I thought would help me, shook his head.
“You staying here too long only makes things difficult for me. Do you even know that Erni, who has nothing to do with it, is shouldering the burden of the wedding celebrations at the Imperial Palace?”
“……Is that so?”
Since Callisto only mentioned Jenais and left out Ernst’s name, I hadn’t been paying attention to whether she was struggling or not.
From the perspective of Lee Ji from South Korea, who has returned after more than twenty years, I still have a lot of debt to repay to Jenais.
‘I’m not the same naive Louise anymore.’
The fact that she lost her position in the Imperial Palace is her own karma from Empress Victoria’s time, and has nothing to do with the repayment of my personal debt.
A marriage with a prestigious marquisate was Empress Victoria’s long-cherished wish and beneficial for Jenais, so she practically got away scot-free for tormenting me along with Chilla all her life.
Moghald added, as if squeezing out his remaining energy,
“If it’s alright, would you give this old man a chance to greet the baby in the future?”
I said, choked with emotion,
“The baby’s name is Prillice. Prillice Narses Nia Babenberg.”
Narses Moghald.
That was the name of the old mage lying before me.
Callisto was a little taken aback when I said I wanted to give Prillice the name of the former Tower Master, but when I said I would explain the reason later, he quietly nodded.
“That’s truly an honor for the family……”
Moghald’s eyes moistened.
“I want to get well soon and meet the baby. However, Your Majesty, my heart is uneasy with you here, so please return and do what you must.”
Only then did I nod to him.
“You must get well. You must.”
Ren reassured me.
“Don’t worry, Lou. I’ll make sure of it.”
If he said so, then it must be true.
I looked up at the most capable mage in the world with hopeful eyes.
Ren said quietly,
“So, Lou, let’s go back to the Imperial Palace now.”
In place of Ren, who couldn’t possibly leave again, two chief wizards decided to escort me back to the Imperial Palace.
It was different from when I came from Edessa.
There was an official gate from the Magic Tower to the Imperial Palace, so we just had to walk through it. This was the result of Ren making a fuss.
That same evening, Ren came to find me.
Seeing his face, I felt like he had more to say, so I prepared myself.
Now that Moghald had woken up, Ren might say he would never see me again.
But no matter what he said, I had to accept it.
Because it was the result of my choice.
“Yes, Ren.”
However, I couldn’t hide my frightened expression.
Ren chuckled at my face and sat down calmly in front of the tea table.
“Why do you look so scared? I think there’s something you don’t know, so I’m going to tell you, even though it’s late.”
The story that came out of Ren’s mouth next was something I had never imagined.
“……Chilla used a magic potion? On you? Did she say that herself?”
Ren shrugged.
“Surprisingly, she admitted it herself. Otherwise, there’s no way she would know something even I didn’t, right?”
I gaped, stunned by the shocking reality.
It’s true that Chilla has tormented and persecuted me all my life.
But her schemes were always so transparent that I never thought she would have resorted to such a vicious plot.
‘Even on the Tower Master?’
If Ren had noticed and raised the issue at the time, it could have ended the relationship between the Magic Tower and the Imperial Family.
‘Chilla, that girl was crazy from the very beginning?’
Just the fact that she tried to harm her half-sister’s baby showed she wasn’t in her right mind, but I thought she must have acted drastically because she was cornered…… It seems that wasn’t the case.
I suddenly paused and looked up at Ren.
“Perhaps, Ernst too?”
Ren let out a small sigh and nodded.
“I never asked him directly, but I think so.”
“Why on earth? What does Chilla gain from that?”
He chuckled, seeing my bewildered expression, and replied,
“Probably, a scandal?”
“It seems Chilla wanted a scandal about you. She probably wanted the Grand Duke to be disappointed in you.”
“……She gave me the potion too?”
Ren nodded again.
“Fortunately, you didn’t drink it.”
I recalled the events at the academy.
I remember the day Ernst suddenly started nodding off in the middle of a conversation.
It was the day I found out I was pregnant and didn’t know what to do, so I went to him for help.
‘I couldn’t drink wine then because of the baby.’
It was the same with the day Ren fell asleep in my room.
I lacked so much information about pregnancy, and at the time, I was on edge, focusing on protecting the baby in my womb, even cutting out all kinds of tea.
In the end, it was Prillice who protected me from that horrible magic potion.
I looked at Ren with newfound eyes.
“Ren. But even so, you……”
At that moment, I almost asked him, even so, you spared her life?
Of course, I managed to swallow it back down, but Ren miraculously understood what I meant.
“I spared her. Since she tried to harm your child, I didn’t feel like it was my place to punish her. And……”
The small smile that remained on Ren’s lips disappeared, and he whispered as if telling a secret,
“Actually, I think I’ve been happier in the past year than ever before.”
I looked up at Ren with wide eyes.
The Ren I knew would have turned the woman who drugged him to ashes and tracked down everyone involved, burying them somewhere.
It would be more like him to denounce the royal family and cut off all ties, claiming they had damaged the authority of the Magic Tower.
But Ren quietly took my hand.
“I’m sorry for confusing you while you had lost your memory. Still…… I was happy for a while. So, will you forgive me?”
I was so flustered that I couldn’t speak.
How dare he ask for forgiveness? How could I possibly forgive Ren?
Rather, I was the one who should be asking for his forgiveness.
I had deliberately pretended not to know his feelings for so long, and then suddenly lost my memory and treated him like a lover.
Even though I didn’t do it on purpose, I felt incredibly sorry for him, who must have hoped and sometimes been hurt by my actions.
“Ren, I……”
But Ren spoke again before I could utter an apology.
“If you apologize, even I might feel miserable. Just tell me it’s okay, Lou.”
But I couldn’t.
Holding back the tears welling up in my eyes was all I could do.
Ren added with a grin,
“If you really feel sorry, at least show me Prillice sometimes.”
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I asked, utterly surprised.
Knowing that Prillice wasn’t his child, I thought he wouldn’t want to see her again.
I had presumptuously assumed that since he had already saved her life once, he had fulfilled his friendship and duty towards me.
Ren raised his hand and lightly pinched my cheek.
“Sometimes, it feels like you think I’m a terrible person, you know? I was the first one to hear Prillice’s heartbeat when she was in your belly. I already love her, so would that feeling change just because she’s not my child?”
I ended up covering my face with both hands.
Crying here would be too cowardly, something I shouldn’t do to Ren…… because of my guilt and gratitude.
Ren, as always, gently patted me with his kind hand.
“If the Grand Duke had been just a little bit more lacking, I would never have stepped back. But that guy, knowing about the ‘Illusia’ all this time, he didn’t tell me. He probably struggled and endured it, thinking he was protecting my pride as the Tower Master. Uselessly indecisive bastard.”
As I was busy sobbing, Ren continued.
“It’s not fair to him to continue loving you, so I’ll stop. But leave Prillice’s necklace as it is. It’s a protective magic you can’t buy with money, so the Grand Duke probably won’t refuse it, right?”
Only then did I wipe away my tears and tightly hold Ren’s hand.
“Thank you, Ren.”
That was all I could say to the man who didn’t want to hear an apology.
And Ren smiled brighter than ever at my words.
“Be happy, Lou. If your heart changes, or if that guy changes, you can come back to me anytime.” My long-time protector, adding a playful remark, looked much more relaxed.
Even if he was pretending, I wouldn’t have been able to tell.
“Thank you so much, Ren.”
Instead of the countless words I couldn’t say, I thanked him once again.
My mage kissed the back of my tear-stained hand.
“Goodbye, Louise.”
In the end, I climbed onto the gate with teary eyes and a heavy heart.
However, as soon as I arrived at the Imperial Palace, I ran into Callisto, forcing me to hide even the traces of my tears.
He smiled brightly, seeing my flustered face.
“That bastard Ren contacted me in advance. He said he couldn’t take you back due to circumstances, so he asked me to arrive first.”
I couldn’t hide the expression on my face, earning a complaint from Callisto.
“Hmm, judging by your expression, I’m starting to regret letting you go.”
“……No, it’s not like that.”
However, this time, Callisto wouldn’t let it slide.
He lowered his head straight away.
The longed-for scent rushed in through the gap between our hurriedly meeting lips.
Callisto persistently explored my breath until I gasped and tapped his shoulder.
His possessive affection, the one that didn’t want to send me to the Magic Tower in the first place, clung to me through our touching skin.
Finally, as our lips parted, his deep blue eyes stared straight at me, as if piercing through me.
“Until when are you going to keep playing with your feelings and making me jealous? Until the very moment we exchange our marriage vows?”
Startled by his self-deprecating tone, I looked up at him.
Regret piled up again, realizing that I had hurt the one I loved while feeling sorry for Ren.
Wanting to comfort him, I gently cupped his cheeks with both hands, and Callisto slightly averted his gaze.
“Without even apologizing properly. You, doing this is unfair……”
I stood on tiptoe and swallowed the words of blame escaping his lips.
Clumsily, I parted his lips and delved in.
After a while of gently conveying my feelings as if to soothe him, Callisto spoke with his lips still attached to mine.
“I can’t stand it. But if you do this, I get even more scared. I’m afraid that you……”
Just a few steps away from here, my brother and everyone else would be waiting to welcome me.
I didn’t want to make the man in front of me feel uneasy any longer.
Not even for a moment longer.
“I have something to tell you.”
Callisto was greatly bewildered to hear that I had lost my memories until the night Chilla tried to harm Prillice.
“Why…… why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I had completely lost my memory, I didn’t know who to tell or how to tell them. I thought I had become a different person, and I was afraid everyone would hate me if I told them……”
“That’s absurd!”
Callisto retorted with an indignant face.
“You becoming a different person? Do you think I wouldn’t know if you became a different person?”
“That’s not what I meant, Cal……”
Callisto rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache.
Since I hadn’t even properly conveyed what I wanted to tell him yet, I felt a little flustered and observed Callisto’s reaction.
Come to think of it, it was natural for him to be shocked.
Ren, preoccupied with his own struggles with the magic potion’s side effects and his teacher’s illness, hadn’t fully grasped the severity of my memory loss.
But Callisto had known about Ren’s side effects beforehand, so how surprising this whole situation must be for him.
Callisto frowned and muttered.
“……You said you loved me.”
Indeed, I did.
Before my memories returned, while sending him back to Babenberg to escape Lurik’s wrath, I had said those words.
“That’s right.”
As I calmly admitted it, Callisto looked at me with bewildered eyes.
“Then, why did you…… at that time……”
Doesn’t this man realize that a year is more than enough time for me to fall in love with him again?
I smiled softly and held his hand.
“You’re right. Why did I fall in love with you again at that time? Even though I couldn’t remember any of the feelings I had for you.”
I whispered, resting my forehead against his cheek.
“It seems I can’t help but love you. Just like how I selfishly desired a night with you before facing death, how I was blinded by the desire to save your child and failed to notice Master Moghald risking his life, no matter what obstacles stand in my way, I……”
Looking up, Callisto’s blue eyes flickered dazzlingly, reflecting the chandelier’s light.
His wavering pupils resembled a stormy sea.
He must be just as bewildered, but I couldn’t hold back these feelings any longer.
“I will love you again.”
Despite my assertive tone, Callisto quietly asked, as if in disbelief.
“……You said you desired a night with me even before facing death? I thought you had resented me for my recklessness that day.”
The smile on my lips deepened involuntarily.
“Resent you, Cal? I’ve never resented you, not once since the day I received that absurd magic quill pen as a gift. My only regret in my short life was you. I was afraid that you, left alone, would be in so much pain if I died…… I couldn’t even bring myself to tell you. The truth is, I’ve loved you for a long time…… it was better for you to forget me than to suffer alone.”
The blue waves in his eyes surged, threatening to overflow.
“Would you say that again, just once more?”
Anticipating the rough waves to crash over and engulf me, I asked back.
“Which part?”
Callisto opened his lips, but only his red tongue flickered, unable to form words.
I willingly parted my lips and repeated the words he longed to hear.
“I’ve loved you for a long time, of course.”
These were the feelings I wanted to show him, even if it meant tearing open my chest.
“You have no idea how anxious I was when you were away in Babenberg, afraid you wouldn’t return. You were the master of the Duchy now, so I thought you wouldn’t look back at someone like me. I’m too timid to stand by your side……”
Hot lips urgently overlapped mine, allowing me to barely stop confessing my foolish past.
I had kissed him several times before, but none of them had been this intense.
The fact that this strong, mountain-like man was trembling so much because of me made my heart clench with a newfound burden.
Embracing him with all my might wasn’t enough, but Callisto felt the same.
I was breathless and choked up.
When the man, who had been frantically exploring my lips, finally allowed a moment to breathe, I gasped and looked up at him.
The moment our heated gazes met, a heavy sincerity struck my ears.
“I love you.”
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Hot tears welled up in my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.
“I love you, Lou. You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to say those words.”
Forgetting to even wipe my wet cheeks, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Me too.”
And then, just before our lips met again, I managed to add,
“So, let’s get married now.”
A soft chuckle escaped my lips as our breaths mingled, as naturally as if they had always been one.
It took us such a long time to confess our feelings to each other.
He doesn’t need to know about all the long years I wandered lost.
But even if I had to wander aimlessly for even longer, if I could meet you again and love you at the end of that journey, I would choose that path again and again.
I would throw myself into the unknown, without knowing the end.
As long as I could meet you again and love you once more, even at the very last moment, I would gladly do it over and over again.
When I arrived at the ballroom, Lurik greeted me without much fanfare.
I lingered in the embrace of my brother, whom I had always considered the male protagonist of this story, a little longer than usual.
Of course, Lurik would only assume I was still shaken from Prillice’s accident.
He soon raised his voice, loud enough for those around us to hear.
“So, how was the former Tower Master?”
That was the official excuse for my absence from the Imperial Palace.
I answered proudly,
“Moghald-nim regained consciousness. It’s truly a relief.”
“Is that so?”
Lurik asked again, as if he hadn’t expected that answer. Just then, Helena appeared and greeted us.
“Your Highness.”
She embraced me tightly and whispered,
“How shocked you must have been. I was so worried……”
I offered Helena a gentle smile before answering Lurik.
“Yes. He opened his eyes, and we were able to converse. I promised to visit him again after the wedding ceremony.”
“That’s truly wonderful news.”
Lurik seemed genuinely delighted.
Knowing that Moghald had been injured while trying to protect him, Lurik must have been very concerned.
Moghald kept saying that all the misfortune was his fault, but that’s not true.
All he did was provide information.
The way that information was used was solely up to the former Emperor and Empress, and they chose the worst possible path.
At that moment, Ernst appeared with Jenais and greeted us.
“Welcome back, Your Highness.”
“Hello, Louise.”
I completely ignored Jenais and, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, extended my left hand to Ernst.
He naturally knelt on one knee, kissed the back of my hand, and rose.
“Thank you, Erni.”
“Always a pleasure to serve Flavi, Your Highness.”
By not acknowledging Jenais at all, I foreshadowed a revenge as long and cold as Babenberg’s winter.
My eldest sister, who still underestimated me, wouldn’t have understood my intentions in the slightest.
I then walked past the two of them and approached the nobles who had been waiting for me for almost a week.
“I apologize for my sudden absence. I heard that His Majesty has extended the banquet to compensate for my shortcomings as a sister. Will you all continue to join us?”
Callisto quickly came to my side and offered his hand.
As if taking my rightful place, I placed my hand on his white glove.
Among the nobles who were staring blankly at us, Viscount Pereira was the first to regain his composure.
“You have found a truly well-suited partner, Your Highness. I am honored to have the privilege of celebrating your new beginning in person.”
He bowed his head once more to Callisto.
“Congratulations, Grand Duke of Babenberg.”
Callisto’s reply was as concise as ever.
“Thank you, Viscount.”
With that, congratulations poured in from all directions.
“Congratulations, Your Highness. You look beautiful today as always.”
“Congratulations, Your Grand Duke.”
It felt like it would take half a day just to walk down the hallway, but I stood by Callisto’s side, meeting everyone’s gaze and smiling confidently.
“Thank you for coming.”
I wasn’t tired for a moment, nor was I shy or embarrassed.
Having overcome even the fate of death and now holding his hand, why should I care about the opinions of the Imperial nobles?
The banquets held during the remaining six days of my promised stay at the Imperial Palace with Lurik were incredibly enjoyable.
Had I died without knowing that Imperial banquets could be this much fun, I would have felt utterly wronged.
When I won the card game for the third time, Lurik frowned.
“Grand Duke, I thought my sister only studied at the Academy.”
Callisto exaggeratedly waved his hand.
“I only have memories of being constantly rejected for date requests, Your Majesty. I can’t even fathom where she honed her skills.”
Ernst chimed in.
“I was certainly the one who first introduced Your Highness to this game. Yet now, you play so boldly, as if you’re a different person. Surely, you must have learned from Her Grace?”
I chuckled and replied.
“It seems my luck with money improves when I’m by Cal’s side.”
As I swept up the winnings, the gold coins clinked together.
There’s no need to feel sorry for winning some money from my brother, Ernst, or Jenais while sitting here.
‘They’re all rich anyway.’
And there’s no need to mention that I spent enough time battling illnesses in South Korea to master a wide array of online card games.
Despite losing a considerable amount of money, Lurik spoke with a contented expression.
“Let’s stop here for today. Even though the Goddess of Crown seems to be smiling only on you, we should go to bed early for tomorrow’s departure.”
“Yes, brother.”
As I politely replied and rose from my seat, Callisto hastily followed to escort me to my room.
We slowly walked through the hallway, filled with the lively atmosphere of the banquet.
Callisto, gently holding my hand, spoke.
“Our regrettable parting will be soon.”
Puzzled, I turned to him, and he burst into laughter upon seeing my face.
“Oh dear, didn’t I tell you? In Babenberg, married couples share a bedroom. It’s a tradition.”
“What? Really?”
Really, my foot! It was undoubtedly a blatant lie.
During my last visit to Babenberg, I stayed in a perfectly normal Grand Duchess’s room.
However, if that’s what Callisto wanted, not a single employee in Babenberg would dare tell me the truth.
Seeing my astonished expression, he feigned disappointment and asked.
“Do you dislike sharing a room with me that much? If I had known, I would have prepared a separate room for you……”
Despite knowing exactly what he wanted to hear, I deliberately played dumb to buy some time.
“Hmm, even between a married couple, a certain level of courtesy is necessary……”
Then, just as Callisto’s expression began to genuinely darken, I added coyly.
“But if that’s your wish, I suppose there’s nothing I can do. The nights might be very short from next week onwards, so I should get plenty of sleep while I can, right?”
Callisto momentarily averted his gaze, and seeing his ears redden as he cleared his throat, I couldn’t help but feel playful.
We had just arrived at my room.
I softly whispered as I adjusted the collar of his shirt.
“You know, Cal?”
“……What is it?”
His voice had become noticeably deeper.
After a moment of hesitation, I met his gaze, which had finally settled on me, and replied.
“Actually, I didn’t forget anything about that night. I remember everything. What you did to me……”
At that moment, a large hand covered my mouth.
“Please, Lou.”
Callisto growled as he pushed me against the door.
“We’re not married yet. I’ve barely managed to appease your brother, His Majesty. Would you mind helping me avoid committing another shameless act of disrespect?”
With my mouth covered, I stared up at him and smiled playfully.
Callisto slowly pressed his lips against the back of my hand, which was still covering my mouth, and then pulled away.
“……But you’re right.”
Then, seeing the question mark in my eyes, he said coldly.
“The nights will be short in Babenberg, so it’s best to get some sleep here.”
Click, the doorknob turned behind me.
I barely managed to suppress the urge to pull him into the room.
As Callisto said, I had just barely managed to get my brother’s forgiveness. So, even if it felt like reuniting with the man I loved enough to risk my life for after a year, no, after 24 years, I had to hold back.
“Good night, Cal.”
He replied with a frown.
“……I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep, thanks to someone.”
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The door closed quietly.
I pressed my forehead against the door, standing close to it.
I could feel with absolute certainty that Callisto was still standing outside.
I gently placed my palm on the closed door.
It shouldn’t be possible, but I felt as if his body heat was being transmitted through the lukewarm wood.
The day to finally depart for Babenberg had arrived.
We had been thoroughly congratulated and had reciprocated sufficiently at the boisterous banquets that continued for over ten days.
This was because we had announced that only family would be attending the wedding ceremony in Babenberg.
―Knock, knock.
A knock sounded from early in the morning. When I opened the door, an unexpected guest had come to see me.
It was Jenais.
She was smiling radiantly, which was unusual for her, and opened a very luxurious velvet jewelry box.
Inside, there was a necklace with at least ten large and splendid emeralds linked together. If she had brought it as a gesture of remorse or reconciliation, Jenais had made a very foolish choice.
“Congratulations on your marriage, Louise. I wanted to congratulate you before the wedding ceremony.”
Jenais said with a smile that couldn’t have been sweeter.
However, when I didn’t respond, she added, a little awkwardly,
“I wish I had known that life was so unpredictable. Don’t you?”
Jenais continued to speak calmly in front of me, who remained silent.
“I…… made a lot of mistakes towards you when we were younger. It’s late, but as a token of apology……”
She closed the jewelry box and held it out to me.
“This is the most valuable piece of jewelry I own. I sincerely want to apologize.”
Her words were a little dubious.
The Pereira Marquisate operated the Fei Trading Company, which specialized in jewelry imports, and because of that, they had caught the eye of Empress Victoria a long time ago.
I took the jewelry box and placed it on the table with a careless gesture.
“Emeralds, nice.”
As expected, Jenais flinched at my words.
“But seeing this reminds me of a similar gift I received before, you know?”
That is, it was during the first Thanksgiving Festival banquet after I entered the Academy.
At that time, Jenais and Chilla gave me a necklace, saying that His Majesty had bestowed emeralds upon me, so I should wear it at the banquet.
However, even though I was the most neglected princess in the Imperial Palace, I was still a princess and Ernst’s friend.
Having seen Ernst’s collection of jewels, which he collected as a hobby and investment, more than once, I immediately recognized that the necklace my sisters offered was not made of emeralds.
But there was only one thing I could say.
“……I am deeply grateful for the Emperor’s grace.”
If my sisters enjoyed deceiving me, I had no choice but to endure it.
Also, although the necklace was peridot, not emerald, it was still a high-quality piece.
It was so convincing that those who didn’t know better could easily mistake it for emeralds, so I judged that it wouldn’t be too undignified for a princess to wear.
However, when I encountered my sisters wearing the necklace at the banquet, I realized that I had fallen into a trap again.
Jenais and Chilla both came out wearing necklaces of the same design as mine.
“Oh my, Your Highnesses, all of you are wearing the same necklace. How affectionate.”
When someone complimented them, Chilla said proudly,
“Not all princesses are the same.”
I clearly remember the shame of that day when dozens of pairs of eyes scanned my neck.
I stood there, speechless, with my face flushed red, unable to hide my necklace, which was only similar in shape but fundamentally different from my sisters’.
Someone who wanted to impress Chilla finally noticed the difference and burst into laughter.
“Aha, Your Highness’s necklace is a dark-colored peridot. Well, I suppose wearing ten precious jewels like emeralds would be a bit……”
When I couldn’t say anything and just endured it, Ernst came to my rescue.
Knowing that I had received a peridot necklace as a gift, he deliberately wore a peridot brooch to the banquet hall.
Of course, his was much larger and of higher quality than my necklace, but in any case, Ernst said,
“Peridot has the characteristic of shining even brighter at night, so it has been called the ‘Emerald of the Night’ since ancient times. The highest-priced jewel traded at the auction last spring was this peridot. Isn’t it beautiful?”
What can I say about Ernst’s beauty?
Thanks to him diverting the attention of others, I was able to barely escape.
And now, Jenais had brought the real emerald necklace she wore that day as a supposed apology.
‘She should be praying that I forgot about that incident, but is she as brainless as Chilla?’
Thinking that, I suddenly realized.
Jenais isn’t stupid enough to inadvertently bring up her old mistakes.
Rather, what she intended was……
‘Don’t act so high and mighty, remember your place, something like that, right?’
So, she had come to see me because she was resentful that I had ignored her throughout the banquet.
I sighed, a little tired.
It was understandable, considering that the time I spent in the parallel world was as long as my life.
‘And was that life a happy field of flowers?’
Jenais’s petty attacks no longer tickled me.
It couldn’t kill me slowly like a disease.
Looking at the clock, it was almost time for Callisto to arrive.
He liked to be punctual.
‘Callisto must be waiting outside the door by now.’
Without asking Jenais for permission, I abruptly opened the door.
Sure enough, Callisto was standing right there.
A sweet smile appeared on the expressionless man’s face, and he slowly bowed his head and kissed both my cheeks in greeting.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, did you, Cal?”
He entered the room only after I took a step back and then noticed Jenais.
Callisto and Jenais exchanged brief nods.
They were never on good enough terms to be genuinely pleased to see each other.
Looking at Jenais’s expression, it seemed like she felt uncomfortable interrupting the newlyweds, but what did it matter?
I opened the jewelry box containing the emerald necklace, which Jenais claimed was her most valuable possession, and showed it to Callisto, asking,
“Honey, don’t I have a lot of these in Babenberg?”
He cleared his throat, seemingly a bit surprised.
It must have been because I suddenly called him ‘honey,’ but in any case, Callisto quickly regained his composure and answered,
“Well, we have about thirty sets ready.”
However, when I blinked rapidly a few times, the number dramatically increased.
“No…… including the ones being newly made, eighty sets……?”
I smiled at Jenais.
“So, that’s how it is.”
Then, I closed the jewelry box with a snap and pushed it back to her.
I turned to Callisto and said,
“Honey, I want a trading company as a wedding gift.”
He now seemed to understand perfectly what I was doing.
Callisto wrapped his arms tightly around my waist from behind and brought his lips close enough to touch my earlobe.
Yet, he answered in a voice that wasn’t quiet at all,
“Which trading company? Just name it.”
“Hmm, among the trading companies in the southern part of the Empire…… I’d prefer one that deals with jewels.”
“Ah, I have a few in mind.”
Instead of pulling away from him, I leaned back against him more comfortably and looked at Jenais.
“……As expected, isn’t it?”
Turning my head slightly, I felt Callisto’s heartbeat against my cheek.
Jenais’s face was flushed red, and she tried to leave my room in a hurry, but I quickly grabbed her wrist.
“But, Unni, I have one more question for you.”
She looked like she wanted to spit at me, but she gritted her teeth and asked, mindful of Callisto’s presence,
“……What is it?”
So, I tilted my head as if I was genuinely curious and asked,
“Before my brother ascended to the throne, did you ever, even once, consider me family?”
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Ordinarily, Jenais would have pretended, but she was too flustered and enraged.
As a result, she couldn’t answer.
“Oh dear……”
I quietly added, as if feeling incredibly sorry for her.
“Then, unfortunately, you are not qualified to attend my wedding. I want my family’s genuine congratulations. Well then, Unni. Goodbye?”
After Jenais left the room looking as if she might cry, Callisto burst into laughter before the door could even close.
It was such a hearty laugh that I wondered if I had ever seen him so happy.
After laughing for a long time, Callisto finally spoke.
“I’ve always wondered why you didn’t do this sooner…… It feels so refreshing.”
Then, he nudged me, chuckling along, and asked subtly,
“So, what does our future Grand Duchess want?”
“Want, you say?”
I said, inching away from him as he subtly drew closer.
However, Callisto didn’t care and continued to approach.
Then, as if he had found my weakness, he clung to my words.
“You said you wanted something. You have to tell me clearly so I can prepare. A necklace? Or a trading company? Do you want Pereira’s Pay Trading Company?”
My legs touched the furniture behind me.
With nowhere left to retreat, I stopped and smiled at him.
“I just want Jenais to know what powerlessness feels like. The sadness that comes from it.”
Callisto shook his head, looking disappointed.
“The tone is different from before, so the negotiation has failed.”
Nevertheless, his hand that cupped my cheek was endlessly tender, and his blue eyes were filled with impatience.
I giggled and whispered,
“……Yes, honey.”
Callisto, breathing heavily, pressed his lips against mine.
He was desperate, as if he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“……As you wish.”
When our lips parted, he vowed in a low voice,
“It will all come true. I promise.”
Lost in the moment, I fell backward, pushed by him.
My back hit the bed, and the man was pressed against me, leaving no space between us.
A heartbeat, I couldn’t tell whose, pounded in my ears.
The shadow he cast was so large and dark that I momentarily forgot whether it was morning or night.
As always, the scent of the cool breeze emanating from him stole away what little sense I had left.
“Since you remember everything, I’ll say this now.”
Callisto began meaningfully.
“That day, it wasn’t me who laid you down. You remember that too, right?”
Instead of answering, I closed my eyes.
I savored the ecstatic warmth of his hot lips trailing across my skin.
I only wished that everything about him would be engraved deep within me, so that I would never forget anything again.
On my eyes and lips, on the tip of my nose and neck, and all over my body…… I wished his warmth would be engraved.
So that it could never be erased.
“You’ll come to the wedding ceremony, right?”
Even though our parting was a few days later than planned, Lurik had a very disappointed expression.
“Yes, of course.”
“I’ll visit often after that, Oraboni.”
I said sincerely, but he didn’t seem to believe me.
“Then you should quickly create a situation where you can definitely call me.”
“A situation where I can definitely call you……?”
I stood on tiptoe and whispered to Lurik.
“Oraboni should get married too, right?”
Lurik avoided my gaze, seemingly flustered.
‘Does he really think I don’t know about his relationship with Helena?’
So, I hugged Helena and said for everyone to hear,
“Then, I’ll leave Oraboni to you.”
Of course, it was natural to entrust the Emperor to the Saint, but it was a much more personal request than that.
Helena replied with a bright smile,
“Stay healthy, and please visit often.”
Perhaps thanks to being embarrassed by me, Jenais was nowhere to be seen.
Next, I said goodbye to Ernst.
“Thank you, Erni.”
Ernst would understand how much meaning was hidden in those words, no matter how many times I said them.
Because he knows everything about me.
Perhaps that’s why, instead of a formal greeting saying it was an honor, Ernst lightly asked,
“That wedding ceremony where only family attends, I’m invited, right? As far as I know, I’m your only friend……”
I choked up and hugged him.
“Of course, Erni. You can go wherever you wish. As long as it’s by our side.”
Ernst released me and looked up mischievously at Callisto.
At that look, as if asking for agreement, Callisto chuckled.
“Thank you, Crown Prince. I look forward to your congratulatory gift.”
Ernst finally smiled brightly.
“You won’t be disappointed, Sunbae.”
Some of the Babenberg Knights that Callisto brought with him passed through the gate first.
I hugged Lurik one last time.
“I’ll see you in a few days, Oraboni.”
He kissed my forehead and both cheeks for the first time in a while.
“More than anything, stay healthy.”
I smiled and nodded, then took Callisto’s hand.
Finally, we’re going to Babenberg.
“Ogoo goo goo, did our baby do well……?”
When we arrived in Babenberg, Prillice greeted us with a bright smile.
After spending a long time soothing the baby, I finally faced my loyal maid.
“……Your Highness.”
Phoebe’s eyes were red.
She was clearly still feeling guilty for not being able to protect the baby properly in Edessa.
“Thank you for being safe, Phoebe.”
As I said this while hugging her tightly, Phoebe burst into tears.
“I couldn’t keep my promise, Your Highness. I promised to protect Baby-nim with my life……”
I clicked my tongue, looking at Phoebe, who still couldn’t take off her bonnet because of her injury.
“Even the large knights in armor collapsed, what could Phoebe possibly do? I’m content that you’re safe like this. Fortunately, Prillice is fine too.”
“If there’s a next time, I will really……”
At that moment, Callisto cut Phoebe off with a chilling voice.
“Phoebe Nillo, your words are too harsh. Next time, you say? Do you think such a thing will happen in Babenberg, which I protect?”
Phoebe gasped and corrected herself.
“I apologize, Your Grace. I was just so sorry……”
“If, by any chance, there is a next time.”
Callisto said coldly once again.
“Survive then as well. So that my wife won’t be more saddened by your demise.”
Because he called me his wife even though we haven’t had the wedding ceremony yet, everyone struggled to hide their laughter and bowed their heads.
Phoebe finally answered with a smile on her lips.
“……Yes, Your Grace.”
Callisto softened his expression and reached out to the nanny.
“Let’s see how much our daughter has grown.”
As he took Prillice and lifted her to his shoulder, the baby, who could now fully support her head, burst into laughter.
“Hmm, has she gained some weight?”
Callisto asked, tilting his head as if he had no idea, and the nanny replied with a smile.
“Of course, Your Grace. She’s awake for much longer now, and she also looks at the mobile decorations we brought from Edessa.”
We all moved to the nursery while listening to the nanny’s explanation.
The hallway was warm.
Perhaps because of Prillice, the temperature inside Babenberg Castle seemed much higher than in the Imperial Palace.
Callisto, looking at Prillice with eyes full of honey, asked me,
“She resembles me, doesn’t she?”
“Of course, Cal.”
I giggled and linked my arm with his.
Prillice resembles Callisto.
It’s so obvious that it makes the past few months, when I doubted it, seem foolish.
Because only Callisto could be the father of my child.
That same evening, Callisto looked at the small, heavy wooden chest on his desk and asked the Chief Attendant,
“You say the Tower Master sent this?”
“Yes, Your Grace. It has a hazardous materials label and is even protected by a protective spell, so it has undergone a prior security check. Although it contains highly toxic substances, there is no risk of explosion.”
Callisto sighed with a troubled expression and dismissed the Chief Attendant.
He felt a lot of guilt towards the Tower Master.
Even if the Tower Master pretended to be fine in front of Louise and tried to vent his remaining resentment in other ways, Callisto wouldn’t have much to say.
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Moreover, because the opponent’s abilities were so outstanding, it took a bit of courage to even open the box that had passed through security.
However, it was not something that could be ignored.
Callisto slowly opened the box.
Inside, there were several small glass bottles packed with cushioning material, and a thin-looking letter.
Perhaps his subordinates couldn’t bring themselves to inspect the letter, as the terrifying black wax seal with the Tower Master’s insignia was intact.
‘What peculiar taste.’
Callisto carefully opened the letter.
Interrogation, torture drug
Causes sleepless nights and days, plagued by nightmarish hallucinations.
Interrogation, torture drug
Inflicts phantom pain as if being stabbed by tens of thousands of needles from head to toe.
Deadly poison
Causes death after three days of suffering with pain that feels like the heart is being ripped apart.
Deadly poison
Causes suffering with organs melting from the moment of ingestion, leading to death after a week.
Callisto flipped the letter back and forth, but it ended abruptly there, with not a single other sentence written.
Eventually, he put the letter down and took out the medicine bottles from the box one by one.
The bottles, each with a horrifying color, had name tags hanging from their necks, and below them, instructions for use were kindly written.
“Well, why would she antagonize the Tower Master……”
Callisto clicked his tongue, thinking of the reckless Second Princess.
Of course, it was time to proceed with the execution of the Second Princess and the former Duke of Damiani’s wife in some way.
If Louise agreed with the Emperor’s will, the execution would take place before the wedding ceremony.
‘There are plenty of poisons in Babenberg that can kill instantly.’
However, the Tower Master’s malice in choosing these particular drugs was quite like him.
One should be grateful that his target was someone else.
Callisto shook his head and closed the box.
Still, since it was a gift, he had to inform Louise.
The next morning.
Callisto showed Louise the wooden box and reluctantly told her that it was a gift from the Tower Master.
It was a topic he didn’t want to discuss at all on a new morning in Babenberg, but he couldn’t postpone the execution of the criminals indefinitely.
In fact, he had expected Louise to vaguely avoid the answer and leave the decision to him, but unexpectedly, she opened the box immediately, her red eyes shining.
“Medicine sent by Ren? What are the effects?”
Callisto had to choose his words carefully.
He hadn’t brought the Tower Master’s letter from his office.
‘Perhaps he didn’t want to convey the truth as it is.’
If he had, he would have sent it directly to Louise.
“Well, it seems Ren Dapht is angry. To be honest, there weren’t many medicines that seemed actually useful. Mostly malicious……”
“Malicious? How malicious?”
Callisto flinched and looked at his future wife.
Because her question sounded as if she wanted the maximum amount of malice.
He had no choice but to carefully choose his words and explain.
“There are plenty of poisons in Babenberg that can end a life instantly. Of course, such a peaceful death is not appropriate for them. They deserve at least a hanging……”
“These? Do they cause a more painful death?”
Callisto’s silver eyelashes blinked slowly.
He was inwardly surprised, but then he chuckled and spoke more honestly.
“……Actually, I hear they cause an excessively painful death. And very slowly. There are even some that aren’t just poison.”
“If they’re not just poison, then what are they?”
When Callisto explained the rest of the medicines, Louise showed interest in the torture drugs.
“They see nightmarish hallucinations?”
He nodded, and Louise asked again.
“Where is Chilla?”
Only then did Callisto hesitate for a moment.
“There’s no reason for you to meet her directly. It’s not a pleasant sight……”
“She tried to harm my baby. She shattered the hearts of my friends. She made them live in a ridiculous lie for almost a year.”
Louise’s red eyes were filled with anger.
It seemed that the long-standing feud between her and her half-sister was not even a reason for this anger.
He didn’t know when the innocent girl who always stimulated his protective instincts had grown so much.
It wasn’t the right situation, but Callisto felt strangely thirsty at Louise’s new side.
“……Do you want to go see her yourself?”
Louise nodded without hesitation and added,
The Second Princess had already been imprisoned for a long time and had been subjected to strict dietary restrictions.
Although Callisto hadn’t seen her himself, the Second Princess was probably in such a weakened state that she couldn’t even look up at anyone properly.
He didn’t want Louise to hear even a single harsh word, but her gaze was too firm.
Callisto had no choice but to nod and ask,
“Are you going right now?”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to come with you?”
Callisto asked at the entrance to the underground prison.
I lightly kissed his cheek to reassure him.
“I won’t stay long. I don’t want to see her for that long either.”
Callisto let out a low sigh and lowered his head to steal a quick kiss from my lips.
“I hate for you to hear any unnecessary harsh words.”
I chuckled and looked up at him.
“I don’t want you to hear me say any harsh words, Cal.”
“As if you would ever say anything harsh.”
He said it mockingly, but he doesn’t know.
I lived for over 20 years in a country with a very diverse vocabulary of curses, and I remember most of them.
“I’ll be back, Cal.”
“If it’s alright, I’d like to wait here.”
Because Callisto spoke so earnestly, I had to change my original answer, which was to tell him to go back to the room.
“As you wish. What is there to hesitate about in a castle where even a single step belongs to Your Excellency?”
His lips touched mine once more.
“Even a single step is yours. I only need you and Prillice.”
He called a guard and had him escort me to where Chilla was imprisoned.
Of course, he didn’t forget to ask him to ensure my safety.
“Then, I’ll see you later.”
Leaving behind the sweetness of my lover, the path to see my half-sister, whom I didn’t even want to look at, was naturally unpleasant.
But I had to meet Chilla.
Because she wasn’t showing the slightest remorse, because she refused to apologize to me, I hoped she would give me an excuse to use Ren’s terrifying magic drugs.
“This is the place, Your Highness.”
The guard politely explained and stepped back.
He didn’t go far, and at some point, a much larger number of guards than when I first entered had positioned themselves nearby.
It seemed Callisto had sent down additional personnel to replace him.
Honestly, if it weren’t for the guard’s guidance, I wouldn’t have recognized Chilla.
My half-sister, who had reigned over me all my life, had become a completely different person, except for her vivid red hair.
Her whole body, which Ren had burned, emitted a foul odor even from afar.
It seemed Callisto had treated her just enough to keep her alive.
She was sitting blankly, and didn’t even notice me approaching for a long time.
I know the former Duke of Damiani is also imprisoned, but he wasn’t nearby, perhaps kept at a distance.
I quietly watched Chilla and finally spoke.
“Are you in pain?”
A pair of broken eyes slowly turned towards me and shed bloody tears.
She looked so terrifying that I feared she might appear in my dreams, but I didn’t avoid her.
There was no reason to do so after coming this far.
Chilla slowly, but seemingly leisurely, burst into laughter.
Of course, it took me a while to realize that the strange sound was laughter.
“Don’t be hypocritical.”
But I wasn’t being hypocritical.
I asked if she was in pain because I simply hoped she was.
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Anyway, her voice was completely different from what I knew.
However, Chilla stubbornly spoke, even though each word sounded like it was being scraped out of her throat.
“You think you’re an innocent victim? You think I deserve to wither away here, having paid the price for my sins? You probably don’t feel even a shred of guilt, do you? Tch!”
She spat at me, but even that lacked strength, landing on the stone floor right in front of where she sat.
So I gestured to the guards who flinched and tried to approach, stopping them.
“I couldn’t even scratch your baby. I couldn’t sneak into your man’s bed, and it was my brother, not yours, who died as the host of the magic sword!”
I asked in genuine bewilderment,
“So you’re saying it’s my fault that all those things failed because you and your parents were incompetent?”
Chilla tried to shout something but coughed painfully.
I was worried she might just die pathetically.
I continued slowly,
“……When we were young, you have no idea how desperately I tried to get your attention. My brother was always busy, and the Imperial Palace always revolved around you.”
Chilla stopped coughing and giggled.
“That’s right. You were so funny, trying so hard. As if your efforts could change your lowly bloodline. Disgusting.”
“……Let’s say you hated me. Let’s say you couldn’t stand me because my mother being a commoner hurt your inflated ego as a royal.”
If she hated me because the Emperor took my mother, a much younger woman, as his concubine while her mother was still alive, then I could at least understand.
“But what about daring to give Ren the magic potion? And to Ernst?”
Chilla’s distorted face showed a strange glint in her golden eyes.
She asked back as if she had been asked an incomprehensible question.
“What does it matter what I give to some Crown Prince of a vassal kingdom? What does it matter what I give to some lowly Tower Master!”
“Then what about my baby……? My baby, who is half royal, my blood, and of the noble Babenberg direct lineage? Didn’t you feel anything when you tried to throw that newborn baby out the window?”
Chilla screamed,
“Ah, that steaming hot bastard who can’t even reveal his birth? That child is quite pitiful too! If he had died then, he wouldn’t have had to know about his dirty birth secret!”
I finally smiled, pulling the corners of my lips up as if I had heard good news.
Now I could end this horrible encounter.
“Thank you, Chilla.”
Chilla’s broken face crumpled even more.
“Thank you for allowing me to not show you mercy, for letting me try my friend’s gift, for the first time in my life, thank you.”
I took out a strange, glossy purple potion bottle from my pocket and handed it to the guard.
“Would you please feed this to her?”
Perhaps because my position was not yet that of the Grand Duchess, the guard hesitated for a moment.
Then Leander appeared from the corner and spoke sternly.
“What are you doing, not obeying immediately!”
It seemed he had been among the guards who came down late.
“I, I apologize.”
The guard hastily bowed and received the bottle.
Another guard opened the iron bars, and two others entered the cell and grabbed Chilla’s head and body.
Mad laughter erupted from the dark cell, even though it was morning.
“Are you finally going to kill me? The weak Louise, the impatient, foolish, stupid Louise……”
Now I see that Chilla seems to have deliberately provoked me, hoping I would kill her.
I delayed my answer for a moment until she willingly swallowed the medicine.
Since I hadn’t told the guard how to administer it, he simply poured half of the magic potion down Chilla’s throat.
Chilla swallowed the horrible medicine and inhaled as if welcoming death.
Only then did I tell her,
“The name of that medicine is Triatin.”
It was a name that Chilla, let alone anyone around her, would surely not know.
My voice was small, but it was enough to echo through the quiet cell.
“That’s not poison. It just makes you unable to sleep while seeing horrible hallucinations. They say even a spoonful can make the symptoms last for about a week.”
Chilla belatedly tried to vomit the medicine, but it wouldn’t be easy with her wrists and ankles bound.
“Sweet dreams, sister.”
With that, I bid farewell to Chilla.
It would take weeks for the effects of the medicine to wear off.
Seeing her condition, it would be a miracle if she even survived that long.
“I will escort you, Your Highness.”
Leander guided me back to the entrance of the prison and said with concern,
“It would have been enough to just hand over the potion bottle. You went through unnecessary trouble.”
I stared up at the Knight Commander.
“Are you not disappointed in me? Am I different from the person Cal described?”
He tilted his head slightly and replied,
“His Grace has rarely spoken to me about the future Grand Duchess. Of course, the scene I just witnessed in the prison……”
Leander paused for a moment to choose his words, then slowly continued,
“Yes, to be honest, it was unexpected. I thought you would cry.”
Then he added quite cheerfully,
“I’m rather relieved that you’re stronger than you look. To be honest, I thought I would be serving someone who faints every time they see something unpleasant, but now I have a glimmer of hope that it might not be so bad.”
I let out a hollow laugh at the Knight Commander’s words, which I couldn’t tell were praise or insults.
“……Do you think His Grace will think the same?”
Leander smiled with a slightly bewildered expression at the question I hesitantly added.
“As I said, His Grace hasn’t said much to me about you, but one thing is for sure. No matter who you are, Your Highness, His Grace is more than capable and willing to handle it.”
He added, as if putting a period at the end of his sentence,
“His Grace has many abilities in various areas.”
I smiled brightly at the Knight Commander, whose faith in his lord was as strong as a mountain.
“Thank you for your opinion.”
Meanwhile, we had arrived at the prison gate.
As the door opened, I saw Callisto, looking anxious.
“Lou, are you alright?”
He didn’t even know I had brought the potion.
He was only worried about my well-being, like a child left by the water, without even imagining the horrible thing I had done inside.
I shrugged and replied,
“I’m fine. Someone else is not.”
Callisto hugged me tightly as if he hadn’t heard the rest of my words.
“I was worried because you took longer than I expected. Why didn’t you come in with me?”
The sound of the door closing came from behind.
It seemed Leander chose to return to the prison rather than watch his lord’s display of affection.
I quietly caught my breath in Callisto’s broad embrace.
“I just wanted to do it alone.”
Callisto sighed.
“Don’t tell me you did it because you were afraid I would pity the woman who dared to throw my daughter out the window, who persecuted my wife for her entire life. If I haven’t given you that much trust yet, then I’m truly unqualified.”
Ah, now I see that he seems to have guessed what I had done.
Perhaps he knew and pretended not to when I subtly hid the potion bottle in my sleeve.
“That’s not true, Cal,”
Of course, I know that Callisto has been the recipient of Chilla’s persistent affection for a long time.
But that wasn’t the petty reason why I didn’t go with Callisto.
I had no choice but to whisper the truth.
“Actually, I was afraid I wouldn’t be the person Cal loves. I was afraid you would be disappointed in me.”
His bewildered sigh faded near my ear.
“That’s ridiculous.”
He released his arms from around me, took my hand, and led me up the stairs.
“This morning, when you were talking about Chilla and getting angry……”
As I followed him up the stairs, Callisto’s low voice echoed down the hallway.
“This might sound strange, but my heart was racing.”
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝟖
For a moment, I thought we were talking about different things.
However, Callisto continued speaking seriously, his ear tips slightly red.
“I was a bit surprised too, you know. By the fact that you can still make me fall for you.”
I opened my lips blankly, then closed them again without making a sound.
I held my breath until we reached the end of the stairs, and as soon as we arrived at the long hallway, I had to run away to my room as if escaping.
“Let’s go together, Lou.”
The shameless man’s voice followed from behind, unhurried.
I closed my eyes tightly and moved my feet quickly.
Come to think of it, Leander’s assessment of my lord seems to have been very accurate.
After a few days, the guests who would attend the wedding arrived.
I thought the only guests would be my brother, Helena, and Ernst, but there was one unexpected person.
I heard a rumor that a non-mage had appeared at the gate and ran diligently to find him, but even after seeing Moghald in front of me, I couldn’t easily believe it.
He was still thin and leaning on a cane, but somehow he had managed to come here on his own.
He saw me and smiled faintly.
“Has this old man come to an uninvited place without any sense?”
“What are you talking about……”
I choked up and approached him, carefully hugging him.
“Are you already allowed to move around? Did Ren say it was okay?”
Then Moghald glared and said.
“Since when has this old man moved according to the words of that reckless young boy? It should be the other way around.”
The two chief wizards of the Magic Tower, who had escorted him, shook their heads so that only I could see and explained in a small voice.
“The Tower Master was furious. However, no one could stop him……”
Come to think of it, Ren didn’t personally assist his teacher, who had difficulty moving, and instead sent other wizards along.
Even though he wished me happiness, he didn’t want to see the wedding.
Indeed, a choice befitting Ren.
I said to the wizards.
“Please feel free to ask for anything you need. I will provide you with any convenience during your stay.”
Moghald made a playful joke.
“If it’s too comfortable, I might not go back? This old man is no longer useful in the Magic Tower, and there’s nowhere that calls for me……”
I scoffed and supported one of his arms, leaning my head against him gently.
“You can stay as long as you like. I might hear some complaints from Ren about stealing his teacher from him, but what does it matter?”
Just then, the nanny appeared with Prillice.
As soon as she heard that Moghald had come, she ran towards the gate and sent a message to bring Prillice as well.
“……Oh my.”
Moghald even handed his cane to an attendant and reached out to Prillice.
“Our precious Baby-nim, it is. A new star has risen on the continent.”
Prillice didn’t know how to be shy yet, so she smiled brightly even in the arms of the old mage she was meeting for the first time.
“Our Baby-nim……”
Moghald’s eyes were red.
“The most wonderful thing I’ve done in my life…… Truly, I have no regrets or lingering attachments.”
I, too, could only answer with tears welling up in my eyes.
“Thank you so much. Really, thank you so much……”
Callisto, who had appeared at some point, bowed deeply to Moghald.
“Thank you sincerely for what you have done for Prillice and Louise. I will repay this grace with everything Babenberg has and with myself.”
Moghald burst into laughter.
“Perhaps because you’ve become a father, Your Highness has become quite generous. Are you saying that knowing what this greedy old man will ask for?”
Callisto’s blue eyes met Moghald’s without wavering.
“Anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”
“Ah, then……”
Moghald smiled meaningfully and then continued.
“For now, could you prepare a room for me near Baby-nim’s room? This old man is frail and even standing still is quite difficult.”
Callisto chuckled.
“I will carry you on my back if I have to.”
After all the guests from the Magic Tower received their rooms, Callisto attached two attendants to Moghald and asked them to take the utmost care of him.
He also said he would call his personal physician for a consultation, but Moghald vehemently refused that.
“I know my body better than any physician. If Your Highness does not consider the former Tower Master as a useless old man, let this be enough.”
Callisto had no choice but to back down.
After only the attendants were left, I was about to leave the room after saying goodbye so that the tired mage could rest.
Moghald took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to me.
When I looked at him in puzzlement, he explained.
“It’s Ren’s wedding gift. He said he couldn’t attend the wedding because he wasn’t feeling well from making this in a hurry?”
I laughed at the insincere excuse but carefully accepted the box.
When I opened the box, there was a small teaspoon inside, unexpectedly.
“A teaspoon……?”
I tilted my head at the unexpected gift, and Moghald said.
“Actually, it’s probably the pharmacists, not Ren, who overexerted themselves making that. They say they made it to react to all known magic potions.”
I paused for a moment and looked at the teaspoon.
With its smooth curves, it looked very ordinary on the outside.
I slowly closed the lid of the box and held it very preciously.
Then, I spoke as if apologizing to the mage who cherished Ren more than anyone else.
“……I hurt Ren. I don’t deserve to receive such a gift from him.”
“If Your Highness truly hurt Ren, if you made him very unhappy.”
Moghald spoke very firmly, despite his weak voice, and then added.
“Instead of offering you such a gift, he would have sent you a fragrant poison. He’s the kind of person who repays what he receives.”
“That’s not true. Ren is……”
I defended him, but it was no use.
Moghald raised his eyebrows slightly and then cut me off.
“He’s especially lenient with Your Highness. But don’t tell me you don’t even know that’s not how Ren usually is.”
I let out a long sigh.
Even I can’t deny that Ren is a cold and calculating person.
However, I also know that he will go through fire and water to protect his people, and I have lived more safely and comfortably within his protection than anyone else.
Moghald smiled.
“It’s just a small gift compared to his feelings. Please understand that it takes him a little time to empty those feelings.”
I slowly nodded towards his teacher, holding the gift box.
“Then please rest well, Moghald-nim.”
Moghald, weakened, could no longer kneel before me, but he still took one of my hands and kissed it politely.
“Let’s meet in two days in your most beautiful form, my fair Highness.”
The two days flew by.
The morning sun, which always seemed the same, was so dazzling, probably because of the man who would be with me from today.
—Knock, knock, knock.
A very hasty knock sounded for such an early morning, and the door burst open.
“Alright, Your Highness. Today, I’m going to show off my skills!”
Phoebe’s triumphant voice broke my hopeful and peaceful reverie.
“Of course you will, Phoebe.”
Behind Phoebe, Chacha and Collie entered like baby ducks following their mother.
“I’m in charge of the hair ornaments today, especially.”
“I’m in charge of the ribbons!”
I didn’t bother asking what kind of ribbons.
It would be useless even if I objected.
The three of them spent the entire morning soaking me in the bathtub, pulling me out, and applying something from head to toe to make me shine.
They only gave me grapes for breakfast.
I called my loyal maid in a doubtful voice.
Phoebe examined the perfect dress as if there were still parts to be fixed, and after a long while, she answered absentmindedly.
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“……Does Cal know that you’re starving me with only grapes and tormenting me all morning so I can’t move?”
Then Collie put her hands together as if praying.
“Please, Your Highness. If the Master knows that we participated in this, he won’t forgive us.”
Chacha also chimed in tearfully.
“My position as the nanny’s assistant might disappear!”
However, unlike the twin sisters, Phoebe only answered with a stern face.
“It’s not acceptable for the groom to see the bride’s face before the wedding.”
When Phoebe finally lifted the dress, Chacha and Collie quickly grabbed it from both sides.
“Then shall we really begin now?”
I couldn’t bring myself to ask what they had been doing until now.
Even if I had asked, Phoebe wouldn’t have answered.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝟗
The sun had already begun to set in the west.
I stood there, gazing at the unbelievable garden where all the flowers had bloomed in a single day.
The rain of flower petals and the sudden disappearance of the landscaping trees in a certain section were also fascinating, but the most astonishing sight was my older brother standing at the end of the flower path.
“……Older Brother?”
Lurik stood tall under the blue sky, dressed in the imperial attire.
His red cape billowed and settled like a giant flower in the early summer breeze, which was cool even in the north.
His usually stoic face, slightly tense and more hardened than usual, softened as he spotted me.
“……You’re beautiful.”
Then, with a smile gracing his lips, he extended his gloved hand towards me.
‘I never imagined I’d be walking down this path holding my brother’s hand.’
Tears welled up in my eyes, but I calmly raised my hand and placed it on his palm.
As Lurik slowly took a step forward, he spoke in a low voice.
“If you ever feel the Grand Duke isn’t treating you properly, draw a broccoli on a letter and send it to me.”
I tilted my head, puzzled by his odd words, and then burst into laughter.
Broccoli was the vegetable I used to hate as a child, secretly throwing it on the floor when I didn’t want to eat it.
Thanks to that, my tense limbs felt a little lighter.
I took my first step onto the flower path, following my brother.
“Then, are you going to start a war?”
On both sides of the path, Babenberg’s courtiers and a few guests from the Empire and Flavi were scattered.
The number of guests was small, but their affectionate gazes fervently cheered us on.
Lurik replied leisurely.
“Until I marry and have children, Prillice is first in line for the throne, so I can rightfully do so.”
I smiled brightly, my teeth showing, as I received my brother’s peculiar congratulatory message.
“Please congratulate me with better words, Your Majesty.”
He, who had been looking straight ahead, finally turned to me.
“Be happy, Lou. Send letters often.”
“……I’ll send them so often that you’ll be annoyed. Thank you, Older Brother.”
Lurik squeezed my hand tightly and then let go.
“At the end of those long days when I wanted to give up, you’re the one who pulled me to the Emperor’s throne. I’m the one who should be thankful.”
By then, we had already passed the middle of the flower path.
In the distance, I saw Callisto, dressed in a black uniform.
As always, the moment I saw him, magic happened.
The showering flower petals, the applause of the people, all faded away, and his scent, still quite far away, lingered around the tip of my nose.
The person who had been at the center of all my choices from the beginning, the axis of my world.
I took a deep breath and continued walking towards him.
Finally, my brother placed my hand in his, and we clasped hands tightly.
As if we would never let go again.
The priest spoke before the podium about the history of Babenberg and the duties of a married couple, but my ears were ringing, and I couldn’t hear a word properly.
After a while, Callisto placed a diamond ring, the size of a thumbnail, on my finger and lowered his head to kiss me.
Finally, the priest declared.
“I hereby pronounce Grand Duke Callisto Veil Babenberg and Princess Louise Amelie Kaya Brentania as husband and wife.”
That was the only thing I remember the priest saying.
“Where did Older Brother go?”
Although it was a small family wedding, the banquet hall was bustling with festive energy.
But when I came to my senses, my brother and Helena had disappeared.
Callisto chuckled and replied.
“Well, wouldn’t he have gone to see our daughter?”
We were planning to officially announce the birth of our heir about a year later, so Prillice was staying upstairs with her nanny and not attending the wedding.
Of course, she’s still too young to be out and about meeting people.
Callisto put down the wine glass he was holding and reached out to me.
“Shall we go too then?”
A little flustered and hesitant, he coughed and retorted in a low voice.
“Who was it that needlessly provoked someone who was holding back with great effort?”
But that was already last week!
Callisto whispered in my ear.
“I’ve been having a hard time since that day, with you appearing in my dreams every time I go to bed.”
His blue eyes, which I glanced up at, were so serious that I laughed like a sigh and put down my glass.
Then, I approached him, who was standing as if waiting for a judgment, and lightly linked my arm with his.
“But the sun has just set, Cal……”
However, Callisto, as if he couldn’t wait any longer, lowered his head and kissed me.
“Yes, the sun has set. More than three hundred times since that night.”
I fanned myself with the hand that wasn’t holding his arm.
Callisto led me, his long legs striding quickly, out of the banquet hall.
Pretending not to notice me struggling to keep up with him, he walked quickly down the hallway and finally, upon reaching the stairs, he swept me up in his arms.
“Oh my goodness, Cal……”
It seemed he couldn’t even wait for me to carefully climb the stairs one by one in my long, flowing wedding dress.
The servants scattered and disappeared as if on cue with every step we took.
When we arrived at the master bedroom Callisto had mentioned, the maids who were still tidying up the room were startled and rushed out.
The door closed behind us with a click.
Someone’s care had been poured into every detail, from my hairstyle and dress ornaments to the ribbons tying the bed curtains, but Callisto, as if he couldn’t see any of it, placed me directly on the bed.
Even though I hadn’t walked a single step and had been carried all the way to the room, my heart was pounding as if I had just run a marathon.
Carrying me wouldn’t have been that difficult for him, but Callisto was also breathing heavily.
Our nervous gazes met under the dim lighting.
The question he had been holding back for the past week escaped from between his lips.
“You remember everything…… without forgetting, right?”
I slowly nodded.
Callisto smirked, one corner of his mouth lifting.
“Then, do you remember what you did next?”
I moistened my dry lips.
With stiff hands, I grabbed the ribbon at my bodice, untying it and slowly pulling it loose.
He watched my actions intently, then finally lowered his head.
His lips against my ear were unusually hot, and his kiss was wetter than ever before.
His husky voice lingered in my ear.
“Looking back, I wonder if everything that happened that day was really my fault. What do you think, Lou?”
His intimidating tone sent shivers down my spine.
I gulped, feeling as if I was getting a glimpse of the true nature of the man who had always been so gentle with me.
“Well…… And, from this point on…… I don’t remember.”
I tried to deny it, but I had already untied my dress bodice completely.
When I looked up at him at the sound of his low chuckle, Callisto’s blue eyes were shining coldly.
“……Well, it’s fine.”
His large hand grasped me in a different way than before.
“I’ll make sure you don’t forget a single thing from now on.”
And he did exactly as he promised.
Sunlight tickled my eyelashes, and I slowly opened my eyes.
Before me, the perfectly sculpted shoulders of a man gleamed, reflecting the bright sunlight.
Only then did I feel relieved that all of this wasn’t a dream, and that the man before me was my husband.
I remembered the summer night when I had impulsively grabbed Callisto, fueled by alcohol.
That night, when I had used up all my courage, I actually had to swallow back tears several times.
Even though I felt his presence when he left at dawn, I pretended not to notice.
Because that would make it more natural for me to pretend I didn’t remember that night.
After Callisto left and the bed grew cold, I cursed my fate and cried endlessly.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that our treasure would come to us on that precious night, the only one of its kind.
Callisto was sleeping unguarded, showing a side of him he hadn’t shown that day.
His cheeks, so transparent that his veins were visible, his silver eyelashes, his pale lips……
Despite all those delicate and beautiful features that made up his face, his high nose bridge and straight forehead stood out……
Finally, I could observe them openly without hesitation, and his rosy lips twitched slightly.
His silver eyelashes lifted, revealing his sparkling blue eyes.
My reflection appeared clearly in his clear irises, then gradually narrowed and curved softly.
“You’re going to wear me out from the morning. So, what are your first impressions after admiring your husband?”
It was an arrogant question from someone who knew all too well how attractive he was, but I had only one answer.
“At every crossroads of choice, I’m glad I chose you.”
His lips parted, and a bright smile, rarely seen, bloomed on his face.
“I think exactly the same.”
Sweet affection welled up between our overlapping lips.
It was a happy morning, not because it was the end, but because it was a new beginning.
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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Choosing the Baby’s Father From the Following𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!
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