
Anime With Good Plot, But One Thing Makes It Unwatchable: My ‘Black Clover’ Criticism


Let’s be real, we all have that anime, the one with a plot so good it makes you want to devour every episode, but then there’s that one thing, that one goddamn thing that just makes it unwatchable. Like watching your crush text someone else, it’s just painful to witness.

We’re talking about those shows that could have been masterpieces, but they went and messed it up with some glaring flaws.

Today, we’re going to dive deep into this dark side of anime, dissecting those shows that have almost everything going for them, but then…boom! It all falls apart.

It’s Like Finding A Perfect Pizza, But They Used Pineapple Instead Of Cheese

You know that feeling. You’re hyped up, ready to devour this amazing plot, but then, bam! That one element hits you like a bad pizza topping, leaving you questioning your entire existence.

Think about it. It’s like finding the perfect pizza, except instead of mozzarella cheese, they decided to use pineapple. Or imagine getting a brand new car, but the seats are made of sandpaper. That’s what we’re talking about.

Black Clover: A World of Magic, But Where’s The Character Depth?

Take Black Clover for example. We’ve got a world filled with magic, epic battles, and a compelling journey of two orphans striving to become the Wizard King. We’re talking about a plot that could rival Game of Thrones, right? But then, boom, we hit the character development wall.

The Girls Always Simp: A Painful Reality

Black Clover’s female characters are one of the biggest reasons why people can’t watch the show. They’re constantly simping over Asta, who’s like a walking, talking hype machine. Now, I love a good simp, but it’s pretty clear that the show isn’t interested in giving these women any real depth. They’re basically just there to scream about Asta’s magical prowess.

It’s Like Watching a Romantic Comedy Where The Female Lead Is Just a Sidekick

It’s like watching a romantic comedy where the female lead is just a sidekick, and the movie is really about the male lead’s journey. Sure, the girl might have some cool moments, but her whole purpose is to be in love with the guy.

But Why Does This Make The Show Unwatchable?

Here’s the deal. You can’t have a good story without well-developed characters. They’re the heart and soul of the narrative, the ones we connect with and invest in. When the characters are shallow or underdeveloped, it makes the story feel hollow and emotionally empty.

It’s Like Watching a Movie With Amazing Special Effects But No Story

Imagine watching a movie with incredible special effects, but no plot. It’s visually impressive, but it doesn’t hold your attention.

That’s what Black Clover feels like. It’s got all the flashy magic and exciting action, but the lack of character depth makes it feel like a hollow experience. You’re watching the characters go through the motions, but you don’t really care about what happens to them.

Here’s What Makes This Issue So Frustrating:

  • It’s A Missed Opportunity: Black Clover has all the ingredients to be an amazing anime. But it’s missing that crucial ingredient: believable, complex characters. It’s like having a perfect recipe, but forgetting to add the salt.
  • It’s Unrealistic: Let’s face it, real women are way more complex than the characters in Black Clover. We have ambitions, goals, and our own stories to tell. We’re not just waiting around to be rescued by some guy.
  • It’s Cliché: Black Clover’s female characters fall into all the typical anime clichés: the tsundere who secretly loves the protagonist, the innocent girl who’s always in danger, and the strong female warrior who exists solely to fight alongside the male protagonist.

So, Why Do People Still Watch It?

We get it. You’re probably wondering why people even bother watching Black Clover with these glaring character flaws.

Here’s the thing: sometimes, the plot is just that good. It’s like eating a delicious pizza, even though it has pineapple on it. You know it’s not perfect, but you can’t deny that it’s still enjoyable.

But Here’s The Catch:

The character development in Black Clover is just so frustrating that it eventually becomes a major turn-off. You find yourself just waiting for the show to end because the constant simping and lack of depth just becomes exhausting.

It’s Like Watching a Friend Go Through A Toxic Relationship:

You keep watching, hoping that things will change. But, it’s just the same old story, over and over again. You know it’s not good for your friend, but you can’t stop watching.

So, What’s The Verdict?

Black Clover is a show that has the potential to be great, but it falls flat because of its weak character development, especially when it comes to its female characters.

It’s like that one friend who always has the best ideas but never follows through. The plot is there, the world is amazing, but the characters are just not convincing enough to make you truly care about what happens to them.

So, if you’re looking for a show with well-developed characters and a compelling story, Black Clover might not be for you. However, if you can look past the frustrating character development, you might find yourself enjoying the plot, the action, and the overall world building.

But, be warned: you might just end up feeling like you’re watching your crush text someone else. And trust me, it’s not a pleasant experience.

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