
Completed ― I’m Going to Marry a Poor Count in the Middle of Nowhere and I’m Going to Work Hard to Reform My Territory

Chapter 1: False Accusation

“How could you, Angelique!”

When Angelique was called into the schoolyard, her hazel eyes widened. Her auburn hair shimmered slightly as she was surrounded by a group of young ladies.

The school’s most prominent group, made up entirely of high-ranking aristocrats, surrounds her. Angelique, the Duke’s first daughter, is a reluctant member.

“Who told you that Felice and I gossiped about Charlotte?!”

Well, you said it in the hallway. I think you rather wanted us to hear what you said.

Angelique looked at Emmeline without saying anything.

Felice followed, her face flushed.

“I was surprised when Charlotte told me. We didn’t hate Charlotte at all!”

Maybe you didn’t hate her, but you thought she was stupid. You were the one who laughed at her and looked down on her and said she would never get married because of her freckles and straight hair. But personally, I don’t remember saying anything against Charlotte.

Angelique looked into Felice’s face without saying anything.

“I heard that you were the one who put nails in mine and Felice’s shoes!”

“You’re the one who smeared ink all over Emmeline’s clothes!”

“What are you talking about?”

Emmeline and the others went on to describe other minor incidents for which they claimed she was to blame, as well as who and how she did it.

They claimed to have discovered Angelique as the perpetrator of all these incidents.

What on earth are they talking about?

“You’re not going to get away with this anymore.”

There’s no excuse, because I don’t know anything about any of this.

Felice and Emmeline gave her a grim look as her mouth fell open, unable to speak.

Angelique was also watched by Felice’s and Emmeline’s friends, who were standing behind them.

“Fufu, I heard that your engagement to Ernest-sama has been broken off.”

“Eh? My engagement has been broken off?”

“Yes. A lowly lady who tries to deceive others is not a suitable match for the second prince!”

“Wait a minute. What are you talking about?”

Ernest hadn’t told her.

“You have no idea? The whole school was talking about it the other day.”

I don’t know. I have no idea.

“His Majesty finally got wind of it and Ernest-sama voiced his opinion, after which he decided to break off the engagement.”

“He’s breaking off the engagement?”

“Fufu, yes. I’m sure the Duke of Montana is already furious.”

“What an insult to the illustrious Duke of Montana.”


Angelique was taken aback when she heard the ladies laugh.


She is not interested in her engagement to Ernest. But it is not her intention to make her father’s situation worse.


What happened, and how did it happen? What exactly do you mean by “done wrong”? Am I supposed to be mean to whom?

Her mind was racing with questions. She had no idea what had happened. She could only state the obvious.

“This is all a false accusation…”

But the ladies’ laughter drowned out Angelique’s mutterings.

Chapter 2: Ernest

Angelique ran back to the castle quickly. Frederick, the butler, was waiting for her and led her to the private rooms of her father, the Duke of Montan.

“Oto-sama, there must be some mistake!”

“Sigh, they claim they have all the evidence. Don’t try to talk your way out of this, Angelique. That’s shameful.”

“Was there any evidence?”

“Yes, it seems there were witnesses. And they say you didn’t answer a lot of questions when they asked you to confirm a series of incidents.”

“Confirming the incident…?”

Do you mean the incident with the shoes and clothes?

Angelique actually gave only a cursory answer because she was not particularly interested.

When asked, she replied, “I don’t know.” Because she really doesn’t know.

She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. That’s just the way things are.

Everyone else, however, seemed to have a different interpretation.

Someone said, “I think I saw Angelique nearby.” Someone else said, “I saw her, too.” They assumed it was Angelique because the color of her dress matched that of the perpetrator.

In retrospect, it looks like everyone had recently been whispering to each other while staring at her.

Apparently, Angelique was the target of the whispering.

If the first rumor was true, then Angelique was very careless.

If she had asked someone what they were talking about, she might have been able to stop it before it got that big.

But now that it has happened, she is powerless to stop it.

“Please give me a chance to explain myself.”

She tried not to look helpless as she spoke to her father.

They will understand that Angelique didn’t do that if she remembers and explains everything properly.

After all, she wasn’t the one who did it. But the situation is a bit troublesome.

The Duke of Montan said seriously.

“The decision has been made.”


Without saying a single word, the higher-ups made a decision against her.

How could this have happened? Was it then when they questioned me about the incident? I shouldn’t have said, “I don’t know.”

Angelique was told to be more polite to people even if she had no interest in them.

Even if the conversation is unimportant, pretending to listen is an important social skill for the ladies. Even if it is insignificant gossip behind their backs, they simply nod in agreement.

Angelique, on the other hand, was not very good at such things.

She could just about tolerate it, telling herself that it was part of her job. Lately, though, she’d been ignoring it.

I thought I would be done with school in a few months, so I let my guard down. I had been too careless. I failed…

That’s the only thing she graciously admits.

However, the real culprit must be someone else. I hope they will look into the matter, but if they don’t, I will take care of it myself. What about the breakup of the engagement?

If it’s the end of her engagement to Ernest, the second prince, Angelique is sorry for her father, but she doesn’t care because she neither likes nor dislikes Ernest.

“What’s the decision?”

I hope it doesn’t make my father’s situation worse. The royal family’s cancellation of the engagement may have hurt him a lot. But I have two younger sisters and a good father. I hoped they could make it up to me.

Angelique’s next engagement might be postponed, but it didn’t matter if she couldn’t marry. She would retire to a country estate and live a slow, comfortable life.

She waited for her father to say something.

“Your engagement to Ernest-sama has been broken off.”


“…You are to be married to Count Voltairel.”

“Count Voltaire?”

She is not familiar with him. Her father explained to her that he is the Count of Bourg, a border region.

“Bourg… That’s quite a distance from here.”

That is the northernmost point of the Kingdom of Alkan. As she recalled, there was nothing there.

The thought of having to say goodbye to her father, her sisters, and this castle after graduating from the academy made her cry.

“…You have to leave tomorrow.”


There was no time to let her feelings get the better of her.

“By the king’s orders. Apparently Ernest-sama doesn’t want to see you anymore.”

Ernest… What have I done to you to deserve this?

Angelique treated the second prince, who had no special merit, in the usual way and was neither mean nor mocking. Some people teased Ernest behind his back because he was smaller and always absentminded, but Angelique never liked or disked Ernest. He was not a bad person, despite his slowness. That was enough for her.

Ernest is the second prince, and if he were to marry Angelique, he would inherit the Duchy of Montan.

It did not matter that Ernest was not a good manager as long as Angelique ran the duchy. She didn’t want to be a bad person, but even if she was, she didn’t care.

I wasn’t expecting Ernest to say he didn’t want to see me.

She also wondered if someone was plotting against her, but she didn’t have time to pursue it because she had to leave the next day.

She would like to look into the matter if she had the chance, but at the moment she didn’t want to make her father’s situation worse.

You have to follow the king’s orders.

“…I will say goodbye to Marlene and Francine.

Chapter 3: Younger sisters

Angelique went to her sisters’ room on the east side of the castle.

Angelique had two younger sisters, Marlene, 14, and Francine, 10.

Marlene had golden hair and blue eyes like their mother, and Francine had chestnut hair and hazel eyes like Angelique.

They are the sweet sisters Angelique has cared for since their mother died in an epidemic six years ago.

Since their mother was naturally frail, the maids had taken care of all her children. Therefore, their lives have remained relatively unchanged despite their mother’s death.

However, they still feel sad and lonely.

They needed someone to talk to from time to time about their problems and worries.

Angelique remembered her mother and tried to be as relaxed and polite as possible when she talked to them. This is because Angelique’s friends and ladies-in-waiting often complained to her that she was too quick and brash.

“Francine, Marlene. Calm down and listen.”

It was just about three o’clock, so she had her tea ready and stood in front of them.

“Onee-sama, Charlotte just told me something funny.”

“Charlotte said you were mean to everyone.”

Charlotte is the second daughter of Viscount Barabou, her father’s brother, and Angelique’s cousin. She is the same age as Angelique, 18.

Like Angelique, she is graduating from high school this year, but she is not yet engaged. She is in the minority among the ladies of the school.

Viscount Barabou’s castle is on the outskirts of the capital and Charlotte often visited the Dukes of Montan. The school was located in the central district of the capital, just like the castle of the Dukes of Montan.

And in the central district there were many stores selling clothes and fans. Charlotte argued that it would be a waste of time to return to her family’s castle every time she wanted to shop.

Angelique, on the other hand, was aware that she was passing the bill to the Dukes of Montana while she was at it.

She told her father once, but he just laughed and told her to think of her as a fourth daughter.

The Dukes of Montan clearly have a strong financial position, not only for their produce and dairy products, but also for teaching people how to sell their processed goods. It also doesn’t hurt that they spend extra money on a dress or fans. But Angelique still thinks there’s a difference between that and this.

Angelique and her sisters Marlene and Francine constantly make necessary visits to hospitals and nursing homes for the common people, while Charlotte does not.

It was not acceptable to use what was available but not do what was necessary for the people. Still, it’s pointless to complain. She didn’t want to blame anyone, so she just stated the facts and left the rest to her father.

“Charlotte told me that Onee-sama has broken off her engagement to Ernest-sama.”

“That’s not true. I know that Onee-sama will stay in the castle with Ernest-sama as her son-in-law from now on.”

“That is what I want to tell you, Marlene and Francine.”

Angelique chooses her words carefully.

“I’m going to see Count Voltaire in Bourg tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? When will you be back?”

“I won’t be back for a while…”

Francine’s face contorted with worry.

“Francine, you have to be strong without me.”


“Marlene, take care of Francine too. You will make it together.”

She gently reminded them that if they had any questions, they should contact her.

There was a part of the state of the Dukes of Montan that was also near Bourg, and letters could be sent and received by horse-drawn carriage.

There is also an owl service for emergencies.

“Don’t you know how to use an owl?”

They both nodded.

The Dukes of Montan, whose lands were spread all over the country, exchanged letters with well-trained owls. They were primarily a means of communication for their own business, but for a fee they also delivered letters for their clients.

Since each intermediate station had its own specialized keeper, the cost of this service was high. Nevertheless, the speed of transmission was so high that the demand was absurdly high.

Angelique and the others had to get their father’s permission before using it. In emergencies that can’t wait for permission, they pay as customers.

Angelique confirmed to them.

“As often as possible, send only standard letters by horse-drawn carriage. It takes longer, but they won’t get lost with the Montan family’s horse-drawn mail service.”

“Will Onee-sama write too?”

“Yes. I promise to write to you as soon as I get settled.”

She smiled.

Chapter 4: Departure

Angelique, who planned to marry Ernest after graduation, had a large collection of bridal accessories.

Dozens of dresses fit for a married woman, as well as dozens of matching tiaras and necklaces.

Since her enrollment in school at age eight and her debut in society at age sixteen, she had made dozens of dresses and accessories, but nothing in comparison to her luggage being loaded.

Generosity was one of my father’s virtues, but I hoped he would learn a little frugality in the future.

Angelique expected to inherit the Duchy of Montan, and her father trusted her instincts. He believed that things would continue to go well if she managed the estate herself.

Even if something bad were to happen, she knew that if she kept a cool head, a way out would open up.

But no matter how well things go, you’re going to run into an obstacle. You always have to be prepared for that and have the strength to overcome it.

I wonder if my father realizes that losing me is no small loss for the Montan family.

“Marlene and Francine are not stupid. I’m sure they’ll do something about it.”

Angelique reflected as she watched her belongings being loaded into the carriages.

Six carriages were at the disposal of the Dukes of Montan. One was for their father’s daily use, one was for Ernest and other high-ranking guests, and two were small and nicely appointed for Angelique and her sisters. There were also two reserves.

There were also carriages to transport the products of the estate, but these are not included in the total.

The carriage horses were also beautiful, and the small carriages of Angelique and her sisters were often pulled by two white horses.

Seeing the amount of luggage going to be transported to distant Bourg, the Duke of Montan, who had made preparations, folded his arms.

“Is that enough?”

Angelique replies with a wry smile.

“I will leave my carriage, Marlene’s carriage, here and take four to Bourg. The rest will be delivered at a later date.”

“I understand the wedding is in Bourg…”

“Because the wedding is unexpected, Count Voltaire will need to make some preparations. I will notify you as soon as a date is set.”

A royal decree formalizes the marriage of a noble (that is, Angeliqeu is already married to the border count). The wedding on the other hand consisted of a series of events, including a party and a short parade to announce the event.

Since the Duke, who had made extensive preparations, was far away, only a limited number of people could attend. He expressed disappointment that it would be a simple affair.

“I’m sorry for disappointing Oto-sama.”

“I think there must be some mistake. But there was evidence, and rumors spread far too quickly. Ernest is angry too, and when the king told me personally, there was nothing I could do.”

Her father regretted that he could not protect her.

“I’m feeling better now that Oto-sama believes me. The truth will be revealed in due course, and I will do my best; I will be fine.”

“You are really helpful. I was convinced that you would take over the house…”

“Marlene and Francine are smart and good girls. I’m sure one of them will have a wonderful son-in-law.”

“About that…”

Then, her father told her that Marlene had gotten an offer to marry Ernest from the royal family.

Angelique frowned.

“I’m not sure what will happen now that this has happened. But I’m grateful that the royal family still favors us.”


The Dukes of Montan are a family that the royal family wants to be friends with.

But not Ernest… And Marlene is already engaged. It would be a shame to ruin their relationship. Ernest is twenty-two years old, and the only possibility is Francine, who is ten… That’s right.

“Why don’t you allow the third prince, Claude-sama, and Francine to meet?”

Claude is fifteen and has yet to make his social debut. They would never have met because the academy is a separate school for men and women, but Angelique had met him once before.

She met Claude in a special botany class taught by an academy professor who trains civil servants.

The academy is a place where nobles and commoners alike can learn, regardless of their social status.

Angelique went to the academy in secret and was dressed modestly when Claude came up to her to greet his brother’s fiancee.

He was a bright and pleasant boy. His plain coat concealed his royal birth, and he listened attentively to the professor.

Since they were so close in age, they would be well matched if they got to know and like each other.

Her father paused for a moment before nodding.

“Yes, I hadn’t considered that because Ernest-sama and you arrived first, but it would be a good match. I will speak with His Majesty the King as soon as possible about this.”

“But first, you should take Francine’s feelings into consideration.”

Angelique has long given up on true love, but being the daughter of a nobleman does not prevent her from falling in love. In fact, it’s natural to fall in love.

I’m not sure how much Francine, the ten-year-old, will understand… But if she really doesn’t like it, it will be difficult to live with it from now on. I wanted her to be prepared for that.

Suddenly, she remembers her future husband, whom she has never met.

I don’t plan on running away from anyone. I just wish there was something I liked about him.

Chapter 5: New land

After three and a half days of traveling by carriage, she arrived in Bourg.

She was tired of people treating her like a tumor in the towns they stopped in along the way.

Angelique was not hurt.

I was taken aback by the accusations, but I think it was my fault for not reaching out more to my friends who were in need. If I had listened carefully to what happened and thought about whether I saw or heard anything, and taken the incident seriously, I’m sure none of this would have happened.

She is thinking about it a lot right now. But what has already happened cannot be changed.

I need to find out the truth and possibly charge the real perpetrators, but now is not the time.

She changed her mind and decided to think about the future.

“I can see it now, my lady.”

The coachman who had driven her carriage all the way from the royal capital spoke to her.

Actually, Angelique was supposed to ride in her own little carriage, but she let her ride in the most magnificent carriage for distinguished guests, knowing that it was her last chance.

At the coachman’s words, she looked out the window and saw the stone walls of the castle beyond the wasteland.

As soon as they approached Bourg, the carriage began to wobble as the road worsened.

Angelique was afraid of biting her tongue if she talked too much, and slumped back in her seat to hold onto the railing.

They left Vignoa, the nearest ducal estate to Bourg, early in the morning. By now, the sun had reached its highest point. It’s too late to go back. Even if she wrote a letter, it would take her half a day to go to the stopover in Vignoa and bring it to the capital. And from there to the capital is half a day by a messenger owl.

That’s a longer trip than I expected; even with a fast horse, it would probably take two days.

The carriage finally came to a stop in front of the castle gate.

Frederick, the steward of the Montan family, got out of the first carriage and walked toward the gatekeeper. Meanwhile, the two gatekeepers stared at the four carriages with wide eyes.

“Lady Angelique Montan has arrived.”

“Yes. Please follow through.”

The carriages drove in as the gate opened. And with the help of her lady-in-waiting, she got out of a carriage parked in the courtyard. And Angelique was stunned to see the castle before her.

The glass in the windows was cracked and reinforced with paper in some places. Boards had also been placed in some places. The walls were covered with moss and grass, and the roof on one side had collapsed, revealing the inside of the building.

This is…

This had to be the poorest count she had ever seen.

One of the castle’s gatekeepers entered the castle.

He seems to have gone to inform the lord. Apparently, he is both a gatekeeper and a servant.

Angelique’s lady-in-waiting whispered anxiously.

“Ojo-sama… Would you like me to write Danna-sama a letter and send someone over?”

“Send someone? Are you willing to stay?”

The lady-in-waiting gasps.

“If you don’t want to be here, others might not be either.”

“I apologize. I made a hasty remark.”

“That’s all right. I completely understand how you feel. I appreciate your concern.”

The lady-in-waiting frowns. After a while, as if she had made her decision.

“I’ll stay here with you, Ojo-sama…”

Angelique laughed.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure there’s someone here to take care of me, but if not, I’ll be fine on my own.”


“When have I ever claimed to be fine when I wasn’t?”

At that moment, a man emerged from the castle.

Chapter 6: Serge Voltaire

“I’ve been expecting you, Angelique.”

The young man smiled.

He was quite tall. He had golden hair down to his shoulders. Deep sapphire blue eyes His gentle expression made him look like a prince from a fairy tale.

I didn’t hear that…

No one had ever told her that the poor count was so handsome.

Angelique is taken aback.

Her cheeks are getting hotter and hotter.

She was surprised that she felt this way because her engagement to Prince Ernest was already planned when she realized it. The dukedom would be inherited by the second prince, a predetermined life from which there was no way out.

She had given up on love from the beginning. That is why she is not impressed by the sight of a man.

She used to think that love and romance were like sweets. And she is a meat eater. It is best to eat well and work hard.

She believed that for a long time. But she never imagined the day would come when her “good-looking man” sensor would react and make her blush.

I want to apologize for the times I’ve told myself that it’s silly to fall in love with someone just because of their looks.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Serge Voltaire, the owner of the castle.”

“I-It’s a pleasure to meet you…”

Serge walked up to Angelique, knelt down, and extended his right hand.

She placed her hand in his and received a gentle kiss.

Her heart was racing wildly.

“Please come into the castle…”

She was about to say “Yes” when Serge laughed, stepped closer to Angelique, and said, “Excuse me.” Then he took Angelique in his arms.

“W-what are you!”

“I’ve heard that in some countries, the husband is expected to carry the bride when she first enters his house.”

“But that’s just…”

“They say it makes them happy. If that’s what they say, I’d like to try it.”

Even though Serge looked thin, his body was surprisingly strong as he gently held Angelique in his arms.

“Hold on to my shoulders so you don’t fall off.”

She did as she was told and wrapped her arm around his broad shoulder. Serge looked down at Angelique for a moment, his chest pressed against hers.

Angelique was already getting nervous as she looked into his eyes.

She’s curious to know what it is.

This unexpectedly sweet atmosphere.

She was confused by the unfamiliar situation and frustrated by her own nervousness.

Angelique, who is always described as calm and collected, is already tense because she is nervous.

Noticing her mistress’s reddened and wandering eyes, the lady-in-waiting began to blink.


For some reason, the lady-in-waiting burst into tears when her gaze met Angelique’s.

Angelique entered the castle in the arms of Serge, creating a truly romantic atmosphere.

And then she abruptly wakes up from her dream.

Because of what greeted her inside the castle, it was ruined!

Chapter 7: Inside the Castle

Serge and Angelique looked around the castle hall with expressionless faces.

The bride and groom were deafeningly silent.

Then Serge opened his mouth.

“It’s a little messy…”

“A little?”

“A-A lot?”

“Please put me down,” she said, and Angelique rose to her feet.

Angelique, the tallest of her classmates, looked up at Serge, who was a head taller than her. Serge is dressed like a royal knight, which she notices on closer inspection.


But this wasn’t the time to stare at him.

“What exactly is this?”

It’s not just the extent of the mess.

Not only was there no carpet on the stone floor of the great hall, but all the furniture was broken and piled up in the corners. The windows were broken, the curtains torn, and the walls were covered with large scratch marks.

At the top of the arched staircase in the back of the castle dangled a chandelier with nothing but its chains.

Even the homes of the local nobles she visited on her tour of the estates were much cleaner. Even if the buildings are crude, if they are clean and neat, there is a certain beauty to life there.

It has nothing to do with financial problems.

“Why don’t you clean more?”

“There’s a reason for that…”

“I’ll do it if you don’t have enough maids. Do you have your broom with you?”


Serge mumbles, confused by the young lady in front of him.

“I hear you’re the first daughter of the Duke of Montan.”

“That’s right.”

“Isn’t the Duke of Montan a great nobleman with whom even the king would like to have a relationship? He is one of the richest men in the country…”

“What are you getting at?”

“Have you ever done housework?” She scowled at him after he said that.

If you think I only visited hospitals and institutions and just smiled at them, you’re wrong.

Angelique, Marlene, and even Francine dressed as nurses and cleaners, washing the sick and crawling on the floor to mop up and clean the vomit.

When they went around the territory, the same thing happened.

They plowed the fields, pulled weeds and mixed horse manure into the ground together.

Angelique believes this is the best way to get to know the people in her territory.

If you enjoy luxuries without knowing how the money that is usually spent, like water, is created, your house will eventually collapse.

Money should be spent with gratitude and understanding of its purpose.

They are extravagant because they believe that it is the job of the nobility to spend money on expensive clothes and jewelry to keep the economy going and high technology and culture alive.

A craftsman spends three months making a single silver brooch that Angelique wears. His craft is protected and preserved because people buy it.

These luxuries must be preserved indefinitely.

She did worry about her father when she saw the number of bridal accessories, but that he was trying to find a balance between temporary demand and continuity.

“Please don’t make fun of me.”

Just one word, and Serge looked at Angelique in surprise.

“I’m sorry,” he expressed regret.

“I didn’t know you well enough to treat you rudely.”

Angelique was taken aback.

She had no intention of blaming him.

“I also apologize for my sudden outburst. However, in this hall…”

“I understand what you’re saying.”

Serge nodded and inquired further.

Chapter 8: Serge’s family

“First of all, I need to have my luggage carried.”

“Oh, yeah.”

They left Frederic and the others waiting outside.

“Where do you want me to carry my luggage?”

“It’s a little better upstairs…”

She went up the stairs, and it was indeed a little better.

The servants and their assistants began carrying the luggage at Frederick’s direction.

Serge’s castle servants also pitched in.

The upstairs was also very old, with damaged floors and walls, but the furniture was in good condition, and the doors and windows were not broken.

It had been thoroughly cleaned.

But it was a tiny castle.

There were not many rooms, and half the roof had collapsed. The rooms on the west side were almost unusable.

The east wing, on the other hand, which housed the master’s rooms, was undamaged, and the ladies-in-waiting, who had taken Angelique’s belongings to the master’s bedroom, placed her clothes in the ladies’ dressing room.

As Angelique looked around the room with Serge, she noticed that there was only one large bed with a canopy.

“Is that the only bedroom?”

“There’s a guest room and several children’s rooms, but I’m only using this one at the moment.”

“You only use this one?”

“It’s the only usable room…”

As expected.

“Is there a problem?”

Angelique shakes her head and laughs.

The wedding had not yet taken place, but the deed had been signed by the king. There was nothing wrong with them sleeping in the same bed, since they were already married on paper.

Angelique would sleep alone with Serge in this room starting tonight.

At that time, Serge and I will…

She was sad and bitter, but also a little nervous and excited.

This had never happened to her before, when she was to marry Prince Ernest.

She had just assumed it would be difficult because Mrs. Berean, a special education teacher, had told her that they would have to do things like this once they were a couple. It’s a little gross, but everyone else puts up with it, so she figured she would too.

She recalled that while she was walking through her territory, she noticed the young men and women happily hugging each other. She envied them, thinking that if they were with someone they cared about, they could accept hugs, kisses, and other tender gestures with joy.

a joy she could never have.

It’s only been a few hours since they met. She doesn’t even know what Serge is like.

“Ah, that reminds me, what about your family?”

Angelique inquired abruptly.

The other rooms are empty. That means Serge is the only one present.

After asking, she was concerned that she had asked the wrong thing. She was sorry if there was any inconvenience.

“My family is in the capital.”

Serge replied.

Angelique was relieved. It is comforting to know that they are still alive and well.

But if they are living apart for some complicated reason, it’s best not to ask any more questions.

But it’s really strange that a nobleman who has a castle in the capital lives in such a remote place.

Serge gushes out, noticing that she is making a difficult face.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m fine. I have an older brother, so I was just given the extras.”

“I understand. But if you’re a count and you have an older brother…”

Serge is a count despite ruling a remote region.

His family must have a high standing.

As if sensing Angelique’s doubt, he told her.

“I was born a son of the Dukes of Barnier.”

It was a famous family like the Dukes of Montan.

Angelique knew in her heart that she was already convinced after hearing that.

That explains why his father agreed so quickly.

The king probably felt the same way. Even if Ernest was angry and wanted to end the marriage, it would not look good if the duke’s daughter, who was betrothed to the prince, was married to a simple landlord.

At least they could choose a marquis or even a count who held a high position in the center of the kingdom.

Nevertheless, Serge, of all people, was chosen. Although descended from the dukes, Serge ruled over one of the most remote regions of the country.

Her former fiance, Ernest, was probably eager to keep Angelique as far away from him as possible.

On the one hand, she was curious about Ernest’s behavior, but on the other hand, Angelique was grateful for the fate that had fallen into her lap as a result.

Angelique was almost convinced, but then Serge dropped a bombshell.

“My parents disowned me, though.”

Chapter 9: Land Called Bourg


“What exactly does that mean?”

“What does it mean? It means exactly what it says.”

Sigh. A bad tally.

You’d be better off if you were related to the Dukes of Barnier. She realized that it wasn’t so much that he was getting a surplus as that he was just getting a surplus.

Angelique had researched as much as she could about the land of Bourg in the limited time they had for only one night. She read as many new geography books as she could find in the castle library.

Bourg is the northernmost point of the Kingdom of Alkan. Beyond that, it is unexplored territory. It is literally a frontier. The land is desolate and the weather is harsh. Perhaps it’s because the Alkan Kingdom is so warm that snow never accumulates, but in winter the north wind blows hard and freezes the ground. And there are no neighboring countries, making trade impossible.

Angelique groaned in the dim light of a lamp at midnight. She tried to find a way out of her poverty, but there seemed to be nothing she could do at the moment.

She had no idea what it was like to live on pristine land like Bourg, but if the land to the north was forest, maybe she could cut down a few trees.

She had also brought some seeds of a plant suitable for the barren land, which she had learned from the academy’s botany professor. Originally, she had ordered that these seeds be planted in the barren land of the Montan Territory because there was some barren land there.

But why did they disown him?

She was about to ask that question when Frederick, the family’s butler, came back to stand in front of her. He had just finished carrying her bags.

“I’m done with everything, Ojo-sama.”

“Thank you, Frederick, and thank you all for your hard work.”


Angelique smiled and said, “It’s okay.” as Frederick and the ladies-in-waiting looked sad.

“Please give my regards to Oto-sama, Marine and Francine. And when the day of the wedding comes…”

Will it be ready on time?

For a brief moment, she felt uneasy.

But Serge took charge.

“We’ll contact you once everything is completed. I’m very busy right now, so it may take some time…”

“…All right. I will tell them that. Please take care of Angelique-sama.”

Serge informed them that he had arranged for them to spend the night at the castle. But there was still some daylight left, so Frederick said he would go back to Vignoa to rest and left the castle.

The group left the gate, leaving behind a small carriage and two white horses.

Angelique’s eyes and nose grew hot, as was to be expected. Angelique is no longer the Angelique of the Montan.

“Shall we have tea?”

Serge, watching the carriage leave with Angelique, hugged her shoulder. “You can cry if you want,” he said softly as he wrapped her arms around her.

Her heart beat faster.

“It’s all right. I’m just a little sentimental.”

She smiled at him and said she wasn’t sad.

Serge chuckled.

“Let’s have a cup of tea and I’ll introduce you to some of the residents. Then we’ll talk about whatever I want to talk about, including how things got so bad on the second floor.”

“I’d also like to ask you a few questions.”

“Ask me anything you want.”

“How come Bourg?”

Even though he had been disowned and given the title of count and a fief, there should have been better places for him to settle down.

Serge gave him a bitter smile.

“Let’s discuss this together.”

Chapter 10: The Residence of The Castle

The living room and hall on the first floor were both in disrepair.

The east side dining room was slightly better.

While the living room was piled high with broken couches and sofas, they drank tea at the dinner table.

The tea itself was usually tasty.

“I apologize for not having any snacks.”

Serge expresses regret.

“Don’t worry. I’m a meat eater.”

Everyone responded with a collective “Huh?” to Angelique’s response.

Angelique is a duchess by any standard. She is tall for a girl, but slender, fair-skinned, and beautifully coiffed. Serge deduced that he thought a sweet sugar confection would be ideal for her.

“I assumed all young ladies enjoyed sweets…”

Doni, the cook, expressed surprise.

To be honest, there are no pastry chefs at the castle.

The cook can make pastries, but he’s no match for a professional. He assured her, somewhat dubiously, that he would do his best if she told him she wanted to eat them whenever she wanted.

Nonetheless, Angelique expressed her gratitude.

She made a mental note, despite her love of meat, that a pastry chef would be required sooner or later.

She was also introduced to Emire the butler, Erick and John, who are both serving as servants and gatekeepers, and Mrs. Cello, a new arrival for Angelique’s needs, was also introduced to her.

Is that all?

The number of servants was far fewer than she had anticipated.

It was no surprise that the place was difficult to keep clean.

She determined that she needed to get a broom.

But there had been a lot of people carrying Angelique’s belongings earlier.

“Are they from one of the nearby fiefdoms?”

Serge leans in, as if this is the most important question.

“Those men are dragon riders.”


“That’s why I chose this Bourg as my territory rather than another.”

“…Wait a second…”


“Do dragons really exist?”

Serge simply nodded.

“They’re up in the north forest.”

That’s why he came to Bourg, he says.

Serge goes on to say that he once met a dragon while walking in the forest on the outskirts of the north.

“At the time, I was six years old.”

“Six years old…”

Serge was the same age as Ernest and would turn twenty-two this year.

Six years old equates to sixteen years ago.

Angelique gave a cautious nod.

Could he be mistaken?

She was tempted to say something like that.

But Angelique remained silent.

Angelique frequently visits her family’s territory day-care center where the children are cared for.

Children may believe that what they see in their dreams is true, or they may be unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Everything is true for them.

Others should not simply dismiss what they believe as a lie.


Some of them may be correct.

Sometimes they’re telling you what they actually saw, not what they imagined or fantasized about.

You might accuse an honest person of being a liar if you say to such a child, “What you’re saying is a lie,” “It’s all a fantasy,” or “It’s not true.”

She didn’t want to say that what someone said was “a lie” because she didn’t have the full picture.

I don’t want to doubt them if I can avoid it.

Despite the fact that they are 22 years old.

Even if it was 16 years ago.

The castle servants exchanged glances as Angelique nodded silently, neither denying nor questioning.

Serge inquired.

“Are you sure you believe me?”

“I lack the experience and knowledge to deny or cast doubt.”

Dragons, as far as Angelique is aware, are considered fantasy creatures. But, she continued, that simply means no one has yet encountered the real thing.

“Wow! the lady did not deny it, but she would like to confirm whether or not it is true.”

Erick yelled.

“Danna-sama, this lady is fantastic.”

John happily nodded.

“I see she’s more than just a lovely young lady.”

Serge’s blue eyes glowed.

“Will you meet my dragons after tea?”

“Your dragons? True dragons? If such a thing exists… I’d like to see them!”

Angelique’s eyes widened and her face lit up as everyone turned to look at her.

Serge became acutely aware that (feeling) something had struck him.

The butler, Emire, laughed.

“I hope the wedding is a grand event.”

Then, in hushed tones, he added, “As much as possible.”

Chapter 11: Dragons

A large wooden building of simple construction stood behind the castle. It has a roof, but the walls are still boarded up with some gaps.

It has a very open construction.

“These are the stables of the dragons.”


There is more than one dragon.

Erick and John are standing behind Angelique and Serge. Erick was a young man with red hair who seemed to be a year younger than Serge. John, who had dark hair, seemed older than Serge. Both had green eyes.

They were also dressed like knights, with a short coat and tight-fitting pants for ease of movement. Riding boots and a wide leather belt protected their upper bodies and backs.

The two men are not only servants but also leaders of the dragon riders.

Gatekeepers, servants, and leaders of dragon riders. It’s a difficult job, but they seem to enjoy it.

Each of them was accompanied by three men, each responsible for one dragon.

“We have two dragons; the stables were built only this spring; before that, they were housed on the first floor of the castle.” explained Serge.

‘It’s June now. Spring came just a few days ago. I suppose so…‘

“That’s why it was so rough.” Serge smiled.

The handsome man’s smile shone brightly.

Serge had been interested in dragons ever since he first saw one when he was six years old.

Even after he went to a ridiculously expensive academy for children of noble families between the ages of eight and eighteen, he was still crazy about dragons.

He was good, so he didn’t stand out much, but just before his social debut at the age of sixteen, he abruptly announced that he wanted to leave the academy and attend Escola in the neighboring country, which quickly spoiled the Duke of Barnier’s mood.

Escola, the northern country east of Bourg bordering the kingdom of Alkan where Angelique and her family live, is famous for its dragons. It is said that Escola is the home of all dragons, of which there are only about a dozen in the world.

Many people have wondered if the dragons of Escola are mythical creatures because they are never seen by people from other countries.

Serge, who had grown up studying dragons, was convinced that the dragons of Escola were not a myth. So he decided to find out for himself. Not only did he want to see for himself, but he also wanted to become a dragon master and take care of the dragons.

When he told her father, the Duke of Barnier, about it, he told her to stop. He was scolded harshly, “How long are you going to keep talking such nonsense!!?”

Serge is still a member of the Duke of Barnier’s family, although he is the second son. He was told that if he got a princess, he could create a new duchy, and that if he got a daughter from another noble family, he could get the title of count and rule over his own lands.

And Serge would have to take over the Duchy of Barnier if his brother died prematurely.

Serge is virtually the duke’s insurance policy. He will not let him be selfish.

Serge was told that he would be disowned if he left, and unexpectedly, he chose to be disowned.

He went to the Escola alone, without any offers, knocked on the door of the Royal Dragon Institute, and became an apprentice at the age of sixteen.

After four years of training, he returned to his country with two dragons.

When Serge moved to Bourg, an abandoned country estate, the Duke of Barnier took the title of Count of Voltairel from his mother’s side and gave it to him, even though he was no longer a member of the Barnier family.

The Duke must have thought that he could still use his defective son as an insurance policy to protect the family and as a pawn. Serge claims that he has lived here with his dragons for two years since then.

“How did you get two priceless dragons?”

“I was recognized.”

The Dragon Institute researchers recognized Serge’s knowledge, effort, and talent.

“The dragons are probably deep in the woods between Escola and Bourg. They told me I could use Sari and Lasse until I caught a new dragon and got used to it, but they didn’t give them to me. They are on loan to us for ten years.”

Serge gets to keep any dragon born if the eggs hatch successfully, because Sari and Lasse are partners. The time it takes for the dragon to grow up is also taken into account: ten years.

Serge will keep all new dragons caught in the forest. He said he learned enough at Escola to be able to do that.


Sure enough, there they were.

Serge proudly showed her the inside of the stables at the entrance.

“Come, take a look. This is Sari.”

A beautiful dragon with shimmering pink scales sat calmly in the stables, looking down at Angelique with its green eyes.


“Sari is a female…”

“Sari… She’s gorgeous.”

Angelique’s cheeks flushed as she looked up at the dragon.

The dragon was huge. Its back was twice the size of a human’s. It would be a disaster if she got angry and attacked her.

She muttered something, but strangely, she was not afraid.

‘This child understands the human heart.’

She had the impression.

Another dragon was watching her in the background. Its deep blue scales glistened in the sun.

“That’s Lasse.”

Up close, he’s even bigger than Sari.”

“How beautiful…”

“Do you like them?”

“Yes, very much so…”

Erick and John beamed, and Serge’s eyes lit up with a warm glow.

Chapter 12: First Night

Even if a couple had been engaged since birth, it was not unusual for them to meet for the first time on their wedding day. Nor was it unusual for them to find themselves in the same bed on the same day.

Angelique and Serge were in the same boat. They will sleep in the same bed from tonight on, even though they just met today. There is nothing unusual about that.

With the help of Mrs. Cello, she took a hot bath to rid herself of the fatigue and dirt of the day.

It was not necessary to boil water in a kettle, because the castle of Bourg had a spring of hot water.

“We couldn’t afford to buy firewood, so I’m grateful for this spring,” said Mrs. Cello with a gentle smile.

She was a widow, twelve years older than Angelique, and she was only thirty years old, the same age as Angelique’s mother.

She told her that five years ago her husband went to work in a big city in the center of Vignoa and was killed in an accident on his way home.

They have two daughters, ages 12 and 10.

“Do your daughters miss you now that I’ve taken their mother away from them?”

Mrs. Cello smiled and said, “Well, I have to work.” She continued. “I’m very grateful that I found a job at the castle.”

She and her daughters live in a house within walking distance.

She’s grateful to have a job with regular vacation and good pay in Bourg, where jobs are scarce.

“There are no bars or br*thels in this area. I had no idea how I was going to support the three of us by working as a pr*stitute, because the men here can’t even make ends meet working in the fields.”

Angelique’s face gradually darkened as she listened to her story.

‘What a story!’

She can’t believe that a family living so close to the castle is in such financial trouble.

After all, castle towns are the wealthiest in any area.


Her s*x education teacher, Mrs. Berean, told her to put on a kind of nightgown made of a very thin fabric that had been prepared for her by the ladies-in-waiting. She then went up the stairs to her bedroom.

Standing at the door, she entered by pushing the door open with a little force.



Serge, who had been standing around aimlessly, turned around in surprise.


Serge’s handsome face turned red for some reason, and he covered his mouth with his right hand.

“Angelique… You are extremely… charming. “

Angelique took a step closer to Serge. And Serge put his hands on Angelique’s shoulders, looked down at her nightgown neckline, and cleared his throat.

He then embraced her against his broad chest. Angelique and Serge’s hearts beat in unison. But Angelique pushed Serge’s chest away.

“…Angelique, I know you’ve only known me for a short time, but I’m quite infatuated with you…” whispered Serge to Angelique, pressing her against him again and burying his nose in her hair.

But Angelique stopped him.

“Serge, I have something important to tell you.”

“Uh… Um, right now…?”

“Now. Right away.”

Angelique was getting angrier as she learned what had happened to Ms. Cello. Now she was really angry.

‘This guy… What has this guy, who has been Lord for two years, been up to?’

“What do you do when you’re not looking for dragons?”


“…Did you just spend your days flying around the forest with Erick and John?

Serge nodded his head in confusion.

“You knuckleheads!” roared Angelique angrily.

Serge collapsed on his buttocks on the bed, startled.Then Angelique pressed her body against Serge’s and began to lecture him.

“You are a lord, and a lord should always think of his people first! And what have you done? You played with the dragons day after day! You could have done better in two years, even in a harsh land! How many people had to starve while you did nothing?!”

Serge blinks as he looks up at Angelique.

Angelique’s blue eyes were stunning, but she maintained a serious expression.

“Tomorrow we’ll tour the estate, identify the problems and find ways to fix them as soon as possible, and then you can play with the dragons. Is that clear?”

“But I’m supposed to go to the forest tomorrow with John and the others.”

“Shut up!”

Serge’s mouth gapes open.

“You’re the Lord of Bourg; set your priorities!”


Angelique sat up.

Serge swallowed his saliva.


Angelique turned to the other side of the wide bed, avoiding Serge, who had stood up and stretched out his arms.

“We’re going around in the carriage in the morning, so please go to bed now.”


Angelique leaned back on the fluffy feather quilt with her back to Serge.


He puts his hand on her shoulder. “Enough,” but she shrugs.

“Angelique, aren’t we going to…”

A pathetic, muffled voice called her name.

But Angelique ignores the voice behind her back and quickly falls asleep.

Chapter 13: Meat on The Table!

Angelique was awakened by the chirping of birds.

‘It is a beautiful morning.’


Angelique stretches, gets up, and is surprised to see someone standing next to her.

“Good morning,” she says cheerfully to her husband, Serge, remembering that she just got married.

“…Good morning.”

A deep, unmotivated voice replies.

When she looked closer, she noticed dark circles under Serge’s eyes. His good looks were ruined.

“How come you couldn’t sleep?”

“Take a guess…”

She was curious about what he was upset about. Serge turned his head away from her and said, “Hurry up and get dressed.”

“Eh? Kya!” Then Angelique yelled, as she looked down at her nightgown. Serge quickly turned around with a surprised look on his face.

“Don’t look at me, p*rvert!”

“What’s the big deal? I’m your husband!”

“Don’t look at me, husband or not!”

“Don’t be irrational!”

Angelique jumped out of bed and ran to the closet, where she pulled the cord with the bell.

After a while, Mrs. Cello appeared. She smiled meaningfully at Angelique, who had turned bright red.

She chose a light subject “It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Angelique couldn’t say that nothing had happened, so all she could say was, “Yes, it is.”

‘Mrs. Berean! What a daring nightgown you picked out for me! It’s like I’m not wearing anything at all!’ She feels pretty gross in it, especially in the chest area.

Just thinking about it makes her head almost on fire. Let’s get back to the topic.


For breakfast, they had bread and a soup that consisted of a vegetable broth.

Last night they also had bread, soup, and vegetables.

‘I’m not complaining about the food, but some meat would be nice.’

When she tells Doni she’s going on an inspection tour, he makes her a sandwich.

She takes a peek and discovers a vegetable sandwich.

“Hey Doni…are we having meat for dinner?”

She casually asked while holding the picnic basket, and Doni quickly averted his gaze.

She looked at Serge, who also quickly averted his gaze.

‘I see. That was the unfortunate Count we were talking about. Mrs. Cello said that they couldn’t even buy firewood, and I guess they couldn’t buy meat either.’

“I’m sorry; I heard a few things. It’s okay, I like vegetables too.”

‘That’s right. I like to eat vegetables. But I just preferred meat.’

Still, she didn’t want to be the only one eating good food while her people went hungry.

Angelique reflected on her life at home, which had been far too luxurious.

Serge said he wanted to meet Sari and Lasse before going on the tour.

“All right, just a minute.”

Angelique wanted to see them too, so they both went to the stables.

Sari and Russ were just being fed by Jean and the others.

“Ah!” Angelique exclaimed when she saw what the dragons were eating.

Sari was served a big piece of meat in a tub, and Lasse got the same.



Sarge’s eyes swam uneasily.

Angelique inquired.

“Is meat part of the dragon’s diet?”

“Y-Yes, they eat a variety of foods, but they seem to prefer meat…”

“I prefer meat, too.”


Serge lowered his gaze.

Angelique looked at the dragons as they chewed their pieces of meat and narrowed their eyes in satisfaction.

“But I’m not going to eat their food.”

“Angelique, I…”

Serge raises his head.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you, Angelique.”

‘Sigh’ He’s really only interested in dragons, isn’t he?’

Angelique sighs and ponders.

Dragons are adorable.

Angelique had gotten used to liking them. That’s why she refuses to eat their food, but she wants to eat meat.

Angelique thinks. ‘Then we should just buy more meat.’

“Let’s go right now.”

Serge gave Sari and Lasse a longing look before meekly following Angelique.

Chapter 14: Going To Inspect The Territory

Angelique decided to wear a sturdy dress that she had worn on her travels, because all the dresses she had made looked uncomfortable to move around in.

There were no carriages or coachman at the castle of Bourg. She walked beside Serge to where Angelique’s carriage was parked, and Serge hitched the carriage’s two white horses.

“How do you usually spend your evenings outside?”

“I usually walk everywhere, but if I have to go a long distance, I ride right on the horse.”

In addition to the two white horses Angelique had brought, there were four large black horses in the castle. The black horses were used to search for dragons in the forest and for minerals in the mountains that dragons ate.


‘Do dragons eat minerals?’

Angelique was curious, but she had to look at their territory first.

They decided on an approximate route based on the map Serge had prepared.

Since there was no coachman, she sat down next to Serge on the coachman’s seat.

Ordinary couples, parents and children often sit on the wagon this way. As she watched them drive through the peaceful countryside, she envied them.

A wagon is something quite different from the strangely decorated little carriage with a particularly beautiful white horse attached to it. Still, she thought, sitting side by side on the platform wasn’t so bad.

She mused. ‘It’s a wonderful feeling.’

Bourg has a large territory, and the castle is in the middle of it. It takes almost half a day to get to the northern edge of town.

They had to make their way through farm roads and wasteland because the roads were in bad condition. There were no bridges over many rivers—there were no roads in the mountains—and even the plains were too narrow to pass in a carriage.

There are numerous problems that need to be addressed.

Angelique rode the carriage, memorizing each problem in the back of her mind.

“I wish I knew how to ride…” she muttered to herself for the second or third time as they drove to their destination.

“I’ll teach you, if you don’t mind.”

“Are you sure? Then please do.”

“But it takes a lot of practice to make a long trip.”

For the time being, she’ll have to travel like this.

“It’s fun to ride side by side like this, so let’s practice slowly.”

Serge smiled as she took the reins. Angelique nodded her head and smiled.

To others, they might seem strange.

Nobles don’t drive their own carriages. A man and a woman would not sit together on the podium. Nevertheless, the ride was a lot of fun.

Bourg is in the very north of the Kingdom of Alkan, and they say the land is so barren that no plants grow there. But the weeds were in full bloom, with small flowers. There were numerous flat places. The open wasteland in the distance was empty, but clean.

The road they took in the horse-drawn carriage was rickety. But the sky is clear and the wind is cool, which makes the trips a bit pleasant.

There was a small town before the castle, but the rest of the road was wasteland, wheat fields, and small villages. And wheat and barley, which had just begun to grow, shimmered with golden light as they prepared for harvest.

Angelique inquired as she saw sheep and goats grazing.

“I wonder if there are also houses where cattle are raised.”

Serge remained silent. After a few moments, he apologized, “I’m sorry, but I have no idea.”

With a depressed look, he continued, “Angelique, you’re right… Bourg’s poor performance is all my fault.”

Angelique glanced at Serge.

“It’s fine; it’s not a total wasteland.”

‘When the grass grows, the rain comes.‘

“The wheat seems to be growing,” she said. “But the harvest is not very good.”

Wheat planted in Burg’s climate in early fall is harvested as summer approaches.

In warmer climates, vegetables can be grown in the summer, but here, harvesting wheat is probably all they can do. The only way to increase yields is to cultivate the wasteland, which takes a lot of effort.

‘Still, we can take small steps forward.’

“I’m curious about the composition of the soil.”

“The composition of the soil?”

“If it rains but the plants don’t grow, it means we’re not growing plants that are suitable for the soil.”

She didn’t have much time to do anything but a quick search.

“I figured if we see the land and talk to the people who grow the crops, we’ll get a better idea of what the soil is like and what we can grow.”

Serge looked at Angelique in surprise.

“Keep your front straight, husband.”

“Ah, yes.”

“You’re amazing,” Serge said, grabbing the reins and looking ahead. “On the other hand, I’m pathetic…”

‘No, you’re not.’

Angelique was angry last night, but she changed.

Serge was embarrassed as he listened to Angelique and readily admitted that he had no idea what she was talking about.

She was glad of it.

‘He’s very different from Ernest.’

Angelique had studied hard so that she could rule the vast land of the Dukes of Montan by herself, and she didn’t have any hope for his ex-fiancee.

‘But now.’

“Angelique! Let’s work together to make Bourg a better place! “

Serge looks straight ahead. “Will you help me?”

“If it’s alright with you, I’d be happy to!”

Chapter 15: The Lady

They arrived at the northernmost part of the area around noon.

When Serge and Angelique appeared, everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed deeply.

“This is Angelique, my wife.”

Serge introduced her, and everyone stared intently at Angelique. Then their attention was drawn to the gleaming carriage and the two magnificent white horses.

“Um …”

The village representative timidly opened his mouth to ask if it was about the tax increase.

When a lord marries, they often raise taxes. He seemed afraid to say so.

“No, it’s not that,” Serge replied, explaining that he had only come to inquire about the status of the estate.

Serge said that they had come to look at the soil and find out how it had been farmed in the past so that they could find the right crops for the land.

“Crops that are suitable for the land?”

“Yes, Angelique has learned a lot from her botany professor in the capital and wants to grow crops that are suitable for the soil and climate of Bourg, which will hopefully make our lives easier.”

“The taxation…”

“We didn’t come here to talk about taxes; but the more you harvest, the more taxes you pay, and that will help us, too.”

Angelique, who had been listening, inquired of Serge, “How much is the tax?”

“Currently, the tax rate is 5%.”


‘Five percent tax is not much.’

Angelique furrowed her brow.

Even the Montan family, which was known for its low taxes, levied a tax of 15 to 20%. Still, like Mrs. Cello’s husband, they would want to work there.

Bourg is poorer than she imagined. They can’t even afford to pay a tax increase.

But that is not enough. It is insufficient.

“The tax rate should be raised…” muttered Angelique, and Serge and the people jumped up.

“I knew it!” echoed through the audience.

“Just as I thought.”

“Of course you need money when you have a luxurious wife…” Murmured voices seemed to echo randomly in the space room.

Angelique spoke clearly and solemnly this time. “The tax rate must be raised. Of course, we will only raise it if there is a sufficient harvest.”

“But you still want to raise it.”

“You want to take advantage of us and spend the money as you wish.”

“That is not true.”

It’s a mistake to say that you can spend it however you want.

Angelique explained as she examined each of their faces individually.

“I want to use the taxes collected to improve the roads and cultivate the land. I want to build a hospital to take care of the sick, a kindergarten to take care of small children, and a food storage so we won’t go hungry in case of famine.”

There’s plenty of work to be done.

“But first we have to expand what we can grow here, but we can’t promise that we won’t raise them when the time comes; if I don’t say it now, I’d be lying.”

Taxes have to be raised. But it’s all for the common good.


When he called her name, she was startled.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“No, you’re right.”

Serge nodded solemnly. He addressed the audience quietly but clearly.

“I’ve been ignoring important things so far, and I’m causing a lot of trouble for everyone.”

“No, that’s not…”

“If you could lower taxes, we could…”

“Taxes are important. Actually, what I should have done with taxes is what Angelique just said.”

Serge continues, turning his clear blue eyes to each of his people.

“If the harvest is so big that you don’t have to worry about raising taxes, I will raise them and use the money to improve people’s lives.”

The people remained skeptical, but they affirmed, “We have no right to decide anyway.” If they are asked to pay, they have no choice but to pay.

Some of the lords of the land even wanted 40% of the national maximum.

Angelique sighs softly as she looks around at them and hangs her shoulders in resignation. There is nothing she can do now. They won’t get it right away.

Still, she couldn’t tell a lie that was pleasant to hear. But she was relieved that Serge understood and was willing to tell people himself.

Chapter 16: The Night Meeting

When they returned to the castle in the evening, Serge looked anxiously toward the stables.

“If you want to see the dragons, go ahead.”

“Is that okay?”

“But please give me some time later. We need to talk about the future.”

Serge nodded happily and ran like a jumping dog to the dragon stables after grooming his horse.

‘He was like a child that way.’

Angelique’s cheeks softened.

She returned to the castle by herself and went to the library in the north wing.

She discovered that Serge was a very good researcher as he was recognized by the Escola Research Institute. The library was well maintained and had a large number of books, which was hard to imagine given the size and decrepitude of the castle.

Maps and papers lie on a simple wooden table. She was impressed that the library was well stocked with expensive paper and ink, despite the fact that meat and firewood were hard to come by.

She summarizes what she has seen and heard in the territory today, writing on the stone tablets first so nothing is wasted.


After a dinner of bread and soup, she asked Mrs. Cello to change the nightgown into a thick robe she had worn during her trip here.

She entered the room first, setting her things on the nightstand and waiting.

Serge comes into the bedroom, his blue eyes shining with anticipation.

“Today is the day, Angelique…”

While admiring her beauty for a moment, Angelique first told Serge what she was going to do from now on.

“We are going to have a meeting right now to talk about the future of the territory.”


When asked why not tomorrow, she replied that they had something to do tomorrow.

They are going on another inspection tour. The area is so big that it would take two weeks even if they went around in a horse-drawn carriage without stopping.

Angelique explains the schedule by showing a map divided into twelve sections. Then she told Serge what she thought of the outcome of today’s tour. Then she talked about the construction of roads and bridges.

There was much to be said about the cultivation of the land.

Serge anxiously inquired after the long candle went out.

“Do you want to continue, Angelique?”

“I still have a lot to think about, but I think that’s enough for now.”

Serge exhales a sigh of relief.

He gets up from his chair and walks over to Angelique.

He straightens Angelique and brings her face closer to his.

He intends to kiss her.

Angelique thinks only distractedly because of the drowsiness.

‘I am happy.’

But the moment their lips meet, Angelique’s body slumps and she collapses on the bed beside her.

“Angelique? Are you okay?”

Angelique’s consciousness traveled to the land of deep sleep after hearing Serge’s voice.

Chapter 17: A Small Rift

They would ride in a horse-drawn carriage over bumpy roads and then return home with a written report of what they had seen and heard during the day’s inspection and meetings before bed.

Each day, Angelique worked herself to exhaustion before falling asleep.

On the fourth or fifth day, she woke up to find that Serge was no longer in bed.

Angelique paid no attention to him, assuming he had gone to the Dragons.

“Good morning, you’re up early.”

Serge sighed in frustration when she said that to him at the breakfast table.

“Do you know what the term ‘freshly killed’ means, Angelique?”

“It reminds me of freshly prepared food.”

“Certainly not!

‘Seriously, if he’s losing his temper because he didn’t get enough sleep, he should have gotten more.’

Emire, the butler, chides beside him, “I know you’re newlyweds, but you need to tone it down.” Then Serge stares at Emire with a devilish expression on his face.

This is unusual for Serge, who usually has a beaming smile on his face.

‘Did he have a bad day this morning? Is his blood pressure too low? Isn’t there enough meat?’

Angelique thought hard as she ate her breakfast of bread and soup.

‘As expected, I prefer meat.’


She had visited all the areas in about two weeks.

She selected a crop that she thought would do well in each plot and prepared to distribute the seeds.

Initially, she wanted to sow the seeds on a trial basis, but the seeds she brought with her were not enough. So she decided to go to Vignoa to get seeds from the Duke of Montan’s farm.

She also wants to farm the land in areas where there are surplus workers but not enough fields. They can’t farm the land because the laborers who were supposed to work on it have been pulled out of the area.

The family workers have to earn money and feed their families by migrating to look for work instead of farming the land. However, if they can earn wages equal to those of migrant workers, the labor force could be secured.

There is only one way out: buy seeds and provide subsidies to farmers. That’s monetary.

They need money.

Once a good flow is established, the economy will recover.

All they need now is the first injection of funds.

“I’d like to go to Vignoa, Serge.”

She turned to Serge, who had been living in the library for a few days and was sleeping on the couch at night.

“You finally finished your inspection?” inquired Serge, sitting on the couch.

Angelique was sure he wanted to spend the rest of the day with the Dragons.

“If you’re busy, I’ll borrow Emire and go alone.”

Angelique couldn’t drive the carriage, so she had to find someone to replace Serge.

It would be difficult to live here if she didn’t know how to drive and ride a carriage, so she will try to learn as soon as she has time.

“Doesn’t Serge have any dragons to watch out for?”

“What do you want to do in Vignoa?”

“I would like to go buy seeds. Also, I would like to sell some items that I no longer need.”

“Items you no longer need?”

His blue eyes look at Angelique.

She chooses her words carefully so as not to hurt Serge’s pride.

“I’d like to get rid of all the useless dresses I brought with me.”

“The dresses…”

Serge stood up from the couch.


“Dresses come and go out of fashion; it’s better to have someone else wear them than to lose their value without ever having the opportunity to wear them here.”

Her dresses are the latest trends right now.

Angelique is tall, so it’s easy to size up to fit the buyer.

Even in Vignoa, where second-hand dresses from the capital are sold, there are not many dresses as good as Angelique’s.

They will be delighted.

She went over everything with him in detail while Serge sat silently and listened.

With the money from the sale of the clothes, she plans to buy seeds and pay the bounty to the people who farmed the land.

Angelique is confident that Serge will understand.

This is an investment.

The money spent here will more than pay for itself in the long run, enriching the estate and the count’s house.

Angelique will benefit later instead of having a dress in her closet that she will never wear. It’s a small price to pay.

‘Please don’t reject it with silly pride.’

Despite Angelique’s misgivings, Serge nodded easily.

“You are free to do whatever you want.”

‘I’m glad he’s a smart guy.’

At the same time, she sensed some distance between them, and Angelique began to worry.


“You’re doing the right thing. I have nothing to say.”

Chapter 18: A Letter from Marlene

Angelique wanted to write a letter to her sisters while she was in Vignoa, but she didn’t have time.

Time is running out, but she still has yet to put together what she wants to write about. Given the Count of Bourg’s current situation, she hesitated to use even an inexpensive carriage service to let them know she was doing well. And the owl mail service is out of the question.

Right now, it’s more important to save money.

Emire, the butler, servant and coachman, drove her to the farm in Vignoa. She didn’t sit on the coachman’s seat because she didn’t want to scare the Montans.

She packed four suitcases full of clothes, all of which were sold at a very high price.

“I can’t believe you’re giving away these fancy, high-end, elaborate dresses.”

The owner of the best dress store in town beamed with joy.

Even small towns like Vignoa have their own social events. Nobles who rule their lands and rich merchants who make their fortunes through trade gather here.

The provincial towns have their own “social circles.” The young daughters and wives dress and go out in the same way, though not as extravagantly as those in the royal capital.

Social gatherings are important and useful. For example, they can help strengthen family ties or give men and women of a certain age a place to meet.

They can be classified as a kind of culture.

Dresses are made everywhere, but those in the royal capital are made of different fabrics and yarns and with different craftsmanship. Therefore, the secondhand dresses of the central nobility were very popular in the provinces.

The nobles in the capital did not like to wear the same dress to parties, so the second-hand dresses were almost as good as new. This is most likely another reason for their popularity. And Angelique’s dresses stood out among them.

With enough money in her pocket, Angelique then went to one of the farms run by the Dukes of Montan.

Bernard, the farm manager in charge of everything here, including produce and owl services, was overjoyed to see Angelique and hurried over to her.

He said she could have as many seeds as she wanted when she asked him to share his. Angelique, on the other hand, laughed.

“I don’t sow them for fun; I need a lot of seeds to give away to the people in my territory.”

The farm primarily sows their own seeds, and any surplus is sold; they are a valuable source of income for the farm, so Angelique didn’t want to receive them for free.

“I would appreciate it if you could sell it at the same price as the other customers. The prices are very reasonable, after all.”

Bernard was confused, but he didn’t argue with the duke’s daughter, so he quickly listened to what she said.

Angelique was watching a farmhand and Emire load wagons with seeds and seedlings when Bernard, who had just returned, approached her.

“Just in time, I received a letter from Marlene-sama on the latest carriage service.”

“Oh, thank you very much!”

Angelique accepted the letter with a smile.

‘What perfect timing!’

She sat down on a bench outside and opened the envelope with the Montan family crest on it.

[Dear Onee-sama]

Angelique examines the letter, which is written in Marlene’s beautiful handwriting.

Then Angelique exclaimed, “Uh?” After reading the middle sentence.

Unexpected events have occurred in the royal capital over the past two weeks.

According to Marlene’s letter, Ernest and Charlotte had become engaged, and Viscount Barabou had been promoted to the rank of marquis.

There’s an unspoken agreement that states that the official marriage partner of the royal family should be a marquis or higher, but is the Barabou family strong enough to keep up appearances just by raising their status?

Charlotte’s father is the brother of Angelique’s father, so in addition to his status as viscount, he has been granted a portion of the Duke of Montan’s lands.

It is not a bad estate, but her uncle, unlike her father, is a very frivolous or, in other words, a lazy man; if he ruled properly, he would have enough income, but he was constantly begging her father for money.

‘In such a financial situation, I think it is improper to call oneself a marquis.’

“Well, that’s none of my business…”

She had many thoughts about Charlotte’s behavior, but she didn’t have time to think about it now. As she slowly read through her sister’s letter, she realized how nice it was to receive such a letter.

She wondered if she should write her a letter next time instead of just saving money, because the carriage service is not that expensive.

Then Angelique’s eyes widened as she read the last words of the letter.

Gradually, her ears began to burn.

[I hope you have a baby soon. I’m looking forward to it.]


Angelique and Serge haven’t done anything yet that could lead to a pregnancy.

‘Nothing as of yet…’


Maybe that’s why Serge is acting so strange. The fact that he disappears in the morning, the fact that he doesn’t even sleep in the same bed these days, but on the couch in the library, means only one thing.

‘Does Serge hate me?’

In situations like this, she wishes Ms. Berean, an instructor in the field, was here.

‘What do you do when days go by without you having done it before? How do I bring it up now? Should I invite him? Can I do it?’

Angelique has a million ideas about how to manage her territory and her harvest, but she realizes she can’t do what comes naturally to most couples in the world.

The act of getting along well with one’s spouse.

The act of completing one’s night’s work without fail.

She is incapable.

“What should I do…?”

Angelique is at a loss as she gazes out over the idyllic landscape of the Dukes of Montan State.

Chapter 19: Love Meat

Angelique hid the letter in a small chest in her closet after she got out of the carriage and trudged back to the castle.

Her eyes were drawn to the fluttering nightgown hanging on the empty dresser, and she remembered Madame Berean, her s “s*x education teacher.

‘I never thought the day would come when I would want to see her.’

Angelique has a bad habit of ignoring things that don’t interest her.

She should have paid more attention to what Mrs. Berean had to say and what had occurred at school.

She doesn’t appreciate letters until she receives one.

‘I felt that I was too stubborn and not spiritual enough.’

Her heart began to race as she remembered what Serge had said to her this morning before she left.

[You’re free to do what you want.]

[You’re doing the right thing, I have nothing to say.]

Ernest once told her the same words in a dismissive tone, as if to push Angelique away.

Angelique often gets to hear similar things, though not in the same way as Ernest. Not to mention the people in her home, on the estate, her school friends, Charlotte, her sisters, and even her father, who don’t care what Angelique does or thinks.

They tell Angelique that she can do what she wants.

[Angelique is smart.]

[She works very hard.]

[She is quick-witted.]

[She works efficiently and precisely.]

Angelique was worried that when she became known as her father’s right-hand woman, she would be looked down upon by others.

She mistakenly believed that she prioritized efficiency and rationality and excluded too many unnecessary things.

It is not kind to think in such a way that she cannot tolerate even a single waste. She thought that was a bad thing and was therefore cautious.

But before she knew it, she was pushing aside things she thought were insignificant or unimportant, even if they were important to others.

Nails in shoes, ink on clothes, the nightly marital activities Mrs. Berean tried so hard to teach her, and even a letter just to let her family know she was okay.

What Mrs. Berean taught Angelique is as important as running the estate.

Angelique, on the other hand, had fallen asleep on her own because she was tired from work and hadn’t really dealt with it.

“I’m at a loss for what to do…”

There was no one at the castle she could talk to about it. It was not something she could discuss with a man, and the only woman she knew was Mrs. Cello, who was easy to talk to and with whom she would not have hesitated if it had been about something else.

But she didn’t think it was appropriate to ask someone who had just lost her husband and was lonely.

As she walked along, Serge came out of the stables, ran up to her and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Hurt? No, I’m fine…”

“Did you eat something unhealthy?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I’ve never seen you look so depressed before.”

Angelique couldn’t help but giggle.

‘How weak does he think I am?’

Serge, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow at Angelique. He really looked very worried.

“Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with you?”

Angelique’s good health after a restful night had always reassured Serge, even though she worked a lot every day. But as expected, she’s pushing herself too hard, so he hugged Angelique and stroked her hair.

“Get some rest.”

He said it gently, and she relaxed.

“It’s nothing. I was just thinking.”

“Do you not have a stomach ache?”


“Good,” Serge said, looking down at Angelique. His blue eyes shone. Angelique thought so.

“Because I made something special for Angelique today. It will cheer you up.”

“What is it? Is it something good?”

“Something very good. Come here.”

Serge took her hand and led her into the dining room.

Her nose moved of its own accord as she entered.

‘Oh, it smells delicious…. It’s savory and juicy…’

“This smell…”

“It’s your personal favorite.”

“Meat! Is that meat?!”

Doni, the cook, and Emire, the butler, both smiled as they waited for Angelique.

“When you told me you were going with Emire to Montan Farm in Vignoa, I asked him to buy meat.”

“But the money…”

“I can handle that much; I’m sorry I couldn’t feed you.”

Serge rested his forehead against Angelique’s.

His long lashes were softly lowered.

“It’s no wonder you’re sick of me.”

“Eh? I don’t…”

“I’ve been feeding meat to the dragons all this time, and serving only bread and soup to you, my wife; it’s only natural that you should be sick of me…”

“It’s not that, Serge…”

“I know it sounds like an excuse, but…” continues Serge. “The meat I feed Sari and Lasse is much too tough for human consumption. And there isn’t a single restaurant in the area that serves meat… This is also because I have neglected my lands…”

He was so busy with his dragons that he neglected his duties as a lord. Serge apologized for not giving Angelique meat because of this.


Serge panicked as tears welled up in Angelique’s eyes.

Serge knelt down, and Angelique clung to his stooping husband.

‘He didn’t hate me…’

“Angelique, were you so happy that you cried?”


Angelique nodded as loudly as she could.

Doni and Emire exchanged glances and whispered something.

“Was it, after all, the meat?”

“It was the meat.”

They were having similar discussions.

Serge gently wiped away her tears.

“Angelique, I apologize for being such a bad husband.”

“I also want to apologize for saying what I wanted to say without thinking of Serge’s feelings…”

She was so preoccupied with the territory that she couldn’t blame Serge for being preoccupied with the dragons. Angelique is worse in that she neglects her husband.

Serge has always tried to take care of Angelique. He worked just as hard as Angelique to manage the estate after Angelique got mad at him.

“Angelique…” Serge gently hugs Angelique. “You’re doing the right thing, and it’s so wonderful that there’s no room for criticism.”

[You’re doing the right thing, I have nothing to say]

“I want you to keep trying everything you want to try.”

[You are free to do whatever you want]

“I trust you. Thank you for being my wife.”

Serge says it again softly and puts Angelique in front of a thick piece of perfectly cooked roasted meat.

He kisses her on the lips and whispers, “I love you. Eat a lot and be healthy, my sweet and reliable wife.”

Chapter 20: Honeymoon Period

Serge and Angelique “did it” for the first time that night.

In Mrs. Berean’s words, they are now “united as husband and wife.”

Angelique blushed with embarrassment when she thought about it.

‘The first kiss was much more romantic than Ms. Berean had told me, and I was a little afraid of what would happen next, but Serge was so nice to me that I felt comfortable leaving it up to him. I was happy that I had done it right, and my heart was full of joy. thinking about it now. I could never do something like that with Ernest. But with Serge, I’m happy.’

“I would like to… Can we do it again? Angelique…”

He wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear. In bed before dawn, Angelique almost melted.

She never imagined the day would come when she would have to wear the slinky nightgown Mrs. Berean had recommended.

Her heart pounded so hard every night that she thought she would die.



The joy continues.


Serge and Angelique spent the next month or so as if they were in a flower garden, giggling and laughing all day. Meanwhile, the days passed quickly. The evening meetings turned into love sessions, but the rest of the time they both worked hard.

They planted sweet potatoes on their barren land, made buckwheat noodles after the wheat was harvested, and grew a variety of leafy vegetables that could be harvested quickly in the summer months.

Angelique and Serge drove their beautiful carriage around the estate every day, distributing seedlings and seeds in different parts of the estate.

The plants, selected for their soil characteristics, grew well and were harvested in the harvest season to enrich the tables of the people.

And Angelique learned to drive a horse-drawn cart by herself. Now she can drive alone to the surrounding villages.

She often went to the Montan farm in Vignoa to buy what she needed, and each time she gave away a dress that she had divided into several pieces because she thought it would lose value if she sold it all at once. She had no regrets because she would probably never wear it.

She also wrote letters that were sent by horse-drawn carriage every time she went to Vignoa.

She also received many letters from the royal capital and from her friends at the Academy.

The contents varied, but Angelique kept them all to herself.

Gradually, but methodically, she began to plant fruit trees that would not yield an immediate harvest.

Those who knew how to handle livestock were given cows, chickens, and pigs, with the promise that they would return the same livestock to Serge once it was profitable. If the mother cow gave birth to a second calf, a cow was to be returned, and this was to be done slowly. And the milk would be the income of the farmer who took care of them.

Little by little, the citizens became prosperous.

Summer came and went in no time. Farmers sowed wheat after harvesting vegetables and buckwheat to prepare for winter.

During the winter, each household’s food depot was stocked with buckwheat noodles, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and watermelons.

So Serge raised the tax rate to 6%, but no one objected.



When she and Serge went to the autumn festivals in different towns, everyone smiled.

“This year we will get through the winter without having to work.”

“Thank you, Lord and Lady.”

People thanked them everywhere they went to festivals.

“That’s because you all worked so hard,” Serge said, and Angelique agreed, “You did your best.”

Everyone is saying thank you to one another.

The weather wasn’t too bad, and everything was going swimmingly.

Angelique was happy.

There was still a lot to do, such as building roads and bridges, but the first goal had been achieved. She wanted to give her people a winter in which their husbands and fathers would not become migrant workers.

Though the first goal was achieved, there was still much to be done, for example, building roads and bridges.

With the money left over from selling the clothes and the taxes collected, she recruited people to join the cultivation team.

Serge and Angelique reduced the number of inspections once they had chosen a leader and could trust him to do the work.

Four months had passed since Angelique had married in Bourg. In the meantime, her family had made several inquiries about the wedding, but nothing definitive had been written down.

Life with Serge had just begun.

‘On paper, we’re already married.’

She wondered if it was necessary to have a wedding ceremony now, and she quickly realized that her bad habit was kicking in once again.

But she still couldn’t bring herself to do it, and she couldn’t answer any questions about the wedding.

Chapter 21: At That Time, in the Royal Capital

While Serge and Angelique work hard to improve their estate, the Royal Capital hosts the school’s graduation ceremony, and the engaged sons and daughters marry one after the other.

Graduation ceremonies are held prior to the summer vacation.

The nobility’s wedding season is in the summer and autumn.

The Duke of Montan, who was forced to marry his daughter in a remote location called Bourg after Angelique’s engagement was called off, had all of his wedding preparations thrown out the window.

The duke’s castle had a magnificent detached building palace that was located in the center of the royal capital.

All of the clothing and jewelry had been delivered to Bourg, but the furniture, crockery, and other household items had been left behind.

Duke Colgard Montan would occasionally visit the detached palace and sigh, unsure what to do with them.

His second daughter, Marlene, who is fourteen years old and engaged to Albert, heir to the Marquis of Prébois, is a distant relative.

She still has four years to complete her studies.

And after their marriage, she was to live with the Marquise of Prébois.

Claude, the kingdom’s third prince, has just finalized his engagement to Francine, his third daughter, who is only ten years old. She has a long road ahead of her.

As he was walking around the courtyard, a girl with yellowish hair appeared from the other side of the fountain.

Her name is Charlotte.

Lord Colgard thinks for the umpteenth time that her hair is an unusual color, not quite blonde, not quite light brown, not quite yellow.

Someone mentioned corn, which was an accurate description, but he can’t say it.

“Good day, Oji-sama.”

“Hello, Charlotte, what can I do for you today?”

“Well, it was Oji-sama who said come by whenever you want, even if you don’t need me.”

“That is correct…”

He appreciated Charlotte, who was the same age as Angelique, because they were schoolmates, and also because Charlotte had told him that Angelique was her best friend.

The Duke was aware that she was sending bills to the Dukes for purchases made with Angelique, but he thought it would be too much to ask which were Charlotte’s and which were Angelique’s, so he tolerated it.

But, for some reason, even after Angelique left, Charlotte has insisted on having the Dukes of Montan pay the bill for her purchases.

It’s not a lot of money for Colgard, but it’s in the eyes of the general public, it is a lot.

He’s been concerned about it recently, but he hasn’t bothered to mention it, so he’s left it at that.

‘She is my niece by blood,’ he reminded himself.

“Hey, Oji-sama, I need a favor from you.”

Charlotte, who had been standing in front of him before he realized it, leaned spoiledly over Colgard.

“Are you sure I’m going to marry Ernest-sama?”

It was true.

Ernest had decided to marry Charlotte the following week after breaking off his engagement to Angelique and sent her to marry in the remote Bourg. Ernest even promised to elevate his half-brother Danio, the Viscount of Barabou to the rank of marquis.

Corrado had no idea whether the king had given his formal approval.

Colgard is known for being well-informed, but gossip is slow to reach him on this subject, which is understandable given what happened with Angelique.

Ernest no longer had any ties to the Montan family, so he had no reason to be concerned.

He had no intention of interfering with anyone he desired to marry.

“So, Oji-sama, would you mind letting me live here in a detached house until our castle is built?”

“…Wait, what did you just say?”

“Only for a short time, until Ernest constructs a castle on one of his estates.”

‘A castle on his estates?’

Ernest or his half-brother Danio, lacks that ability.

Charlotte appears to be misunderstood. Being related to the royal family brings nothing but prestige. There is only a small dowry and a monthly allowance, but they are not as large as you might think. It’s really simple.

The prince’s daily life and aristocratic dignity are supported by the family he marries into. That is why a rank higher than that of a marquis is required.

And the royal family does not give out their domains even by millimeters.

To keep power from dispersing. All possessions, including paintings, jewelry and other treasures, are inherited by the one who becomes the king.

‘Danio, you jerk, you haven’t taught your daughter anything.’

Charlotte’s brow furrows as she looks at Colgard, who frowns and says neither yes nor no. Colgard had a guilty feeling about her reproachful expression.

He was inclined to listen to Charlotte, most likely to avoid this guilty feeling.

It was a completely different path than complying with Angelique, but it was the same path taken.

It’s not a good thing, but she’s a weak girl.

The Duke was fleeing trouble, telling himself that Charlotte’s wishes were insignificant.

But this time, he can’t simply say, “Okay.”

Colgard shook his head silently.

However, then…

Charlotte started moving her belongings into Angelique’s detached house the next day.

She informed the others that she had informed Lord Colgard.

Surprisingly, Marlene and Francine informed him of this, and he went to the apartment to take precautions.

“Charlotte, you can’t just come into Angelique’s palace like you…”

Charlotte rolled her eyes and asked, “Why?” in the middle of Colgard’s words.

“Because no one will use it, right? It’d be a waste.”

‘That doesn’t mean you can’t make use of it.’

Colgard has always been gentle and kind to the weak, children, women, and the elderly, but this time he decided to speak up.

There is a limit to the amount of leniency that can be tolerated.

“Take your belongings home right away. You have no place here.”

“Stop being so cruel, Oji-sama!”

“I’m not being cruel. I’m simply stating the obvious.”

Charlotte’s lips curl into a smile, and she gives Colgard a reproachful look.

“That’s terrible, Oji-sama; I’ll tell Ernest!”

“Suit yourself.”

‘It makes no difference what Ernest says.’

“Charlotte, just for the record, your purchases will now be paid for by your father; you are not the duke’s daughter.”

When Colgard told Charlotte that he would tell the shopkeepers as well, she glared at him with an even more reproachful look in her eyes.

It was the same feeling that made him feel guilty, but Colgard decided that he would no longer curry favor with this girl.

She had no limit to how far she could go.


The response at that time would later lead to a major disaster.

Charlotte was a more obstinate girl than Colgard had imagined.

After a few months of touring the territory, she discovered Serge was adored by the people of the territory, which was unexpected, to say the least.

Chapter 22: The Mystery of Fate

During the months of touring the territory, it became clear that, surprisingly. Angelique found that Serge was well-liked by his people.

Angelique thought it’s quite good.

Why would he do so little administration, even delegating tax collection to the town chief and local nobles?

Angelique was perplexed and approached the people.

“Does Serge make a good lord?”

The answer was emphatic, “Yes, he is.”

They only had one response.

“What do you find appealing about him?”

Angelique was taken aback by the response.

Bourg has long been a neglected territory in the frontier by the Duchy of Barnier.

It had none of the benefits of a dukedom, but was subject to the same taxes as other estates, and tax collectors of abandoned lands are notoriously untrustworthy.

The Duchy of Barnier’s regular tax rate is 20%, which is not high in comparison to other noble estates, but tax collectors have been raising the tax rate and taking money from taxpayers.

Serge arrived in Bourg two years ago and immediately noticed this; he tracked down and fired the delinquent tax collectors.

He became a lord the following year and reduced the tax rate to one-fifth.

Serge is said to have made a promise to the Duke of Barnier in exchange for the title and lands of the Count of Voltaire.

(TL: To those who’s confused, Count of Voltaire is the title Serge inherited from his mother’s side and Bourg is like capital.)

The people told her that they didn’t know the specifics, but that he had most likely sacrificed himself in order to become a lord.

Serge has appointed town leaders and local nobles as tax collectors.

“The Lord is excellent.”

“The Lady is also good.”

When they said they were blessed, Angelique thanked them with mixed feelings.

“Thank you.”

It revealed to her that Serge wasn’t sitting around doing nothing.

Even if he had not improved the people’s lives in the harsh conditions of the land, he had assisted them in getting out of their difficult situation.

Angelique said to Serge after hearing what everyone had to say:

“How come you didn’t say anything?”

“What do you mean?”

“That you, as lord, were considering everyone.”

Angelique became a little angry as a result of this.

“But It’s true, I was too preoccupied with dragons and not enough with my administration duties. I thought you were right.”

The barrenness of the land is unavoidable.

The weather is harsh.

They can only hope to keep as much of what they have harvested as possible.

“That’s all I could think about, so I really thought about your way of thinking and doing things. The fact that you are here is a great blessing for the people of Bourg.”

Serge smiled as he drew Angelique into a hug.

“How fortunate I am that the woman my father forced me to marry is such a lovely lady.”

“Your father forced you into it?”

“Yes, for my father to buy the king’s favor.”

That’s what it’s like to be a noble.

They were told not to think of themselves as free to marry whomever they wanted, but rather as pawns in the family.

“And yet I married you.”


Angelique is in the same boat.

She believed that love was out of the question.

But now.

“Fate is a strange thing. I was angry when I was falsely accused and my engagement was terminated without my knowledge, but I’m so happy now.”

Even though there will be many more challenges ahead, she thanks God and the flow of destiny.

Even if there is still a lot of work to be done.

Chapter 23: Flight Training

“We should start planning the wedding as soon as possible.”

At Serge’s words for the first time, Angelique wrinkled her brow and said, “We guess I have to do it.”

She was in the library with Serge, discussing the estate’s future management, and they are now taking a break and drinking tea.

“Do you not want a wedding?”

“That’s not true, but…”

A wedding in this context refers to a “noble wedding.” To announce their marriage, there is usually a big party and a small parade.

Because most noble families’ daughters get engaged during their school years and marry as soon as they graduate, the wedding season lasts from summer to fall.

Angelique felt she had missed the best time to marry now that the Autumn Festival had passed.

“I believe we should do it correctly; Oto-sama is looking forward to it. But a wedding like this does necessitate some planning, doesn’t it? “

Right now, Angelique has so many things to think about that she can’t turn her attention to them.

Serge and Angelique are now officially husband and wife, thanks to the king’s will and the exchange of rings.

The marriage has been completed.

They were a long way from the capital, and there didn’t seem to be any point in hurrying now.

Even if they rushed to make preparations now, it would be winter.

‘I’ve heard that winters in Bourg are bitterly cold…’

“How about we put it off until next spring?”

“That’s quite a while away. But, given that it’s you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you said, “Let’s just do without it.” I’m relieved to hear you’re willing to do it.”

“You can do without it if you don’t have to do it, right?”

“I don’t mind if you don’t want to.”

Angelique is relieved that Serge is not concerned with appearances or publicity.

‘It’s only that…’

Angelique looked sullenly at her handsome husband’s face.

“I believe it will be fine without it, but… it’s not that I don’t want to…”

Serge laughs softly, as he always does.

“I’m guessing you’re too preoccupied with the estate right now.”


“You can do whatever you want; it doesn’t bother me to be mocked as worthless; it’s just a fact.”

“That’s not true Serge.”

A truly worthless person wouldn’t be so open about it; they try so hard to hide it so they look big and respectable, like Ernest.

‘It’s rude to name someone in particular as a bad example,’ she muttered to herself, shaking her head.

“Angelique, if you have some free time, why not pay a visit to Sari and Lasse?”


‘I’ve always wanted to go there.’

She’s been thinking about the road and bridge construction priorities for a while now, but she’s been stuck in the library for so long that she’s starting to feel stuffy.

She cowered in the cold of the withering trees as she left the castle with Serge.

October has already passed, and Bourg is feeling the full force of winter.

She has heard that because of the low rainfall, there is no heavy snow in winter, but because the temperature is low, it snows when it rains.

The earth also begins to freeze, making it difficult for land reclamation teams to work. She liked to visit the area as often as possible to thank them for their efforts.

When they arrived at the dragon stables, Erik and Jean greeted them.

Sari and Lasse’s backs have a saddle-like attachment.

“We’re about to depart for flight training.”

“Can Sari and Lasse fly?”

“They can, of course.”

Flying is as natural to dragons as walking, and it is by far the fastest mode of transportation.

And Serge, John, and Erick are happy to tell her that they enjoy flying.

They are all fascinated by dragons.

“Would you like to go for a ride?”


“Sari will take you for a ride. She considers you a friend.”

“How about Lasse? Is he still not fond of me?”

Serge laughed and shook his head.

“He really likes you, which is why you can’t ride him.”

“Why not?”

“Sari will be jealous.”


Angelique’s eyes widened.

“…I’d be jealous as well.”

“Oh, Serge…”

“I’m serious.”

“Do dragons really care about humans?”

“Yeah. They’re astute and caring. They’re wary and difficult to approach, but once they trust you, they won’t betray you.”

Sari carried John out of the stables.

Angelique felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at the saddle, which was much taller than the horse.

‘It’s large, as expected.’

In the sunlight, Sari’s rose-colored scales glistened.

“Let’s go, Sari!”

Sari spread her wings at John’s command. Her large body floats up the next moment, and she is soaring into the blue early winter sky in the blink of an eye.


Sari, now as small as a bird, circled high above for a while before descending slowly.

“How about it? Do you want to go for a ride?”

Serge inquired, and Angelique shook her head in fear.

‘I can barely ride a horse and don’t think I’ll be able to do it.’

It would be more than just falling off the horse if she fell from such a height. She’s definitely going to die.

“It would be pitiful if Sari was blamed for dropping me.”

“Sari would never drop you.”

“However, I could just fall off on my own.”

“But you won’t fall off so easily.”

Serge claimed that there was no safer ride than a well-traveled dragon, but Angelique refused, saying, “Not today.”

“Alright. Let me know if you ever want to go for a ride.”

She gave a vague nod.

‘I wondered when such a day would come.’

Chapter 24: Minerals

Angelique began to go around the state by herself once she could ride a horse.

It is much faster and easier than riding in a rickety carriage in Bourg, where the roads are not well maintained, and there is nothing more physically demanding than a horse-drawn carriage driving through the rocky wasteland.

After buying meat at the Montan farm in Vignoa and returning from sending and receiving letters, Angelique saw Serge and the others getting ready to go out.

Incidentally, the meat was paid for out of Serge’s pocket. Angelique noticed that there was one ruby missing from the sword on his waist.

“Are you planning on going out?”

“Yes, Angelique, welcome back; I’m off to collect some minerals.”


He said that dragons eat everything, but they prefer meat and minerals even more. Sari and Lasse regard it as a snack.

“There’s a mine where you can mine crystals. Do you want to go, Angelique?”

Erick and two other dragon wranglers were putting the horses together. When Angelique hesitated, wondering if her riding skills and small white horse would slow them down, Serge offered to ride with her on his horse.

‘It had been a long time since Serge had given me a ride.’

Angelique was happy and nodded with a big smile on her face.

“I’ll be right back once I drop the meat off with Doni.”

“Don’t worry, there’s no need to rush; it’s not that far.”

Serge embraced her as she mounted his horse then they began their short journey.

She sees a sheer mountain at the end of the wasteland after passing through one village.

Serge’s breath is clinging to his whiskers. It tickles her and makes her nervous.

“This is the Azul mine, and I’ve always wanted to show you this cave.”

The mine’s entrance was cleverly concealed. A small smudge in one of the numerous rock crevices led to a cave.

There was a large cavern inside. Serge signaled to Erick, “OK,” as he entered the dark tunnel.

When Erick lights the lantern, the entire area around them begins to glow white at once.


“What do you think?”

As far as the eye can see, the walls are glistening with crystals.

All of the white, translucent crystals were large and gleaming.

It’s a lovely, mysterious place.

“It’s incredible, so beautiful…”

Several other mines have been discovered over time, but this one near the castle appears to be the most productive.

“Having a good mine nearby is important for dragon breeding. Although I called it a snack, minerals are necessary for dragons.”

It is thought that eating minerals helps to keep their hard scales. Furthermore, according to Serge, stones appear to support dragon life through their magical powers.

“Rubies and sapphires are also very good for their health, and the Royal Dragon Institute in Escola uses gems to cure dragon diseases, as well as to catch and accustom dragons.”

Angelique cast a glance at Serge’s sword.

“Could the ornament on your sword be used as bait in case you come across a dragon one day?”

Serge burst out laughing.

“That could be one of the reasons; if I had the chance, I’d probably use the jewelry on it, but it’s more of a insurance.”


“I’m saving it for the same reason you are.”


Angelique had sold the majority of her gowns but kept her jeweled accessories.

Jewelry that takes up little space, doesn’t depreciate in value, and can be converted into large sums of money can help in times of need. She had decided to keep them on hand for emergencies until she could save for a famine.

‘I can’t believe Serge thought the same thing…’

“How come you didn’t tell me?”

“Is it even worth mentioning? First and foremost, you also kept silent, didn’t you? “

“But…You sold one to buy meat…”

Serge renounced one of his most important insurance policies.

“Come on, I know you wouldn’t spend money from the sale of your dress on meat; it’s a shame we didn’t have any other money to spare… Besides, since you came, I thought it would be okay to give one of them away; there are plenty of things I can do with the money I have left.”

Serge’s sword is adorned with jewels that belonged to the Dukes of Barnier.

“What do you think, Angelique, about using the proceeds from the sale of the rubies to renovate the castle?”

“…It’s your money; do whatever you want with it.”

“That’s terrible; you used your dress money to pay for the estate…”

Angelique burst out laughing.

“Does that seem excessive?”

“I’d like to discuss everything and make a decision; please let me know what you think.”

“I agree. I wanted to do something about the roof, too.”

“OK, let’s think about the construction plans when we get home.”

Repairing the castle will also generate employment. It provides employment for people who are unemployed.

Angelique thinks it was the right choice of spending money.

The season is changing to winter, but a brighter future is emerging for Bourg.


While Serge tends to the dragons at the castle, Angelique reads through the letters she received in Vignoa.

Three letters were from her sisters, and one was from his father.

There were numerous letters from her school friends, as was customary.

The content is jam-packed with accusations, testimonies, and apologies.

Most of the letters spoke ill of Charlotte. The ones from Emmeline and Felice were too much to read that she wanted to fold them up halfway through. When she finished reading them, she wished she had folded them.

There were several letters of complaint and testimony to Angelique’s innocence, not only from the prominent group’s high noble ladies, but also from the more reserved and quiet ladies of the viscounts and barons.

To be honest, it didn’t matter any longer.

She’s not concerned with where Charlotte goes or what she does. At best, she wishes her and Ernest the best of luck.’

She was also pleased to read through some of the letters in which her friends’ marriages were reported.

Among them was a purple and black envelope with lace that gave off a slightly obscene vibe.

Her sex-education instructor, Mrs. Berean also sent a letter.

Angelique tilted her head after reading the brief message.

It was a letter about a revelation book she was working on, in which she announced after she and Ernest were no longer engaged.

“A Revelation Book…”

Mrs. Berean’s revelation book, written by an expert in eroticism and erotica, sounds intriguing.

[Everyone loves revelations, don’t they?] Mrs. Berean said in the letter.

Angelique had no doubts that her book would be a huge success when it was released, so she wrote a brief response saying, “I had nothing to do with Ernest.”

But Angelique had no idea the contents of her book would be so sensational in the near future.

She would have stopped it if she had known.

But Angelique was far away in Bourg. It was impossible to know her true intentions from a brief exchange of letters.

Chapter 25: Repair of the Castle and Maintenance of the Castle Grounds

Emire, who was originally the caretaker of the castle of Bourg and knew a lot about the castle’s structures, made the decision to repair the castle.

Angelique felt sorry for Emire, who is playing multiple roles at the same time.

“I apologize for being so harsh with you.”

“Of course not; it’s nothing compared to Angelique-sama’s work; please let me take care of the castle and rest assured.”

Emire has kindly agreed to oversee the repairs.

“Thank you very much, Emire.”

Following consultation with Serge, it was decided that the castle grounds should be improved as well.

The fact that the number of people coming and going is kept low and the castle town of Bourg is deserted is due to the dragons.

Serge and his men also didn’t want too many people to see them while they practiced flying.

Dragons, on the other hand, are wary creatures.

They are large and powerful. They have teeth that can crush minerals and steel wings.

If an unsuspecting person comes too close to a dragon, the dragon may be startled and injure the person. Worse, it may kill you.

“Sari and Lasse are intelligent and docile, but they don’t take kindly to everyone. I don’t think they’ll attack, but I don’t want to stress them by putting up with them.”

Angelique considered it and proposed, albeit a little strangely, that the town of Sonora, north of Bourg’s castle, be established as the town’s first central-town.

“Is such a central-town really necessary?”

“Yes, it is necessary.”

Money flows freely in a well-developed town.

Things are bought and sold at the right price, and the money spent by the wealthy is distributed evenly throughout the town.

When a town is in disrepair, inferior goods are sold at high prices, while decent goods are purchased at low prices. People will stay away if they can’t get decent goods, even if they have money.

“It will become a town where only cheaters like the tax collector you fired will benefit. Money gained from such scams is rarely spent properly. When it is spent on gambling and alcohol, it does not benefit those who work hard. We need to create a system where those who work hard can become rich.”

“I understand.”

“If Bourg’s representative town is strong, the other towns in the territory will gradually improve.”

She hesitates to compare the towns of Bourg to the royal capital and the Duchy of Montan because they are all so small. But it makes no difference how big or small it is.

Even in the capital, there are some areas that are neglected.

They are places where people are on the run because they have done bad things, or people of questionable character, and are told never to come near.

It is said to be a hotbed of crime.

‘We must not create a place as horrible as Krim.’

As soon as the various land reclamation teams made some progress, the labor force was divided in half, and work on the main roads and the construction of much-needed bridges began.

Even in the dead of winter, they continued their inspection tours to various locations.

They left the work to their trusted representative and went to see only the important parts because they couldn’t check everything with their own eyes, but the number of inspections was quite frequent.

Even though they were paid well, the work was all physically demanding.

She wanted to thank the people who worked hard in the cold with blackened hands and express her appreciation.

Angelique was frequently told by her father, the Duke of Montan, that showing one’s face in this manner was an important role of a lord.

And then…

It was at the end of December, just before the new year, that Angelique, who was quite strong in spite of her thin appearance, fell ill.

Chapter 26: Pregnancy

The castle’s restoration was going well.

The crumbling walls have been rebuilt, the roof has been re-roofed beautifully, and the exterior has been completely restored.

The wind has stopped blowing in, and they have recently been able to purchase enough firewood. The castle’s interior is now warm and inviting.

All that remains is to furnish the interior, and the small but lovely castle will be finished.

On the day of the Holy Child’s birth in December, the dining room table was set with a feast that Doni had worked so hard to prepare.

Grilled turkey and veal cutlets, thick stews with chopped meat and root vegetables, and sweet bread pudding are among them.

“Angelique-sama, I’m going to serve meat now.”

Angelique smiles and nods, as she always does, in response to Emire’s words.

Suddenly, she felt compelled to turn away from the smell of meat. A queasy feeling in her stomach overcame her, and she quickly covered her mouth.

“I apologize…”

She rose from her seat and dashed to the restroom. She presses her hands against her churning stomach and pulls the bell-tied string.

Mrs. Cello strolled in.

“What’s the problem?”

“I’m feeling a little nauseous…”

In the middle of her words, she gasped and plunged her face into the washbasin on the table. Mrs. Cello, who was rubbing her back, whispered in her ear.

“Um… Madame, there hasn’t been any sign of the moon recently, and perhaps…”


A quick mental search led her to Mrs. Berean’s teachings.

“A-A baby?”

“I believe so.”

Mrs. Cello smiled and nodded.

“We’re going to require the services of a doctor.”

“I think I should tell Serge…”

“Perhaps we should wait until we know for certain; if we’re wrong, he might misunderstand.”

Many men are said to be perplexed when they reveal their pregnancy at the first sign of pregnancy and then discover that they are not pregnant due to a misunderstanding.

Some go on to say that if they thought it was possible, it must have been possible, and some even believe their child is dead simply because they don’t believe it was possible.

“It’s not their fault because they lack knowledge.”

Mrs. Cello gives a bitter smile.

“Danna-sama is a very intelligent person, so I’m sure he’d understand if you said it was a mistake, but once he get his hopes up, he’ll be disappointed later.”

Angelique considered this possibility and decided to follow Mrs. Cello’s advice.

However, the castle erupted when Angelique, who was normally in good health, requested a doctor.

“The Lady said that she did not want to eat meat.”

“Did you want to eat meat? That’s insane…”

“If she left the meat, she must be very ill indeed.”

Erick and John, as well as six other young men who were dragon wranglers and castle workers, come to ask Doni and Emire anxiously.

Serge is powerless to do anything else but walk around the castle.

Mrs. Cello, who saw them anxious, told Angelique what was going on outside.

“Please inform everyone that I am fine.”

“Emire-san will bring a doctor in a minute. Let them worry for a little while.”

Emire assisted the doctor from the carriage, and the crowd eagerly followed them.

“Go away, please,” the doctor said, his brow furrowed.

As a result, they waited outside the room for a while.

For a while…

Mrs. Cello finally opened the door and announced loudly.

“The Lady is expecting!”


After a moment’s silence, a burst of cheers echoed through the corridor.

Serge stumbled into the room, calling out Angelique’s name in an emotional voice.


Serge hugged Angelique, who was smiling with stained cheeks, and then hugged him back gently.

“Oh, Angelique, what a happy man I am!”

“I’m with you, Serge.”

“Look after yourself and give birth to a healthy child. I’ll look after the territory so you can relax.”

“Thank you; I’ll rely on you.”

The holy child’s birthday celebrations became even more festive.

Angelique asked Mrs. Cello to open the door and listened to the bustle downstairs.

Angelique’s heart was filled with joy, despite the fact that she couldn’t taste Doni’s cooking.

Sari and Lasse eventually gave birth to two eggs.

Angelique approached Sari and said, “Let’s do our best together.” Sari pursed her lips and sniffed Angelique.

The two dragon eggs are said to hatch in about six months.

“Sari will become a mother first.”

Sari responded, “Gururu,” and she must be smiling.

A female human and a female Dragon encourage each other to be good mothers.

The stables are extremely cold.

Angelique understands that the dragon’s natural habitat is outside, but seeing Sari and Lasse take turns holding the two eggs makes her hope that they will hatch safely.

Chapter 27: The Forest

Serge sought another lady-in-waiting after learning that Angelique was pregnant, in addition to Mrs. Cello.

A 16-year-old girl named Pauline, a distant relative of John’s; her parents had died young, and she had been moving from relative to relative, but she was a very nice girl with a bright and gentle personality and no trace of cynicism.

Like John, Erick, Doni, Emire and Mrs. Cello, Serge was good at finding people.

Some were commoners, some were from the local nobility, and some came from different backgrounds, but they were all honest, hardworking, and pleasant people who shared one trait: they were polite and well-spoken.

Angelique told Mrs. Cello one day, “You have beautiful words,” and Mrs. Cello told her that Serge seems to pay special attention to those he keeps close to Angelique. She smiled shyly and said she was honored to have been chosen.

She felt confident in entrusting the estate management to Serge.

Serge has always been interested in Angelique’s method of working, from selecting crops and land to cultivate to building roads and bridges and the order in which they are built, and he has learned, discussed, thought about, and carried it out with the understanding that he is the lord of the estate.

He is naturally smart, his judgment is precise, and when a problem arises, he solves it in a jiffy. He still goes to Angelique for advice when in doubt, but he manages most of it on his own.

Angelique had nothing more to say.

As the year progressed and Angelique’s body stabilized, Serge approached her for advice on school and the hospital.

After inspecting the current situation and compiling a list of facilities and personnel required in each area, Serge immediately went to each location, found people he could trust, and threw the work to them in a good way.

His style of seeing through people and trusting them with something while doing nothing himself unless a problem arises is the ideal form of a higher-ranking person.

Serge’s abilities completely astounded Angelique.

Serge was completely free by the end of January, with nothing to do but visit the various regions on a regular basis.

One day, Serge came to Angelique fidgetily and asked her “May I go to the forest?” with hesitation.


“To the north.”

Serge once saw a dragon in the north forest.

“I’m sorry that I’m the only one who can do what I want while you’re pregnant…”

Serge tugged at the hem of Angelique’s dress and looked at her like a child, and Angelique couldn’t stop laughing.

“Why don’t you leave?”

“Are you certain?”

“Isn’t it an important job for you to research dragons? You seem to have settled down with the estate, so go ahead and do it.”

“But there’s the baby…”

“We don’t take turns keeping the eggs warm like Sari and Lasse do, and your presence won’t change anything.”

Angelique laughs again.

“Will everything be alright?”

“I’ll tell you if I want you to stay; it’s okay now, go ahead.”

Serge beamingly smiled.

“Thank you very much Angelique, I love you.”

He kissed her tenderly and walked out of the room with a spring in his step.

His childlike innocence, which remained even after he became a wealthy lord, was endearing.

Angelique, tired of sitting still, would frequently accompany Mrs. Cello or Pauline to see how the dragon was doing.

Lasse would sometimes rub his nose against Sari’s cheek while she held the eggs with a gentle expression on her face, or Lasse would hold the eggs while Sari stretched out and slept beside him.

“Dragons are large but adorable.”

With a twinkle in her eye, Pauline said.

‘This girl appears to love dragons as well.’

Mrs. Cello is still a little reserved when she enters the dragon stables, so Pauline follows her to the dragon stables on a regular basis.

In late January, John, who was riding his horse in the north woods, rushes into the stables in a panic.

He sees Sari holding the eggs and approaches Lasse, asking him, “Can you fly?”

“What happened?”

‘I don’t think anything bad has happened to Serge.’

Angelique rushes up to him, and John says, “Dragon,” with glowing eyes.

“In the forest, there was a dragon… It was only a child, and it was wounded.”

Serge requested that he bring Lasse to him.

“Danna-sama will carry the child here on the back of Lasse.”

He quickly saddled Lasse, who was already on his feet and waiting with the assistance of the other dragon wranglers.

He jumps on his back using a ladder.

While Angelique and Pauline look on, he says to Lasse, “Go!” and takes off.

The dragon’s blue wings gradually shrink, until it becomes a dot and vanishes in the northern sky.

Chapter 28: The New Dragon

Serge returns on Lasse, supporting a dragon about two sizes smaller than Sari.

Erick and the three dragon wranglers who stayed in the stables assisted in removing the smaller dragon from Lasse’s back.

The beautiful little dragon, with almost white scales, hangs limp and breathes feebly.

The dragon’s wing was wounded.

The dragon was small and thin, exactly as John had described it as a child.

Serge stated that he was unaware of the circumstances, but that the child’s inability to fly may have isolated her from her pack.

Dragons typically live in packs and lay their eggs when a litter leaves the nest; they have a life expectancy more than twice that of humans and can live 150 to 200 years, but they reach adulthood in about two years.

Serge fostered Sari and Lasse as children and brought them to Bourg when they were one year old.

They’ve been adults for a year, and this is their first time laying eggs.

The white dragon was the same size it was when Sari and Lasse were brought here, and it was about a year old.

They attempted to feed her meat, but she refused.

The majority of the meat given to the dragons came from old livestock or animals killed in the forest, and it was tough and smelled strongly.

Angelique asked Doni to bring some soft meat for human consumption, and the little dragon finally took a few bites before falling limp again.

On horseback, John and the others returned and offered her some red iron ore they had collected in the mines along the way.

“We were in a hurry, so this is all we have for the time being.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Do you want us to go to the Azur mine and collect some crystals?”


Serge examined the dragon carefully and removed a ruby from the sword at his waist.

The largest sapphire in the golden ornament was already missing.

“I’m sorry, Angelique, but can I rely on your jewels in times of famine?”

“Of course, you are welcome to use as many of my rings, tiara, and brooch as you like if you don’t have enough to give to this child.”

The dragon closes her thinly opened eyes and swallows the red iron ore and rubies.

Her breathing gradually became more relaxed.

“It appears that the pain has subsided.”

Sari, who had been watching the little dragon with bated breath, approaches, leaving the eggs with Lasse. “Gururu,” she says, bringing the tip of her nose close to the white dragon.

They are relieved when the little dragon responds with “Gururu.”

Serge and the others stayed in the cold stables for three days and three nights, tending to the dragon.

Sari usually spent more time with the eggs than Lasse, but she left the eggs  to Lasse in favor of spending time with the little dragon.

The little dragon got up by herself on the third day and drank some water.

Meat had been placed in a tub for Sari and Lasse to eat, but the little dragon started eating it by sticking her nose into it from the side.

Sari and Lasse were not angry and watched the little dragon eat the meat with their eyes.

“She appears to be doing better.”

“It looks like everything seems to be fine now.”

Serge and the other eight exhausted dragon wranglers collapsed to the ground, their hearts pounding in their chests in relief.

Lest they catch cold, Emire woke them one by one and brought them back to the castle, where they drank the soup Doni had prepared and fell asleep on the carpet in the hall, lord and servant alike.

The dragon was a girl and was named Blanca.

By the end of a week, she was well enough to live in the stables, where Lasse and Sari felt at ease with her.

“There will be five dragons in total when the eggs hatch. It’s incredible if you ask me, considering Escola’s institute only has twenty dragons.”

“We’ll have to figure out how to feed them as well.”

“I suppose so; if they could fly free, they could catch their own food, but we have to be responsible for their food as long as we keep them.”

It’s pricey, Serge admits apologetically.

“We won’t harvest as much wheat this year, but we’ll have more fields and more tax revenue next year, so we’ll be fine. Besides, I’ve been thinking about the wheat.”

“What about the wheat?”

“Aside from what we’ll eat, I want to sow as much wheat as I can this fall.”

(Translation: What they harvested will be replanted again.)

“Does that mean it will reduce overall grain yield?”

Angelique gave a nod.

“The bread here is delicious.”

“What about the bread?”

“I thought because Doni was good at making it, but our other cook was also good.”

“Well, of course. The Duke of Montan’s cook cannot be a dud.”

“Yes, but the bread here is better, and I wasn’t that disappointed even when I couldn’t eat the meat.”

Serge seemed unsure, but decided not to worry.

“I mean, I think wheat might be a specialty here; perhaps the cold weather and the time it takes to grow make it sweeter. Good wheat would be popular in the Royal Capital if it was well advertised; it would probably sell for twice the price.”

“The royal capital?”

Wheat is the only way they can sell at a high price.

In the Royal Capital, bread is pure white bread baked with wheat.

“If we can build a road to Vignoa, the Montan wagons will bring it from Vignoa. The profit will be sufficient to cover the costs. We could use the money to buy more grains, resulting in more grains.”

“So, wheat is the answer,” Serge hugged Angelique.

“Angelique, you are truly incredible.”

“No, I’m not; it’s easy to think about it in your head; the hard part is doing it.”

Angelique is glad that Serge put trust in her.

The sunlight begins to mix with the glimmer of spring after the middle of February.

Angelique’s stomach has not yet swollen, but Sari and Lasse’s eggs will hatch in a few months.

‘By the summer, the baby will…’

The estate reform is moving along nicely.

Everything appeared to be perfect.

Because of that she was overjoyed.

Then, one day, a fast horse trotted out of the Montan farm in Vignoa to Bourg.

It was an owl’s delivery service.

An owl service is only used for emergencies.

Angelique quickly opened the letter.

Angelique reads the letter quickly and almost falls to the ground.

She becomes pale and clutches Serge’s arm, who is nearby.


Angelique was trembling, her forehead drenched in sweat.


Chapter 29: The Owl’s Message

The letter was written by Frederick, the Duke of Montan’s butler.

According to the letter, Colgard had been attacked and was seriously injured.

The situation was still unpredictable as of last night, when the owl was dispatched.

It stated that they were concerned about Angelique health, and that they wanted Angelique to decide who should take over the dukedom in the event of an emergency.

Until six months ago, it was taken for granted that Angelique would take over as Duchess of Montan but her engagement to Ernest ended.

When her engagement to Ernest was broken off and Angelique married Serge, Lord Colgard arranged for his next heir, Francine and the third prince Claude, but they were not yet of age.

Marlene’s fiancé, Albert, was the heir to the Marquis de Prébois, which meant that Marlene could not take over the family.

Francine will be eleven years old when her birthday arrives at the end of the year, while Claude will be sixteen.

In the Kingdom of Alkan, the majority age is eighteen.

Seven years till Francine comes of age.

Prince Claude could be given a provisional title, but unlike Angelique, he was not raised to be a lord from an early age, and giving full power to a young provisional duke may not be acceptable to the people or the branch families.

Even so, he would have to wait two years.

So he needed someone to back him.

It would have to be a relative or the father of the spouse, but Claude is a prince.

He could not ask the king.

Only Lord Colgard’s brother, Viscount Barabou, Charlotte’s father, remained.

Would Viscount Barabou be appointed as her guardian, or would he let the Viscount inherit the dukedom of Montan and return it to Francine seven years later, when she came of age?

A choice had to be made.

Viscount Barabou would gain significant power in either case.

Frederick’s letter, which was a straightforward statement of the facts, was filled with distrust toward Viscount Barabou.

He wants Angelique’s thoughts on whether there is another option.

[I’d like for you to return to the royal capital.]

Frederick’s letter lacked the words he would have written if Angelique hadn’t been so ill.

[Please take care of yourself first and have a healthy child], Frederick probably wrote with his teeth clenched.

Her father could die.

Angelique had a lot to think about in order to protect the Dukes of Montan’s future.

Angelique is regarded as wise by all.

Angelique’s father, who was always kind, strict and a role model for her, is fighting for his life.

The fact stifles her.

To Angelique, Colgard Montan is more than just the first or second highest duke in the land, he is her father. He is a loving father.

Angelique couldn’t stand up after finishing reading the Owl’s Letter.

Her eyes went black, and she clung to Serge, who was standing in front of him, as if she were his only hope.

She couldn’t stop shivering even when she was held against Serge’s broad chest.

Despite the fact that her body was freezing cold, sweat began to form on her brow.



‘I can’t believe my father is…’

Chapter 30: Charlotte (1)

Charlotte has been envious of Angelique ever since she was a child.

Charlotte, the second daughter of a poor viscountess, received all of her clothes, hair ornament, fan, and other possessions from her two older sisters.

Angelique, who was the same age as Charlotte, was given everything new and expensive simply because she was the first daughter of a duke.

Despite the fact that she was not particularly attractive.

Angelique is said to be beautiful, but Charlotte disagrees.

Angelique’s hair is chestnut.

It is shiny because she has many servants and is groomed daily with perfumed oil, but the color is mediocre.

Her eyes are a standard hazel color, no matter how big and deep they are to show her intelligence.

Meanwhile, Charlotte had believed that her hair was blonde.

She didn’t believe the other person’s eyes when they told her it was light brown with yellowish tints.

Her eyes are a bright blue.

One would think they are a little too light, but Charlotte is sure to herself they are blue.

She thinks she resembles Marlene, Angelique’s four-year-old sister.

A doll-like beauty with gleaming blonde locks and sapphire blue eyes.

Marlene, the second daughter of the Dukes of Montan, was famous for her beauty even before she made her social debut.

It’s no surprise that they look alike because they’re cousins.

‘Yes, we are, indeed, cousins.’

Charlotte is the granddaughter of Angelique and Marlene’s grandfather.

Though, Charlotte’s grandmother is merely a mistress, but she is still descended from the Dukes of Montan.

If things had gone differently, Charlotte’s birth family could have been the Dukes of Montan, a great noble family with a vast estate.

Her mansion is nothing compared to the Montan’s. So it’s natural for them to look down on Charlotte.

It’s dreadful.

The lower-ranking daughters are still good; mention Lord Colgard’s name and they will be at your service.

‘They’ll do you a small favor if you give them a hair ornament or a fan I bought with Oji-sama’s money.’

Depending on what she gives them, they may do her a favor that they cannot reveal to anyone.

The school’s tuition is exorbitantly priced.

In addition, you must wear a different dress every day, as well as a new headpiece and earrings.

There are also small parties and tea parties that are not part of the social scene.

If you want to participate, you must be properly attired.

Charlotte was well aware of how much the ladies of the lowest nobility, who lacked land, desired dresses and accessories.

Angelique, who could afford the best of the best, would have no idea.

Charlotte was worried when it was discovered that she had made purchases in Angelique’s name and sent the payments to the Dukes of Montan.

But Angelique didn’t say anything, and she didn’t appear to have told Lord Colgard.

The second time she was discovered, however, the sum was so large that she was afraid Angelique would tell her father.

Charlotte secretly eavesdropped behind a pillar in case Lord Colgard became enraged, thinking he would accuse her of making a mistake.

However, her father stated, “She is like my fourth daughter”

Charlotte was overjoyed.

From then on, she began to shop under her own name, and did so proudly. She could buy anything she wanted as the Charlotte of the Montan family, without sneaking around under the suspicion of the store owner as “Angelique”.

It was like a dream.

But she still envied Angelique.

Angelique still possessed many items that Charlotte lacked.

She yearned for more.

Then she noticed Ernest walking down the street.

He was a short, darkly dressed man.

In addition, despite being a prince, his body is stocky and his gilet is frequently unbuttoned.

A man of the lowest caliber who worth nothing without the status of a second prince

Ernest was alone and had no followers.

He must have become disoriented.

How could he be a prince and be abandoned?

a drab individual

Charlotte, on the other hand, thought this was her chance.

Angelique’s fiance is this second prince.

What would Angelique think if she took this guy away from her?

Her lips naturally curved into a smile.

Ernest was easy to seduce.

Everyone knew Ernest, with his princely status but slow learner, and Angelique, with her overall good qualities, couldn’t balance each other out.

Charlotte knew that Ernest himself was more concerned about this than anyone else.

[Angelique said Ernest is an idiot.]

[Angelique said Ernest is disgustingly slow.]

[Angelique wishes Ernest was at least a head taller than her.]

Things false have been blasting it at him over and over.

Ernest, who was small-minded but proud, became enraged by Angelique.

“I knew it. She’s been mocking me the whole time.”

“That’s right. She’s a villainess. She has a pouty expression on her face and looks down on you on the inside.”

“I can’t forgive her; if I marry her, I’ll be a fool for the rest of my life; the engagement is called off!”

Even if Ernest simply wanted to cancel the engagement, the king, who wanted to strengthen his ties with the Dukes of Montan, would not be so easily persuaded.

But there’s a chance Ernest will make his usual request, and the king, tired of the situation, will say, “Do as you please.”

‘Or, even better…’

“I’ve got an idea.”

Chapter 31: Charlotte (2)

‘Let us make Angelique’s side the perpetrator of the crime.’

Charlotte fabricated charges against Angelique right away, using ladies of the lowest nobility.

The ladies, who, like Charlotte, were tired of being looked down on by Angelique’S friends like Emmeline and Felice, gladly did as Charlotte instructed.

They put nails in Emmeline’s shoes and splattered ink on Felice’s dress.

They also enjoyed bullying them in any way they could.

They must have been overjoyed because Charlotte said that she would take all the responsibility and they would get expensive things from Charlotte in return.

But when they learned that Angelique would be held responsible for these crimes, their expressions hardened.

“What will happen to Angelique if you do that?”

“Don’t worry, Angelique will soon break off her engagement to Ernest-sama, and she may be sent somewhere far away.”

“Did you use us to trick Charlotte?”

“That’s a terrible thing to say,”

Charlotte said coldly to the ladies.

“Can you then tell Emmeline you did it?”

“How could you, Charlotte?!”

“You can’t, can you? It is now too late. You cannot pretend that what you did did not happen.”

The other ladies did the actual work, except Charlotte, who can testify that they saw it, and they have all the evidence just in case.

Charlotte had them provide their own ink and nails. Charlotte had them check out the people who had sold them, and had them testify that they had sold them when needed, and she had them hold the money for them.

“If they ask who you are, say your name is Angelique. Your parents and siblings will be in big trouble if they find out you did it.”

On the other hand, she approached Emmeline and the others and told them that Angelique, like she did to Ernest, looked down on Emmeline and Felice.

Emmeline and Felice easily believed Charlotte’s words because they were jealous and envious of Angelique, who refused to gossip or bad-mouth others.

Charlotte then informed them that she and Ernest were engaged to be married.

She made it clear that she was the one with a royal connection. She implied that the time had come for a change.

“Emeline, you always spoke ill of me, didn’t you? I have to tell Ernest.”

“I-I didn’t do it.”

“Really? But I heard it from Angelique. You understand what it means, don’t you?”

Charlotte, Emmeline, and the others joined in.

“All right, Charlotte.”

“That’s exactly what we want.”

Emmeline and the others, who admired Angelique but saw her as a thorn in their side, likely thought Charlotte was easier to control.

They easily flipped to Charlotte.

As a result, preparations were made, and Charlotte immediately drove Angelique into a corner.

It worked surprisingly well, and Angelique married a poor count in faraway Bourg with the help of the hysterical Ernest.

They are told that it is a very poor county in the middle of nowhere.

Charlotte had a heartwarming experience for the first time in her life.

‘Angelique… You will spend the rest of your life learning how difficult and miserable poverty is.’

Chapter 32: Charlotte (3)

‘Everything was going swimmingly, everything was in order, and I had everything.’

Ernest agreed to marry her after she persuaded him.

The king was initially hesitant, but when he discovered that there were no other ladies willing to be betrothed to Ernest, he reluctantly agreed.

Charlotte was suspicious of Francine’s presence, but fortunately Francine was about to conclude talks with the third prince, Claude.

Her fortune was on her side.

At this rate, her father’s title may be elevated.

There is an unspoken understanding that a royal marriage must be with a marquise or higher.

Finally, Charlotte is the Marquis’s daughter.

“As His Majesty will inform you later, I’ve decided to marry Ernest.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“Why not? If that happens, will Oto-sama be promoted to the rank of marquis, right?”

Her father appeared to be biting his tongue for some reason.

“Since I’m marrying the second prince, can’t you at least build us a new castle?”

“How am I going to get the money for that?”

“How do you get the money…”

‘You don’t need to be concerned about money now that you’re a marquess with royal connections.’

“We’re no longer a poor viscount, you know?”

After everything Charlotte had done, her father simply stated, “You’re such an idiot.”

She needed a place to stay until her father or Ernest could build her a castle.

Lord Colgard had arranged for Angelique to stay at the Duke of Montan’s detached palace. It is essentially a small castle. To be honest, it’s bigger and better than Viscount Barabou’s.

‘Let’s make that our permanent residence.’

It’s in the heart of the capital, spacious and luxuriously furnished, and she has free reign over the duke’s servants. There is no better place to be than here.

‘I could live there indefinitely.’


Lord Colgard abruptly turned away from Charlotte.

He told her not only to leave, but also to have her own father pay for her shoppings from now on. He also told the shopkeeper to do the same.

“You are not the duke’s daughter.”

When Lord Colgard said that, she couldn’t believe it.

‘What makes him say that now? Is he lying when he says I was like a fourth daughter to her?’

She glared at him with resentment, but Lord Colgard’s demeanor remained unchanged.

When he was forced to return home, a messenger from the king arrived to inform her that the betrothal had become official.

She was relieved to know that her good fortune had not yet deserted her…

“What are you going to do now that you’ve accepted Ernest’s proposal of marriage?!”

“What am I going to do?”

“Didn’t you realize?! Marrying a royal brings nothing but honor. A poor aristocrat like us does not require great, meaningless honors. If we are promoted to the rank of Marquis, we will have to spend many times as much money on each state feast, and our tax rate will rise as well. The tax we collect from people is already 40%, the maximum we can levy, so where will the money come from?!”

“Because he’s a prince, Ernest must have a lot of land and money…”

“I already told you! It’s simply an honor! Ernest is a poor prince!”

‘It can’t be…’

“T-Then what happens now?”

“That’s why you’re sitting here with your head in your hands! You’ve been dealt a bad hand, so you’ll have to deal with it on your own.”

My father left the room, saying that he would have preferred the slow (retarded) Kathrine.

Charlotte was taken aback for a moment, but then she realized something.

It was obvious from the start.

First and foremost, her father was unable to take over the dukedom due to Lord Colerado.

When she realized this, she began to feel extremely unjustified.

“That’s right, Oto-sama would have been Duke of Montan without Oji-sama.”

His marriage to the second prince would be a great honor if his father was the Duke of Montan.

The engagement to Ernest is already set, and all that remains is for his father to be made Duke.

“I feel sorry for Oji-sama, but…”

‘Oji-sama was also to blame; he should have simply given Angelique’s place to me. And don’t bother me with my shopping…”

“You’ll get what you deserve.”

She occasionally used black market merchants to sell items to pay for items she purchased in the Royal Capital’s stores. If the item was new, legitimate traders would check with the Montan family and be extremely picky.

The black market was located in the Krim neighborhood.

They were told to avoid going there because of the high crime rate, but when she went, she discovered it wasn’t so bad.

She directed people to purchase nails, ink, and other items she had used for harassment.

There are people here who can do things that a submissive lady cannot.

“I can’t help myself. You shouldn’t be so distant from me. Oji-sama…”

Chapter 33: To The Royal Capital

When her father first showed Angelique an ear of wheat, he said to her:

[This wheat is far more valuable than jewelry, Angelique.]

Angelique was too young to comprehend it at the time.

Her mother’s sparkling hair ornament appeared to be more appealing to her.

[A great deal of effort has gone into growing these lovely wheat plants. They’ve taken a lot of work. They are the result of a lot of effort. It is a valuable food. We can’t exist without it. This tiny wheat ear is what keeps us alive.]

Her father’s education as a lord began with these words.

There was a lot to learn in order to protect everyone’s livelihood in the vast dukedom.

Angelique’s questions were always appreciated by her father.

When she asked why, he would tell her and sometimes encourage her to think for herself, guiding her to work as a lord for the good of the people.

‘My father taught me everything…’

Angelique raised her head, forcing himself to restrain her trembling body.

‘I have to leave…’

She can’t allow the dukedom to be under the hands of her uncle Danio.

Angelique must not place the people of the duchy in the hands of her uncle, who cannot even rule over a small estate, and cause them to suffer.

‘They’re we’re my people. It was the people I’m supposed to be protecting.’

She is now the wife of Lord of Bourg Serge Voltaire, but that is no reason to abandon the people of the Duchy of Montan.

Angelique must protect the duchy until Francine and Claude mature into good lords.

“Get the carriage ready…”

“No, madame!”

“Mrs. Cello… Please assist me in getting ready.”

“Please don’t do this.”

Cello’s face sagged.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. “No,” she said again, but her voice was muffled by her tears.


She feels sorry for the little girl who shivered. It’s a terrible thing to ask of her.


“Angelique, with your condition, you can’t ride in a carriage through the streets of Bourg…”


“I’ll have Lasse fly you.”

“But that’s…”

Lasse and Sari are now taking turns holding the eggs.

“No matter how fast Lasse can fly, I don’t know if he can make it to the Royal Capital and back home in the shortest amount of time. What will happen to the eggs when Sari becomes tired?”

“Lasse can travel to and from the Royal Capital in a single day. Lasse is free to leave as soon as he drops you off.”

“He can go home on his own.” Serge stated that flying from morning to evening would be relatively easy for Lasse.

Angelique was still concerned that Lasse might not return in time.

“Let me decide after meeting Lasse and  Sari.”


As they walked to the dragon’s stable, Lasse stood up as if he sensed something.

“Sari has the eggs, and Blanca is nearby.”

“…Lasse, I want you to fly to the capital.”

Serge asked, and Lasse sniffed “Gururu.”

“Can you manage on your own, Sari?”

“Eggs… Can you hold them?”

Sari’s head bobbed up and down, as if she understood what Serge and Angelique were saying.

Blanca used her nose to poke Sari’s stomach.

Blanca then took over as Sari gradually moved away from the eggs.

“Haha, since yesterday, she sometimes wants to imitate Sari like this. It seems to help a lot.”

Erick, who had brought the meat for the feeding, laughed. He and the others have no idea what’s going on yet.

“Erick, we’re going to the Royal Capital on the Lasse right now. Look after Sari and the eggs.”

“Has something gone wrong?”

“Angelique has an urgent matter in the Royal Capital. Lasse will go home first, but I and Angelique won’t be able to return for a while. Ask Emire for more information.”

They change their clothes and prepare to leave as soon as the saddle is ready.

“Blanca is helpful. Angelique, do you think we can now go with Lasse?”


She has never before ridden a dragon.

In all honesty, it’s a little frightening, but Serge knows that it’s far safer for Angelique, who is pregnant, than riding in a carriage on a rough road.

Plus, she’ll be safe with Serge.

Mrs. Cello is still hesitant when she learns that they are going to fly on a Dragon to the Royal Capital, but Pauline is willing to assist her in getting ready.

She layered blankets and wore Serge’s riding coat over her riding clothes before heading to the stables.

Before climbing into the saddle, she patted Lasse.

Serge held her in place and used leather straps to secure the various parts of the saddle.

Lasse, who had been sitting down for Angelique, now stands up.

‘It’s so high.’

Then, Lasse spreads his wings as soon as he leaves the stables.

The next thing she knows, she’s flying through the sky.

Her cheeks are flushed from the cold air.

Angelique is now on her way to the capital with Serge.

Chapter 34: Lord Colgard


Angelique dashed into the castle as they landed. Meanwhile the maids screamed at the sight of the dragon.


“Frederick! Where is Oto-sama?!”

“Thank goodness he’s made it over the critical stage. He’s in stable condition now according to the doctor.”

“Are you certain?!”

“Yes,” Frederick said, his face tired.

Relieved, she sank to her knees and squatted on the thick carpet.

Serge, who had come running in after her, said, “It’s going to be okay.” and helped her to her feet.

Then Frederick inquired, suspiciously.

“Um… Ojo-sama, how did you arrive so quickly?”

“I sat atop a flying dragon.”

“I’m sorry… A dragon?”

Unfortunately, Lasse went right back to Bourg right away so she couldn’t show him to Frederick.

“May I speak with Oto-sama?”

“The doctor is in the room. Please ask him directly.”

“I will. Frederick, please get some rest. I’ll call you if I have any questions.”

She then went to her father’s private room with Serge.


Marlene and Francine are also present, sitting in front of the bedroom.

When they saw Serge, their eyes flashed and their cheeks blushed.

The maids who were waiting by the wall were also glancing at Angelique’s husband.

After all, he has a handsome face.

She didn’t seem to mind and was looking at the bedroom with a solemn expression.

Judging by the looks of his sisters and the maids, she was relieved to hear that he passed through the difficult phase. The doctor’s permission is granted, and she enters the room quietly.

She only saw my father’s face as he slept, and went back to her detached palace, which was to be her temporary home.


The next day, the doctor gave her the permission to talk to him for a few minutes.

“Count Voltaire…”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

When her father extended his right hand, he was still lying on the bed.

“How is Angelique doing?”

“Yes. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. She is doing well for the people, based on what she learned from the Duke.”

Lord Colgard smiled contentedly.

He was concerned about Angelique’s health and inquired as to how she had arrived. He didn’t seem to understand when she told him she had come with the dragon.

“I was careless; I pushed you too hard; I apologize.”

“No, did you catch the criminal, Oto-sama?”

“Yes. He should be locked up in Aguillon prison right now.”

Her father claimed it was a robbery, but Angelique was skeptical as she nodded.

The story was, when he got off the carriage, he was stabbed, according to the doctor. He was stabbed deeply in the side, lost a lot of blood, and went unconscious for a while.

He said he was able to recover thanks to his own physical strength.

“How can a robber stab someone so easily?”


“I think he was after Oto-sama’s life from the very beginning.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Because Oto-sama wouldn’t have been as badly hurt even if he had been caught off guard.”

Nobles who constantly wear jewelry like swords, cufflinks, and rings are easy targets for robbers. Her father has learned some self-defense techniques and believes it is foolish not to take precautions if you know you will be targeted.

He has trained himself so that even if he is surprised and his bag or walking stick is stolen, he will move his body on his own to avoid serious injury the moment he believes he is about to be stabbed.

Angelique, Marlene, and Francine have also received this type of training, which is typically not given to females. That’s how meticulous her father is.

“I can’t believe a simple thief could stab Oto-sama with such force and inadvertently inflict a life-threatening blow on him.”


“I need to see the criminal.”

“What do you mean you’re going to see him?”

“Inquire of him who sent him.”

“What did you say?”

Angelique’s father looked up from his bed, surprised.

“The person who did it was most likely a professional.”

Her father also said that Frederick was with him.

Frederick, who was usually at the castle, happened to be sitting in the carriage at the bank that day. He goes on to say that if it had just been him, he would have gotten away.

“Thank you. Let us make certain that Frederick receives his special reward for this… a great reward for great achievement.”

Angelique’s brain was gradually returning to normal function after the relief of knowing her father was alive.

What had previously been a hazy outline began to take shape.

Someone else is the true perpetrator.

She promised herself that she would find out who it was.

‘I swear… I’m not going to let you get away with it…’

Angelique was furious this time.

She becomes more calm than usual when she is enraged. On the surface, she appears to be the same, but deep within her belly, she is aflame with rage.

Those who have witnessed the terror of an angry Angelique will never be able to show their faces in her presence again.

If you happen to run into her on the street, you’ll be frozen in place, unable to move and sweating profusely.

It is a terrible thing that you will never forget.

What if you make her angry when she is rarely angry?

A person who is filled with kindness and compassion can also be cruel.

This is because such a person understands what lies deep within the human heart.

The true perpetrator’s demise is approaching.

There is no way out now.

Chapter 35: The True Culprit

Aguillon’s prison was located outside of the royal city.

Angelique, who accompanied Serge to the prison with the Duke of Montan’s power of attorney, was taken aback by the windowless stone structure.

Despite the time of day, the guard led them down a stone corridor dimly lit by candlelight.

The criminal was imprisoned in a small cell with bars.

Angelique, who is standing against the wall in front of the bars, exhales slowly as the guard steps back. In a low voice, she asks him briefly.

“Who sent you?”

The man gave a sly grin.

Even when he was caught, you could see his dismissive attitude.

He did not appear to beg for his life, despite the fact that he could have been sentenced to death if the person he stabbed died. He was a brave man.

Even if he dies, all that matters is that he gets paid.

Even If you threaten to kill him right now, he won’t say anything. He’d rather keep his client’s identity hidden and give the rest of the money to the person he really wants to give it to.

“Serge, request that the guards bring this man’s family.”

Serge silently left Angelique’s side as the man’s smile faded.

“Do you know who you just stabbed?”

“I don’t. All nobles look the same.”

“The Duke of Montan.”


The man rises and places his hand on the bars.

“The Duke of Montana…”

“I’m not sure how much you’re being paid, but if you try to kill a Duke, you’ll be executed. It’s also Lord Colgard. You’re not going to get away with that.”

Angelique’s voice was soft, but her hazel eyes, which were normally warm and compassionate, were as cold as permafrost.

“Whether you mention your client’s name or not, the Montan family will kill your entire family.”

“Wait! My daughter is innocent!”

“Shut up! What was the crime committed by my Oto-sama? Your daughter will arrive at any time. I’m going to execute her in front of you. If you don’t like it, tell me who your client is!”

Angelique’s voice reverberated down the stone corridor.

“Sigh… If you tell me, I’ll spare your daughter’s life.”

“I-Is that true…?”

“I swear.”

According to the man, the name could be a pseudonym.

“A young lady with unusually colored hair. I’m not sure whether it’s yellow or light brown…”

“Like a corn ear?”

“Yes, that’s the exact color.”

Angelique’s face contorted with hatred.

A middle-age woman and her young daughter walked to the front of the cell, accompanied by Serge and an officer, looking terrified.

The girl’s face was distinctly pale even in the candlelight, and her body was so thin that it threatened to break.

She had to be around four years old.

“I invited them, but I’m finished with my business.”

Angelique said without looking at the man or his family.

“Sorry for the trouble.” Serge apologizes to the perplexed officer and follows Angelique.

Angelique walks the corridor beside Serge, leaving the prison.

“Did you figure out who the real culprit is?”


She was becoming increasingly enraged.

There have been many moments in the past when common sense would have deemed this unforgivable.

But she thought it was something embarrassing, brazen, or annoying, and that it was something she should do something about and change.

It’s not that she forgave them, she just didn’t think it was necessary for her to deal with them every time.

But this time is not the case.

This is clearly a crime.

More than that, Angelique herself could not forgive.

She might be able to expose Charlotte if she could get her to meet with the man, and if she could get the facts in front of a judge.

But with little evidence and testimonies, Charlotte might get away with it.

Besides, that will not satisfy Angelique.

“I need you to do something for me, Serge.”

“Whatever you want.”

“I’d like you to return to Bourg castle and bring me a bunch of letters that I keep in my closet.”

“A bunch of letters?”

“Yes. I have a drawer full of them from my sisters and school friends, so bring them all.”

The quickest way would be to fly in an owl and have John or Erick deliver them by dragon, but it was important evidence and she didn’t want to burden them with unnecessary responsibility.

It would be preferable if Serge rode the fast horse to Bourg and returned on Lasse.

He should be back in three days, if not four.

“I apologize for treating you like a servant, Serge.”

“Hehe, I’m used to you treating me like a servant,” Serge chuckled.

“Please be careful with it.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll wrap it around and bring it to you as quickly as I can.”

“Of course, I trust you.”

“You should unwind a little while you’re waiting.”

Angelique smiled and silently nodded.

But, in reality, that was not going to happen.

Angelique has three tasks to complete before Serge returns.

Chapter 36: Preparation for Judgment

Serge borrows the fastest horse in the stable and sets off on a long journey.

It was late in the afternoon.

Angelique flew owl-letters to deliver messages along the way so that Serge could quickly change horses wherever he stopped in towns.

As long as Serge isn’t tired, it’ll be two days at most, but since that’s the speed of a courier, he’ll be in Bourg by the evening of the day after tomorrow or at noon on the day after tomorrow.

He can take a ride with Lasse from there and be back in the capital in half a day.

“I’m sure I’m putting too much pressure on him.”

That’s equivalent to asking him to work three consecutive days without rest.

But, Angelique thinks it’s safe to ask him, knowing Serge and how he cared for the injured young dragon for days without rest.

‘I’m confident he’ll be fine. He has a lot of stamina after all’’

She blushed as she remembered the night she spent with him.

After seeing Serge off, she wrote the first letter to the king requesting an audience.

Normally, she would have had to apply a month in advance to meet the busy King, but she was able to get an audience thanks to the Duke’s household prestige and Francine who is the third prince’s fiance.

She might have been able to meet him under the name “Angelique” in the past, but now that her engagement with Ernest has been broken, it would be a negative factor.

‘I’m not sure I’ll be able to meet the King, but if I write about my father, I’m sure he won’t ignore it.’

She asked both Francine and Marlene to sign the letter, and the three of them signed it together.

Angelique then hired a carriage to take her to see her friends.

She went to see the ladies who had written to her, confessing their sins and apologizing to Angelique.

They are ladies who put nails in the victim’s shoes, and ladies who spilled ink on the victim’s dresses.

However, the majority of them are now married.

She gave up on the wives who lived far away, or if their position made it difficult for them to testify; in any case, she did not force any of them to testify. Nonetheless, many of the ladies, now wives, were eager to assist her.

“I can’t forgive Charlotte for what she did.”

“I, too, cannot forgive myself for what I did.”

“I will testify if it is for Angelique’s sake!”

It takes bravery to speak out in front of the king about past mistakes.

Angelique thanked her friends for their bravery and said goodbye to the past.

Finally, Frederick went with her to the Krim. It is the roughest neighborhood (slum) in the city.

She went to see the family of the man she met in Aguillon prison and inquired about him.

Edgar Barthes is the man’s name, and he used to be a soldier stationed at the city gates.

While many of the soldiers were commoners, Barthes’ superior was the third son of a lesser nobleman who made unreasonable demands on him. He frequently requested money.

When Barthes refused, he was accused of being the perpetrator of a theft in the barracks.

Because his superior was also a lesser nobleman, Barthes was blamed without any investigation. Barthes was fired from his job, and as an ex-convict, he struggled to find work and ended up working as a bouncer in the Krim.

“Please this girl is…”

The wife of Roland Barthes embraces her daughter.

‘She’s ill…’

“It’s alright…”

Angelique interrupted Mrs. Barthes, saying she understood most of what she was saying.

She squatted down a bit and brought the child in her mother’s arms to eye level.

“What’s your name?”


“Marie, where does it hurt?”

“My chest… It’s difficult to breathe…”

She looked Marie in the eyes, nodded, and rose to her feet.

“Frederick, have someone take Marie and Mrs. Barthes to the nearest estate later.”

“Is Morell all right? A doctor who specializes in pediatric medicine came last month.”

Angelique turned to thank the capable butler.

“Thank you. As one would expect from the Duke of Montan’s butler.”

“It is an honor.”

When she was about to leave the Krim neighborhood, she felt someone watching her as she reached the carriage parked on the main street and looked around. But she didn’t recognize anyone.

“Ojo-sama, this is a very dangerous place.”

Frederick suspected that another robber was after them and ordered his men to bring them out from the Krim neighborhood immediately.

Back at the castle, Marlene announced, “His Majesty has written back,” and handed Angelique the letter.

The audience was permitted, and the date two days later was written on it.

“It came sooner than I anticipated.”

Serge has been gone for two days since he left the castle at noon today. He’ll most likely return tomorrow afternoon or evening.

She expected the letter to arrive later, depending on the schedule, but everything appears to be in order.

‘All I need to do now is call Charlotte, but should I keep an eye on her just in case? But we’ve done everything in such a rush that I doubt she will notice.’

While she was thinking this, she was walking toward the detached palace in the setting sun.

She didn’t have a lady-in-waiting with her because she needed some alone time.

As she walked through the courtyard, she heard quick footsteps coming from behind her.

Angelique’s eyes widened as she turned around.

It happened so quickly.


Charlotte held a dagger in her hand, fast approaching.

Chapter 37: Lasse and Serge

Charlotte rushes toward her, holding daggers in both hands, but Angelique immediately ducks by turning her body sideways.

She never thought that the self-defense skills her father had taught her would come in handy for the first time when her cousin attacked her.


To protect the newlyweds’ privacy, a blindfold tree is planted between the castle and the detached palace.

The western sky was turning orange, and the courtyard was even less visible than usual before the lights were lit.

The servants were frantically running around in preparation of celebration for the Lord’s recovery.

Angelique has given up on asking for help from anyone.

Angelique quickly extracted the dagger hidden in the folds of her dress and held it with her right hand while resting her left hand on her still un-bulging stomach.


When she bit her lips and called her husband’s name in her mind, a big shadow crossed over her head.

It let out a shrill cry as it circled the reddening sky, eventually landing on a slightly larger area of the courtyard.

“Lasse?! Serge!”

‘He was so fast. Did he travel to Bourg as quickly as an express courier?’

“W-What is that…?!”

Charlotte backs away with a look of horror on her face.

Lasse makes another guttural sound and slams a foot with a thud, his fingernails clawing at the floor.

Lasse casts a glance at Charlotte, who slumps to her haunches and exhales through his nose.

Serge leaps from his back, gleaming in the setting sun, and sprints to Angelique.



“This is…”

Serge raised his eyebrows, perplexed, as he held Angelique in his arms.

Serge looks alternately at the two women facing each other with daggers in their hands in the reddish dusk of the courtyard.

Serge gently lets go of Angelique and stands in front of Charlotte who was sitting on her butt.

Charlotte looks up at Serge, forgetting about the situation and admiring his good looks, while Serge looks down at her coldly.

“Angelique, find someone.”

Serge’s words were soothing. But his beautiful face is as cold as ice, and a fire of rage burns behind his blue eyes.

Angelique gave Charlotte one last look before heading to the castle. She had a flirtatious expression on her face as she looked up at Serge.

‘Even now, you’re sending waves of autumn to another’s husband…’

Angelique’s stomach is churning.

When Angelique summoned the servants and maids, they all rushed to the courtyard and screamed at the same time.

“T-There’s something in there!”

“What exactly is that?!”

Lasse gave them a wry look as they tried to flee.

“Don’t worry, everyone!”

“Rather, lend me a helping hand.”

The servants, while terrified of the dragon, seize Charlotte at Serge’s command.

After that, Lasse kicks the floor and clears his throat with a brief “Gururu,” as if to say, [I have to go.]

Because Dragons can see in the dark. He wishes to return to Bourg.

“Thank you. Sari and the eggs are waiting for you.”

Serge reached out and lightly patted him on the belly. Lasse then spread his wings and vanished into the luminous sky in the blink of an eye.

The servants and attendants gathered in the courtyard were stunned, simply staring up at the setting sun.


Frederick arrived a little later.

Serge gave a brief explanation of the situation, and Frederick frowned.

“To think something like that could have happened…”

“I guess I wasn’t imagining things when I thought I was being watched.”

“When you got into the carriage near the Krim?”

Charlotte must have been watching Angelique at the time.

She was either spying on Angelique or planning something nefarious at Barthes’ house.

‘Was she going to hurt Marie and Mrs. Barthes?’

Angelique is unsure, but Charlotte realized Angelique was aware of the Barthes’.


Serge then pulls Angelique into an embrace.

Serge grips Angelique tightly and turns his icy gaze to the passage through which Charlotte has been led.

Chapter 38: King’s Judgment

Angelique was escorted by Serge to the King’s private chambers two days later, with Marlene and Francine close behind.

The king took time out from his duties to invite them to his private chambers.

Serge waited in the antechamber with several servants, rather than entering the king’s chambers.

“Colgard suffered a terrible tragedy. I’m relieved to hear he made it.”

“I appreciate your concern, your Majesty.”

Angelique began her first statement right away, not wanting to waste the king’s time.

“I discovered that the man who attacked my father had someone who ordered the attack.”

“I heard it was a robbery, but you’re saying someone else was after Colgard’s life?”

Angelique gave a nod.

The king’s gaze was subtle.

It was most likely because of the incident at school that ended her engagement to Ernest.

Angelique is said to have been the perpetrator of the school’s harassment and theft.

Angelique was sent to Bourg without the opportunity to explain herself, so in the king’s mind, she is still a despicable woman.

And despite the fact that she was betrothed to Ernest, the king rarely spoke to her. He was a busy man.

Even though they never spoke, Angelique admired the king for his diligence and sincerity in politics. So she only regretted disappointing the king.

Perhaps it would be preferable to clear up the misunderstanding first.

The king will not believe anything a vile woman says.

She cannot blame the king for his judgment because there were “alleged” witnesses during Angelique’s time.

“Please allow me a few moments of your time. It will not take long.”

With the king’s permission, seven or eight former students were allowed into the private chambers.

The Ladies, now countesses or marquises, confessed to the king that their earlier statements had been false, despite the fact that they could cause great harm to themselves and their marriage partners.

“Angelique had done absolutely nothing.”

“She was completely blameless.”

The Ladies stated that they had written numerous letters apologizing for their actions, not only in this case but also in previous ones. A member of the king’s entourage presented a bundle of letters to confirm this.

“Everything written in them is addressed specifically to me. Please do not pass judgment on my friends because of them.”

The king flipped through some of the letters quickly and with difficulty.

“It appears that Charlotte is the source of all this…”

The Ladies all nodded at the same time.

“For the time being…go back.”

The king instructed them.

They all nodded as it was explained that they would like to get to the bottom of the story.

Given the sins committed in the past, this is unavoidable, but Angelique hopes that the sincerity displayed here today will be taken into account.

“Angelique, I made the mistake of marrying you off to the frontier.”

The king said as he read more letters.

Angelique wondered if she had been accepted when the king said a few words and slightly bowed his head.

Angelique felt moved, because a king never bows to his subjects.

This is the highest level of apologies.

“Your Majesty, what a waste of words.”

“If you have a request, please let me know.”

“Please forgive those who confessed their sins.”

For a brief moment, the king appeared perplexed.

Then he gave a deep nod, as if he had learned something.

“I’m going to forgive them.”

Then he encouraged her to continue.

“Can you tell me who attacked Colgard?”


“Who was it?”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to call her right now.”

The king nodded slightly, and Charlotte entered the next room through the open door.

Her mouth was bent into a grimace as she glared at Angelique.

Charlotte was accompanied not by Viscount Barabou but by Ernest.

Chapter 39: King’s Judgment

Noble marriages in the Kingdom of Alkan are sealed with a testament of the king’s approval.

It is customary to announce it with a wedding ceremony or a short parade, but the couple is legally married even before the party takes place.

Angelique and Serge also followed this pattern.

And, based on the circumstances, Charlotte appeared to be already married to Ernest.

When the king saw them together, he was naturally puzzled.

“I suppose you have other witnesses?”


The King seemed relieved when Angelique nodded.

He’d like to believe they’re here as witnesses.

But then Edgar Barthes, the man responsible for Lord Colgard’s near death experience, was summoned.

Barthes approached the king and bowed deeply.

“It was the yellow-haired lady there who advised me to attack the Duke of Montan.”

The king makes a slight frown.

“Are you referring to Charlotte?”



Charlotte cried.

Even in the presence of the king, Barthes turns to Charlotte with hatred in his eyes and spits out abusive words.

Barthes, who is now facing the death penalty, had nothing to lose.

“Shut up, b*tch! I accepted the job because you said he was a bad nobleman who played with you and then abandoned you, and you wanted me to stab him!”

“What are you talking about, you wanted the money!”

“Yes! I wanted the money badly! My child is sick! I’ll need money to treat her…”

A soldier stepped between them to prevent them from fighting after the king raised his hand lightly.

“Charlotte, you just told the man “you wanted the money”

Charlotte’s face turned pale as she heard the king’s words.

“There is sufficient proof.”

Serge requested permission to enter quietly and kneel in front of the king.

“I have something to say to His Majesty.”

“You are… Serge of the Dukes of Barnier. It has been a long time. And you look as handsome as ever.”

Angelique was a little proud at the king’s compliment on her husband’s face, but she could tell by the tone of his voice that the king was pleased with Serge.

“Your Majesty, with all due respect. Charlotte attempted to murder my wife Angelique the day before yesterday.”


Charlotte turned pale immediately. Her trembling is palpable, and her resentful gaze darts from side to side.

Standing next to her, Ernest does nothing.

“Charlotte, you must be punished as a result of the investigation. If everything I’ve just heard is true, you must be executed.”


Charlotte lunged like an arrow at the king, rubbing her head on the ground.

“Please I beg you!”

“You want to kill someone, but you beg for your own! You should be ashamed!”

Charlotte raised her head in surprise at the king’s rebuke, looking like a doll with her soul drained. Maybe it was her hair color, but he reminded her of a scarecrow.

The king fixed his gaze on Ernest, who was standing there dazed.

“Ernest, she is, after all, your wife. You take her.”

“What will happen to me, Oto-sama?”

Ernest asked as he took a slow step forward.

The king could only shake his head.

“Serge,you mentioned earlier that Angelique is your wife.”


“Are you the current Count of Voltaire?”


Serge nodded, his eyes questioning.


After a brief pause, the king said, “Nevermind” and ended the conversation by raising his hand.

In the carriage on the way back home, Serge said.

“Normally, attempting to take the lives of two people would result in death, but you are both alive. And, given her marriage to Ernest and her royal connections, she might get a lighter sentence.”

“In that case, I’ll hire a hitman to do the job.”


Because Serge, who at that time had informed the officials to summon the family of the criminal, he did not witness Angelique’s blackmail attempt.

His eyes widened at the devilish words of his wife, who even when angry had a hint of tenderness in her voice.

“Angelique, did I hear you correctly?”


“No, it is nothing…”

Whatever the king’s decision, Charlotte’s future looked bleak.

On the same day, Mrs. Berean’s revealing book, “Secrets of the Bedroom,” which would later become a sensation, was released in the Royal Capital’s bookstore.

Chapter 40: Mrs. Berean’s Revealing Book

Mrs. Berean’s “Secrets of the Bedroom,” as Angelique predicted, was so popular that the first edition sold out on the day it was released.

The story was so sensational that it became the talk of the town everywhere.

The story of Ernest’s birth was the most shocking of all.

[The second prince, Ernest, is not a legitimate son of the king.]

“No way?!”

“Is this true?!”

People devoured the Ernest chapter with wide eyes, passing it on to their friends and telling others what they had read.

According to the book. The king had five children, but Ernest was not one of them.

Ernest is said to have been born to the king’s mistress, Mrs. Claire.

The term “Mrs” did not always refer to a married woman; among the nobility, women who were mistresses were also referred to as “Mrs.”

Claire is a surname of her family, the Marquise of Claire. Her real name is Emmeline.

The Marquise Claire was Emmeline’s father, and royal connections were of the utmost status to Emmeline.

This explains why Emmeline, the Marquise’s daughter, was so well-liked when she was still a student. Noble marriages were intended to strengthen family ties and always required the king’s approval.

Marriages between noble families were always intended to strengthen family ties and required the king’s approval. Divorces were strictly forbidden.

Perhaps it was because of this that there was a relatively high tolerance for having mistresses.

However, from the start of their marriage, the King and Queen were known as a loving couple, and they were blessed with four princes and princesses, including Crown Prince Gerald, the third prince Claude, and two princesses.

The king is a man of character who is popular with the people, a trait he has possessed since he was a crown prince.

The King is also a human being who makes mistakes from time to time, but Mrs. Claire’s presence has always been so unsettling that she could be considered one of the Royal Family’s Seven Wonders.

Several times, suspicions were raised that Mrs. Claire was plotting something, but no definitive answer was found.

But ten years after Ernest was born, when his engagement to Angelique, the first daughter of the Duchess of Montan, was arranged, no one talked about it anymore.

And the Seven Wonders of Discomfort were forgotten by the public.

Mrs. Berean, a witch-like woman of unknown age, had previously worked as an educator at the royal court for more than two decades. It is said that she was the one who taught the king, but the truth is unknown.

Despite the fact that she did not go that far, “Secrets of the Bedroom” contains some rather obscene details.

Mrs. Berean, the walking encyclopedia of aristocratic bedrooms, was not to be taken lightly.

Many aristocrats regretted realizing this.

It was Emmeline who inspired Mrs. Berean to write “Secrets of the Bedroom.”

Ms. Berean, who is a recognized expert in her field, also worked outside the Dukes of Montan as a tutor. And Emmeline was another of her students. But she had a bad attitude: she disrespected Mrs. Berean, undermined her serious lessons with obscenities, and said something insulting at the end.

Because Emmeline said something extremely offensive to an elderly woman, Mrs. Berean lost her temper.

Some of the other noble ladies and wives were also treated with disdain by Emmeline.

She wanted to tell them everything she had witnessed and heard.

Angelique regretted that she had not shown much interest in the lessons, which were very important, but from Mrs. Berean’s point of view Angelique was a good student who took the lessons seriously even if she was not interested in them.

In fact, it was Angelique’s grandfather, Lord Aubrey, the late Duke of Montan, who offered Mrs. Berean the position of tutor. It is no exaggeration to say that today’s Mrs. Berean owes her existence to Lord Aubrey.

The reason she remained silent about Ernest’s birth was for the benefit of the Dukes of Montan and Angelique.

But Ernest’s engagement to Angelique has ended, giving Mrs. Berean the opportunity.

According to Mrs. Berean, Ernest was the son of a servant. They drugged the king, put him to sleep, and then had an “affair” under false pretenses, as Mrs. Claire had arranged.

Later, that servant vanished, and Mrs. Berean, the bedchamber keeper, was the only one who knew the truth.

No one can confirm Mrs. Berean’s words because Mrs. Berean was known for her taciturnity, but many ladies and wives crossed a dangerous bridge as if they were testing her.

The character mentioned in the book stated they were all “nonsense.” However, because there were many episodes with witnesses other than Mrs. Berean, the more they complained, the more credible the book became.

Because no one could expose the truth, the contents of the book became common knowledge throughout the capital.

The mystery surrounding Ernest’s birth drew the most attention.

Because of that, the Marquise of Claire had become a recluse, and Emmeline, who had been a domineering woman, was said to be sitting on a needle in a haystack.

Above all, people paid attention to Charlotte, who became Ernest’s wife.

The day Charlotte’s crime was revealed coincided with the publication of “Secrets of the Bedroom,” which could only be described as divine punishment.

“The woman who later married Ernest advised him to assassinate the Duke of Montan.”

“A scumbag named Charlotte, who had wronged the Duke’s daughter once.”

“I’ve seen her come and go from Krim.”

Charlotte escaped death because of her royal connections.

But, there are numerous incidents in the world. It’s easy to lose sight of what you’ve accomplished. Charlotte, who believed she could get away with anything as long as her life was spared, was looking for her next move with vigour.

But she was still impoverished.

Rather than being forgotten, Charlotte’s misdeeds became more well-known with each passing day, and as Mrs. Berean’s book became the talk of the town, it spread like wildfire.

Finally, as the most wicked woman in the kingdom, Charlotte’s name was known throughout the kingdom and would be for generations to come.

Her family, the Viscounts of Barabou, were stripped of their titles, and their lands were returned to the original owners, the Dukes of Montan.

And finally. Rumors reached the king’s ears.

The King was secretly happy that the only long-standing schism between him and Queen Beatrice had thawed, though he did not depose Ernest on the basis of the rumors.

Charlotte and Ernest had to live on Ernest’s meager allowances, but they couldn’t stay in the Royal Capital, couldn’t face their parents’ families, couldn’t even find a place in the slum due to the resentment of the people of Krim district, and they soon vanished somewhere.

Chapter 41: The Two Duke

Three days after Angelique’s audience with the king, Serge’s father, the Duke of Barnier, paid a visit to the Dukes of Montan.

“Colgard, I apologize for your difficulties.”

“Felix, I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

It is not widely known, but the Duke of Montan and the Duke of Barnier were very close friends who had spent time together at the academy.

The Duke of Montan, a widower who lost his wife six years ago, became the emotional support for the Duke of Barnier, who was in the same situation two years ago, and they have kept in touch ever since.

Frequent meetings between two powerful men, on the other hand, can cause havoc in the royal court. This made it difficult for them to meet as frequently as they would have liked.

It was frustrating not to be able to express their closeness so openly.

“Serge and Angelique appear to get along well.”

“That seems to be the case. It’s our first grandchild, Colgard.”

The two middle-aged men begin to talk excitedly.

In fact, before Angelique was born, the Barnier and Montan families had discussed Serge and Angelique getting married.

However, when the time came to settle it, the king of the time was hesitant to approve it.

The King saw the marriage of the Barnier and Montan families, two of the country’s most prominent families, as a threat to the royal family.

Later, the king changed his mind and proposed Angelique’s marriage to the second prince Ernest. They had no choice but to agree to demonstrate their devotion to the throne.

Meanwhile, Serge, who was expected to graduate from the school with honors, abruptly announced his intention to attend Escola, and Lord Felix, who had lost his temper, dared him to disown him if he insisted on going.

As a father, he anticipated problems if he continued to indulge the dragons.

But, Serge left, contrary to Lord Felix’s expectations that he would give up.

Serge’s mother was the only daughter of the Count of Voltaire, who had intended to adopt a son-in-law, but Lord Felix fell in love with her beauty at first sight and married her.

And Serge was the only one available heir to the count’s title.

“However, that rogue quickly disowned himself.”

“That’s what happens when you lose your temper.”

“But, well, it all worked out in the end.”

Serge returned home two years ago after learning of his mother’s untimely death, but he soon wandered off, and a short time later, he demanded that the tax collector of Bourg be fired.

Bourg was Count Voltaire’s domain at first, but it was temporarily incorporated into Barnier’s domain when the previous Count died and Lord Felix did not have time to govern it well.

Despite his disappointment, Lord Felix realized that this was his chance to force Serge to take over the title.

He gave Serge the lands and the title without releasing him from his disowning status.

Lord Felix didn’t have any specific plans for him, but he did promise to arrange a marriage for him. It was expected of an aristocrat.

Serge had always liked Bourg and frequently went there to play. Perhaps this is why he accepted the offer with greater ease than expected.

And then, the opportunity presented itself early last spring.

Angelique was accused of misbehaving at school, according to rumors.

Lord Colgard and Lord Felix, who were watching the events, overheard Ernest, who was having a fit for some reason, pleading with the king to break off his engagement with Angelique and send her far away from the capital.

The busy king did not appreciate it when Ernest interrupted his court, and he was willing to overlook his selfishness as long as it did not interfere with the kingdom’s rule.

Lord Colgard had no choice but to call off the engagement and ask the King if Angelique could marry Count Voltairel in Bourg, the northernmost border beyond Vignoa, where there was a surplus of land.

So he asked the king if he would marry Angelique there. The king said, “If it pleases you,” and the engagement of Ernest and Angelique was broken, and the king sealed the hastily made marriage certificate for Angelique and Serge.

Lord Colgard struck a gut-punch in his heart, while Lord Felix stood there expressionless.

The next day, Lord Colgard hurriedly dispatched Angelique to Bourg.

He didn’t want to give Angelique the chance to prove her innocence.

“That went well, didn’t it?”

“I apologize for misleading the king, but we have no plans to overthrow the royal family. That is the most important aspect.

“The current king will understand. However, we must also reduce our lands slightly to demonstrate that we are not disloyal.”

“But it all worked out so well.”

The grand dukes laugh.

“Angelique and the others appear to be well-ruling their lands—the Lord of Vignoa reported to me cheerfully.”

“My blundering son has finally outgrown the dragons. Well, he’s going to have a child soon.”

“Speaking of dragons…”

Lord Colgard arched an eyebrow.

Frederick reported to me that his followers reported to him that they had seen dragons not just once or twice.

“…Dragons are merely mythical beings.”

“Serge went to the Escola to study dragons; isn’t it true that the Escola has dragons?”

“No way.” Sir Felix laughed.

“By the way, I was wondering if Angelique was going to be okay after that long ride in the carriage—”

“Ah! Felix!”


“Angelique said she flew on a dragon!”

At that moment, Angelique, who had just learned of the Duke of Barnier’s visit, came to greet him.

“Hello. Father-in-law.”

“Angelique. What a pleasure it is to be referred to as Father-in-law by you—”

Lord Colgard interrupts in the middle of a sentence.

“Didn’t you say you rode the dragon all the way here, Angelique?”

“I did. The sky is very cold, but it doesn’t rock like a carriage, and I’ve kept warm, so I don’t mind.”

“Is there a dragon?”

“Yes. we have dragons.”

“You have dragons?”

“There are three of them. They’re all adorable. Lasse, the biggest boy, is the one who brought me here. Sari and a girl named Blanca are the other two. Lasse’s wife’s name is Sari. Blanca is still a child, but she contributes significantly.”


Sir Colgard nodded vaguely with a undescribe look on his face.

“I know you’re busy, but please come to Bourg… I’d be delighted to show you Lasse.”

“Yeah.” and “heh.” in response to Angelique, who described the color and size of the scales in great detail. The same words circled Lord Colgard and Lord Felix’s minds like spells, like “dragons, dragons, dragons…”

“…That’s right. Let’s have a wedding ceremony!”

Suddenly, the Duke of Barnier shouted.

“Let us throw a big party and parade in the royal capital before heading to Bourg.”

“Felix, didn’t you disown Serge?”

“I’ll get rid of it! I’ll divide my domain wherever I want! and the king will be relieved.”

He quickly stood up and continued.

“I want to be Angelique’s father-in-law with pride. And I want to embrace my grandchildren!”

“W-Well. Now that the king knows that Serge is the Count of Voltairel, perhaps it’s for the best.”

Chapter 42: Wedding

Serge was later summoned to Lord Colgard’s private chambers and made peace with the Duke of Barnier. It was a straightforward affair.

“A wedding in the royal capital… Does Father like that kind of flashy thing?”

“Even if you’re not interested, Angelique is a girl after all, It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

“Is that so?”

“It certainly is!”


Angelique smiled bitterly, flanked by Serge and Sir Felix.

Finally, the two Dukes, who were excited to be doing it, were forced to carry out the wedding.

Angelique had originally planned to think about it in the spring, and it wasn’t that she didn’t want to do it; she was just too busy.

Lord Felix was excited about making a big show of it, and Lord Colgard cut in, “Wait a minute.”

“We’ll get in trouble if we do it with too much flair and upset the royal court. We should be discreet, or at the very least polite, because the two are not heirs…”

“Hm… Indeed…”

“What do you mean by upsetting the royal court, Oto-sama?”

“Come to think of it.” Serge opens his mouth.

“His Majesty inquired as to whether I was the Count of Voltaire.”

The fathers laugh and continue talking about unexpected things.

They began by explaining that they had originally planned to marry Serge and Angelique, and then went on to describe the events leading up to and following the engagement breakup.

It was an outrageous story.

Angelique realized that this was why her father had not listened to her story at the time of the incident.

“We wouldn’t have gotten what we wanted if the engagement hadn’t broken.”

“So it was all thanks to Charlotte?”

Angelique’s words brought the room to a halt for a brief moment.

“Is that how it works?”

“No, no. That is not correct.

“That is not correct.”

“It’s complicated.”

Serge stated, “Anyway, let us be grateful to fate.”

“But that Charlotte girl will be devastated to learn that you’re happy because of what she did. That’s a thoughtful touch.”

“Serge? Did you just say something nice? Did I mishear you?”

“I did. It’s nice. She brandished a dagger at Angelique. I’d like to send her to hell.”

Angelique felt strangely relieved that Serge was also unusually dark.

Serge returned to Bourg for a few weeks of planning, while Angelique stayed in the Royal Capital.

Because the carriages in the capital’s streets were not as bumpy, she went shopping and to the theater with her sisters for the first time in a long time, and she visited her friends who had given testimonies, thanked them, and told them that the king would forgive them.

After a big party at the Ducal Palace of Montan, they paraded to the Ducal Palace of Barnier on a beautiful day in early April.

Both residences are very spacious and are located in the capital’s central district. The parade route from the castle to the main street drew nobles from all over the city, as well as many common people associated with the two families, making it a very festive event.

“I’m glad they didn’t overdo it because they thought they would keep it inconspicuous.”

“Well, this open carriage had to be made to order. My father-in-law really enjoys it.”

After the parade, inquiries from the nobles flooded the Duke of Montan with requests to lend it to them for their own wedding.

Waving to the people along the route, Angelique had one confession to make to Serge.

“To be honest, I really wanted to show off my husband in this way.”


“I’ve always been ashamed of bragging, but I want to brag about it as well. It’s kind of uncool, hehehe.”

“I’m glad you’re proud of me, and I don’t think it’s uncool; I like Angelique just the way she is, with all the black spots, a little devilish when she’s angry, good and bad in general,” Serge laughed.

“Me too—I am delighted to be your wife.”



There was a woman with unusual hair color who stood out among the crowd that had gathered to watch the short parade from the Montan family castle to the Barnier family castle.

Squatting next to her was a short, chubby man.

“Angelique, you were beautiful.”

“Aren’t you frustrated?”

“It’s frustrating… I don’t really understand.”

Charlotte let out a breath that was neither a sigh nor a sniffle and looked down at her dull husband in front of her.

She can’t escape from him any longer, because if she loses the little money Ernest has, which isn’t even enough for a commoner’s life, she won’t have a tomorrow.

Ernest is now quiet, but he still throws tantrums and threatens, “If you do that, I won’t give you any more money!” She had no choice but to put up with his tantrums and take a stand.

‘How could this have happened?’

People knew who she was no matter where she went. They beat her up as soon as they found out. She can’t even stay in one place.

Will she spend the rest of her life running from place to place, with nowhere to go but her lazy husband?

‘I’d rather die.’

She once paid a visit to her father.

He had lost his title, his lands and his castle and was now a simple servant in the house of a simple nobleman from somewhere.

He had no talent for running the estate and seemed to have no problem doing what he was told.

When Charlotte saw him smiling so brightly as he was being taught how to do his job by a noble child, she wrinkled her nose and left without saying anything.

‘I can’t believe you got used to living like that…You look like a fool…’

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

She learned that her slow-witted sister had also become someone’s lady-in-waiting.

‘It’s entirely Angelique’s fault…’

She grumbled in her heart as usual, but the flames of jealousy had died out.

“Ernest, let’s go.”

“What is this stain, Charlotte? I can’t seem to get it off.”

“I’ll wash it when we get home.”


She looked at Ernest who was rubbing the stain on his shirt, reminding of her father.

‘Everything is…my fault. Ernest, Oto-sama, my sister…They did nothing wrong.’

“I’m sorry, Ernest.”

“What? Why are you apologizing?”

“It’s nothing, let’s go.”

Chapter 43: Hatching

Blanca is the child-dragon who will be the one to transport Angelique back to Bourg.

‘In the short time I saw her, she grew a lot.’

“The eggs are about to hatch so Lasse refuses to come.”

Erick, who had arrived on the Blanca, explained with flushed cheeks that he had arrived on a different dragon than the instructions from the owl service because he thought the Blanca could carry enough people.

“Blanca, such a good girl—you’ve come a long way.”

Angelique praised her, and Erick and Serge agreed that the Royal Capital should not be too far away for a child-dragon like Blanca. Dragons appear to have exceptional flying abilities.

Everyone in the castle stands back and watches Angelique and her friends converse amicably around the white dragon.

“It is, indeed, a dragon…”

“It isn’t the same color as the previous one.”

“Is it a little small? No, it’s big enough…”

Lord Colgard and his butler Frederick’s mouths dropped open when they finally saw the real dragon.

Lord Felix stepped out of his chariot and raised his eyes to Blanca.

“Father-in-law, Bourg’s streets are too dangerous to travel; why don’t you join us on the Blanca?”

Sir Colgard quickly shakes his head in response to Serge’s words.

“I know you have dragon circumstances in Bourg; we’ll go there after my wounds heal—Is that okay with you, Felix?”

“Um, yeah…”

They stated that they would return to Bourg when the dragon eggs hatch and that they would cancel their plans.

The eggs will hatch soon, it would be better for Angelique and the others to have some time to themselves.

“The eggs are about to hatch—Is it okay to leave first?”

Angelique apologized, and both dukes nodded in agreement.

With Serge’s assistance, they quickly prepared and boarded Blanca.

“Well, see you later!”

Blanca flew effortlessly with Erick in front and Serge and Angelique in the back. Angelique was ecstatic that the little dragon’s flying ability was on par with Lasse’s.

“We have to make the most of this, Serge.”


“When we get home, we should think about the territory that our Oto-samas will give us.”

‘I think we should hire a person from Bourg’s territory to do the management.’

“We also need more dragon wranglers.”

When they arrived in Bourg, they first went to check Lasse and Sari and the eggs.

They said they could hatch at any moment, so they decided to stay there and keep an eye on them.

They were glad they got there just in time for the hatching.

Serge was present when Lasse and Sari hatched, so it was not his first time seeing a dragon’s egg hatch, but he, like Angelique, would still like to see them hatch.

They had gathered in the stable’s corner and were all watching.

“I’ve been hearing rustling for quite some time.”

While looking under Sari’s belly, John and the other dragon wranglers whispered.

They were certain they could hear a faint sound if they listened carefully.


Sari slowly rises and moves away from the eggs.

They discovered a crack in the top of the first egg.

“It’s coming out…”

The crack grows gradually larger, and eventually the shell peels away. The peeled-off part grew larger and larger over time, and a lizard-like creature emerged from within.

It has a large head for its body and protruding frog-like eyes that are still closed.

“Gururu” Lasse cleared his throat.

A gray baby dragon emerges from its shell and moves up to Lasse’s snout.

Lasse removed a scale from his body and handed them to the baby dragon. The baby dragon then chewed and swallowed it before falling asleep on the spot.

The second egg cracked, resulting in the birth of the second baby dragon.

Sari and Lasse put their noses to each other and looked lovingly at the two little ones. The gray baby dragons still looked like big lizards, but they had what appeared to be wings on their backs.

When Blanca approached them, Sari and Lasse had Blanca in the middle and were poking their with her noses as if to tell her something.

It looked like they were saying, “You’re a big sister now.”

“In the beginning, they eat some of their parents’ scales, and after about three days, they start eating meat and other food. Give a little more crystal to Sari and Lasse.”

Serge quietly gave the orders to everyone who sighed and looked at the little dragons.

After about a week, each of the gray baby dragons began to develop tiny scales, one green and one purple.

The green dragon was a boy and was named Boa.

The purple one was a female named Bibi.

Chapter 44: Dragon flight

After returning to Bourg, Angelique and Serge discussed the lands their fathers would give them.

“Oto-sama told me that if it was near the capital, I could choose one estate, and two if it was in the countryside and crossed several other estates.”

“I was told to take Voltaire’s former Count’s estate as is. The Voltaire borders Escola and Ribeau, two doors down from the capital, as well as my grandfather’s castle on the capital’s outskirts.”

On a desk in the library is a map of the entire kingdom of Alkan.

Angelique placed a pebble on top of each of the Duke of Montan’s various territories and wonders,

“Is the castle big?”

“Around half the size of the Barnier castle.”

“That’s enough. We don’t need an estate close to the capital. We’ll take Lufall along the coast and Warokie to the west.”

She moves the other stones to Lufall, Warokie, Voltaire, Ribeau, and Bourg, as well as the capital.

east, west, north, south, and near the country’s center

Serge nods his head as he surveys the distant lands.

‘It would be easier to manage the adjacent territories if we had a choice.’

“What are you going to do with all these outlying areas?”

“In order to transport goods.”


“The Montan family’s owl service is useful for people who need to deliver urgent letters and other items, but because they are owls, they cannot carry large packages—however, dragons can.”

“How about with a dragon?”

“They can carry things that need to be delivered quickly, as well as things that are too large for wagons, and they can do so much faster than wagons.”

For a brief moment, she considered war, but the area surrounding the Alkan Kingdom is currently peaceful.

There is no need to consider weapon transportation.

‘I only want the dragons to bring something more peaceful, something that everyone will enjoy.’

“They could transport flowers, a specialty of the Dukes of Almgard, or seafood from the seaside at Lufall to the capital on a regular basis, or they could carry whatever cargo they are asked to carry and be paid for it—that is, if the dragons don’t mind.”

“Dragons enjoy flying. I’m sure they’d be delighted to fly.”

For the time being, the dragons will only fly around Bourg Castle so as not to startle people or be targeted for extermination by startled humans.

Going to the royal capital is one of the exceptions.

‘If they could fly like that…’

“I hope that the world will become a place where people are no longer surprised to see dragons and are excited to see what cargo is on its way.”

“Angelique, you are truly…”

Serge hugged Angelique tightly and kissed her nose, cheeks, forehead, eyelids, and everywhere else as if he were a child.

Finally, a few long lips kisses.

“Angelique, I love you.”

‘I should be used to this because we’re a couple, but I was a little nervous.’

“T-There’s still a lot to figure out.”

To handle outside requests, the dragon service could be used in conjunction with the owl service.

“We require more dragons.”

“I agree.”

“However, not just anyone can control a dragon…”

Lasse and Sari, despite their experience and good nature, can easily kill people.

Only those who understand this, as well as those who are willing and determined to gain the trust of others, can become dragon wranglers.

You won’t be able to do it unless you like living things, have physical strength, and a strong heart.

“There is a candidate.”

“Do you know anyone?”

“Well, not exactly someone I know, but…”

Angelique accompanied Serge to a nearby field.

The fields are owned by John and his family and are used for farming. They’ve recently hired more men to work in the fields and let them help out as they’ve become more financially secure.

They went up to one of them.


Serge exclaimed, “Ah!” when he saw the man turn around.


“Yes, it’s Edgar Barthes. I have my reservations about him, but I’m confident he has a lot of heart and stamina.”

“When did you…”

“Fufu, it’s not like I’ve been doing nothing but shopping and having tea with my friends while you’ve been in Bourg.”

Angelique requested that her father extradite Barthes and signed a document stating “no charge of death penalty” and that she was authorized to supervise him on her father’s behalf.

When Barthes was released from Aguillon prison, she promised him to bring his daughter, Marie to Bourg when she was well, but for the time being, she left him to work at the chateau in Bourg.

“Won’t you become a dragon wrangler, Edgar?”

“I’ll be whoever and whatever you want me to be.”

“Then you should become a dragon wrangler.”

“That’s fine.”

She whispered to Serge, “It might be a little tricky,” and turned on her heel while Barthes shouted something behind her back.

“Thank you very much! I’ll be faithful to you for the rest of my life!”

“You’re overreacting,” Angelique burst out laughing as she turned around.

“I don’t know why I’m jealous.” Serge grumbled a little.


Angelique came to a halt and placed her hand on her stomach.

She’d been thinking about it for a while, but now it was clear.

“What is it?”

Serge looks at her with concern.

“Fufu, It moved.”

Serge rushed to bend down and put his ear to Angelique’s  stomach, which was starting to bulge slightly.

“I think I hear something.”



‘I’ll see you in the summer.’

“Which one do you prefer?”

“Which do I prefer? Well, I want a girl who looks just like you.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

Angelique’s mouth tightened and the corners of her mouth turned up. Then she slipped her arm through Serge’s.

‘I’ll only have him for a few more months. For the time being, I’ll let him spoil me rotten.’

The wheat harvest is almost here.

There has also been an increase in new fields.

They’ll be able to sow more wheat in the fall and sell it to Royal Capital when it’s harvested the following year, as well as sell and promote some of this year’s crop.

All of the new lands they receive are rich, so they don’t need to be concerned as long as they take good care of them.

‘And in the years to come…’

Angelique fantasizes about Serge’s dragons soaring majestically through the kingdom’s skies in the future.

“The flight of the dragons. We will succeed. I guarantee it.”

Chapter 45: Towards the future (1)

Meat consumption has increased.

Doni cooks a delicious meal every day to the best of his ability.

Emire began to devote himself to stewardship as the number of people in the castle increased slightly.

A farmhand, a servant, and a lady-in-waiting are hired, as well as a pastry chef assistant under Doni.

They are also looking for a nanny for their newborn.

And a dragon wrangler is also wanted.

Erick and John have evolve from servants to full-time dragon wranglers, while everyone else has delegated farm duties and is focusing on raising and managing the dragons.

Barthes has decided to join them.

When Marie said that she could come to Bourg in the summer, a smiling face was left and a lot of heart sweat was pouring out of his eyes.

There was also Pauline.

When Mrs. Cello was out of the room one day, Pauline took advantage of the opportunity and said to Angelique, “Madame…”

“…Are you looking for a dragon wrangler…?”

“Do you know anyone who might be a good fit?”

Pauline’s expression was solemn as she stared at her.

“Can’t I be the one?”

Angelique was taken aback.

“It’s a dangerous job that necessitates a great deal of physical strength.”

” I know.”

“Just because you think they’re adorable doesn’t mean they’ll be overlooked. They are not easily persuaded—what if they go wild and cause problems for others?”

“I will be extremely strict with them so that I am not underestimated—I’m going to work on my physical strength so that I don’t lose to men. Please.”

“Are you serious?”

Pauline gave a nod.

“Alright, I’ll check with Serge.”

Serge immediately came over and asked Pauline a few questions.

He then paused for a moment to reflect.

Concerned, Pauline asked quietly, “Can a girl can’t?”

Serge shook his head, a handsome smile on his face that couldn’t be missed.

“There’s nothing you can’t be just because you’re a girl.”


“I was just considering where to assign you. Perhaps you could manage Blanca.”

Pauline’s eyes widen to the point where they look like they’re about to spill.

“Yes! I’ll give it my all!”

“I’m counting on you.”


Angelique gave birth to a beautiful baby girl exactly one year after arriving in Bourg.

Serge went crazy when he saw her daughter, who had Angelique’s hair and eyes.

“Take a look at her, guys! What a sweetie! There’s another Angelique in my life!


“Thank you so much, Angelique.”

A big kiss and Angelique’s postpartum exhaustion is forgotten.

They named her Louise.

She will grow up to be loved by everyone in the castle.

The Dukes of Barnier and Montan, who were supposed to be busy, drove all the way to Bourg just to see Louise.

Lord Colgard was moved to tears when he saw his first grandchild, and Lord Felix, who had been laughing at him, somehow caught on and began to cry as well.

“I am so happy. I am so, so happy.”

“I never expected this day to come…. I’m glad, Colgard.”

Lord Colgard’s wounds have completely healed, and he is said to be in remarkably good physical condition, despite the scars.

Lord Colgard, who had received an apology from Barthes, consoled him that he had been duped, and that he should not be blamed given the way he had been treated by the nobles and his daughter’s illness.

Although Barthes claimed to despise all nobles, he had nothing against Lord Colgard.

He bowed his head once more and expressed his deep regret for what he had done to the person to whom he owed so much.

“I’d heard the carriage was rough, but it wasn’t too bad.”

“We prioritized the road to Vignoa to bring the wheat.”


When Lord Colgard learned of Angelique’s plans, he promised that the Dukes of Montan would provide transportation from Vignoa at a reduced rate, and that tolls on cargo passing through the Barnier area would be reduced as well.

The two lords explained that this was due to the value of their specialties, not because they were related.

Chapter 46: Towards the future (2)

They talked about the Dragon service plans.

“That, too, is grandiose…”

“Do we have to pay a toll for flying?”

“That is to cover the cost of road maintenance—unless you’re a particularly greedy lord. You don’t even get to the checkpoints.”

Angelique asked them if they wanted to see the dragons after leaving Louise with the nanny, and they nodded nervously.

They walk around the back of the castle to the newly rebuilt and expanded stables. The structure is simple and purposefully has many gaps.”

Lord Colgard and Lord Felix are taken aback by the sight of a castle-sized structure.

Serge was standing in front of the stables, ready to greet them.

“Please come in.”

For some reason, the dukes, holding hands and peeping anxiously into the stables, and when they saw the little green and purple dragons, they let go of each other’s hands and their eyes lit up.

“There are small ones too?”

“Those are the ones I mentioned, the ones who hatched from the eggs.”

“They’re so adorable.”

Boa and Bibi are already the size of large dogs, but they appear to think they are cute, possibly because the first dragon they saw was Blanca.

They were enthralled by the cuteness of their movements and gestures.

They even pretended to want to approach and pet them, but when they saw Lasse approaching quietly from behind, they exclaimed, “”Ah!”” as they returned.

“I had no idea there was such a large one!”

“That’s Lasse. The smaller ones, the green one’s name is Boa, while the purple one’s name is Bibi.”

“T-That’s great,” they said as they nodded. and was blown away.

They then became solemn and lauded the dragon service as a brilliant idea.

They don’t want any competition for the owl service, so they keep the price down so that no one can copy it.

Lord Colgard explained that the price was set so that people would believe it would be easier to request this type of service than to raise the animals and train them.

“However, no one can duplicate Dragon Service. You are free to charge whatever you want.”

“That’s the thing… I talked to Angelique about it, and we’re going to do it like the Owl Service, with a reasonable price that no one will want to imitate.”


“We’ve given it some thought. People will try to catch dragons if the dragon service is profitable, right?”

Catching a dragon is not an easy task, and even if such a person appears, he or she will be unable to do so. Even so, there is a chance that greedy people will be reckless if they know it will result in huge profits.

“Only Serge and our dragon wranglers know how to catch and care for them. No one will consider capturing a dragon if we treat everyone well and keep the cost of dragon services low.”

Their current dragon wranglers are all trustworthy.

“I don’t think anyone would be willing to take them out,” Angelique continued, “but it’s important to make sure the system doesn’t make too much money off of them.”

“It will take time to create a world where we and the dragons can coexist—we can’t have too many dragons because breeding them requires resources like minerals.”

They want to build a system where no one else can enter, including the ability to limit the number of dragons.

Angelique and Serge are also considering releasing all of the dragons into the forest, with the exception of Sari and Lasse, who will be returned to Escola when they are eventually used as tools of war.

To that end, they are training them for life in the wild.

And they prepare for the operation by doing everything they can to prevent such a day from ever happening.

“Will it be profitable?”

“Yes. Delivering other people’s cargo is just an afterthought. Our goal is to transport goods that are fresh to be transported to the capital and other cities.”

Angelique wanted to handle flowers, seafood, meat and leafy vegetables.

‘It may be best to leave the dragons in the wild. However, they have already begun to live with us. Like other animals, I want to live with them and think about how best to integrate them into human life.’

As she looked at the five dragons, she wished with all her heart to have a happy future with them.

“Angelique, my child… The loss of you is a terrible blow to our Dukes of Montan.”

Lord Colgard expressed his regret.

“Francine is a bright young lady, and Claude-sama is a gentleman. They’ll be fine.”

‘I see. Well…”

“Shall we have tea?” Angelique asked, turning on her heel.

‘I’d like to go to Louise’s soon.’

“I have someone here who can make pastries. Doesn’t Oto-sama enjoy sweets?”

As they made their way to the castle, Blanca came out of the stables with Pauline and began flight training.

“Oh, they’re going to take off.”

A white dragon, piloted by a petite girl, soared softly into the blue sky as Lord Colgard and Lord Felix looked on.

“Oh, wow…”

“Will there ever be a day when it flies over the country?”

Serge and the rest of the dragon wranglers emerge from the stables.

They all wave to each other as they look up at the dragon soaring high in the sky.

A brand-new era is on the horizon.

~The End~

3 More chapters

Chapter 47: [Extra edition] Mrs. Berean’s solitude (1)

Adelle Berean was beautiful.

She was born the only daughter of a poor baroness with no estate, and attended an aristocratic school as a special student.

Her father was lazy and a drunkard.

Her family did not have the social standing to debut her, but her father dressed her up when she was old enough and let her go to parties everywhere.

Soon, the wealthy aristocracy took notice of Adelle.

A poor, beautiful girl attracts the eyes of powerful men.

It didn’t take long for Adelle to realize what this meant.

Adelle became the mistress of several noblemen and went to many parties, always as the partner of another man.

Adelle spent a lot of money dressing up and was more beautiful than anyone else.

Everyone treated Adelle with respect for fear of the great nobles who were behind Adelle.

But Adelle knew in her heart that they looked down on her.

There was nothing else she could do to survive.

Adelle became known as Mrs. Berean.

“Mrs.” even though she had never been anyone’s wife. is a sign that you are no longer fit to be a spouse.

The big red rose of society.

Still, there was no end to the number of men who wanted to take Adelle Berean to parties.

One of the men who made Adelle his mistress was Lord Aubrey. He was the head of the Duchy of Montan, one of the most prestigious families in the country.

His son, Lord Colgard, grew up to be a serious man, devoted to his wife, but his father, Lord Aubrey, was known as a fashionable, womanizing, and playful man.

It was said, true or false, that he had mistresses on all his estates in the country.

Lord Aubrey was a playboy, but he did not play with women.

Although he loved many women, he was kind to each of them.

He was faithful to every woman in his life and left her a decent fortune when he left her. Not a single woman was treated badly.

If they had children, he raised them as his own.

He had only one son from his wife, but four other mistresses bore her a child each.

One son and three daughters.

Each of the three daughters married an influential nobleman and Lord Aubrey gave his son Danio a lordship and the title of viscount.

Unfortunately, Adelle was incapable of bearing children.

Lord Aubrey said on one occasion. This was before his daughters were married.

“You are a clever woman Adelle, you should use your knowledge of the ways of the world to become an educator to the ladies of the nobility and teach them the manners of the night.”

The Dukes of Montan, who takes special care of his daughters, complains that the current teacher is vulgar and he does not like her.

“I want you to teach my daughters seriously about this and that. If you want, I can introduce you to other nobles.”

Adelle, who was beginning to think about what would happen after she lost her youth and beauty, decided to accept Lord Aubrey’s advice.

Chapter 48: [Extra edition] Mrs. Berean’s Solitude (2)

Thanks to Lord Aubrey’s encouragement, Adelle’s second life went well.

Many of her students didn’t like the subject matter, but others were grateful for Adelle’s teachings.

Aristocratic marriages are meant to strengthen the bonds between families.

In the absence of necessarily love, one must exchange the most important things as a person.

This is often difficult and painful, especially for young women.

Adelle gave the girls the knowledge to prepare for different situations and be ready for the demands.

In the privacy of the bedroom, she repeatedly spoke words of wisdom for those who were sometimes overwhelmed to survive, but also words of encouragement for those who were fortunate enough to be happily married.

She told them that if they loved each other, they could do anything they wanted as long as the other did not refuse.

Against unloving behavior, she advised them to protect themselves.

Adelle’s work was highly respected and she was invited to the royal court.

Although she was considered a leading expert in her field, she also experienced unpleasant surprises.

Curious ladies, playful ladies, madames who looked at Adelle as if she were dirty.

But many women indulged in their love affairs with Adelle as their chaperone. Adelle’s secrecy was rewarded with a consultant’s fee, and she began to keep many secrets.

Some of the ladies kept having dangerous encounters with Adelle, as if to test her.

Sometimes it was disconcerting to think that even if Adelle kept quiet, someone would eventually find out about it from their husband’s mouth.

“Mrs. Berean, I have heard some rumors about my wife…”

When she was questioned by high-ranking aristocrats who had a large sum of money to offer, Adelle would always say,

“I don’t know.”

Her tight-lippedness was her only asset.

A tutoring job and a bedroom governess under the guise of a consultant. The fees for these jobs were Adelle’s livelihood.

If she lost her tight-lippedness, she would have no way to live out the rest of her life.

It was a stressful job, that’s for sure.

So she began to secretly record her feelings of frustration in the form of a journal.

There was a time when she had a dark desire in her heart to one day make it public.

But gradually the memoir took a different form.

Rather than to expose and harm someone’s sins, she began to record the truth for the purpose of preserving it in writing.

Many secrets were written in a notebook with a red cover.

It is true that Emmeline’s offensive words made her angry.

(Emmeline: The King’s mistress.)

And it certainly influenced the background of what Mrs. Claire Emmeline did in the open.

Also the fact that Angelique and Ernest’s engagement had been broken off and that the Dukes of Montan was no longer in trouble.

But above all, it was loyalty to the king that motivated Mrs. Adelle Berean.

The only rift the king had with Queen Beatrice was one that Adele had to clear up. She could not die without telling what she knew.

For Adelle, it was like a life’s homework.

Lord Aubrey passed away, and Angelique, who was her student, got married.

Adelle Berean, who is said to be of indeterminate age, has already reached the age when her grandchild’s marriageable age.

Thinking it was time to retire and live a life of leisure, Adelle decided to give up her only weapon, her secrecy, and publish a revelation book.

But Adelle never imagined that Charlotte’s deeds would be exposed the day her book was published.

Charlotte is given no small amount of sympathy for trying to kill Lord Colgard and Angelique, but Kathrine, Charlotte’s sister, the first daughter of the Barabou family, is innocent.

And she also feels sorry for Ernest.

Prince or not, the child is also innocent.

After that happened, Adelle wrote a letter to her fellow mistress who resembled Charlotte and whose hair color reminded her of an ear of corn.

Chapter 49: [Extra edition] Mrs. Berean’s Solitude (3)

Beloved by Lord Aubrey, she gave birth to Danio.

The grandmother of Charlotte and Kathrine spends the rest of her days in the countryside in Lufall, Duchy of Montan, on the south coast.

After receiving her answer, Mrs. Berean went to the royal court office and left a letter for Ernest when he came to collect his allowance, and left the rest to the mercy of Heaven’s providence.

With nowhere to go, the only person willing to take Charlotte in is her biological grandmother, who had given up her own child, Danio.

She wished they would visit her.

It was Charlotte’s sister, Kathrine, who prompted Adelle to make such an inappropriate meddling.

Kathrine, a unusual girl who was always thought to be retarded, is now in a difficult situation due to the loss of Viscount Barabou’s title.

Kathrine was indeed a somewhat unusual girl.

Kathrine had no desire to marry.

She liked to read and write her own books.

When Adelle approached her at some point, Kathrine was overwhelmed by her admiration for Adelle as a writer.

“Make me your apprentice! No! I want to be your lady-in-waiting!”

Adelle got to read what Kathrine had written. And…

“T-This is…”

Kathrine is, as they say in a “certain” country, an “Otaku”. Also uses the other term as “rotten.”

Because Kathrine had written a novel that could only be based on Lord Colgard X Lord Felix.

“It’s a big problem to publish this, but it could sprout…”


“Let’s find ways.”

So she took in Kathrine as her lady-in-waiting and apprentice, and they started living together.

One day Kathrine began her statement by saying, “What Charlotte did is unforgivable, but…”

“I think she was just not good at accepting a life where she was only a supporting character from the start—It’s difficult not to compare when you have a lady like Angelique around who has it all. When people say that no one compares her to anyone else, she finds it difficult to understand.”

In front of her, Angelique is constantly noticed and praised.

Kathrine continues

“Charlotte could only stand beside her in a daze.

“Even though we were different in age, even I envied Angelique. It was inevitable that Charlotte, who was the same age as her, would be cynical in some ways.”

Kathrine smiled sadly and Adelle said “I understand” and put her hand on her shoulder.

For women, the world was unfair from the start.

It may be the same for men, but Adelle is painfully aware that in the small world of nobles, many suffer as a result of birthright differences.

In her youth, she blossomed like a vengeful flower.

The days she was at the forefront of her field as an educator.

Now, her third life has just begun.

She’s been through a lot.

She’s had hurtful things said to her.

She’s been scorned.

It wasn’t a great life, but she lived it because she didn’t want to do anything that herself would regret.

At the beginning of her third life, Charlotte became known throughout the country as the villainess, in no small part because of her book.

She was horrified by the cruelty of fate and at the same time she felt a faint, though not sad, sympathy for Charlotte.

But she can never forgive her for her crimes, but if Charlotte managed to change her mind and be reborn, she hoped she would live on somewhere with Ernest.

She wanted her to live, even if she had to crawl and cling to the mud.

The meeting between Adelle and Kathrine was another strange twist of fate.

The fact that Adelle still knew the woman who lived in Lufall and had once been Lord Aubrey’s mistress.

Glancing at her wrinkled hands, Adelle silently wished that if all this was God’s arrangement, then perhaps there would be a small blessing for the unfortunate villiness.

The End

Thank you for reading to the end.

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