
Advanced Chapters ― Ch36/36 ― Using the Hero Who Likes Me Too Much, I Intended To Live Longer in This Life, but Maybe I Failed Again

Chapter 1: Prologue

“Ah, that’s right. I’ll give you the shoes I’m wearing now. Look, these gemstones around the toe area, they might help cover some of the medical expenses.”

I took off both shoes and lightly brushed them off, then gently placed them on the small, bony palm of his hand. While thinking that I should have worn better shoes, I hid my bare toes under the hem of my dress.

“Oh no, not even the shoes. . .You’ll be inconvenienced,” he said with a deeply apologetic expression.

“It’s okay, really. Don’t worry about me.”

Although the boy had a look of great concern, I truly wasn’t troubled at all, so I wanted him to stop worrying.

We were heading to a rural area with nothing but fields. Even if I had such fine shoes, they would only grow mold and be thrown away. In that case, it would be better to sell them and make good use of the money.

──I, Lisette Ashburton, will continue to live in seclusion in this so-called sanctuary in the countryside until I die.

By the way, the sound of “sanctuary” is lovely, but there’s only a forest and fields where no monsters appear. I plan to do farming there and live quietly.

On the way there, what I saw from the carriage window were these seemingly orphaned siblings. Both of them were thin, but the problem was with the younger sister. I recognized the spots floating on her small body.

In a previous life, it was this disease that took away the life of my sister. She wouldn’t have died if we had the medicine, but she passed away without us being able to afford it due to poverty.

Seeing such a sight, it reminded me of my sister who died in my arms while suffering, and I couldn’t just leave them alone. Before I knew it, I had instructed the carriage to stop. And I gave them the accessories I was wearing as payment for the medicine.

This necklace that I cherished, I won’t have another chance to wear it anyway. I handed the necklace to Liala, who was a maid, and she looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Why me. . .?”

“Those children might be taken advantage of or fall victim to fraud if they’re alone. So, Liala, please go with them. I’ll go alone from here.”

“What are you saying! I can’t let My lady go alone.”

“It’s okay, normally everyone goes alone.”

Yes, I am about to enter the monastery. . .

“Actually, don’t you have a lover in the capital? I’ll be fine, so please live happily with that person.”

“. . .Uh.”

“Instead, I’m asking you to occasionally look after these children and care for them.”

Liala welled up with tears in her eyes and nodded repeatedly. She is a kind-hearted woman who was worried about me and even offered to accompany me to the monastery. I hope she finds happiness.

Originally, I planned to set her free with some excuse along the way, but this worked out perfectly.

“You’re from a noble family, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes.”

In the midst of it all, the boy who seemed like an older brother looked up at me intently. He was terribly dirty, but his facial features seemed well-defined.

He’s probably a little younger than me.

“. . .Hero.”


As I looked at him, those sudden words filled me with surprise. At the same time, an indescribable fear welled up within me. I had a bad premonition, so I said, “I’m leaving now.”

“Someday, I will definitely find you and repay this debt.”

“Please don’t worry about it. You know, it’s definitely better to live a little selfishly in life.”

Hearing me say this, he gasped and widened his eyes, which resembled amethysts. Did I say something that surprised him so much?

I gently stroked the head of the breathless girl, instructing Liala to take her to a doctor as soon as possible, and then boarded the carriage.

“. . .Ah, I hope I can live a little longer.”

Muttering to myself, I turned my gaze out the window. Both Liala and the boy were looking at me with faces on the verge of tears. I hope everyone quickly forgets about me and lives happily.

But for a while after that, I couldn’t get the beautiful purple eyes that the boy directed straight at me out of my mind.

Chapter 2: Fourth Life

I, Lisette Ashburton, have memories from my past lives.

Humans who inherit memories like this are called “holders of past lives,” and it’s quite rare. Among them, I would probably be classified as a special case.

In my first life, I was born as a village girl in the countryside. I ended up being eaten alive after protecting a boy who was being attacked by a monster.

And in my second life, and my third life as well, I was born as different individuals in different eras, but in all of them, I had my heart eaten by the same monster while still alive on my 20th birthday and died.

No matter how many times I repeated it, no matter how much I struggled, I always die in the same way on my 20th birthday. It feels like a curse or something.

And in this fourth life, I was finally able to be born as a noble’s daughter for the first time. I had high expectations that maybe this time I could handle things well.

“I have been greatly indebted to you all this time. I would like to live quietly from now on, without ever showing my face to either of you.”

At the age of 11, I was now bowing deeply.

Yes, unexpectedly, before I turned 20, I was almost killed by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I miraculously survived, but as someone who became an expert on dying, I could tell that they were very serious.

With Okaa-sama deceased and Otoo-sama bedridden with illness, they now hold the real power in the Count’s household. As a mere child, I have no power. If things continue like this, I will be killed.

By the way, the reason they tried to kill me was apparently because the prince they were targeting fell in love with me at first sight when I picked up the handkerchief he dropped. It’s too unreasonable to be loved and killed for such a trivial reason. But I suppose I was just a nuisance from the beginning. It was all just a mere trigger, an excuse for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to come after me.

Anyway, I no longer want to die early. It’s too soon to die. I don’t ask for a long life or one of luxury, but I want to at least experience love, get married, and live until around 40.

With that in mind, I had no trouble deciding to leave the house. In the first place, based on my past lives, I’m more suited for a commoner’s life, which is longer than the life of a noble.

“. . .Are you serious?”

“Yes, of course. I am an outrageous person who unconsciously used my charms on the prince whom Onee-sama admires. From now on, I will live in a monastery, reflecting on myself for the rest of my life.”

“I see, you understand it well.”

And with a slight bow, I left quickly, holding a small bag in both hands, leaving behind my bewildered stepmother and sister-in-law.

──In my past lives, I had learned that there are things more important than pride. Yes, of course, life itself.


By the way, in this fourth life, I learned about the existence of a sanctuary where monsters do not appear.

Even though it was said that monsters didn’t appear in urban areas in my previous lives, they appeared normally, and I was eaten easily. So it may not have much meaning. But it’s worth a try. Besides, I haven’t found a better method so far.

And I had long realized that the thing who eats me every time is definitely something that ordinary humans can’t deal with. It was also traumatizing for me that in a past life, I involved a knight who tried to protect me and ended up getting him killed.

“. . .I don’t want to involve anyone anymore.”

Anyway, in this life, I plan to spend my 20th birthday alone in the sanctuary. If it doesn’t work out, I can think about it in the next life.

Of course, if possible, I don’t want to die. By the way, the moment of being eaten is so painful that I wish they would let me die quickly. I definitely don’t want to experience that suffering again.

And after leaving the Count’s house and pretending to head to the monastery, I helped the orphaned children, bid farewell to the maid Liala, and then escaped from the carriage I was riding in the middle of the journey. I changed to another carriage and disappeared, safely reaching the sanctuary.

Until the very last moment before my 20th birthday, I considered being in another place. It might be a place where I’ll live my whole life, so I thought it would be better to get used to it early. And I thought I would have more freedom there than living in a monastery.

However, after arriving at the sanctuary, I suffered from unexplained physical ailments and spent days bedridden. I was mysteriously coughing up blood and had severe insomnia, but by the time a year had passed, all the symptoms had completely disappeared.

Since then, at the age of 12, I used the knowledge and determination from my past life as a peasant and worked desperately, day by day, while living with gratitude for being alive.

Before I knew it, seven years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Chapter 3: Found

“Casey, you look really beautiful.”

“Oh, thank you.”

One day, when I turned 19, I found myself in the capital city after 8 years. If I were to die again, it would be on my 20th birthday. With still 5 months left until then, there shouldn’t be any problem leaving the sanctuary.

Today is Casey’s wedding, who was once a close friend during my noble daughter days, and now we are in the midst of celebrating the party.

A few years ago, we coincidentally met when she came to visit the sanctuary as a tourist. She kept my identity a secret and we occasionally exchanged letters. Although her suggestion of living together or offering support was kind, I declined everything.

However, I couldn’t refuse her invitation to see her in her beautiful wedding attire, and here I am.

By the way, I borrowed Casey’s dress, shoes, and accessories. I left the preparations to her. And when I saw my reflection in the mirror, I was honestly surprised to see myself as a noble’s daughter.

“You look beautiful too.”

“Really? Thank you.”

And now, the person I’m with is Martin, the son of a count, who was once close with Casey and me.

Even though it has been 8 years, I was glad that he treated me the same as before. It was lonely to attend alone, so I appreciated his presence.

“I’ll go freshen up my makeup a bit.”


I called out to Martin and headed to the restroom alone. I felt an unusually strong gaze from the surroundings, but it seemed that no one recognized me as Lisette. Casey also avoided introducing me to the attendees as her relative.

It has been 8 years since then. My appearance and atmosphere have changed considerably. Moreover, due to rumors spread by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, it seems that I am quietly spending my time in a convent. And that’s fine.

As I left the restroom and tried to return to Martin, I ended up getting lost in the similar-looking corridors.

It must be because it’s been a while since I’ve been in such a large building. My current home can be traversed from wall to wall in just a few steps.

In the midst of it, I noticed a man standing at the end of the corridor. From his appearance, it was evident that he belonged to the upper nobility.

As I hesitated whether to ask for directions, even though I hadn’t made a sound, he immediately turned around to face me. For a moment, I felt something terrifying, resembling hostility or murderous intent, in his eyes.

Just as the atmosphere around him seemed to soften, he looked at me with wide, jewel-like, almond-shaped eyes, filled with astonishment.

“─Finally, I found you.”

He was incredibly beautiful, to the point that it sent shivers down my spine. Witnessing his violently captivating beauty, I involuntarily held my breath.

For some reason, he murmured, “I finally found you,” while looking at me. Even though I discreetly looked around, there was no one else. No one.

At the same time, for some reason, I felt the need to escape.

An alarm rang in my mind. I didn’t know the reason, but instinctively, I felt that it would be dangerous if this man found me. I decided to stop asking for directions, pretended not to notice that our eyes had met, and turned my back to him.

But as soon as I started walking, a voice came from behind.

“Why are you running away?”

“Huh? W-What do you mean?”

“Oh, your voice is as beautiful as I imagined.”

I wondered when he had closed the distance between us so much.

He stood right beside me, and for some reason, he looked at me with an expression that seemed on the verge of tears.

“I’ve been searching for you all this time, Lisette-sama, to meet you again.”

And for some reason, he spoke words that seemed like they came out of a romance novel, with a serious expression.

─Wait, how does he know my name?

“Lise, where are you?”

Suddenly, I heard Martin’s voice, indicating that he was searching for me. When I raised my head, the man reacted blatantly.

“. . .May I ask what kind of relationship you have with the man who just called you?”

“Uh? Um, we met again after 8 years, we were childhood friends.”

“I see. Do you have a lover, fiancé, or husband?”

“No, but. . .”

Caught up in the moment, I unintentionally answered. He seemed satisfied as he formed an arc with his lips and called my name again, “Lisette-sama.”

“Um, I’m not in a position to be addressed with honorifics by you.”

“No, Lisette-sama, where do you currently reside?”

This man clearly hasn’t been listening to the conversation. Besides, I’m not foolish enough to reveal personal information to a stranger. Well, I’ve already let some slip.

“Um, I’m sorry. I have to go back now.”

As I said that, he smiled in a troubled manner.

“I apologize for detaining you. I am Ralph. Let’s meet again soon.”

Ralph, as he introduced himself, surprisingly released me easily, and I felt relieved inside.

I bowed my head slightly, turned my back to him, and hurriedly headed towards the direction where Martin’s voice came from.

─Little did I know, at that moment, that his “Let’s meet again soon” would be the very next day.

Chapter 4: Reunion Too Early

“Yawn. . .Good morning, Grandma.”

“Oh, good morning, Lise.”

The day after I went to the capital, I overslept a little due to fatigue from the journey. I stretched widely, got up, and passed through the tattered cloth curtain serving as a door.

And there, Grandma was having breakfast. She has been living with me in this village ever since I came here. She is a kind and wonderful person.

Actually, she is a wealthy noble, but for some reason, she has been living in this village as an eccentric. It seems she likes it here.

“I slept a lot because I was tired, sorry.”

“It’s fine. Thank you as always.”

“No need to thank me, I’ll start working as soon as I finish getting ready.”

I quickly had breakfast, prepared myself, tied my hair up high, and left the small house that we called home.

And so, after finishing the extraordinary experience in the capital, today was supposed to be an ordinary day just like any other. That’s what I thought.

“Good morning, Lisette-sama.”

The beautiful man I met at the party yesterday was inexplicably tilling our field. I couldn’t understand why.

As soon as he saw me, he had a smile brighter than the sun.

“Um, why are you. . .?”

“It feels good to move your body like this.”

“So, what are you doing. . .?”

“For the sake of Lisette-sama, I feel like I can do anything.”

“Uh. . .”

He seemed very happy about something, but the conversation wasn’t making any sense. I hope he’s okay.

Come to think of it. . .Why is a noble’s son, who was in the capital, tilling a field in this countryside? It’s too incomprehensible and scary.

“Yesterday’s attire was lovely, but today’s appearance is healthy and good as well. You look good in anything, after all.”

Moreover, he said that while looking at me wearing tattered clothes for farm work.

I thought he was making fun of me, but he seemed to be saying it seriously. Is there something wrong with his eyes or head?

“Is the field okay like this?”

“Uh, yes. Thank you very much. . .”

And he had already finished the work that Grandma and I would have taken several days to complete.

For a noble’s son, he was too efficient. His work was far from that of an amateur.

“Lisette-sama, what else can I do for you?”

“Um, please wait a moment.”

Furthermore, it seemed he intended to continue working.

There were too many points to question, and I felt like panicking. But I needed to talk to him anyway. After taking a small deep breath, I opened my mouth.

“Um, if I remember correctly, it was Ralph-sama. . .right?”

“Yes, you remembered my name. Thank you.”

“Well, I just heard it yesterday.”

“It feels like a dream. . .I’m so happy I could cry.”

Even though I just confirmed his name, he had an overwhelming sense of happiness, as if flowers were blooming all around him, and a deeply content expression on his face.

Unable to keep up with the current situation, I started feeling dizzy. I pointed to a nearby tree stump and suggested, “Anyway, why don’t we sit down?”

Then he took out a handkerchief from his chest and spread it out for me, and he sat down a little away. He was needlessly chivalrous.

“Um, Ralph-sama. . .”

“Just call me Ralph, Lisette-sama.”

“No, it’s not like that. . .”

“Please, I want you to call me that.”

“Uh. . .”

“Please stop using honorifics.”

It was too troublesome, so I decided to call him that. This is not the social world; it’s just the countryside. There’s no one to reprimand me.

If I called him Ralph as he requested, he would smile happily like a child and say, “Yes.” It confused me.

“Why are you living here, Lisette-sama?”

“I like this village.”

I have been asked the same question by many people countless times. They find it strange that a young woman willingly lives in a place like this.

However, I can’t tell them that I have been continuously killed by monsters since my previous life. So, I always answer like this.

“I don’t like the nobility, and I plan to spend my whole life here.”

After clearly conveying that, he murmured, “I see. I need to get used to living here too.”

. . .And why is that?

Chapter 5: Return of Favor

“Why is Ralph here in a place like this?”

“I came to meet Lady Lisette.”

“. . .Well, I suppose so.”

Come to think of it, I don’t remember telling Ralph that I live here. It’s quite creepy, like those stalkers you hear about. While pondering such thoughts, I turned my gaze to him, who was sitting next to me.

With his shining silver hair and beautiful purple eyes, his perfectly sculpted face gave off a cold impression at first glance. However, because he always had a gentle smile, I couldn’t sense any of that now.

Since asking him how he found out I was here would only be brushed off with a refreshing smile, I decided not to think about it anymore.

“So, why did you come to see me and end up doing farm work?”

“As a way of repaying the favor, I thought I would start by helping with something.”

“Repaying the favor. . .?”

“Yes. I intend to do anything for Lady Lisette’s sake.”

“Oh. . .”

The conversation became even more incomprehensible. Repaying the favor means that I must have done him a favor in the past.

“. . .Um, have we met in the past or something?”

Timidly asking, he nodded deeply with a smile.

“Yes, Lisette-sama, you are my savior.”

“. . .?”

I have absolutely no memory of helping such a handsome young man. I tilted my head, wondering if he mistook me for someone else. But he continued.

“You saved me and my sister, didn’t you?”


“When we were children, we were orphans. And my sister was on the verge of death from a contagious disease. In that situation, Lisette-sama happened to pass by and gave us her accessories and shoes as payment for the medicine.”

“. . .Ah.”

Finally, the dots connected. I do remember doing something like that on the way to this place when I was a child.

It seems that the boy who was with me at that time was him.

“Thanks to Lisette-sama, my sister was saved. After that, we were taken care of by Liala-san, but now I live as an adopted child of a certain noble.”

“I see. . .”

To become adopted by a noble from such a situation, it’s beyond lucky. Anyway, I’m truly glad that they are living well.

“Lady Lisette, who can take such actions for strangers, is truly a wonderful person. A noble lady offering her shoes to orphans. . .You have the most beautiful heart.”

“Oh, no, it’s not. . .”

Truly, I am not such an extraordinary person. But I understood the reason why he feels indebted to me.

In his eyes, I seemed to be like a saint. And as time passed, I must have been idealized in his mind.

“But, how did you recognize me with just one glance?”

It has been eight years since then, and I think my atmosphere and appearance have changed quite a bit. Yet, he murmured that he had “found” me with just one glance yesterday.

“There’s no way I wouldn’t recognize you. I have been thinking of Lady Lisette every day for the past eight years.”

“Well, well. . .”

“It’s true. I heard from Liala-san that you were planning to enter a convent, but we couldn’t find any convents throughout the continent, and I thought I would never be able to see you again.”

“Throughout the continent. . .? Well, I changed my mind along the way.”

By the way, it seems that Liala is still worried about me. She is doing well and has married her former lover, and they have children. They are living happily in a town near the capital.

Just hearing that makes me truly happy.

“Anyway, if Ralph and your sister are living happily, that’s really good. And I appreciate your feelings, but there’s no need for repayment. Please continue to take good care of your sister.”

“Yes. Thank you very much. Next, shall we take care of the animals?”

“It’s really okay. Please continue to take care of your sister.”

“I have confidence in taking care of animals.”

This man is unexpectedly stubborn, even though he’s pretending not to be.

“Of course, I have no intention of considering this as repayment for anything. I would like to give you jewelry or a house in the near future. . .”

“Oh, um, helping is enough as a thank you. Just once is fine.”

A house is beyond the scope of repayment. Anyway, I’ll just have him help out casually, let him be satisfied, and end it.

With that decision, I guided him to the animal shed.

Chapter 6: Small Changes

After that, Ralph came to me every day.

“Good morning, Lisette-sama. You look as beautiful as a goddess today.”

He said that with a dazzling smile that could make my eyes hurt.

I had intended to ask for his help only once, but a month had passed since then. He worked from morning until early afternoon, occasionally chatting with me and leaving with a happy expression.

By the way, he would ask every day if there was anything I wanted, whether it be money or any kind of gemstone, but of course, I declined. If I had to say, I wanted a longer lifespan.

“I have finished all the tasks here.”

“Thank you.”

Even though I told him not to come, he would come on his own. I thought he would eventually get tired of it, so I gratefully let him do the work. But instead of getting tired, he seemed happy every day, which left me bewildered.

Moreover, he worked several times, or rather dozens of times, more than an ordinary person. He would handle any dirty job with a smile, as if he had experience in everything. Since Ralph started coming, both Grandma and I had no work to do.

Even I, in my own way, began to feel a considerable sense of guilt.

“Hey, Ralph. You’ve already thanked me enough, so you don’t have to come anymore. Thank you for everything until now.”

At the end of one day’s work, when I clearly said that, he had an expression that seemed like he was about to cry.

“. . .Was I a bother?”

“No, it’s not like that.”


He took my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Please, don’t say that I don’t have to come anymore. Being able to be of use to you is my reason for living.”

“Uh. . .”

“What’s more, not being able to see Lisette-sama is the most painful thing.”

His words were quite heavy. It was hard to describe, but he had a face that seemed to say I was his everything. It was too heavy.

That being said, Ralph was undeniably handsome. He had quickly become the idol of this village, and unfortunately, I myself was weak to his face.

──In the end, I was overwhelmed and ended up having him help me again today.


“What are we doing today?”

“I plan to gather medicinal herbs in the forest.”


By the way, Ralph was quite skilled at taking care of animals. His work was far from that of an amateur.

I had always been disliked by animals, and they would be afraid of me. I secretly felt envious.

“Lisette-sama, please be careful of your footing.”

“Thank you.”

──Honestly, I was bewildered by myself for starting to get used to this inexplicable existence called Ralph. And he was incredibly kind to me.

Even though I clearly wasn’t the person Ralph had imagined, there was no sign of disappointment.

“I have found it.”

He quickly gathered a basket full of herbs that should have been rare, and I couldn’t help but smile. Ralph truly exceeded all expectations.

Seeing me laughing, he also smiled happily.

“Are you pleased?”

“Yes. Hehe, Ralph, you’re really amazing.”

“I have better eyesight and physical abilities compared to the ordinary person.”

Indeed, even when I watched him work in the fields, his physical abilities were abnormal. It was as if he had some type of strengthening magic, but he didn’t.

“And, your face is better than most people.”

Casually saying that, the basket slipped from Ralph’s hands.

“. . .Thank you very much.”

Moreover, his face turned bright red. I had intended to say something that anyone could see, but it seemed to have embarrassed him.

Somehow, I also felt embarrassed.

“I’m glad. . .to receive praise from Lisette-sama.”

“Well, well.”

“I thought it was good to be born with this face, for the first time.”

It seemed that Ralph was indifferent to his own appearance. If anything, having such a beautiful face must come with its own difficulties.

“I love you, Lisette-sama.”

“Yeah, yeah, thank you.”

And Ralph started saying “I love you” to me more often.

At first, I unintentionally felt my heart race, but it seemed that Ralph’s feelings towards me were not love or affection. I had become able to take it lightly now.

Perhaps he mistook his feeling of gratitude for love.

Putting the fallen herbs back into the basket, we headed back the way we came.

“Coming here every day, aren’t your parents worried?”

“No, they’re fine.”

Even when I asked about his background, he always evaded the question. It seemed that he was two years younger than me.

When I saw him at the wedding, he seemed like a high-ranking noble. But he was so free here, so he might be the youngest of the Baron’s family in the countryside. I quietly began to think.

By the way, I was planning to meet Liala soon. Ralph had arranged for us to meet. I felt that I had already repaid them more than enough for the help I received.

“Are you really planning to come here every day from now on?”

“Yes. As long as you are here, Lisette-sama.”

“You’re quite peculiar.”

“I love Lisette-sama.”

“. . .”

Although he was originally an orphan, Ralph must have already experienced a luxurious life as a noble. And yet, he never complained and continued to help me like this. Honestly, it touched my heart.

“Well then, excuse me.”

And just like that, after finishing today’s work, he said, “Thank you for letting me help you today,” and tried to leave.

I couldn’t help but stop Ralph.

“. . .Um, if you’d like, would you like to have tea or something?”

Before I knew it, I had made such a suggestion.

Chapter 7: Too Simple Tea Time

“. . .Me and Lisette-sama, you mean?”

“I can’t guarantee the taste, though.”

“If it’s something Lisette-sama offers me, I’ll gladly drink it, even if it’s muddy water.”

“That’s a little scary. . .”

I simply invited him to have tea, but he had an expression of disbelief and seemed extremely delighted.

I guided him for the first time into the house. Grandma seemed to be visiting a friend’s house since morning.

“This is Lisette-sama’s room. . .”

As I led him into my small and dilapidated room, I offered him one of the chairs that could break at any moment.

Sitting on the creaking chair, Ralph looked around the room and had a somewhat shocked expression for some reason.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s just. . .I couldn’t help but think that even my dog has much better living conditions.”

“Are you picking a fight?”

His comments were too straightforward. It seemed that he was living quite a good life at the moment. By the way, I’m used to this kind of life from my previous life, so it’s not difficult for me.

“I find it strange that while I live a luxurious life, Lisette-sama lives like this.”

“It’s really what I choose to do. Don’t worry about it.”

Even though I said that, Ralph still had an expression that showed he wasn’t convinced.

I brewed two cups of tea with cheap tea leaves and placed them in front of Ralph and myself. I also added the sugar I received from the neighbor the other day.

“I’ve never had such delicious tea before.”

“Oh my.”

“Really. I could bet my life on it.”

“Oh. . .”

Even though he should be accustomed to drinking high-quality tea by now, Ralph kept saying how delicious it was over and over again. He seemed so happy, like a child, that I couldn’t help but smile along.

“. . .Besides Grandma, no one else has been allowed into this room.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, Ralph is the first.”

In response to that answer, he said, “Is it really okay for me to be this happy?” and “I like it,” blushing as he laughed.

“Grandma’s grandchild occasionally comes, but I always desperately try to stop him from entering.”

“. . .Is it a man?”

“Yeah. He’s a nobleman of the same age as me.”

“I see. It would be quicker to kill him.”

“Kill. . .?”

Sometimes Ralph says such dangerous jokes that don’t suit his beautiful face. I wonder if it’s a trend in the city.

Eventually, he had a serious expression and looked at me.

“What do you think of your current life, Lisette-sama?”

“. . .I think it’s peaceful and happy.”

Of course, if I were to say I’m satisfied, it would be a lie. Although I’m used to this life, it’s far from the dream of love and marriage. 99% of the people here are elderly.

But in order to not die, I have no choice but to live here.

“Do you really like this place?”

“. . .”

As if he could see into my heart, Ralph continued.

“Do you have no intention of living as a noble in the future?”


“Do you dislike nobles?”

It seems he remembered that I said I didn’t like nobles a month ago. It was more like an excuse, and I don’t particularly like or dislike nobles themselves, just people like my mother-in-law or sister-in-law.

“It’s not that I dislike them. It’s just that. . .how do I put it? You know what, just forget it. I have no manners or education as a noble anyway. If I were to enter social gatherings in this state, I would only be laughed at.”

“If anyone dares to make fun of you, I will eliminate them.”

“. . .What?”

“So, I will kill everyone who dares to make foolish moves, so rest assured and don’t worry.”

Once again, a remark that was too dangerous came out of Ralph’s well-shaped lips. I thought I misheard, but it came back even more dangerous, so it surprised me.

He continued to wear a gentle smile, which made him even scarier.

“I will protect you from anything.”

“. . .Ralph?”

“I will never let you suffer. I will provide everything Lisette-sama desires. If there’s anything I can do, I will do it.”

It sounds like a proposal. To me, who thought of such things as if they were someone else’s business, he continued with “That’s why. . .”

“Will you live with me in the capital?”

Chapter 8: Crisis

Since the day we reunited, Ralph didn’t come for the first time.

I wonder if it’s because I rejected his absurd proposal to live together yesterday. However, I also think it’s only natural to refuse.

I appreciate his feelings, but having him take care of me and living together goes beyond mere gratitude. Besides, I don’t know anything about Ralph.

Moreover, if he were to live with a mysterious young woman, it would likely affect his future. It’s better this way.

“Oh, Ralph-sama didn’t come today?”


“It’s a miracle that such a wonderful person came and helped us with this work.”

“. . .Yeah.”

Grandma, who always greeted Ralph, had a lonely expression. Actually, after spending every day together for a month, I was feeling a bit lonely too.

But this is my usual daily life. I just want to live quietly and peacefully for a long time. That’s all I need to think about.

In order to blow away unnecessary emotions, I planned to work energetically today as well. But thanks to Ralph working too much every day, there was nothing left for me to do.

Anyway, I decided to go outside and opened the door.

“Oh, don’t startle me. Long time no see, Lisette.”

“. . .Roy.”

Right in front of the door was Roy, Grandma’s grandson. As a nobleman’s son, he occasionally came to check on Grandma as instructed by his parents.

“You’re still here in this place? Aren’t you tired of it?”

“That’s because I plan to stay here for the rest of my life.”

“A girl like you wasting her days here, in this countryside? How about living together in the capital?”

“No, thank you.”

Despite not having a bad appearance or family background, he has always approached me like this. His taste is just too terrible.

But still, being invited by men two days in a row to live together in the capital, what on earth is happening?

“Well, if you ever change your mind, feel free to reach out to me.”

“Yeah, yeah, thanks.”

After saying that, Roy entered Grandma’s hut. I let out a deep sigh and decided to go pick some wild strawberries. So I headed towards the forest.


“Alright, I’ve gathered a lot.”

About an hour later, with a basket full of wild strawberries, I happily made my way back to the hut.

Thinking about making some sweets with these, I was humming a tune while walking when I heard the sound of rustling leaves from behind. Without thinking, assuming it was someone from the village, I casually turned around and couldn’t believe my eyes.

There, standing before me, was a monster that closely resembled a bear.

“Why. . .”

Why is there a monster in this forest? After all, this was supposed to be a sanctuary where monsters don’t appear.

“N-No way. . .”

My mind went blank, and I couldn’t breathe properly. My heart was making a loud noise, as if it was in pain. My fingertips trembled with coldness.

It was getting closer and closer, and in a panic, I started running frantically. I didn’t want to die. Why is this happening? I don’t want to die!

But being caught was only a matter of time. Eventually, I was cornered at a dead end and collapsed on the spot.

──Ah, I’m going to die again.

It seems that this time I’m not 20 years old. What sanctuary? Please don’t joke around. I was tired of everything. I also wanted to live carefree like a normal girl.

I was thinking about such things incessantly.

“. . .?”

The pain that was supposed to come never arrived.

Eventually, when I cautiously opened my eyes, the monster right in front of me was somehow frozen like a statue. Its body was trembling slightly, and its eyes, reflecting me, were filled with a strong color of fear.

──Why are you being scared of me?

After a few seconds with such a question in mind, the body of the monster split vertically.

With a thud and a splash, an unfamiliar sound, it collapsed onto the ground. A pool of bright red blood spread, and the warm liquid soaked my feet.

And behind the mass of flesh, I noticed that someone was there. In their hand was a large sword about the size of a child, and as soon as I saw their face clearly, I held my breath.

“Lisette-sama, are you alright?!”

Ralph had an expression that seemed like he was about to burst into tears, and he rushed over to me. It seems that he defeated that monster.

“I was late coming here because of work, but I hurriedly followed your presence and came this far. Why is there a monster in this place. . .”

“. . .Why.”

Who is he, to be able to take down such a massive creature with a single blow? What is this so-called presence that he followed?

Amidst these questions that kept popping up, the scene in front of me gradually darkened, and I lost consciousness with a snap.

Chapter 9: Ralph・Redford

“. . .Ugh.”

“Are you awake, Lisette-sama?”

As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar pure white ceiling. Right beside me was the figure of a young woman who seemed to be a maid.

Startled, I sat up and noticed that I was wearing a comfortable negligee. The room, predominantly white, clearly belonged to a noble lady.

“Um, where is this. . .?”

“I will call Ralph-sama right away.”

Without answering my question, the maid said that and quickly left the room.

Upon hearing the name Ralph, I remembered losing consciousness after encountering a monster in the forest and being saved by him.

“. . .Thank goodness, I’m alive.”

I opened and closed both hands, feeling grateful from the bottom of my heart for being alive and well.

And just as the maid left, Ralph rushed into the room.

“Lisette-sama, you’re awake. . .!”

“Yeah, Ralph saved me, right? Thank you.”

“No, it’s only natural.”

He sat on the chair right next to the bed and gently took my hand. With his larger and warmer hand, he lightly stroked my fingertips as if confirming my existence, making me feel uneasy.

His smiling face, looking straight at me, was so dazzling that it hurt my sleepy eyes.

“Where is this place?”

“It’s my house in the capital. When Lisette-sama collapsed, I was very worried. We immediately brought you here and had a doctor examine you.”

“I see. . .I’m sorry. I have troubled you.”

“It’s not trouble at all. On the contrary, I would be honored if you could stay here for the rest of your life.”

“Um. . .?”

While feeling a strange sense of relief from him as usual, I looked around again. Everything here looked like top-quality items. It seemed that he had been taken in by a considerably wealthy noble family.

Moreover, this room doesn’t feel like a guest room. It feels like a room that was carefully made for someone, definitely not a place someone like me should be using.

“Ralph, you live in a really nice house.”

“Yes, it’s a Marquis family’s house after all.”

“I see, if it’s the Marquis family’s, then it’s imp-impressive, right?”


While he smiled beautifully, I was starting to feel confused. I really want him to wait for a moment. . .I had assumed that he might have been adopted by a baron family in the countryside. A wave of dizziness hit me just thinking about it, yet Ralph continued speaking.

“Let me introduce myself again. My name is Ralph Redford, and I am a hero of this country.”

Of course, I knew the name Redford Marquis. But more importantly, what did he just say?

“. . .A hero, you mean, um, a hero?”

“Yes, I believe I am that hero.”

Ralph said it as if it’s no big deal, but the news of the existence of a hero had reached even that rural village. After defeating the Demon King with his comrades, he became a hero of the country.

It’s unbelievable that Ralph, who visited me every day and worked in the fields, was that hero.

But with that strength, and the fact that he, an orphan, was adopted into the Marquis family, everything made sense.

“T-That’s amazing.”

“Thank you.”

I couldn’t hide my surprise, to the point where only such a foolish comment came out. Surely, him having a conversation with someone like me right now is close to a miracle.

At the same time, I remembered how I had made him, who is both the Marquis’s son and a hero, do such farm work and treated him poorly.

“Um, Ralph-sama, I’m really sorry.”


“For making you do farm work and chores as a hero. . .”

“Why are you apologizing? I asked for it and made you agree to my request even though it was unreasonable. Besides, you had said you disliked nobles, so I couldn’t easily mention that I’m being taken care of by the Marquis family. . .I apologize.”

Anyway, I want you to treat me as you always have. He said that with a troubled expression, but it was indeed a difficult request.

Even though Ralph suggested having a meal together if I felt better, I couldn’t stay at the Marquis household forever. There’s a limit to being out of place.

Besides, this time, it was I who was saved. Ralph undoubtedly did more than just repay a favor.

I realized that our worlds are different, and I thought it was time to truly put an end to it. Yes, that’s what I thought, but. . .

“I should be going soon. . .Ah!”

As I was about to express my gratitude and leave, I remembered that monsters appeared in the sanctuary and broke out in a cold sweat.

That place might already be unsafe. Once again, everything in front of me turned pitch black.

“Um, do you know the cause of the monsters appearing in the sanctuary. . .?”

“I don’t know the exact reason, but I heard that the protection there has significantly weakened.”


──The protection of the sanctuary has weakened?

I had intended to live there for the rest of my life. I never imagined that something like this would happen.

“. . .What should I do?”

Only four months left until my 20th birthday. It’s a dire situation.

As I started to panic, thinking that I might be eaten and die again in this life, Ralph tightly held my hand and looked straight into my eyes.

“. . .Lisette-sama, will you tell me everything?”


“I noticed that you have something troubling you. Is it related to living in that place? I am on Lisette-sama’s side. I will do anything for you.”

“That’s. . .”

Even though I had decided not to involve anyone else, being told that in this situation made me want to rely on him.

Once again, he looked straight into my eyes with amethyst-like eyes and said, “Please.”

. . .. . .

“I know my story sounds too unbelievable, so I can understand if you don’t believe me. . .”

“I believe everything. I won’t doubt Lisette-sama.”

Above all, even though we’ve only known each other for about a month, I couldn’t help but think that Ralph might believe me.

“. . .You know, this is my fourth life.”

And so, I began to tell him about everything that had happened until now.

Chapter 10: The Outstretched Hand

“. . .So, that’s how it is.”


Even though it was a ridiculous story that could have been laughed at, Ralph listened silently until the end, and his expression seemed more convinced than doubtful.

“Lisette-sama has been enduring hardships all alone. . .I’m truly sorry.”

For some reason, he apologized.

“Do you believe me. . .?”

“Of course.”

Even though no one had ever believed me before. I felt a slight urge to cry at his unwavering statement.

On the other hand, Ralph had a dark expression and seemed to blame himself for something. Eventually, he raised his face and looked at me.

“. . .I will save you, Lisette-sama.”


“Please, let me protect you.”

Even though I thought I didn’t want to involve anyone anymore, Ralph’s words made my heart waver.

Perhaps, from the moment I started telling this story, I had wanted someone to help me, someone to rely on.

“But, Ralph, you don’t have to go that far.”

“I will use my life that was saved by you for your sake alone.”

“That’s too much.”

“No, it’s not. Because I became who I am today thanks to Lisette-sama’s existence.”

I had only given him a small push, and Ralph’s current state was the result of his own talent and effort. And yet, he seemed to genuinely believe his words.

“Lisette-sama, please make use of me.”

And he said that with a serious expression.

“Don’t you think there is no one more suitable than me, who defeated the Demon Lord, to protect you now? Moreover, I am foolish enough to be happy just to have you by my side. I will surely become the easiest tool to handle in the world.”

How did he come to use words like “use” and “tool”? I had felt it before, but Ralph seemed to have some strange aspects.

However, as the hero who defeated the Demon Lord, he might really be able to defeat that monster. I couldn’t help but have such expectations.

“Don’t you think we both have nothing to lose?”

With that final push, my resolve crumbled. How many people in this situation could refuse when told such things?

Above all, I no longer wanted to die like that.

Only four months left until my 20th birthday. He had come this far to say these things, so I felt that it wouldn’t be a punishment to rely on him until I got through that turning point.

“. . .Will you really protect me?”

“Yes, even if it costs me my life.”

“No, I don’t want you to go that far.”

At this rate, he might really risk his life for me, and it troubled me. But I found myself wanting to take the hand he extended.

“Thank you. Well then, please take care of me.”

“Lisette-sama, thank you. . .!”

For some reason, he thanked me, and he said, “Please feel free to tell me anything from now on,” with a face that looked like that of a child.

“The sanctuary is dangerous, so please live here. I’ve heard about the Count’s house from Liala-san as well.”

“. . .I’m sorry, and thank you.”

Now that I couldn’t return to the sanctuary, where monsters might appear, I didn’t even have a place to live. I felt sorry, but I decided to take him up on his offer, just as Ralph suggested.

He said he would check on Grandma and everyone at the sanctuary, who I was worried about.

“Uh, a room for someone below a servant is fine.”

“You don’t like this room?”


“I have prepared this room for you.”

“. . .What do you mean?”

“I imagined what you would like and prepared it, hoping that someday, I could live with Lisette-sama.”

“Ah. . .I see. . .”

And with a refreshing prince-like face, he said something terrifying. It was strange beyond belief that a room prepared for me, which I hadn’t mentioned at all, existed.

Eventually, he was called by someone who seemed to be a butler and said that he would be back soon, leaving with a lonely expression.

As for me, I was taken care of by the maids who came in again, preparing the bath, changing clothes, and doing my makeup. Even the perfectly fitting dress made me feel a little scared.


While being guided through the mansion, I accidentally got separated from the maids and started searching for the room from earlier.

“Um, was it here?”

And I casually opened the door, only to be speechless. The walls of the room were covered with paintings.

One of them was covered with a cloth and couldn’t be seen, but everything else was my childhood drawings.

“No, no, no, no.”

Goosebumps ran not only on my arms, but throughout my body. There was no way this could be considered normal. It was too much.

And among the displays that resembled an art museum, there were the accessories I gave away that day. Did he really buy them all back?

When he said before, “I’ve been thinking about you every day for eight years,” I laughed it off as an exaggeration. But seeing this, I couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t a joke.

Maybe I made the wrong choice. I seriously thought so.

Chapter 11: Another Reunion

After getting lost in an unbelievable place, I returned to the assigned room feeling exhausted.

Indeed, Ralph’s feelings towards me are too heavy. He claims it’s an infatuation, but it’s definitely not love. It’s something else entirely.

But in return, I’m certain he will protect me with all his might. In order to survive, I must use him without hesitation. With that thought in mind, I laid back on the bed once again.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, and I immediately called out, “Please come in.”


Then, with a loud bang, the door swung open, and an incredibly beautiful girl entered the room with tears streaming down her face.

I wondered who she could be, but her silver hair and perfectly arranged features were too familiar. She came straight to me, knelt down, and gently took my hand.

“Oh, it’s the real Lisette-sama! I’ve always, always wanted to meet you!”

“. . .Um, Ralph’s sister, right?”

As I asked, she nodded repeatedly, tears like pearls flowing from her large eyes.

“Yes, I am Nadia. I am the one you saved that day.”

“I’m glad to see you well.”

“Th-thank you!”

She had grown up beautifully and healthily, far from the girl who was on the verge of death on the roadside that day.

When she expressed her desire to talk, she immediately instructed the maid to prepare tea. In no time, preparations were made as if for a tea party, and we sat down facing each other across the table.

Looking at her again like this, she was a terrifyingly beautiful girl. It’s no wonder, as she shares the same blood as Ralph.

“But really, Onii-sama—to hide the fact that he reunited with Lisette-sama all this time! I can’t forgive him!”

Apparently, Ralph had been hiding the fact that he had reunited with me from her. And she only found out that I had been brought here just a while ago.

“Um, Nadia-sama. . .”

“Please call me Nadia, Lisette-sama.”

Feeling a sense of familiarity with the exchange, I decided to accept it. When I nodded, she smiled like a flower.

“I heard that you will be staying in this mansion from now on.”

“Yes, I am grateful for your hospitality.”

“To be able to live together with Lisette-sama is like a dream. From now on, I want to live my life devoted to you.”

“Oh. . .”

I felt a similar intensity from her as I did from Ralph, and I really didn’t want them to feel this way. They didn’t have to go that far, but when I voiced my thoughts, she shook her head from side to side.

“On that day, I thought I was going to die just like that. It was painful, agonizing, and I felt so powerless and helpless.”

“. . .Nadia.”

“And in the midst of that, you suddenly appeared and saved us. You were like an angel. Warm, kind, beautiful, and dazzling. At that time, I couldn’t even utter a word, but being touched by you in that state. . .I was truly, truly happy.”

As she continued to shed tears, my eyes also grew warm.

──The intensity of the emotions they direct towards me may be proportional to the hardships and sorrows they felt at that time. When this thought crossed my mind, my heart ached terribly.

“But now, we can be together forever, right?”

She said in a voice as light as a bell, and a smile reminiscent of Ralph appeared on her face.


That night, I had dinner with Ralph and Nadia. It seems that the Marquis couple is currently in their territory and will be coming to the capital soon.

They have already been informed about me, and they assured me that I don’t need to worry about anything.

Nevertheless, I continued to be impressed by the Marquis family. The dinner was too luxurious, and the taste was so delicious that my cheeks were about to fall off. And above all, I was quite surprised by one of the fruits that came out for dessert.

“I like this fruit. It’s rare, isn’t it?”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Onii-sama has also liked it since a long time ago.”

This bright red fruit, which was out of place on a noble’s dining table, was the first time I had eaten it in this life. It is commonly found in some rural areas, and while it is more sour than sweet, I love it.

Nadia tried a bite, and said, “As long as Lisette-sama likes it. . .” it seemed that it didn’t suit her taste. On the other hand, Ralph continued to eat with a smile, showing that he really likes it.

“Lisette-sama, I will mostly be in this mansion, so please call me if you need anything.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“It’s unfair that it’s only Onii-sama. I also want to be with Lisette-sama more, but starting from tomorrow, I have to go back to school. . .”


“Yes. I am currently a fourth-year student at the magic academy in the capital.”

She, who is one year younger than Ralph, attends the magic academy in the capital and has achieved top grades.

“Both of you are truly amazing.”

“No, Lisette-sama, are you interested in magic?”

“I can’t use it, so I envy those who can.”

Yes, in this current life, I can’t use magic.

In my first life, I could use something like healing magic. I used it without proper instruction, but I think I was able to heal most injuries.

And in my second life, I could use a little bit of the same power. But in my third life and this current life, I can’t use it at all, and I felt disappointed because it had been so useful.

As I pondered about that, I noticed that Ralph was staring at me intently.

“If you’re okay with it, would you like to go out together tomorrow?”

“I’m fine, but where are we going?”

“It’s been a while since you’ve been to the capital, so I thought we could go shopping for things you need and explore various spots.”

Hearing such an offer, I immediately nodded. It’s been so long since I went out shopping in the city like this.

“Thank you, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Likewise, thank you.”

He must be considerate of me, who has been in the countryside for so long. Ralph is truly kind. Nadia, however, had a pout on her face, internally scolding her brother for being unfair.

──And little did I know that I would learn an unbelievable truth the next day. With excitement for my rare outing, I went to bed.

Chapter 12: First Date

The next day, I was dressed in a beautiful dress by the enthusiastic maids. My hair was carefully styled, and makeup was applied. I was adorned with incredibly expensive-looking accessories.

As someone who was just staying here, I felt apologetic for all this trouble.

“Um, isn’t this a bit too much effort. . .?”

“I heard it’s your first date with Ralph-sama, so it’s only natural.”

“First date. . .”

It seems that our outing today is indeed a date.

The maids were all saying things like “You’re the most beautiful in the world” and “Ralph-sama will surely be delighted,” and when Ralph appeared, he also praised me to the point where I felt embarrassed.

“You look truly beautiful. Indeed, that color suits you well.”

“Thank you. Did Ralph choose it for me?”

“Yes. I ordered it with Lisette-sama in mind.”

“Ordered. . .?”

If it’s a custom-made dress, it’s definitely not something that can be completed in just a day or two. I wonder when they had it prepared.

Although it piqued my curiosity, I used the technique I have developed since coming to this mansion—the “not think too deeply about it” technique.

On the other hand, Ralph was wearing a high-quality jacket and looked even more radiant than usual. I was impressed by how someone could be so beautiful.

“Well then, shall we go?”


I took his outstretched hand and got into the carriage. I had a feeling that today would be a fun day.


“Oh, delicious!”

“I’m glad. Lisette-sama looks adorable no matter what.”

It had been eight years since I had properly come to the capital city, and it had changed more than I had expected. The streets were even more lively than before, with many more people and shops.

There were many lovely shops and delicious things. Ralph seemed to know my preferences perfectly and took me to places that would make me happy.

As I enjoyed eating and walking around, Ralph had an even happier expression than me.

“Should we buy all of these as well?”

“Wait, we really don’t need that much.”

And Ralph, who wanted to buy everything, made me feel anxious. It seemed like his sense of money was also skewed.

“I’ve already earned enough that I can’t spend it all. Please don’t worry, Lisette-sama.”

“I can’t help but worry.”

“I’m just buying what I want.”

He gave me a dazzling innocent smile, and a pang of pain struck my chest. Am I really someone deserving of being pampered by Ralph like this?

Seeing me like that, Ralph furrowed his eyebrows.

“. . .Did I bother you, by any chance?”

“No, it’s not that. Honestly, I think I’ve always longed to spend time like this, like a normal girl.”

Hearing my heartfelt words, Ralph gently lifted my hand, narrowed his soft eyes, and smiled.

“In the future, let’s do many things that Lisette-sama likes.”

“. . .Things that I like?”

“Yes. Lisette-sama has endured so much hardship, so it’s okay for you to be more selfish. I will make all your wishes come true.”

At Ralph’s words, my vision blurred. Even though I wasn’t sad, I felt like crying.

“Actually, there’s a shop nearby that I think Lisette-sama will like. Shall we go?”

“. . .Yes, thank you.”

Even though it was our first time going out together, how did he know what kind of shop I would like? While thinking about that, a smile unintentionally appeared on my face.

And just as we started walking again, it happened.


In an instant, Ralph’s arm wrapped around me tightly and pulled me back forcefully.

At the same time, something passed right in front of my eyes and nose.

Without understanding what had happened, I realized that countless chunks of ice were impaled where I should have been standing.

Moreover, they were concentrated around where my face would have been. If something like that had pierced me, I would undoubtedly have died instantly.

The joyful mood I had just moments ago vanished in an instant, and my heart was pounding painfully fast.

“. . .Ah!”

“Lisette-sama, are you alright?!”

In Ralph’s hand, the same large sword that I saw in the sanctuary forest was now tightly gripped.

Soon, I turned my gaze towards the direction where chunks of ice were flying, and there stood a tall man.

“What do you intend on doing, Melvin?!”

“Huh? That’s my line.”

The person who had just tried to kill me turned out to be an acquaintance of Ralph. The man with striking red hair named Melvin created another chunk of ice.

Instinctively, I tensed up, but Ralph kindly reassured me, saying, “It’s okay, I’m here with you.”

Seeing that, the man furrowed his eyebrows.

“That’s why I’m asking, why is a hero like you associating with such a monster?”

“What. . .?”

Despite trying to kill me when we first met, it was incredibly rude to treat me as a monster. What on earth was going on?

Ralph, who had been standing in front of me as if protecting me, pointed his sword straight at the man. His eyes were as cold as ice.

“If you say anything more, I’ll kill you.”

“Ralph, what the hell happened to you? Did you go crazy from too much peace?”

Then, after scrutinizing me from head to toe with probing eyes, he wore an expression of disbelief and spoke again.

“. . .That woman, she’s a monster.”

Chapter 13: The Beginning of the Truth Becoming Visible

“That woman, she’s a monster, right?”

Hearing these words, a dumbfounded voice escaped from my mouth.

“Ralph, your acquaintance likes to joke around, doesn’t he?”

“. . .”

“Ralph. . .?”

Even when I called out to Ralph in front of me, he only looked at me with a troubled expression and didn’t reply.

This unexpected reaction gave me an unpleasant premonition.

“Oh, I see. So you can speak properly. It’s the first time I’ve seen a monster in human form. Is Ralph under some kind of charm spell you used on him?”

“That’s why I’m not a monster—”

“Don’t play dumb. I sense a strong monster presence from you.”

“. . .Huh?”

The man who said that had a serious expression that made it hard to believe he was lying. My heart started making an unpleasant sound.

“She is not a monster.”

Eventually, Ralph clearly said that, and I let out a sigh of relief—

“You, have you really become so oblivious? If you can’t even sense this level of presence, you’re disqualified as a hero.”

“. . .Indeed, I sense a monster presence from her, but she herself is not a monster. I guarantee it.”


──A monster presence from me?

I looked up at Ralph in confusion, and he had an expression of someone on the verge of tears.

I wanted to think it was an unfunny lie, a joke, perhaps. But seeing that face, it was already impossible.

“I’m sorry, Lisette-sama. I was planning to talk to you after you calmed down a bit.”

“D-Do I really have a monster presence. . .?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. . .”

“. . .This must be a lie, right?”

Ralph apologized again to me, who couldn’t hide my agitation. He didn’t need to apologize, but I was no longer in a state where I could think about that.

What on earth is happening to me?

Could it be related to the fact that I’ve been reincarnating after being eaten by monsters multiple times? I even feel like I’m not myself, and it’s making me feel sick.

“By the way, that man is the best magician in the country. We were in the same party during the Demon Lord subjugation.”

“. . .No way.”

“Even so, I’m stronger, so don’t worry.”

Upon hearing Ralph’s words, a man named Melvin clicked his tongue and said, “How annoying,” He didn’t deny it, so it seemed to be true.

Ralph completely hid me behind him and turned to face the man.

“I made a promise to Beverly that when she returns to this country, she will see her. Don’t lay a hand on her.”

“Huh? You might get killed before that.”

“If you say anything more, I’ll cut off your right hand.”

“Oh, scary. Well, I warned you.”

After saying just that, the man called Melvin turned his back to us, waved his hand, and left.

As his figure disappeared, the tension was released all at once, and I almost collapsed, but Ralph hurriedly supported me.

He still had a face that looked like he was about to cry as he gazed at me.

“. . .I’m truly sorry.”

“Why is Ralph apologizing? You helped me.”

“I was keeping something from you. And I ended up telling you in this way.”

“Are you disappointed in me? Did you start to dislike me?” Ralph asked with an anxious expression, but there was no reason to blame him.

“Ralph, you were thinking of me and staying silent, right? There’s no need to apologize. Thank you.”

As I conveyed that, he still uttered words of apology and lowered his long eyelashes.

“Anyway, can you listen to what I have to say?”

“Yes, of course.”

Ralph nodded immediately, and together with him, I boarded the carriage that had been waiting nearby and decided to return to the Marquis’ house.

And so, our first outing with Ralph turned out to be quite the disaster.


After returning to the Marquis’ house, we sat facing each other in Ralph’s room.

It was my first time entering his room, but other than a large painting of mine hanging on the wall, it was a normal room.

I took a sip of warm tea. It gave me a nice, relaxing feeling, and I felt a slight sense of calm.

“. . .I noticed the presence of monsters from Lisette-sama when we reunited. I was wondering when to talk about it, but I was planning to avoid it right after you collapsed.”

Of course, I didn’t want to believe it. But Ralph’s behavior when we reunited made sense.

Because he noticed the presence of monsters, he must have directed hostile and murderous gazes towards me.

When we first met as children, his powers as a hero had not yet awakened, so he didn’t notice.

“What do you mean by ‘presence of monsters’?”

“I can only sense it, but I don’t know the details. I asked the saintess, who is also a former party member, to take a look at Lisette-sama. She will be returning from a neighboring country soon, so let’s go meet her then.”

“To the saintes. . .? Thank you, please.”

“Yes, leave it to me. Her eyes are special, so she might be able to understand some things that I can’t.”

If it weren’t for Ralph, it would have been impossible to have the saint take a look. No matter how much money I offered, I wouldn’t be able to meet someone like her.

I felt like I was gradually getting closer to the truth that I couldn’t grasp even after several past lives. At the same time, I found myself afraid of knowing the truth.

As if seeing through those feelings, Ralph called my name in a terribly gentle tone, saying, “Lisette-sama.”

“It’s okay, I’m here with you.”

“Thank you.”

Why did his words, even though we had just met, make me feel so relieved?

Perhaps it’s because he is a hero. When he took my bewildered hand, Ralph wore a gentle smile.

“──In this life, I will definitely protect you.”

Chapter 14: Envy and Desire

Several days have passed since I learned the terrifying fact that I have the presence of monsters.

I couldn’t completely hide my shock, but Ralph kept apologizing with a remorseful expression, so I forced myself to cheer up.

Anyway, there’s nothing I can do until I meet Saintess-sama. There’s no point in moping around. I’ll try to stay positive and enjoy myself, even if just a little.

“Ah, good morning, Hugo.”

“Good morning, Lisette-sama.”

Every morning, after getting up and getting ready, it has become a routine for me to take a walk in the spacious and beautiful garden of the Marquis’ house before breakfast. I also exchange light conversations with him, who is a gardener, every morning.

He is the same age as me and seems to be from the countryside, so we get along well. The content of our conversations is mostly about crops.

And so, today as well, while having a conversation that lacks any hint of romance, as if we were not young men and women, I was unexpectedly called out. As I turned around, as expected, Ralph was there.

“Good morning, Lisette-sama.”

“Good morning, Ralph.”

It’s unusual for him to be here at this time.

“It’s about time for breakfast. Shall we go together?”

“Yeah, I’ll let you do that.”

“Thank you.”

For some reason, he extended his hand, and I thought it would be rude to ignore it, so I took his hand. And just like that, our hands ended up holding each other.

Surprised, I looked up at Ralph’s face as we walked side by side, but he had the same refreshing smile as always.

“. . .Are you close with that man?”

“We just talk during our morning walks.”

“I see. It’s a shame because he might be moving to the estate soon.”

“Is that so?”

It’s a little lonely, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Thinking that, Ralph continued, saying, “Instead, if I may.”

“Starting from tomorrow, would you walk with me? I didn’t know that walking outside in the morning could be so pleasant.”

I’m glad that Ralph understands the joy of morning walks; basking in the morning sun clears my mind and feels good. Without any reason to refuse, I nodded.

“I sometimes oversleep, but if that’s okay with you, then please.”

“Thank you.”

With a happy smile, Ralph said, “I love you,” and once again, his smile was brighter than the morning sun.


Nadia has been staying at a classmate’s house since last night, so it was just the two of us for breakfast today.

“Hey, is there anything I can do? I feel uneasy just being taken care of like this.”

“Lisette-sama, it’s enough for you to talk to me. In fact, I want to pay my gratitude for that.”

“Well. . .”

It’s unsettling to just be a guest like this. I asked if there was something I could do, but Ralph didn’t even listen to my request.

There really isn’t much for me to do every day. Maybe it’s because I almost always had something to do in the past, I feel restless.

On the other hand, Ralph has been busy even though he’s always in the mansion, and it’s strange how he comes to the sanctuary every day.

“What does a hero do?”

“When there’s a request from the knight order, I occasionally go to subdue higher-level monsters now that the Demon Lord has been defeated.”

“The Demon Lord. . .”

I can’t imagine Ralph, who is so refreshing and sparkling, defeating the Demon Lord. In the first place, I can’t even imagine the strength of the Demon Lord.

“How does one become a hero?”

“You have to be chosen by a sword. Only a hero can touch the holy sword.”

“That’s amazing, to become one like that.”

It’s like a story from a picture book I read as a child. It seems that the holy sword has become a part of him, and he can summon or dismiss it as he wishes.

“By the way, I usually help my father with his work. After all, I’m supposed to be the next Marquis.”

The Marquis couple couldn’t have children, and they were drawn to Ralph’s achievements as a hero and his personality, so they adopted him, or so I heard from Nadia. But in reality, it was also because of the king’s instructions to ensure that the hero never escapes from this country.

But Nadia said she loves the Marquis couple because they are wonderful people who don’t care about such things.

“But even though you came here every day, when did you sleep?”

“I didn’t sleep.”


“A hero is tough.”

Ralph said that as if it were a matter of course, and it made me feel a little sad.

“Please, don’t do that anymore. Ralph is a person before being a hero, so you shouldn’t neglect your life as a person.”

“. . .I understand. I’m sorry.”

Perhaps because I spoke a little harshly, he looked at me with wide eyes and muttered an apology.

But soon, he smiled with a smile that seemed to be filled with joy.

“Only Lisette-sama says that to me.”


“Because I’m a hero, hardly anyone worries about me anymore, as long as everyone is safe and happy, they are satisfied. But from now on, Lisette-sama will be by my side. I won’t push myself too hard.”

I felt relieved at his promise. After that, we had a trivial conversation, but I suddenly asked something that was bothering me.

“Why is Ralph so good at farming and taking care of animals? It didn’t seem like something someone would be good at naturally.”

“I had experience a long time ago.”

“I see.”

In that case, did he have the experience before becoming an orphan? I don’t know anything about his family, and it might be a painful matter to think back on. I decided not to ask any further.

“. . .Actually, I have a birthday party next month.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. I’m not good with social events myself, but due to my position, I have to hold a fairly large-scale one.”

If it’s Ralph’s birthday party as the hero of the country and the Marquis’ son, it will be quite grand. I couldn’t help but worry that he would become even busier from now on, I thought as I had a piece of fruit.

“So, I have a favor to ask Lisette-sama.”

“. . .Yes?”

I have a bad feeling about this request. . .

“As my fiancée, could you attend the party?”

And to that outrageous request, I ended up coughing violently.

Chapter 15: To be together forever

“Actually, it seems that I am being encouraged by the king to marry the princess.”


I couldn’t hide my surprise at Ralph’s sudden and grandiose proposal to marry the princess.

“Of course, I have no intention of doing that. But refusing will undoubtedly cause problems. Moreover, it might even inconvenience my parents, so it might be impossible to refuse.”

Apparently, the third princess has taken a liking to him, and she seems quite enthusiastic about it. If he were to refuse in such a situation, it would undoubtedly cause complications.

“That’s why I want Lisette-sama to attend the party as my fiancée, and spread the word that I have already made up my mind about someone else. It seems that due to my long-standing affection for you, people think I have no interest in women, so it will spread quickly.”

“. . .I see.”

I understood what Ralph was trying to say. I owe him a lot, and if there’s anything I can do to help, I want to cooperate. However, that role would be too burdensome for me.

Furthermore, if news spreads that we are engaged, even if it’s just a pretense, it will undoubtedly have a significant impact on both of our futures. My in-laws won’t stay silent either.

“Just let me think about it for a bit. . .”

“Of course. Thank you.”

Ralph said so and smiled softly.


“I apologize for the late introduction. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lisette Ashburton.”

Nervously, I performed a clumsy curtsy, and the Marquis and his wife immediately told me to raise my head.

“Nice to meet you, Lisette. I’ve been wanting to meet you.”

“Yes, yes. Nice to meet you too.”

A few days had passed since that request from Ralph. The Marquis and his wife, who were in their territory, visited the mansion in the capital. After the maids had prepared me perfectly, I greeted them promptly with Ralph and Nadia.

“She’s such a beautiful lady. As expected, Ralph.”

“Yes, Lisette-sama is the most beautiful in the world.”

“She’s truly a wonderful person, Otoo-sama.”

Please, I really want them to stop. . .The expectations for me as a person have been raised too high. These siblings feel so indebted to me that they must be seeing me in an overly idealized way.

However, surprisingly, they seem to be accepting me with open arms, even though I’m just a mysterious Count’s daughter who suddenly appeared.

“Ralph and Nadia had been searching for you all this time, so we’re also happy.”

“Yes, they are both very happy.”

“Yes, there couldn’t be anything better.”

Nadia said so and smoothly linked her arm with mine. She had a surprisingly sweet and pleasant scent, and it made my heart skip a beat.

Seeing her like that, Ralph muttered in a low voice, “Don’t touch Lisette-sama. Even I haven’t had the privilege of touching her like that.”

What are they competing for. . .?

“Hahaha, it seems both of them really love Lisette.”

“Of course.”

The Marquis and his wife watched the two of them with an affectionate smile. They seemed to be very gentle people.

“I heard that you have some difficult circumstances, so from now on, think of us as your real parents and rely on us.”

“Thank you very much.”

The words “Think of us as your real parents” caught my attention. Even if they are kind people, would they really say something like that?

“And when will you two get engaged?”

“. . .?”

In the midst of that, I was asked an outrageous question, and I had to struggle to keep from making a strange sound as I looked back at the Marchioness.

“Okaa-sama, Lisette-sama had just been through a dangerous situation. Let’s talk about that after things settle down,” Nadia quickly followed up.

“Oh, I see. I’m sorry, I got carried away.”

Wait a minute. . .why are we discussing the possibility of me and Ralph getting engaged in the future?

By the way, the matter of attending the birthday party as Ralph’s fiancée is still on hold. However, no matter how much I think about it, I don’t like it.

Anyway, I bowed my head and said, “I will be in your care for a while,” and the couple smiled and said, “Of course.”


“Lisette-sama seems to be serious about leaving this mansion in four months. What are you going to do?”

After escorting Lisette-sama to her room, I sat on the sofa in my brother’s room and asked him.

Sitting across from me, my brother had an incredibly expressionless face, completely different from when he was with Lisette-sama. Rather, this state seemed normal for him.

“. . .I don’t know what to do.”

“There’s only one thing you can do. . .”

When I said that clearly, he looked up.

“You have to make Lisette-sama love you.”

“. . .Me?”

“Who else is there?”

“Lisette-sama, she. . .”

He seemed to have a look that said he hadn’t even considered such a thing. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

My brother is strange.

He is abnormally ignorant of human emotions and has no interest in anyone other than Lisette-sama. It seems that he genuinely doesn’t care about anything else. Only towards me does he seem to have some affection.

“What if Lisette-sama falls in love with someone else while Onii-sama is being careless?”

At that moment, there was a loud noise. When I shifted my gaze, I saw that the chair my brother was sitting on was badly damaged. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“This is not the countryside. There are plenty of young and handsome men here. Lisette-sama is also at an age where she might fall in love with someone. It’s only natural.”

“. . .”

“If she marries that person, you, a complete stranger, and a man at that, won’t be able to have any relationship with her.”

With another loud noise, the chair screamed.

“. . .I absolutely refuse.”

That’s only natural. After finally reuniting with the woman I’ve been searching for all this time, there’s no way I can forgive her being taken away by another man. Neither can my brother, nor can I.

“Isn’t that right? In that case, please make sure to be loved by Lisette-sama so she never leaves Onii-sama’s side.”

If that happens, I can stay by Lisette-sama’s side forever. I alone surely can’t keep her tied to this place.

As for our parents, I have already convinced them that if there are any shortcomings in her becoming the future Marchioness, I will cover them for a lifetime. All that’s left is Lisette-sama’s feelings.

I’ve lightly heard about Lisette-sama’s circumstances from her directly, but I had confidence that this brother of mine would somehow take care of it.

“You love Lisette-sama, don’t you?”


My brother muttered, his eyes filled with clear passion.

“I’ve always only thought about her.”

Whether the emotions my brother directs towards her are infatuation, love, obsession, or something else entirely, I don’t know.

The intensity of his feelings towards Lisette-sama is abnormal. It goes too far. Of course, it’s not something I can say.

“Fortunately, Onii-sama has both status and honor, as well as a wonderful face. Please do your best with all your might.”

As long as he keeps Lisette-sama tied to him, I’m fine with that.

Chapter 16: Fiancé (Provisional)

“Good morning.”

“. . .!”

Upon hearing my greeting, the male servant looked at me as if he had seen a monster and silently ran away.

. . .Actually, recently I had been avoided by the servants, only the male ones, and I was quite shocked by their reaction. Nevertheless, I trudged towards the garden. It seemed that Hugo, who was the gardener, had also moved to the estate right after that.

Since then, I continued my morning walk with Ralph. And when I went outside today, Nadia was also there. The two of them were sitting on a pure white bench, waiting for me against the backdrop of beautiful flowers.

The sight of the handsome man and beautiful woman sitting together against the backdrop of beautiful flowers was too picturesque.

“Good morning. I’m happy to see Lisette-sama’s face first thing in the morning. I love you,” Ralph said.

“Good morning, Lisette-sama. I love you too!” Nadia added.

“G-Good morning. . .”

Walking through the beautiful garden, I sat down. I was sandwiched between the two of them who were sending intense gazes towards me. Nadia firmly held my hand with her pure white hand.

They were more interested in hearing about me than talking about themselves, so I decided to consult them about being avoided by the servants.

“Hey, do I have a bad attitude or something that makes people uncomfortable. . .?”

“Did someone say that to you? If so, I’ll. . .”

“N-No, it’s not that! Actually. . .”

I hurriedly calmed Ralph down, who seemed like he was about to say something dangerous, and told them about being avoided by the male servants recently. Nadia let out a deep sigh and said, “Really, how pathetic.”

“Don’t worry, Lisette-sama. You are more wonderful than anyone else. It’s all Onii-sama’s fault.”

“. . .”

On the other hand, Ralph had an indescribable expression. Although I was told that I hadn’t done anything wrong and not to worry, I couldn’t help but be concerned about their attitude towards me.

“Oh, by the way. What are you planning to do for Onii-sama’s birthday party, Lisette-sama?”

In the midst of that, Nadia asked with a smile, forcibly changing the topic. But in reality, I had been thinking that I should give an answer soon.

“Well, I think it might be troublesome if rumors about us being engaged start spreading.”


“There might be various difficulties in the future.”


His relentless “Why” attacks, which were probably unintentional, made me flinch. I knew that Ralph currently liked me in some way, but it wasn’t guaranteed that it would be the same for the rest of our lives.

Ralph was only seventeen years old. It would be more troublesome for him when the topic of marriage came up. In this country, a history of a broken engagement would be quite a stain. That’s why I wanted to suggest considering other options.

Although I felt awkward and rude to honestly convey my feelings to him, who currently liked me, I was troubled.

“So, um, someday with another woman. . .”

“For me, there will only ever be one woman.”

Ralph said that with a dazzling smile, and I realized that it was futile to try to persuade him. I gave up quickly. Honestly, I felt a slight flutter in my heart.

Nadia, who was clinging to me, said, “Onii-sama sometimes says good things,” with a smile.

“. . .But, because I haven’t even mastered the manners of a noble lady, Ralph might be embarrassed.”

“Don’t worry. Let’s study together from now on.”

Nadia said that, enveloping my hand with both of hers and smiling like a flower.

With Ralph’s assurance that he would take care of everything regarding the troublesome mother-in-law figures, I had no reason to refuse.

“. . .But, I’ll do my best.”

In the end, I nodded.


“You’re doing well, Lisette-sama. You’re amazing.”

Two days had passed since I agreed to play the role of Ralph’s temporary fiancée. Starting today, I had a private tutor and was taking lessons. Beside me was Nadia, who had returned from school.

Although I was being taught the bare minimum of manners, I couldn’t help but feel that they were things that should have been learned from a young age, and that they would easily be exposed if I rushed through them.

“Let’s stop here for today. Please review before the next lesson.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

When the class was over and the teacher left the room, Nadia suggested that we have tea and take a break. Ralph was out due to work.

As I took a sip of the tea that was quickly prepared, I felt relieved. It was tiring to do something unfamiliar. But since I had taken on the role, I had to do my best.

“You must be tired, so I’ll arrange for a massage later.”

“Oh, there’s no need to go through the trouble. Thank you.”

“From now on, Lisette Onee-sama will attract attention, or rather, she is already the center of attention. Let’s do our best. It may be tough, but I’ll help you.”

She had already started calling me Onee-sama, and I decided not to comment on it.

Wait a second. . .


“Yes. The news of Onii-sama and Lisette-sama’s engagement has already spread throughout the capital.”


It felt like it was just two days ago when I accepted the role of a temporary fiancée. Yet, it seemed that news had already spread throughout the capital. I wondered what had happened.

“Apparently, when a certain Count’s family proposed to Onii-sama yesterday, he declined, saying that he already had a fiancée, and it quickly spread.”

“I see. . .”

How much influence did this person named Ralph Redford have? Even though it was temporary, I realized the weight of being his fiancée.

“There are many people aiming for the position of Onii-sama’s wife, you know, with Onee-sama’s charm, it’s only natural. So let’s drive away those worthless women!”

Nadia clenched her fist with a cute face and voice, but her statement was quite extreme.

Seeing me troubled by the idea of driving them away too much, she smiled mischievously.

“. . .Onee-sama, how do you feel about Onii-sama?”

“Well, I think he’s a wonderful person.”

However, he is just too burdened with emotions. I feel like there are many parts where he is out of sync with others.

That being said, he is kind, handsome, and strong. Without a doubt, Ralph is someone who deserves better than someone like me.

“In that case, why don’t you really marry Onii-sama just like that?”


“Onii-sama will definitely cherish Lisette Onee-sama for the rest of his life. I guarantee it.”

Nadia seemed to be seriously suggesting that Ralph and I should get married. Seeing me at a loss for words, she continued.

“Please look at Onii-sama with those eyes, even just a little.”

Nadia wore a beautiful smile that resembled Ralph’s and offered me a bite-sized cake, saying, “Ahh.”

Chapter 17: Birthday Party 1

And in no time, Ralph’s birthday party arrived.

“Oh. . .It’s a beauty that even the Goddess of Beauty would be jealous of!”

“You’re exaggerating.”

Wearing a dress that made me feel sick just thinking about how much it cost, along with beautiful luxurious accessories, and with carefully applied makeup; I saw Nadia clasping her hands together, with tears streaming down her face.

No matter how you looked at it, she was much more beautiful, dressed up so elegantly. With her beautiful silver hair tied up neatly and carefully applied makeup, she exuded a sensuality that didn’t seem like that of a sixteen-year-old.

As I desperately tried to calm Nadia, saying that my makeup would smudge, a knock sounded at the dressing room where we were.

“Come in,” I called out, and Ralph, the protagonist of the day, entered. I casually glanced at his appearance and unintentionally held my breath.

“. . .”

He perfectly pulled off his formal attire and looked every bit like a prince, no matter how you looked at him. I was so captivated that I ended up standing there dumbfounded.

Even the maids blushed and stared at him. Nadia, who had stopped crying without us noticing, was the only one calmly complimenting his outfit, saying, “Oh, that color looks lovely.”

Meanwhile, Ralph, with his hand covering his mouth, seemed to have turned red up to his ears.

“. . .Lisette-sama, you look truly beautiful.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“It feels like a dream to stand next to you as your fiancé.”

As he said that, he had a genuinely happy expression on his face, even though it was just a pretense, and my heart skipped a beat.

“Shall we go?”

“. . .Yes.”

And so, I took his hand and we began to walk.


“Happy birthday, Ralph-sama. And congratulations on your engagement. Your partner is also a wonderful person.”

“Thank you.”

Since then, I have been standing next to Ralph, wearing a constant smile. People came one after another to greet him and quickly moved on, so I was relieved that I didn’t have a chance to reveal my shortcomings.

After that, as we walked arm in arm into the venue, I was overwhelmed by the vast and luxurious hall, and the countless number of guests. Moreover, all eyes were on me.

Some were appraising me, while others were filled with jealousy. It seemed like everyone was focused on me, who suddenly took the seat of Ralph’s fiancée, rather than the protagonist himself.

“Lisette-sama, are you okay?”

“. . .Yes, I’ll do my best.”

Although I felt like everything I had worked hard for in the past month was about to be blown away, I had to stay strong.

“Onee-sama, let’s talk for a moment, shall we?”

After a while, Nadia took me away, allowing me to take a break away from Ralph’s side. I took a sip from the glass she handed me and let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for worrying about me.”

“No, it must be tiring to attend such a social event after a long time. And with all the attention on you, it must be hard to breathe.”

I thanked Nadia again and then turned my gaze to Ralph, who was in a slightly distant place.

“Ralph-sama, congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

All the young women in front of him blushed and had maiden-like expressions on their faces.

On the other hand, Ralph, while not being rude, still couldn’t completely hide his indifference.

“Is Ralph always like that?”

“No. Today he’s the one inviting everyone, and maybe it’s because he’s in front of Lisette-sama, so he’s being quite friendly.”

“That’s being friendly. . .?”

“Yes, That is being friendly.”

Ralph always had a gentle smile, and I thought he was more friendly than anyone else, so I was surprised.

“Only Lisette-Onee-sama is special.”

I didn’t feel bad hearing those words from her. In fact, I felt a little happy. I thought I was just too nervous at this long-awaited social event and had lost my mind.

“Are you Lisette-sama from the Ashburton family?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Actually, when we were children, I had the opportunity to greet you.”

The person who spoke to me seemed to know me. He was a stranger, about the same age as me.

By the way, it seems that Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law have already been told not to do anything unnecessary. I wasn’t given any details, though.


As I thought it would be troublesome if the conversation turned to my family, I was suddenly pulled close, and when I looked up, there was Ralph.

Even though he had just been entertaining the guests, he was suddenly here. Nadia, who was next to me, giggled.

“Oh, you’re here so soon. Do you have eyes and ears everywhere?”

“I don’t.”

And then, the man who had spoken to me quickly left as soon as he saw Ralph’s figure.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh? Yeah, nothing really happened.”

Just because someone talked to me normally, Ralph seemed overly protective. And from then on, I found myself even closer to him than before.

“It feels like we’re closer, doesn’t it. . .?”

“Do you dislike it?”

“N-No, I don’t.”

“That’s good. I love you, Lisette-sama.”

At Ralph’s words, the surroundings became restless all at once. “Is that Ralph-sama?” “Was it true that he was head over heels?” I could hear voices like that, and I felt my face getting hot.

He continued to give me a sweet smile, and I pretended not to notice that my heart was racing, thinking that it was just because I was too nervous at this long-awaited social event.

“Ralph, can I talk to you for a moment? I need you to come quickly.”

“Understood. Lisette-sama, please stay here and don’t move. I’ll call Nadia right away.”

“Yeah, got it.”

Even though Nadia had already been called by the Marquess and was supposed to be greeting guests, I felt sorry for causing them so much trouble because of my incompetence.

As I bid farewell to Ralph, who had been called by the Marquis, and waited for Nadia, I picked up a nearby glass. That’s when. . .

“Hey, you. Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“. . .Yes?”

When I turned to the voice, several noble young ladies were glaring at me. They were staring at me intently.

Chapter 18: Birthday Party 2

I braced myself, thinking that this would be the typical development of “You are not good enough for Ralph-same!” but. . .

“. . .Um, are you close with Nadia-sama?”

Eventually, the young lady who appeared to be the leader of the group muttered with a bright red face. I was taken aback by the unexpected question, but I quickly answered, “I think we get along well.”

Then their eyes widened, sparkling.

“We. . .we want to get to know Nadia-sama.”


As I listened to their story, it seemed that they all admired Nadia. She was the Marquis’ daughter, ranked first in the magic academy, and she possessed incredible beauty. I could understand the feeling of admiring her.

Furthermore, they said that she, like Ralph, was usually quiet and reserved, making it difficult to approach her. In the academy, she was always alone, always wearing a smile and being friendly. I couldn’t help but be surprised.

In the midst of that, they saw me talking to her earlier and came to listen to our conversation. It seemed like they were glaring at me, but it was probably because their faces were tense.

“Well, if Nadia agrees, we’ll create an opportunity for all of us to talk.”

“Thank you!”

With that, I asked for their names and said I would contact them another day. First, I needed to hear Nadia’s intentions.

Anyway, it was a relief that it didn’t turn into the bad situation I had anticipated.

“. . .Lisette?”

Suddenly, a familiar voice called my name.

I turned around fearfully, and there was Roy’s figure. It had been since the day we were attacked by monsters in the sanctuary that I last saw him.

“Why are you here?”

He muttered, his expression showing great surprise.

It was a natural reaction since I had been living in seclusion in the countryside and now I was attending Marquis’s son’s birthday party.

“Well, why are you here?”

“It’s just a social gathering, and well, I had some business and arrived late, but what about you?”

If he is the Count’s son, it wouldn’t be all that strange for him to be invited to this occasion. I regretted completely forgetting about it.

“Since the sanctuary is no longer safe, I’m currently living in the capital. . .Oh, by the way, is Grandma doing well?”

“Ah, yes. She’s staying quietly at home. She’s doing well.”

“That’s good.”

I had heard reports that Ralph had returned home, but hearing that he was doing well relieved me. I was saved by Grandma many times.

Roy had heard from Grandma that I was a former noble. So he seemed to have misunderstood and thought I had returned to that house.

“Even though it’s a bothersome gathering, I was curious about the face of that woman who is engaged to the hero-sama. Have you seen her already?”

“Huh? No, well. . .”

“That man who was famous for not being interested in women seems to be head over heels for her. They say she’s an unparalleled beauty.”

“Oh. . .”

It’s beyond difficult to bring up the fact that I am that fiancée. Moreover, there are rumors circulating that she is an unparalleled beauty, which made me feel heavy-hearted.

I feel sorry for not living up to people’s expectations.

However, it’s something that will eventually be revealed. I decided to be honest and opened my mouth.

“Actually, I am that fiancée. . .”

Upon hearing that, Roy let out a dumbfounded “Huh.”

“Stop with the unfunny jokes. You, who had always been living in that countryside, are the hero-sama’s fiancée?”

“Well, um. . .”

He couldn’t believe it at all. It seems that he doesn’t know that Ralph had been visiting the sanctuary frequently.

But there’s no need to convince him forcefully and make him believe. Just as I was thinking of casually brushing it off and leaving, it happened.

“Is that true? What is this, Onee-sama? Who is this person?”

Nadia appeared as if hugging me from behind, and Roy’s eyes widened in surprise.

“. . .Nadia Redford? Could it be, really?”

Indeed, it seems that to Roy, Nadia was proof of my words, and I nodded in response to his question.

“. . .Since when were you involved with him?”


“Well, compared to someone like Ralph Redford, I don’t stand a chance. I understand why you didn’t even spare me a glance. Were you living in that place for secret meetings or something?”

It’s becoming a confusing conversation. Moreover, he seems genuinely angry. It’s as if he actually likes me.

Nadia, who was still clinging to me, whispered in my ear, “Shall I silence this man with my magic?”

“I gave up on you, as you belong to no one. . .”


“And yet, like this!”

Eventually, Roy, with a pained expression, muttered those words and roughly reached out his hand towards me.

“What are you doing?”

But his outstretched arm didn’t reach me. Ralph, who had come to my side without me noticing, firmly grabbed Roy’s arm.

Ralph’s beautiful eyes were chillingly cold.

“It seemed like you were about to touch Lisette-sama.”

“. . .I, I originally with this guy–”

“Stop it, stop it. You’ll die, you know.”

The one who said that was the magician named Melvin, who popped up from behind Ralph.

Remembering the incident where he almost killed me the other day, I instinctively took a step back. He chuckled, saying, “I won’t do anything in a place like this.” I can’t trust him at all.

“But seriously, what’s so good about this monster woman? It’s such a terrible taste.”

“A. . .monster woman?”

“Melvin, do you want to die too?”

He was glared at fiercely by Ralph, and he said in a stiff manner, “Yes, yes, I’m sorry,” then eventually turned his gaze towards Roy.

“You better get lost if you don’t want to be killed for real.”

“. . .”

“You should be thinking about your family more, don’t you think?”

Upon hearing those words, Roy made a frustrated expression and quickly turned his back, walking away.

“Um. . .”

“I didn’t help you, I saved that man’s life. I’m kind to humans, you know.”

That man named Melvin said such incomprehensible words and looked down at me with a mocking expression.

Ralph turned towards me and took my hand. His cold demeanor from earlier was now replaced with a soft atmosphere.

“Lisette-sama, are you alright?”

“Yeah, thanks. But Ralph, are you okay?”


“Don’t lie. This guy isn’t okay at all. He suddenly jumped out in the middle of an important conversation with some important old man. I was feeling tired too, so I just tagged along.”

He doesn’t seem okay at all. Ralph seemed completely unable to focus on socializing with my presence.

“I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”

“Lisette-sama, it’s not your fault!”

“That’s right! Onii-sama is just going on a rampage on his own, so please don’t worry. If he had been a second late, I would have blown that guy away anyway. It’s unnecessary meddling.”

The man named Melvin, who was watching the two of them with a withdrawn expression, suddenly spoke up. “By the way. . .”

“It seems like Beverly will be coming back next week.”

“. . ..Is that so?”

“Yeah, I just heard.”

“That’s right. Lisette-sama, let’s go meet her together.”

“Yeah, thank you.”

The opportunity came sooner than I had expected, and I felt a mix of happiness and fear. It was a very weird feeling..

But in order to move forward, in order to stay alive, it was necessary. I couldn’t thank Ralph and Saintess-sama enough.

As Ralph gently murmured, “It’s okay,” towards me as if soothing a child, I unconsciously squeezed his hand tightly in response.

Chapter 19: Fragment of Truth

Somehow, I safely finished the birthday party as Ralph’s fiancée, and now I’m being rocked in the carriage on the way back with Ralph. As soon as we left the venue, the tension that had been built up suddenly snapped, and I was overwhelmed with fatigue. I felt like jumping into bed right away.

By the way, why are we alone together? It’s because Nadia said to Ralph, “It’s your birthday, so I’ll give you some space for today,” and put us both in the carriage.

Ralph, sitting across from me, had the same smiling face as always and continued to gaze at me.

“Lisette-sama, thank you so much for today.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t be of much help, I’m sorry.”

That being said, I didn’t make any major mistakes myself, and it seems that the fact that he truly has a fiancée has spread, which is good.

And thinking that now is a good timing, I took out a small package from my bag and handed it to Ralph.

“. . .What’s this?”

“It’s a birthday present. It’s nothing special and I’m embarrassed, but if you don’t mind, please accept it.”

Inside was just an embroidered handkerchief. It may be too ordinary, but financially, this was the limit. Still, because I was skilled at embroidery, I think it turned out to look just as good as store-bought ones.

Ralph stared at the present in silence for a while, but eventually raised his face and looked at me with a teary-eyed expression.

“I’m really, really happy. I’ll treasure it forever.”

“Hehe, I’m glad.”

My heart warmed up as Ralph was so happy that it made me feel apologetic.

──Why does he like me so much?

Just by helping him once that day, would it really make him so attached and like me so much? I pondered such thoughts for a moment.

“Can I hug you?”


To an unexpected request, I let out a silly voice. As I looked at Ralph in surprise, our eyes and gazes intertwined, as if bathed in intense heat.

“I just can’t help but feel that way.”

Although he often says how much he likes me, he never tried to touch me beyond occasionally holding hands. That’s why I was bewildered.

Ralph seemed somewhat troubled or pained for some reason. Before I knew it, I found myself nodding slightly.

Soon, he moved next to me and gently enclosed me in his arms, as if handling fragile goods.

“Lisette-sama, I love you. I really, really love you.”

It was warm, and there was a gentle scent. My heartbeat was loud and fast to the point of surprise, and I couldn’t help but feel my own heart pounding.

“I will only love you, forever.”

While being embraced, I couldn’t see his expression, but his voice sounded like he was about to cry.

And so, I gently stroked his soft silver hair.


A week later, in the afternoon, I was heading to the temple with Ralph. It was to meet saintess Beverly-sama.

When we arrived at the temple and were led to a room, there was a woman surrounded by a large number of guards. She was a very beautiful woman with impressively fair skin.

“It’s been a while, Ralph. You don’t seem well.”


“You’re still such a boring man.”

“Today, I want you to meet Lisette-sama.”

While feeling nervous about Ralph’s indifferent attitude even towards saint-sama, I bowed my head slightly behind him.

“Nice to meet you.”

Then suddenly, she turned her gaze towards me, furrowed her brows, and covered her mouth with her hand. In an instant, her complexion turned pale, and my heart made an unpleasant sound.

“. . .How did it come to this?”


“Anyway, please have a seat.”

We were urged to sit in chairs facing each other across the table. There was a nostalgic air emanating from her, for some reason.

“I am Beverly. I am the current saintess.”

“I’m Lisette Ashburton.”

She murmured, “Lisette, huh?” and smiled softly.

“But it doesn’t seem like Ralph’s worries were spot on. It’s not like she herself is a monster or has something inside her. She’s just heavily marked.”



Saintess-sama stared at the area around my heart and continued.

“Based on what I lightly heard from Ralph, it seems that it’s marking Lisette as its own prey.”

“That’s. . .”

“And it’s not an ordinary monster either. Judging from this ominousness and magical power, it’s undoubtedly of the Demon Lord class.”

I had forgotten to even breathe in the face of such a terrifying story that exceeded my imagination.

However, somewhere in my heart, I even found it convincing. I knew that it was definitely not an ordinary monster.

In the midst of that, Ralph’s warm and large hand immediately enveloped my trembling palm.

“Lisette-sama, it’s okay.”

“. . .Thank you.”

After he said that, even after hearing such a story, I started to feel like everything would be alright.

“Anyway, try to remember everything you can.”


From then on, I told him everything that had happened from the first time I was eaten by that monster until now. Saintess-sama, like Ralph, listened silently until the end, but eventually let out a deep sigh.

“You weakened the sanctuary.”


“Someone in your state couldn’t possibly live a normal life in the sanctuary. You endured well.”

“. . .Ah.”

I realized that perhaps the cause of the health problems that had continued since arriving at the sanctuary was because of that.

But strangely, symptoms such as coughing up blood and insomnia had subsided after a year.

“Maybe instinctively, you took away the power of the sanctuary. Whether it was to create a more livable environment for yourself or to protect your body, I don’t know.”

“That’s. . .”

“As evidence, the same magical power as what exists in that land is inside Lisette’s body.”

It truly became an incomprehensible story. I couldn’t believe that I had taken away the power of the sanctuary. Who am I exactly? Even thinking about myself becomes terrifying.

The reason she immediately said, “How did it come to this?” when she saw me was because the magical power of the sanctuary and the magical power of the monster were mixed up and in a mess inside my body.

“But I feel like I’m starting to understand a little.”

Saintess-sama muttered and looked at me with her golden eyes.

“When was it that Lisette was eaten for the first time?”

“. . .I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

At that time, living in a rural village, I didn’t know about eras or anything. Besides, it seemed like quite some time had passed until I was reincarnated again.

That’s why I had no idea how long ago it was.

“It was 547 years ago.”


For some reason, Ralph, who was next to me, stated it clearly.

Chapter 20: Whereabouts of Kindness

“547 years ago?”


I tilted my head in confusion as Ralph mentioned such a precise number. How did he know that?

Perhaps my expression showed my curiosity because Ralph looked at me, furrowed his eyebrows, and smiled in a troubled manner.

“Heroes have that kind of power, you know.”

“I see. . .”

I wondered what kind of power it was, but now was not the time to ask about it.

Although I didn’t doubt Ralph, if it was true, it seemed that much more time had passed than I had thought.

“Wow, heroes are amazing.”

Meanwhile, Saintess-sama strangely laughed.

“Anyway, I’ll look into the historical records from that time. If it really was a monster of the Demon Lord class, there should be some records.”

“Thank you, Saintess-sama.”

“No problem. I also have some things that I’m curious about, so I’ll call you again soon.”

“Yes, thank you.”

I wondered what it was that she was curious about. Although I was intrigued, I felt that it wasn’t the right time to ask, so I bowed my head.


“Yes, what is it?”

“Come again in two days.”

“Alright, understood.”

It seemed that Ralph also had something to discuss with Saintess-sama, and it seemed that it was not possible to talk about now. And so, we left the temple.

That monster of the Demon Lord class recognizes me as prey and marks me. Perhaps that’s why it seemed like the bear monster feared me when it attacked.

And why am I being targeted by such monsters? Who am I, who supposedly stole the power of the sanctuary? There were still many things I didn’t understand, and my mind only grew heavier.

As I was swayed by the carriage on the way back, I kept thinking about such things. Ralph took my hand and smiled.

“Lisette-sama, even if the opponent is a monster of the Demon Lord class, it’ll be alright. After all, I’ve defeated Demon Lords before.”

“. . .Thank you.”

──The reason I can remain so calm now is surely because Ralph is by my side. If I were alone, I would have been anxious and scared, unable to cope.

“Anyway, Lisette-sama, please don’t worry about anything and spend your time at ease. Let’s go to the town together again tomorrow. I found a shop that I think you’ll like, Lisette-sama.”

I’ll make you your favorite fish dish for dinner tonight too, Lisette-sama. As he said that and smiled, my vision blurred.

Why is Ralph so kind to me? Kindness seeped into my anxious heart, making me want to cry.

“Thank you so much. I’m glad Ralph is here.”

He seemed slightly surprised by my words, but eventually, he smiled gently and said, “It’s only natural.”

“I can protect Lisette-sama because I’m the only one who can.”

“Hehe, that’s right.”

“Promise me that you won’t leave my side. Promise.”

To those words, I nodded.


A week later, I attended a tea party held in the Redford Marquis family’s garden.

“Onee-sama, would you like a refill of tea?”

“Thank you.”

Nadia, who sat next to me, had a beautiful smile and skillfully managed the atmosphere while taking care of me attentively.

“Nadia-sama, please have some as well.”

“Oh, thank you. I’ll have some.”

“Ah, thank you. . .!”

On the other hand, the young ladies who were invited as guests blushed at every move Nadia made and let out voices that sounded like screams.

Actually, I had consulted Nadia about these young ladies who admired her. She readily nodded and smiled, “I understand.”

“Let’s hold a tea party at our house and invite them.”

“Wow, that sounds wonderful. They’ll definitely be delighted.”

“In return, would you also join us, Onee-sama? I feel a little uneasy being alone~”

Nadia said that and looked up at me with puppy-like eyes.

Perhaps she didn’t have many same-age acquaintances because she wasn’t particularly good at socializing.

“Alright, I’ll study etiquette and everything before that.”

“Thank you. I’m really looking forward to it.”

And with such an exchange, we arrived at this point.

Being Invited to the tea party by their beloved Nadia, the young ladies who occasionally conversed with her seemed extremely delighted. Nadia also seemed to be enjoying herself, and I felt relieved inside.

The topics of conversation revolved around trendy cosmetics, dresses, recent gossip in high society, and stories about lovers and fiancés. They were very typical topics for a gathering of women.

Looking back, I hardly had any memories of enjoying conversations like these with women. I got carried away and ended up talking too much, and I suddenly realized it.

Then I noticed that Nadia, who was sitting next to me, was looking at me with a very gentle expression.

Even though we were of the same sex, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter in my heart.

“You’re so cute that I want to keep you hidden so that only I can see you.”

“You’re such a strange person, Nadia.”

“Hehe, I want to hear more stories from Lisette-sama.”

“I don’t have any interesting stories.”

“Even stories about Ralph Onii-sama?”

At that moment, the young ladies sitting across from us all said, “We really want to hear it.” “Please, tell us.” It seemed that they had been curious about us and had been waiting for the right moment.

“Ralph-sama is truly wonderful, isn’t he?”

“I felt my heart pounding when I heard that Lisette-sama is Ralph-sama’s special one.”

My face inexplicably grew warm at their words.

“After you two fell in love, I heard that you got engaged. Lisette-sama, what attracted you to Ralph-sama?”

Somehow, they had come up with such a setting without me realizing it. Anyway, I couldn’t deny it here since I was still pretending to be engaged.

What attracted me to him? As a temporary fiancée, I thought about an appropriate answer.

“. . .I like Ralph’s kindness.”

──I’m not particularly good at lying. But those words came out much more smoothly than I had expected.

Even I found it strange, and suddenly, there was a soft sound. When I turned around, Ralph himself was there.

Chapter 21: Reaching out to the Invisible Future

“I’m sorry, I dropped it by accident.”

Ralph said as he hurriedly picked up what seemed to be a box of sweets that had fallen to the ground. He then said, “I’ll bring you a new one,” turned around, and walked away.

Judging by his reaction just now, there’s no doubt that he had heard what I said earlier.

However, I’m sure Ralph understands and he’s just going along with the conversation. Yes, that must be it.

“Lisette-sama, your face is too cute, it’s unfair!”

“. . .”

“Hey! you there, go and fetch the best painter in the country.”

“Stop it.”

As I felt the heat gathering on my face, I covered both cheeks with my hands. Nadia, who was sitting next to me, started saying something incomprehensible to the maid.

The other young ladies around us were saying things like, “We’ve seen something wonderful,” or “How lovely,” and they smiled at me with affectionate gazes, which made me even more embarrassed.

“. . .Ralph isn’t coming back, huh.”

“It’ll probably be a while. Hehe, I’ve never seen Onii-sama make such a face before.”

Nadia chuckled and continued, “That’s right.”

“Lisette-sama, could you go to Onii-sama?”


“Yes, Onii-sama really likes these sweets. Please deliver them to him.”

And so, I ended up being handed the beautifully wrapped sweets that were on the table by Nadia. It was so awkward to go and have them delivered at this moment..

“He’ll surely be delighted. Right?”

I couldn’t refuse when she said it like that, pleading to me. I said goodbye to everyone and was sent off in a grand manner, heading towards Ralph.

When I arrived in front of Ralph’s room, I took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and called out, “It’s Lisette.”

In an instant, the door was opened, and our gazes met, with Ralph looking bewildered.

“. . .What happened?”

“Um, Nadia told me that you like these sweets, so she asked me to deliver them. . .”

As I said it out loud, I felt embarrassed again for a different reason. This should have been something I could ask the maid to do.

“I’m happy. Thank you for going through the trouble.”

But Ralph smiled happily and immediately let me into his room. Part of the room that had been neatly organized when I visited before was now messy, for some reason.

Furthermore, Ralph’s clothes and hair seemed slightly disheveled.

“Um, did something happen?”

“. . .I just tripped a few times, that’s all.”


I couldn’t believe that Ralph, who had stumbled multiple times from the garden to this room, would do such a thing. I couldn’t help but wonder if my previous remark was the cause.

When I pointed out his clothes and hair, Ralph quickly took off his jacket and hastily fixed his hair. His face was red, and he looked somehow adorable.

After he kindly offered me a seat on the sofa, he poured a chilled drink into a glass and placed it in front of me.

“. . .”

“. . .”

Now that we were in this situation, what should I talk about? While thinking about that, I took a sip from the glass.

“. . .’m sorry.”


“I apologize for making you feel uneasy with my reaction earlier. You’re just pretending to be my fiancée, and yet I made you worry.”

“I. . .”

“Still, I was so happy. Your words felt like a lifetime of happiness.”

It hurt my chest to see him looking troubled with a foolish expression. Before I knew it, words like “It’s not like that” were overflowing from my mouth.

“I really, really like Ralph’s kind side.”

And here it is again,as I confessed, his eyes trembled. Ralph immediately had a face that seemed about to cry.

“I’m truly, truly happy. Thank you so much. I won’t be kind to anyone but Lisette-sama.”

“. . .Yeah.”

“Only Lisette-sama is precious and special to me. You’re my everything.”

Even though I think it’s too exaggerated,those words made my heart leap again. Right now, the feeling of happiness occupies most of my heart.

Seeing me unable to say anything, Ralph once again had a troubled expression on his face.

“Did you enjoy the tea party?”

“Yeah. It was fresh and really enjoyable.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ll have Nadia organize it every day.”


Ralph is still too extreme. Of course, I’m happy, but the words he said, “from now on,” bothered me.

──If I could surpass the age of 20, how would I spend the rest of my life?

I used to have a wish, and that was to fall in love and get married. But now, it doesn’t feel right anymore.

“. . .Ralph, do you have any plans for the future?”

Casually asking him, Ralph smiled softly.

“I want to be with Lisette-sama forever.”

Without hesitation, Ralph said that, and I couldn’t treat it lightly like before.


A few days later, in the morning. Ralph was not in the garden, and after taking a walk with Nadia, we headed to the dining hall, where he had already arrived dressed in what looked like a knight’s attire.

“Good morning, Lisette-sama.”

“Good morning. Are you working today?”

“Yes, it might be in a distant place, so I might have to stay overnight. Please feel free to spend your time however you like in this mansion.”

“Okay, understood.”

After seeing him off to work and Nadia off to school, I returned to my room and planned to read a book. But as I opened the door to my room, I almost screamed.


“. . .Why?”

Inside the room was a man named Melvin, a magician. I took a step back in surprise, and he gave me a wry smile.

“I told you, I won’t do anything. Beverly is calling for you.”


“Yeah. She said she wants to talk to you while Ralph is not here.”

Is it about what she mentioned the other day, that she would call me again? But why would she call me when Ralph is not here?

Though I don’t trust this man. . .

When I showed hesitation, he gave a bothered expression and clicked his tongue.

“If I do something to you, Ralph will definitely kill me. I really won’t do anything. Now, let’s go.”

He walked brazenly towards me and grabbed my arm. At the same time, everything in front of me shone brightly.

A few seconds later, when I slowly opened my eyes, saint-sama was there. She was smiling beautifully in a room in the temple, just like before.

Chapter 22: Determination

“I’m sorry for summoning you like this. I really wanted to talk to you when Ralph wasn’t around.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Saint-sama said that and smiled awkwardly. It seems that what the man named Melvin said was true. But it’s natural to doubt when I was almost killed right after meeting him.

I was worried that if I left the house without saying anything, they would be concerned. But I was told that they made a suitable replacement for me, so it’s fine. He’s really the country’s top magician.

I was offered the same chair as last time and sat across from her. Melvin also sat down, a little further away from me.

“Let’s get straight to the point.”


“I think Lisette’s soul is similar to ours, The Saints.”

“. . .Huh?”

My soul is similar to the saints. . .At the sudden unbelievable statement, I spilled the tea that had just been served.

“Your soul is covered in black magic from the monsters. But faintly visible through the gaps, your soul has the same color as ours.”

“My soul?”

“Doesn’t anything come to mind? Like having some kind of power.”

“. . .Ah!”

At that moment, I suddenly remembered that in my first and second lives, I was able to use what seemed like healing magic. And when I conveyed that, she seemed to understand.

It seems that there is not just one saint. Currently, the one with the most power known to the country is Beverly-sama, but there are humans like me who are not aware or recognized.

“I thought so. It’s probably because your power was weakened and became unusable due to the influence of the monsters. From here on, let’s proceed with the assumption that Lisette’s soul belongs to the saints.”

“. . .Yes.”

“After investigating the time period from 547 years ago, that Ralph mentioned, there were records of defeating the Demon King. Although the hero party was wiped out, it was written that it ended in a mutual kill.”

The hero party was completely wiped out. They must have met a formidable and troublesome opponent. Just imagining it makes me shudder.

“. . .What I actually think is that the handicapped Demon Lord, who survived, attacked the former Lisette.”

As Saint-sama clearly said so, at the corner of my vision, I could see Melvin’s bright red eyes widen.

I also held my breath and waited for the next words.

“Do you know the difference between monsters and Demon Lords?”


“It’s whether they possess special abilities. This Demon Lord had the ability to manipulate time, which is why the hero party struggled and ended up being wiped out.”

The ability to manipulate time. Thump, my heart made an unpleasant sound.

“Also, you know, our souls as Saints are more than anything a source of power for monsters. The ultimate feast, so to speak.”

“That’s. . .”

“Isn’t it possible that the wounded Demon King kept reincarnating you using his own powers as a source of sustenance until he could recover? The damage inflicted by the hero’s party was life-threatening, so it wouldn’t be strange if he needed to do something like that in order to heal.”

It’s just a hypothesis she came up with, Saintess-sama said, but to me, it seemed like the truth.

“I don’t know why he’s fixated on Lisette, but maybe your soul was that special. Besides, it should be easy to reincarnate a single human.”

As I was at a loss for words, she continued.

“Do you know why I’m being protected so strictly?”

Both last time and this time, there were many knights around her.

I thought it was because of her position as Saintess-sama, but apparently, it’s different. I shook my head left and right.

“You know, I’m turning twenty soon. Humans, you see, their souls shine the brightest at twenty. It’s like the perfect time for monsters to feast.”

“. . .!”

“I’m sure Lisette was targeted at that age every time. Perhaps he hid and slept until you turned twenty, repeating the cycle of devouring and waiting for complete recovery. This is the hypothesis I came up with. What do you think?”

Her story seems to be logically consistent. In fact, I can’t think of any other possibility.

“I have a feeling that. . .that’s how it is,” I could only mutter in a barely audible voice.

“That’s a messed up story. It’s like she’s livestock for consumption.”

“Melvin, stop it.”

Saintess-sama glared at Melvin as if admonishing him, but he was probably right.

To monsters, I must be no different from livestock. I would be fattened up until the time when I’m most delicious, and then I would naturally be eaten. I am just food to them.

Still, I didn’t want to believe that I had been reborn over and over again, suffering for such a reason. What was my life until now?

“It’s been 500 years, and I’ve eaten you three times. It’s about time for your revival. Once you revive, there will be no use for Lisette anymore, and you won’t have to be reincarnated again.” I couldn’t help but think about the chances of such a revelation.

――I must have been mistaken. Of course, I didn’t want to go through the painful experience of being eaten by monsters again, but somewhere in my heart, there was always a feeling that if it didn’t work this time, there would be a next time.

“. . .This might be my last chance.”

That’s why I felt like crying when I was eventually told those words.

“If the Demon Lord fully revives, Ralph and we might not be safe. There’s even a possibility that he’s stronger than before.”

“Yeah, manipulating time is no joke. It’s dangerous.”

“We have to stop it at all costs.”

Saintess-sama and Melvin also seemed to have a sense of crisis. She let out a deep sigh and raised her face.

“When will he appear?”

“On your birthday, at midnight.”

“I see. Since we know he’ll come in advance, if we gather all the saints and magicians in the country and have two months, we should be able to set up a sealing barrier.”

However, Saint-sama continued.

“I’ll have to ask Lisette to act as bait. That’s why, I won’t be able to guarantee your safety anymore.”

While listening to Saint-sama’s words, I had a feeling that was the case as well. That’s why she tried to talk without Ralph present.

Of course, I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die at all. But with just my life, there won’t be as many sacrifices. Besides, I understood the terrifying nature of that monster the most.

There’s no doubt that it’s something that should never be let loose into the world.

“But, will Ralph allow it?”

“Judging from his demeanor, there’s no way he would allow it.”

As the two of them said, Ralph would definitely not allow it.

Thinking about betraying him, who said he would think of me and protect me, made my heart ache. But still. . .

“I request that we proceed with that plan. Please make sure to keep it a secret from Ralph. In return, could you prepare a place for me to hide until my birthday?”

“Of course, that’s no problem.”

“Thank you. I will leave Ralph’s side and spend the time left until my birthday there. It’s painful for me to stay with him while keeping this secret.I’ll feel like I’m deceiving him.”

“. . .I understand. We will do everything we can to protect you. And if it turns out that it was just a higher-ranking monster and not the Demon King-class, we will immediately lift the barrier and subdue it.”


Eventually, Saintess-sama lowered her long eyelashes and said, “I’m sorry.” But it’s not her fault. If it really was a Demon King-class monster, then it’s a small price to pay if it can be resolved with just my life. I’m sure anyone would make the same choice.

Desperately holding back the urge to burst into tears right now, I bit my lip tightly. I’ll cry when I’m alone.

──And so, one week later, I made the decision to leave the Marquis household and Ralph.

Chapter 23: Before Goodbye

“Lisette-sama, what happened to your face?!”

As it was time for dinner and I headed towards the dining hall, Nadia, who was already seated, stood up and rushed over to me as soon as she saw me.

She must be referring to my heavily swollen eyes.

“Oh, how painful. Did something difficult happen?”

“No, I just cried while reading a touching novel. I’m sorry for worrying you over something trivial.”

“I see. I’m relieved.”

As I conveyed the lie I had prepared in advance, she had a relieved smile on her face. Ralph, who was also seated earlier, had a similar expression of relief. Seeing their kind faces, my heart ached sharply.

After being escorted to my room by Melvin, as soon as I was alone, I burst into tears. From then on, I continued to cry loudly and embarrassingly under the covers.

──Why do I have to go through such hardships, why me alone? I haven’t done anything wrong.

As I sobbed and wailed, asking a question that would never reach anyone and expecting no answer, I cried relentlessly.

A few hours later, exhausted from crying, I fell asleep and when I woke up, I felt refreshed.

If I am freed from that monster, even if I can’t carry over my memories, I will surely be able to be reborn as a normal human being. Even though I failed in this life, there is a next life. That’s all I could hope for in my current state.

If there is a god, I hope they make me find happiness in the next life, making up for everything that I have been through. I prayed for that and got out of bed.

“What a terrible face. . .”

When I looked into the mirror, I saw my face. I was swollen around the eyes from crying and looked unrecognizable. It was beyond ugly.

Despite constantly applying cold compresses to my eyes, they hadn’t fully recovered by dinner time.

“I look so ugly, I’m sorry for being an eyesore.”

“That’s not true. Lisette-sama looks cute no matter what, I guarantee it.”

“Oh, come on.”

“It’s true.”

Every time I heard Ralph’s words, my heart throbbed painfully. Just being smiled at by him as usual made my tears flow.

“Thank you. Oh, by the way.”

Even so, I desperately put on a smile and started a trivial conversation in a cheerful tone.


“. . .Lisette-sama?”

“I-I was startled! Ralph, you make no sound.”

“I’m sorry for surprising you. It’s become a habit.”

Since then, six days had passed in the blink of an eye, and I was scheduled to leave the Marquis household tomorrow afternoon.

Although I managed to go about my days as usual, as the day of departure approached, I couldn’t sleep at all tonight. I got up from bed thinking of having something to drink and headed to the dining hall, when suddenly someone called out to me from behind, causing my heart to almost stop.

He seemed to have been working on paperwork until this late hour.

“What are you doing at this late hour?”

“Well, I couldn’t fall asleep. . .”

“I see. I’ll prepare something warm for you to drink.”


“Yes. Please sit there and wait.”

I took advantage of his offer and sat on a nearby chair. He quickly made a cup of hot milk with honey, and gently handed it to me.

“. . .It’s delicious. Thank you.”

“I’m glad. You look cute even when drinking milk.”

“Hehe, what’s that?”

“I really love it.”

Ralph truly loved me too much. Every time I felt that in the past few days, I felt like crying. It was really the right decision to leave this place early.

“Recently, you seemed a bit down, and I was worried. Did something happen?”

“I felt a bit anxious thinking about the monsters and all.”

“. . .It would be strange if you weren’t anxious. To make you feel at ease, I’ll be more reliable.”

“Ralph, you’ve already been more than enough.”

It seems that it’s actually true that it’s good to mix some truth when telling a lie. He didn’t seem to have any idea that I would be leaving this place soon.

At the same time, my heart ached persistently. How much would he be hurt after I disappeared without saying anything?

I’ve already written a letter, stating that I insisted on making this request to prevent any conflict between the Saintesss and him, and expressing my gratitude for everything up until now. I intend to have it handed to them after everything is over.

“. . .Ralph, thank you.”

As I felt the urge to express my gratitude once again, Ralph smiled happily, almost like a child. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and hurriedly looked down.

The words “Thank you” should be coming from me. Just being able to spend time with Lisette-sama, I am truly happy.”

“. . .I see.”

“Yes. I hope days like this will continue forever.”

Towards Ralph’s words, I desperately swallowed the words “me too” that were about to come out of my throat.

The next day, after seeing off the two of them heading to work and school, I slipped out of the house using the magical tool I had borrowed from Melvin and boarded the carriage that had been prepared for me, leaving the capital city.

And two days later, I arrived at the cabin in the forest that the saints had prepared for me. It was a very quiet and beautiful place, with plenty of books and other things to keep me from getting bored. It was the perfect place to spend the rest of my life.

They even cast magic to ward off monsters and provided guards to take turns watching over me, so I could feel at ease. The cabin itself was enchanted to be invisible to ordinary people, so no one would notice it.

Only a little over a month until my birthday. Thinking about Ralph and Nadia still made my heart ache. But I had decided to hide myself here and spend my time quietly.

“. . .Why did you run away from me?”

A week later, Ralph, covered in blood and with a vacant expression, came to greet me, unaware of what had happened.

Chapter 24: Closed Future

A week has passed since I started living in the cabin in the forest.

I am surprised and even amazed at how calm I am compared to what I had imagined. Whether it’s because I have experienced countless unjust deaths or because I somehow realized that there was no escape, I don’t really know anymore.

I am relieved that I can live peacefully for now.

“. . .Maybe I should do some knitting.”

After finishing dinner, I picked up knitting needles and yarn, intending to knit until I got sleepy. There’s no one to give anything I make to, but even if it were given after I died, it would only burden the recipient.

──Whenever I sit still and do something like this, I always end up thinking about Ralph. Is he doing well? What is he doing now? Does he resent me?

Although we spent less than two months together, I suddenly realized that he had become a significant presence within me

Ignoring the pain in my chest, I continued knitting silently.

“. . .Hm?”

By the time I finished knitting a single sock that I had no intention of giving to anyone, I heard a dull sound as if something had fallen from outside. Immediately after, I noticed the sound of footsteps approaching me.

Thump, thump, the sound echoed into the room and eventually stopped right in front of the door. It didn’t feel like the footsteps of my guards, and my heart started pounding with an unpleasant rhythm.

I placed the tools I was holding on the table, tightly clenched both hands, and anxiously stared at the door.

In the next moment, there was a loud thud, and the door collapsed towards me. It seemed to have been kicked open. Even though it should have been protected by Melvin’s magic, what on earth was happening?

There is no place to escape in this small house. In a panic, I could only step on the fragments of the door, crack, crack, and wait for the person who was approaching while walking.

Eventually, when I saw his face under the light, I gasped.

“. . .Why?”

Ralph, covered in blood and holding a holy sword in one hand, was there.

Why is he here? Why is he so covered in blood? Is he injured somewhere? Even if I tried to ask something, as soon as I saw his face, which showed no emotions, my voice choked up.

Without realizing it, my trembling hand hit something, and the ball of yarn that had fallen to the floor rolled and rolled. Eventually, it stopped right in front of Ralph’s feet.

There was a strong smell of blood coming from him.

“. . .Why did you run away from me?”

And as he looked at me, or rather, his dark eyes that didn’t reflect me, he murmured.

I couldn’t tell if he was angry or sad. Ralph gently reached out and touched my cheek. The sensation of his warm, blood-stained hand sent shivers down my spine.

“You’re a liar, Lisette-sama.”

“. . .?”

“You promised me that you would never leave my side.”

Finally, the words that overflowed from my mouth were an apology. He responded to me with, “It’s okay.”

“Even though you’re a terrible liar, I still love you the same.”

Upon hearing those words of “I love you” from his mouth for the first time, I felt an overwhelming urge to cry. Emotions resembling sadness and emptiness welled up, and once again, words of apology spilled out from my mouth.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve dirtied your beautiful face, Lisette-sama.”

Ralph said that and gently let go of my hand. He must be referring to the blood on his hand.

“Did you get hurt?”


“But, the blood, where is it from?”

“Who knows?”

Ralph slightly lifted the corners of his mouth as if to say it didn’t matter. I realized that the calm and gentle Ralph I knew was no longer there.

“Lisette-sama, you don’t need to worry about such things.”

“But, Ralph, I. . .”

“It was my fault. I’m the one who couldn’t reassure Lisette-sama. I’m the one who put Lisette-sama in an environment where she wanted to escape. It’s all my fault.”

What is Ralph talking about?

“But now, it’s okay. You taught me that it’s better to live selfishly, Lisette-sama.”

“. . .Hey, what do you mean?”

“As long as you’re alive, that’s all that matters to me.”

And Ralph, who had somehow taken out a small vial, sprinkled it towards me. At the same time, the scenery tilted and swayed.

By the time I realized that it was something that would make me lose consciousness, it was already too late. My body had no strength, and I was being held tightly by Ralph.

──What will become of me from now on? Why did things turn out like this?

“Goodnight, Lisette-sama.”

With those words from him, my consciousness faded away.


“. . .Uh.”

As I slowly opened my eyelids, I was greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling spreading across my field of vision.

Where am I? When I tried to get up from the bed, I heard a metallic scraping sound. I looked down at my feet, feeling a sense of discomfort, and noticed that my ankles were firmly shackled.

From there, a thick and sturdy iron chain extended to the wall.

“What is this. . .?”

In a panic, I let my gaze wander, and I also realized that I was trapped in something like a prison. I desperately tried to think with my unresponsive mind, wondering why this had happened.

──That’s right. Ralph came to the cabin, and then–

“Are you awake?”

When I raised my face at that voice, Ralph had somehow come near the iron bars.

“I brought you some food. Shall we eat together?”

He had the same gentle smile as always, and the tray he held had a warm-looking meal on it. The disparity between this situation and his appearance sent a chill down my spine.

I immediately understood that he was the one who had locked me up here.

“Where am I? Please let me out.”

“I prepared your favorite bread for you.”

“Hey, Ralph, listen to me. I–”

“There’s also dessert, so please eat a lot.”

The conversation didn’t match at all, and his words didn’t reach me. I wanted to cry at the mismatch between this situation and his usual self.

Ralph skillfully unlocked the door with one hand and came to me. He placed the tray on the table, knelt down, and took my trembling hand.

“It’s dangerous for Ralph too if things stay like this. Let me out of here.”

“It’s okay. I will protect you, Lisette-sama.”

“Hey, I’m fine. Please, listen to me.”

“Everything will be over soon.”

My words can no longer reach Ralph, they just won’t reach him.

He wiped away my tears that had been flowing without me realizing and said, “I love you,” smiling more beautifully than anyone else.

Chapter 25: Searching for the Invisible Star

“Lisette-sama, I have brought your meal.”

Since then, how many days have passed? In this space, there are no windows or clocks, and the sense of time has completely disappeared.

Ralph brings me meals three times a day, but my daily routine has become irregular, and I can’t even tell if what I’m eating now is breakfast or dinner.

Once, I asked him what day it was, but he only replied, “Lisette-sama, please don’t worry.” There’s even a bath here, and everything is provided. That’s why Ralph never tried to take me out of here.

Where exactly is this place? Ralph always brings warm meals, so maybe it’s near the Marquis’s mansion.

“Please, could you eat a little more?”

“. . .I have no appetite.”

Even though I know that I’ll be in trouble without physical strength, in this situation, I can’t possibly have any appetite. Ralph looked troubled and gazed at me with a deeply sad expression.

“Just one more bite.”

Saying that, he brings the spoon to my mouth. If I open my mouth slightly, he gently inserts it, and if I manage to chew and swallow somehow, Ralph smiles happily.

How long will this kind of life continue? What are Nadia, Saintess-sama, and Melvin doing now?

The questions never end, but he won’t give me any answers.

“. . .Hey, Ralph. Let’s stop this. I’m really sorry for disappearing on my own. I promise I won’t do it again. Let’s go together to where Saintess-sama and the others are.”

Even when I earnestly plead while staring into Ralph’s eyes, he quickly averts his gaze and remains silent.

Eventually, Ralph clinged to my waist, as if desperately holding on. The chain attached to the ankle restraint rattled.

Since coming here, he has started touching me like a child.

It’s my fault that he ended up like this. Even though I knew he would oppose it, I should have talked to him.

But the main reason I didn’t do it was that I knew myself. If he were to say “I don’t want to” I would surely no longer want to die. I ran away from Ralph.

I gently reached out to Ralph’s soft silver hair. He raised his face in surprise, then a look that seemed on the verge of tears appeared on his face.

“. . .Lisette-sama, I love you.”

And so, today as well, I spent this terribly quiet and uncertain time with him in this room.


“Good morning, Lisette-sama.”

“. . .Mm.”

It seems like I fell asleep again. My body feels incredibly heavy. I feel like my mind is becoming less and less functional compared to before.

Ralph, who was sitting next to me, has changed into formal attire without me noticing, and it seems like he’s going to work outside now.

“I might be late, so I’ll leave two meals for you. If anything happens, I’ll come back immediately.”

I nodded slightly, and Ralph smiled in relief.

Surely, he hardly gets any sleep. Except for when he has his duties as a hero, he’s always here. And it seems like he quietly returns after I fall asleep.

During that time, he handles paperwork, and he probably comes here by the time I wake up. Even if I’m concerned about his body, he only smiles and says, “It’s okay,” without accepting my concerns.

Eventually, Ralph lovingly stroked my cheek and said, “I’ll be going,” Then he left the room.

“. . .”

Being alone, I ate a little of the meal he prepared for me and sat on the bed, leaning my back against the cold wall.

He also prepared books and sewing tools, but I can’t bring myself to be in that kind of mood.

──What will happen to me and him when my 20th birthday comes? I couldn’t even imagine a future where both of us are safe, it’s so sad.

As I sat there, hugging my knees and thinking about such things, suddenly, sparks crackled in the air. When I quickly raised my head, I saw a familiar red hair in my field of vision.

“. . .Why are you here?”

As soon as he saw me in the cell, Melvin furrowed his brows. His gaze eventually shifted to my feet.

“Damn, Ralph went this far, huh? He’s really something.”

Looking extremely tired, Melvin said that and let out a deep sigh.

Chapter 26: Pandora’s Box

“You, you look like you’re about to die in a different sense. Are you okay?”

“. . .Do I look okay?”

“Not really.”

Melvin said that and laughed strangely. It was clear that he thought it was someone else’s problem. actually, it was someone else’s problem, but. . .

“Don’t make that face. I had a hard time finding this place too. Ralph used advanced magic and even used magical tools given by the king to hide you.”

“Even so, you still figured it out.”

“Who do you think I am? I can’t beat Ralph in a fair fight, but I won’t lose to him in magic.”

In his usual tone, I strangely felt a sense of relief. Perhaps it was because I had only been talking to Ralph for a while, and most of it didn’t make sense.

“Is Saintess-sama safe too?”

“Yeah. After you left, he went on a rampage and there were a few injuries, but Beverly healed them right away.”

When he came to pick me up that day, he was covered in blood. I thought that was the reason. He said that the forest was full of monsters, so most of that blood must have been from them.

“So, what do you want to do?”

“. . .”

What do I want to do? What should I do?

If I can avoid death, of course, that would be the best. But I also knew that not everything could go well, and I would probably have to give up something.

“He’s probably willing to die.”


“Heroes have the power to purify monsters. But it also leaves them injured and takes time to recover. If he risks his life, there’s a chance he can save you.”

“But that’s. . .”

However, he seemed absolutely confident that he could defeat that monster. And above all, judging by his attitude towards me, it didn’t seem strange for him to risk his life.

“What kind of person are you, Ralph, that you would go that far for me?”

That was the thing I wanted to know the most. What am I to Ralph?

I didn’t think he would go this far just by giving him shoes and accessories. But I couldn’t think of any other reason. Eventually, Melvin handed me a bright red gemstone.

“It’s filled with several years’ worth of my magic power. With this, you should be able to escape from here.”

“. . .”

“By the way, if you sell it, it’s worth enough for a noble to live for several decades. Be grateful. And don’t waste it.”

“. . .Okay, I understand. Thank you so much.”

“Your birthday is in two weeks. I’ve made preparations for the barrier. The rest is up to you.”

After being taught how to use it, when I thanked him again, he said, “Stop it, it’s creepy.”

“Where is this?”

“The basement of the Redford family. It’s connected to your creepy room full of your paintings.”

I thought it was a place close to the mansion, but I never imagined it was right below. The entrance was apparently hidden so that ordinary people could never find it.

I got goosebumps when I saw the wall full of paintings of myself, and Melvin hugged himself. I understood how he felt.

“But, among all your paintings, there was one that was different. It was covered with a cloth and hidden.”

“. . .Huh?”

I was actually curious about what was under the cloth. I thought such a room couldn’t exist, but now my heart was restless, wondering who that woman could be.

“What kind of person was she?”

“She had brown hair and green eyes with two moles under, and she looked normal. A completely different type from you.”

“. . .Really?”

“Hmm? Yeah.”

My heart thumped loudly. At the same time, a foolish hypothesis emerged in my mind.

──There’s no way something like that could be true.

“Well, if Ralph finds out that I came here, he’ll definitely kill me, so I’ll go back. It’ll take time to erase the traces.”

After saying that, Melvin disappeared in an instant right in front of me.


Since then, about a week has passed. I’m sure because I’ve been counting the number of meals. One more week until my birthday.

I have been spending my days with Ralph, just like before. Melvin must have erased all traces because Ralph hasn’t changed. The gemstone I received was also hidden so that it can’t be found.

“Lisette-sama, I’m going to work now.”

“. . .Yeah.”

“I’ll come back as soon as possible.”

After Ralph left with a reluctant look, I took out the gemstone and pondered over it. What Melvin said that day was deeply troubling.

Just looking at that painting. That’s what I decided, and I stood up.

And using the magic power of the gemstone, I managed to escape to where he had mentioned. It was indeed the room he had described. Even though I knew it, seeing my paintings lined up like that still made me uneasy.

Eventually, I stood in front of the painting covered with a cloth.

I felt like I shouldn’t look at what was inside. But I also felt like I had to see it. My heart pounded, and my hands trembled, but I took a deep breath and lifted the cloth.

“. . .Why?”

When I saw the painting that appeared, I collapsed on the spot. What I saw was absurd. There’s no way it could be true.

The painting depicted me from my previous life.

Chapter 27: One Second Before the World Ends

Why does something like this exist?

Back then, of course, I never had anyone draw my portrait. And this painting is relatively new. It seems like someone who knew me back then drew it recently.

Faced with an unbelievable fact, my mind went blank, and I didn’t even notice that the door to this room had opened.

“Lisette, Onee-sama. . .?”

Startled by that voice, I quickly turned around, and there was Nadia right by the door. Her originally large eyes were even wider now.

“You’re safe. . .!”

She ran towards me, tears welling up, and hugged me as I sat on the floor. Her warm body temperature, after such a long time, made me want to cry.

From the looks of it, it seemed that Nadia hadn’t heard anything from Ralph. I stopped her when she tried to call for a maid right away.

“Don’t call anyone. Besides, I won’t be coming back.”

“Why, where are you going?”

“. . .”

I couldn’t possibly tell her that I was being held captive in the basement by Ralph. And if I didn’t return to that place before Ralph came back, I didn’t know what would happen to him.

Nadia gently held my hand, as I remained silent.

“It’s okay, I will always be on Onee-sama’s side. I will respect Onee-sama’s will. So, could you please at least tell me where you’ve been, what happened?”

I didn’t know how to respond to her words. But now that I had been found, if I tried to deceive and disappear, it would only cause her more worry.

“Ralph has been hiding me in a safe place.”


“Yeah. He might be worried if I didn’t return soon after sneaking out.”

“. . .Is that with Onee-sama’s consent?”

Her gaze shifted to my bare ankles. There were clear marks of shackles left there.

I squeezed Nadia’s hand, who had an expression of disbelief, and nodded, “Yeah, that’s right.”

“. . .If that’s what Onee-sama says, then I understand. Onii-sama may be a hopeless person, but I believe he will definitely protect Onee-sama. I would do anything for Onee-sama’s sake too.”

Nadia hugged me tightly again and murmured, on the verge of tears, “I love you.” I had come to find her very cute and dear to me as well.

After hugging Nadia back for a while, I eventually said, “I’m going now,” and gently stroked her beautiful silver hair before standing up.

“I have to talk to Ralph.”

“Yes. But why in this room?”

“I wanted to see this painting.”

When I pointed to the painting in front of me, Nadia tilted her head.

“This painting? I believe Onii-sama drew it shortly after coming to this house.”

“Ralph drew this?”

I thought they were so skillful that they must have been painted by an artist. I never knew Ralph had such a talent.

“Yes, Onii-sama drew all of them. He’s very talented, isn’t he? Onii-sama has always been able to do anything. He knew things that he shouldn’t have known, anything and everything.”

“Things he shouldn’t have known?”

“Yes. Since I can remember, he had knowledge beyond his years. Even though he never properly read books.”

Dots connected with lines, and expectations turned into certainty.

“Ralph Onii-sama undoubtedly has memories from a past life.”

And Nadia boldly declared it.



As soon as I returned to my original room, Ralph came rushing in, looking flustered. There must have been signs of my escape.

Seeing me in the cell, he had an expression of immense relief, almost on the verge of tears.

“Lisette-sama, why?”

“I have something to tell you.”

As I quietly informed him, Ralph came over without saying a word and knelt in front of me, sitting on the bed.

His beautiful eyes were filled with a deep shade of anxiety.

“Ralph, I’m sorry. I left for a little while.”


“There was a painting I wanted to see.”

When I told him that, Ralph’s eyes widened.

“Do you know Erica, Ralph?”

In my first life, my name was Erica. I think I was an ordinary girl, except for being able to use magic. I didn’t know how to doubt people, and I was foolishly straightforward.

Eventually, Ralph, who had been looking at me, nodded slightly.

“. . .I also know a little about Monique-sama.”


That was my name in my third life. I felt my heart pounding at the unexpected words.

“As you might have imagined, Lisette-sama, I am also a reincarnator.”

“. . .!”

“But, I’m a little different from you.”

Taking my trembling hand, Ralph lowered his eyebrows and smiled, looking troubled.

“I’m on my thirteenth life.”

Chapter 28: From whenever, always

I, Ralph Redford, have memories from my past lives.

Humans who inherit memories like this are called “reincarnators,” and it’s quite rare. But among them, I would be considered a special case.

Since my first birth until now, I have constantly experienced life and death, and more than 500 years have already passed.

In my first life, I was born as the third son of a poor farming family in a rural village. Even my parents had no interest in me, and I spent my days being oppressed by my brothers who were always irritated by something.

Even in such a difficult environment, I always felt like my world was shining thanks to her.

“I’m sorry, Erica-san. I got injured again.”

“Huh, are you okay? Show me.”

As usual, I visited Erica-san’s house and showed her the marks from being beaten by my brothers. She had a teary expression and gently stroked my head, saying, “That must have hurt.”

“It hurts, I hope it flies away.”

Then she placed her hand on the spot where I was hit, and I was enveloped in a pleasant light and warmth, and the wound disappeared in an instant.

Since I was a child, whenever I got injured, she would always heal me like this.

I always thought it was her gentle and warm magic.

“Alright, you’re all better now.”

“Thank you, Erica-san, as always.”

“No, if you get injured again, just let me know anytime. And Royk, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

With her gem-like eyes softly narrowed, she smiled like a flower. I loved her. I was happier just because she existed, more than anything else.

“It’s almost Erica-san’s birthday.”

“Wow, you remembered?”

“Yes, of course.”

Using the excuse of thanking her for treating me, I offered to help her with her work, and Erica-san smiled in a troubled manner.

“I’m already turning 20, I’m a late bloomer.”

“That’s not true.”

My friend, five years older than me, was already at a marriageable age. But in this rural village, there were a certain number of people who held prejudice against her unusual magic, so it seemed that she still hadn’t found a partner.

“Erica-san is wonderful, there’s no one who can match her.”

“Hehe, Royk, you’re so kind.”

But I will also reach the age to get married next year. I know that she doesn’t see me as a man yet. I planned to express my feelings to her on her birthday and ask her to wait for me a little longer if Erica-san was okay with it.

I wonder how she would react if I told her I loved her.

It was a bit scary, but I was also happy that I could finally convey the feelings I had kept in my heart for so long.

“. . .I wonder if Erica-san will be happy.”

And on her 20th birthday, I called her out to the nearby forest.

In the flower field she loved, I planned to give her a hair accessory of the same color as her eyes as a present and confess my feelings.

While waiting, feeling the pounding of my heart like a bell tolling, I suddenly heard the rustling sound of leaves from behind.

“Erica. . .”

Thinking that she had arrived, I turned around and was speechless. From my trembling palm, the hair accessory slipped and fell.

Something that resembled the end of the world was there.

Although I had seen monsters a few times in the past, this was completely different, more terrifying and ominous.

“. . .!”

It approached me while uttering pained screams. It looked as if it was about to collapse any moment now. What on earth could it be? My knees trembled, and eventually, I collapsed on the spot, unable to stand.

Instinctively, I realized that there was no way to escape. It was when it came right in front of me that I thought it was all over.

Instead of pain, a splash of red liquid came pouring down.

It wasn’t mine, it was someone else’s blood. As I lifted my head, I could see blood overflowing once again from the well-shaped, peach-colored mouth.

“. . .Erica-san?”

Why, how, Erica-san, like this. . .

“Ugh, ugh, sorry. . .”

She stood as if protecting me, and her body was being devoured by it. I could hear unfamiliar sounds like squelching and squishing.

When I regained my senses, it was already too late. The black entity, after taking on a clearer form than before, disappeared in an instant.

I hurriedly held her collapsing body and once again, I lost my words. The desire to quickly bring her back to the village for treatment vanished in an instant.

There was a gaping hole in her chest. And yet, she was still alive.

“Erica, I’m-I’m sorry!.”

I had never cursed my own foolishness as much as I did then. After being protected by my beloved Erica-san at the cost of her life, I couldn’t do anything.

With her trembling hand stained in deep red, she gently stroked my head.

“It’s my. . .my fault, everything is. I’m sorry. . ..”

“Hey, Royk. . .in life, it’s better to be a little selfish and live for yourself.”

“I-I. . .You. . .”

“Royk. . .you’ve always endured so much. . .from now on, you go to a place you like, do things you like. . .”

Even in such a moment, she worried about me.

And she smiled softly, slowly closing her eyes. I would never see her beautiful jade-like eyes reflecting me again.


— How much time has passed since then?

After burying Erica-san, I became an adventurer and left the village, relentlessly defeating monsters as if I were mad. Perhaps it was an act of redemption.

It was because I was weak that she died. If I didn’t constantly blame myself like that, I felt like my mind would go crazy.

One day, I received a request to subjugate monsters that occasionally descended upon a nearby village and devoured people in a ruin.

However, there were more monsters lurking than I had imagined, and by the time I defeated them all, my body had reached its limit. I immediately realized that I would soon die. In the depths of the ruin, I collapsed.

Even someone like me, did I manage to protect something? I thought about such things, and then I noticed that something had fallen.

It was a beautiful green stone. With my last bit of strength, I reached out and grasped it, as it resembled her eyes.

I want to meet Erica-san. . .

If there is such a thing as a god, please let me meet her again. If that happens, this time I will protect her. With such a foolish wish in my heart, I closed my eyes.

And so, my foolish life was supposed to end.

“Well, what a cute child.”

“Doesn’t he resemble you?”

But the next moment, in the blurry world, I heard the voices of a man and a woman conversing happily.

Chapter 29: And Again, We Meet

And then, I continued to be reborn and die, and before I knew it, 200 years had passed.

I wonder if it’s because of my wish to see Erica-san again that the stone granted me.

However, I had long realized that it was impossible to meet her again. Besides, even if I was reborn, most people don’t have memories of their past lives.

Still, I believed that people with beautiful hearts like her would be reborn somewhere in this world and surely find happiness. Or perhaps, I wanted to believe that.

I was afraid of forgetting her even a little, so in every life, I continued to paint her a portrait. Becoming an adventurer or a knight to defeat monsters, that didn’t change in any of my lives.

In this current life, born as the Viscount’s son, I had become a knight. With the talent I was born with, combined with my past experiences and knowledge, there was no one who could surpass me in battles against monsters.

And eventually, I rose to become the captain of the monster extermination squad, and one evening when I turned 26, something happened.

“I’ll go for a little patrol.”


While heading towards the monster extermination site with my team, I couldn’t fall asleep while camping in the forest along the way, so I decided to take a walk.

Perhaps it was because this forest resembled the one I spent time with Erica-san. I felt an intense desire to walk alone.

As I walked, I suddenly noticed something crouching in the shadow of a tree. For a moment, I was cautious, thinking it might be an animal or a monster, but as I approached, I realized it was a human woman.

“. . .Are you okay?”

As I approached with my hand on the sword, her slender body trembled visibly, and she looked up at me with fear.

The woman, who seemed like a commoner, had a face full of fear, as if the world was about to collapse. Why would she be here at such a time and place?

“What are you doing here? If you’d like, I can escort you home.”

“P-Please stay away from me!”

“. . .?”

She had an expression that seemed like she was about to burst into tears and took a step back.

“Soon, monsters might appear near me.”


“So I came here to avoid involving anyone. . .”

I don’t understand this talk about monsters appearing from now on.

But she seemed genuinely frightened of something, and she didn’t seem like she was lying.

“Even if monsters appear, it’ll be okay.”

When I revealed my identity and told her that I was confident in defeating monsters, she seemed slightly relieved. When I suggested going to the camp where other knights were for safety, she eventually nodded slightly.

As we walked side by side, I asked about her. Her name seemed to be Monique, and when I asked about her age, she told me she would turn 20 when the date changed. I don’t know the exact time now, but it must be soon.

It was a pity to see her so frightened all alone in such a place on her birthday, even though we had just met.

“But how do you know that monsters will appear?”

“. . .I–I have memories from my past life.”

Her sudden words made my heart skip a beat.

I knew that there were others who had memories from their past lives, but it was my first time meeting someone other than myself. Even though we had just met, I couldn’t help but find it hard to believe that she was lying.

“Well, actually, in my past life, on my 20th birthday, I was eaten by a monster. Maybe the first time was just a coincidence.”

“. . .On your 20th birthday?”

“Yes. So in this life too, I was scared that they might appear again. I tried various things, but in the end, I didn’t want to involve my family, so I came to this forest alone. . .”

As I listened to her story, distant memories from the past resurfaced.

Although I thought it couldn’t possibly be true, there was a part of me that was hoping for it. Before I knew it, I found myself speaking.

“. . .Can I ask you something strange?”


“In your first life, what was your name?”

The sound of my heartbeat grew louder and louder. Eventually, after she looked slightly puzzled, she smiled softly.

“It’s Erica.”

She said it clearly and confidently.

──Why didn’t I realize it immediately? The troubled way of laughing, the gesture of pushing the hair behind the ear, they were all the same as Erica-san’s.

I’ve wanted to meet her for so long. I’ve wanted to apologize for so long.

Erica-san was reborn with her memories intact, and she’s right in front of me. I was on the verge of crying at such a miracle, and she was looking at me with a puzzled expression.

“I. . .”

I opened my mouth again, feeling the need to say something. At that moment, a creepy sensation ran through me, and at the same time I turned around, my left hand disappeared.

Nevertheless, I quickly drew my sword with my right hand, positioning myself to protect her. And when I caught sight of it, I held my breath.

“You. . .”

There was no doubt that it was the monster that devoured Erica-san back then.

I could hear a trembling voice saying, “I knew it,” from behind. From what I heard earlier, it seemed that this monster had devoured her not just once, but twice.

And now, it’s trying to devour her again. Anger and hatred welled up from the depths of my body. Why on earth does this monster have such an obsession with her?

But now, it didn’t seem like there was time or room to think about such things. The bleeding from my severed left hand was severe. The moment I tried to launch an attack, it felt as if time had stopped.


I felt like I heard a voice that resembled her scream from a distance.

Before I knew it, I had collapsed to the ground, and I also noticed that my own body was being torn apart. I had no idea what had happened, what had been done to me.

The only thing I knew was that I couldn’t save her again. The last thing I saw in the hazy world was the sight of my beloved being devoured and dying once more.


It had been 300 years since that day when I couldn’t save her. It was like an endless hell, filled with self-hatred and despair. I could feel something wearing away inside me.

I had thought of disappearing, even wanting to die multiple times. But I knew it wouldn’t solve anything. Even if I died, I would just be reborn as another person in the next moment.

And above all, when I thought about her, who might still be destined to be devoured by that monster even if she were to be reborn, I couldn’t possibly take my own life.

I didn’t know if I, weak and foolish as I was, could save her. Nevertheless, I continued to search relentlessly for her, whose name and appearance I didn’t even know. I kept striving to become stronger so that I could protect her.

What had driven me for these 500 years was surely only my feelings for her. I knew that the emotions in my heart couldn’t be simply described as love anymore.

But it seems that in this current life, I can’t save even one little sister.

No matter how much knowledge and experience I had from my past life, I couldn’t change my birth or environment. It was even more so when it came to being a child. Even if I desperately reached out my hand, no one would come to help.

I think I was already tired of everything. My vision blurred as tears, which I thought had long dried up, filled my eyes.

──I loved her. That was all. Why did it end up like this?

And it was at that moment when I was being overwhelmed by bottomless despair and helplessness, while gently holding Nadia’s small, bony hand.

“It’s okay now.”

She appeared before me again, like an angel.

Chapter 30: End of the Dream

By the time I finished hearing Ralph’s story, tears were streaming down my eyes.

His past was too painful. And I understood everything. The reason why Ralph thinks of me so much, the reason why he tries to protect me, everything.

“I’m sorry. . .”

By defending him that day, I burdened him with guilt for such a long time. And in this third life, I involved him and showed him two deaths.

Perhaps it was because he wished to see me that he ended up living for such a long time.

I know that neither I nor he are at fault. Yet, I couldn’t help but apologize.

──I always thought that I was the only one suffering. Why am I the only one going through such hardships?

But surely, Ralph must have suffered even more than me. Five hundred years is surely much longer and more painful than I can imagine.

And yet, he still thinks of me and tries to protect me. Surely, to the point of sacrificing himself.

I wiped away my tears and enveloped Ralph’s hand with both of mine. And for some reason, he opened his beautiful eyes in surprise.

“Is it not repulsive to you?”

And because he voiced such a question, I immediately shook my head from side to side. There’s no way I would find it repulsive.

“I have been fixated on you for such a long time. I know it’s abnormal.”

“It’s not like that,”

“. . .But I always thought that I was chasing after Erica-san’s shadow.”

Ralph gently narrowed his amethyst-like eyes and smiled with a face that seemed on the verge of tears. “But, I was wrong.”

“In this life, I love you, Lisette-sama.”

Upon hearing those words, my vision blurred once again.

“I think no matter how many times I repeat it, no matter how many times we meet, I will always fall in love with you.”

“. . .!”

Before I knew it, I was embracing Ralph.

For a moment, he seemed startled and his body trembled, but eventually, he clung to me as if seeking support.

“. . .I’m truly sorry. Because I protected you, because of the way I died, I’ve caused you so much suffering for such a long time.”

“You don’t need to apologize.”

“And thank you. Thank you for trying to help me, for cherishing me. You’ve been working so hard all alone.”

Occasionally, I think that the discomfort and difference in values I felt towards Ralph might be because my heart is on the verge of breaking from living through long and painful times.

I can’t see his expression because I’m holding him tightly, but I noticed that he’s crying now.

“I love you.”


“I really, truly love you. . .”

I think I’m starting to love Ralph as well.

Facing absolute death, I thought that my heart might waver and be swayed by being pampered and extended a helping hand.

But now that I know everything, I can clearly say that he is dear to me.

“. . .Thank you, Ralph.”

Whispering those words, I gently stroked his soft silver hair.


Four days have passed since then. We have been spending time in this prison, just like before.

The only thing that has changed is the sense of distance. Perhaps there has been a change in my own feelings. Somehow, it feels like the distance between everything has narrowed compared to before.

Just a little more until my birthday. During these four days, I have been thinking about what I should do. And knowing Ralph’s feelings, I didn’t want to put him in danger or let him die.

That’s why I thought we should have a proper conversation, leave this place, and seek the help of the saints.

As I was about to start the conversation, he spoke first.

“Lisette-sama, I have a request.”

“A request?”


With an unusually serious expression, he said that, making me anxious about what might have happened. To me, he continued.

“Just once, may I kiss you?”

“. . .Huh?”

I realized that my face was getting hot in an instant due to the sudden words I hadn’t even imagined. Seeing me flustered by the sudden request, he furrowed his eyebrows in a troubled manner.

“Of course, if you even slightly dislike it, please refuse.”

“I-I don’t dislike it, but. . .”

I felt embarrassed by how quickly I answered. Of course, I didn’t dislike it. Ralph, after showing a surprised expression at my reaction, smiled very happily.

“I’m really happy. Thank you very much.”

“. . .Yeah.”

“Could you close your eyes?”


As instructed, when I closed my eyes, Ralph’s hand gently reached out and touched my cheek after a short while.

For some reason, I felt like crying at his overly gentle touch.

“I love you, Lisette-sama.”

Our lips met, and at the same time, I felt a sense of happiness. It was the moment when I realized once again that I loved him.

Something viscous flowed into my mouth, and in an instant, my eyelids became incredibly heavy.

When our lips parted, Ralph gently stroked my cheek.

“Wh-What is this. . .?”

“By the time you wake up next, Lisette-sama, there will be nothing for you to fear.”

It was too late when I understood that it was a stronger sleeping drug than the one used when I was brought here last time. The world in front of me grew dark.

In order to save me, he intended to sacrifice himself. I didn’t want such a thing.

“Goodnight, Lisette-sama.”

“. . .!”

I couldn’t even speak anymore. Even though I wanted to scream that I didn’t want this, my body wouldn’t move. I haven’t even conveyed anything to him yet.

“I love you.”

With his voice as the last thing I heard, my consciousness abruptly faded away.

Chapter 31: The Real Intention of a Certain Boy

“Oh, you finally woke up.”

As I slowly opened my eyelids, I heard that voice. Due to the overwhelming brightness, I immediately closed my eyes.

As I continued to blink a few times, my eyes gradually adjusted, and I realized that the red blur in front of me was Melvin. At the same time, I regained my senses and quickly sat up.

“Hey, don’t push yourself. The medicine Ralph gave you was pretty strong. You’ve been sleeping for over a week.”

Those words hit me like a strong blow to the head. A week? That couldn’t be possible. Because my birthday was only three days away.

And I must have shown that feeling on my face.

“You made it, you know.”


“You safely crossed your 20th birthday. Congratulations.”

“. . .No way.”

I couldn’t believe it. But judging from today’s date, it was the truth.

I had been wishing for that for so long, and yet, there was something even more important to me now.

“Hey, what about Ralph. . .?”

As I asked, he had an awkward expression. I had a bad feeling, and my heart made a thumping sound.

“He’s alive. Barely, though.”

“Barely. . .?”

“Yeah. According to Beverly’s diagnosis, he only has a few more days.”

Everything went dark before my eyes.


“It’s a miracle that he’s still alive, considering how severe the contamination is.”

“. . .Huh.”

“Although all his physical wounds have been healed, even with saint-sama’s power, there’s nothing more that can be done. . .”

As she said that, Nadia’s eyes, the same color as his, filled with tears.

Right after that, I headed to the hospital room where Ralph was. He was lying on the bed with a pale face, and the moment I saw him, I collapsed on the spot.

Ralph had defeated that monster all by himself, called for Nadia, and then lost consciousness, or so I was told.

Even though it was my fault, Nadia didn’t blame me. Instead, she worried about me, which made me cry even more.

“It’s my fault. . .”

“No, it’s not Lisette-sama’s fault. Besides, don’t you think he looks satisfied? I never thought Onii-sama could be so selfish.”

Nadia laughed with a hint of exasperation and wiped away her tears.

“Please stay by Onii-sama’s side.”

“. . .Thank you.”

With her leaving the hospital room, it became quiet, and it was just the two of us. I remained seated on the chair right next to the bed, gently reaching out to touch his cheek.

It was surprisingly cold, devoid of vitality. Yet, his expression was so calm. And above all, it was beautiful.

“Thank you for saving me. Thanks to Ralph, I can live a future beyond the age of 20 for the first time.”

If I had been able to surpass my 20th birthday, I could have had many things, many things that I once wanted to do. But when I thought about how I want to live from now on, strangely nothing came to mind. . .

[I want to be with Lisette-sama forever.]

Deep down, I realized that I might have wanted to live my future with Ralph. It was only now that I realized it.

“I’m sorry. . .It must have been painful. It must have been tough.”

I gently cupped his hand and held it tightly.

“. . .May the pain, the pain, fly away.”

That’s what he used to say whenever he got hurt. It was a moment when I prayed that even though I had no power now, his pain would disappear, even just a little.

Suddenly, a faint light emitted from the palm of my hand.

“. . .Why?”

I remembered this sensation and the light. That’s why I couldn’t hide my confusion. It was undoubtedly the magic I had been able to use in my previous life.

Perhaps there was some kind of change within me after that monster disappeared. But now, it doesn’t matter anymore. I immediately held both of Ralph’s hands.

Even saint-sama couldn’t heal him. It might be meaningless. But still, I didn’t want to give up.


I desperately wanted the power to save him. I wanted to live the future ahead with Ralph. With that wish, I poured all my strength into it.

Chapter 32: Epilogue

“Lisette-sama, I love you.”


“I really love you. A lot.”

“I know.”

Ralph had a very happy smile on his face as he gently combed through my hair with his fingers while sitting next to me. His complexion was so good that it was hard to believe that he had been almost dead just two weeks before.

He had recovered safely and was just discharged from the hospital yesterday. And ever since then, he had been following me around like a baby bird.

After using magic on him, I apparently collapsed on the spot because I had exhausted my strength. At that time, Ralph’s impurities were already gone. Saint-sama was also very surprised and couldn’t believe it.

[You must have been really special.]

That’s why that monster had been obsessed with me, she said.

A few days later, when Ralph woke up, he couldn’t believe that he was alive. With trembling hands, he slowly reached out and touched my cheek.

[We’re both alive, Ralph and I. Thank you very much.]

As I said that, Ralph pulled my arm and hugged me tightly.

Since then, he started expressing even more affection towards me. At first, I would flutter with excitement, but now I have become completely accustomed to it. It was part of his speech pattern.

I was tired of reacting every time as his benefactor, and I had returned to how I was a few months ago.

“. . .Are you angry with me for being so selfish? Have you come to dislike me?”

Ralph, as expected, started to worry and said such things. If I denied it immediately, he smiled in relief. His face was still more handsome than anyone else’s.

Somehow, I felt like I was being swallowed up by his pace. That’s why, for some reason, I wanted to break that pattern.

“I’m happy to be with Lisette-sama like this.”


“I really, really love you.”

“I love you too.”

Casually saying that, he froze like a statue.

A few minutes later, his well-shaped eyes widened. His face showed disbelief.

It seemed that he hadn’t noticed my feelings at all. A smile naturally overflowed from me at his silly expression that didn’t suit his beautiful face.

“I love Ralph too.”

“. . .Really?”

“Yeah, really, really.”

As I nodded deeply, a single tear trickled down from his amethyst-like eyes. He hurriedly wiped it away, but it kept overflowing and falling.

“I’m sorry. . .”

“No, it’s okay.”

“I feel like all of my past has been rewarded. . .”

My vision shook at those words.

I was happy, overjoyed, that we could meet again like this, that we could live together from now on. And it was because he had never given up, even when he was on the verge of losing consciousness.

“. . .Will you really stay with me forever?”

“Of course.”

“I love you, Lisette-sama. I love you.”

“I already know, really.”

My heart throbbed with excitement for the first future that would continue, for the future where I would live with him, who loved me too much.

Chapter 33: Invisible Things Part 1

“. . .Lisette-sama, do you still like me today?”

One evening, after finishing dinner and having tea in the grand hall of the Marquis’ mansion, Ralph asked me that question with a serious expression. Before I could respond, Nadia let out a deep sigh.

“Onii-sama, please stop already. I’m getting irritated just hearing the same question every single day. Lisette-sama must feel even more annoyed. I really don’t know anymore, you might end up being disliked this way.”

Yes, this question is repeated almost every day. Each time, I reply, “Of course, I like you.” But Ralph throws the same question at me again the next day.

Nadia, who has been hearing it every day, seemed genuinely frustrated. Despite her lovely face, she said things like, “I might just smack you already,” and glared at Ralph.

“. . .I’m scared because I’m too happy.”

──Just the other day, Ralph uttered those words. I remember feeling a pang of pain, thinking that maybe he also feels anxious because he has been thinking of me for such a long time.

Although I’m not bothered at all, Ralph, on the other hand, reacted excessively to Nadia’s words of “being disliked” and looked at me with a pleading gaze.

“Lisette-sama, do you. . .dislike me?”

“You won’t be disliked just because of this. It’s okay.”

“Onee-sama is too kind and too lenient. Since we’ll be together forever, the beginning is crucial.”

As Nadia said that with a smile, she smoothly intertwined her arm with mine. I now feel happy to accept the words “together forever” as something natural.

“Stay away from Lisette-sama.”

“No, thank you. Aren’t you jealous? I won’t trade places with you.”

Their exchange made me involuntarily smile. It was a daily occurrence for the two of them to argue because of me.

If possible, I want to reassure Ralph. He risked his life to alleviate my long-standing anxieties.

While thinking about what I can do for that, I gently stroked Nadia’s head.


A week later, after finishing my preparations for bed, I went to knock on Ralph’s door to talk to him..

At that moment, the door opened, and Ralph appeared with a beaming smile. My heart felt like it stopped when I saw him.

“Lisette-sama, is something the matter?”

“I-I was surprised!”

“I apologize. I was just happy that Lisette-sama came to see me. Please come in.”

It seems he sensed my footsteps and tried to greet me. I was guided into the room and offered a seat on the sofa.

Ralph sat next to me, and behind him, flowers seemed to bloom and flutter. He wore a delighted smile that could be seen as if flowers were blooming.

“Your hair tied up like that is also very cute. I love it.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you have something you need from me?”

When he asked that, I gathered my courage and opened my mouth.

“I came here to kiss you, Ralph.”

“Oh, is that so? To kiss me──A kiss?”

As he nodded, Ralph’s beautiful amethyst-like eyes widened in surprise.

Well, that’s to be expected. If I were in Ralph’s position, I would have the same reaction. Although there is a reason behind why I brought this up.

I took a small deep breath, gathered my determination, and gently wrapped my arm around Ralph’s bewildered body.

“. . .Lisette-sama?”

Blushing at his perfectly arranged face, I pulled Ralph’s body closer and sealed his lips with mine.

Chapter 34: Invisible Things Part 2

Slowly parting our lips, Ralph’s cheeks turned bright red, and he looked down at me with a stunned expression.

I could see my own flustered face reflected in his violet eyes, and despite it being my own doing, I felt embarrassed.

Come to think of it, the last time I kissed him like this was when he gave me the medicine in the underground cell.

“. . .”

“. . .”

As the heat continued to rise in my face, unable to bear the awkward silence, I hurriedly spoke up.

“Um, the reason why I did something like this is because I wanted Ralph to feel a little more at ease. If my feelings for you don’t come across through words, then I thought I should show them directly. . .”

“. . .”

“I’ve lived for so long, yet I’ve never had any experience with love, and you’re the first person I’ve ever liked. ‘m not good at handling things, so I’m sorry for making you worried. . .Ralph?”

Just as I was about to say that, I suddenly stopped. Tears were dripping from Ralph’s almond-shaped eyes.

Confused as to why he started crying, I was unexpectedly pulled by the arm, and before I knew it, Ralph was tightly embracing me.

Eventually, Ralph buried his face in my shoulder and quietly called my name.

“Lisette-sama, I love you.”


“I love you so much that it’s driving me crazy. Words can’t express it all.”

“. . .Yeah.”

Despite his body being much larger than mine, he seemed like a small child. I wrapped my arms around his back and gently stroked him as if comforting him.

Then I noticed that his arms, which were wrapped around me as if clinging to my body, had even more strength in them.

“I think I’ve been too overwhelmed by my own feelings and it made me anxious. Even though I shouldn’t expect to receive the same level of feelings from Lisette-sama. . .I’m sorry.”

Normally, the correct response here might be to say, “I love you just as much, Ralph.” But in his case, it was a fact that his affection towards me was too strong.

Of course, I love Ralph. But I didn’t want to lie, so I continued, “Thank you.”

“I’ll catch up little by little from now on, so please wait.”

“. . .Huh?”

“I really, really like Ralph.”

As I declared that, tears once again poured out of Ralph’s eyes as he looked up at me.

He liked me this much, and he was always so earnest. I couldn’t help but find him endearing.

Afterward, Ralph, who had stopped crying, clung tightly to me and repeated the words, “I like you” and “I love you” endlessly. He really was like a big cute puppy.

“But I never expected Lisette-sama to kiss me. I’m fine with dying right now.”

“Uh. . .”

When those words were spoken again, there was something embarrassing about it. But if it made him this happy, then it was good.

“But, if my feelings were properly conveyed, then I’m glad. I’m really happy.”

“Then, can I do the same?”


For me, it was the “What do you mean?” kind of “huh?”, but it seemed to be interpreted differently. In the next moment, my field of vision was filled with Ralph.

In a kiss that was completely different from what I had given him earlier, I simply let it happen.

Eventually, Ralph, who was looking at me from up close, smiled as if he was full of happiness.

“I’ve been holding back for a long time, but if it makes Lisette-sama happy, I’ll express myself to the fullest from now on.”

“N-No, Ralph’s feelings have already been conveyed enough—”

And from then on, I would come to realize Ralph’s overwhelming feelings to the point of breathlessness.

Chapter 35: Change and Excitement

“Lisette-sama, if I may. I found the book you were looking for, so I brought it to you.”

“Oh? Thank you so much, Ralph.”

I received the book that Ralph handed to me and at the same time, I felt a sense of discomfort and looked up.

“Hey, shouldn’t we stop using that form of address and honorifics?”


“When combined with Ralph’s attitude, it feels like we’re a master and servant, and it’s unsettling.”

In the first place, in terms of social status and position, he is superior in every way. Yet, I address him informally and without honorifics, while he always acts humble. This situation is indeed strange.

I understand that he feels grateful, but now we are in a position similar to lovers, so it’s about time to make a change.

“It’s definitely strange from the perspective of others.”

“Whether I look like a servant or a dog to Lisette-sama in other people’s eyes, I don’t really care.”

“You should care about that.”

Ralph is the hero of this country and the future Marquis. Originally, he was someone far above me.

However, Ralph was used to the current situation, and suddenly changing it would be unsettling. Thinking that way, I suggested, “Shall we practice a little?”

Ralph obediently sat next to me and smiled brightly.

“What should I do first?”

“Well, try calling me Lisette. Oh, of course, Lise is fine too.”

“. . .Are you sure about that?”


Then, after clearing his throat with a cough, Ralph looked at me with a serious expression.


“. . .!”

In that instant, the impact was even greater than I had imagined, and I even felt dizzy. Ralph’s voice is surprisingly good. When he called me with his low and sweet voice, my heart leaped.

Even though during my time in the sanctuary, everyone, including Grandma and Roy, called me “Lise” or “Lisette.”

Just being called by Ralph makes me feel so special and fluttery. I’m surprised by my own feelings.

“. . .Lise, is something wrong?”

“S-Sorry, I’m just. . .more excited than I expected.”

“Are you getting excited because of me?”

“Well, yes.”

When I honestly answered, Ralph’s expression brightened up. Behind him, it felt like flowers were blooming one after another.

“I’m glad! I’ll call you a lot, Lise.”

“Uh. . .Thank you.”

By the way, Ralph Redford is more handsome than anyone else. I don’t think there’s any woman who wouldn’t be thrilled when called by him with a gentle voice from such a close distance.

While thinking that my heart might not be able to handle it, it’s difficult to take back what I’ve said myself.

“What should we do next?”

“W-Well, let’s try dropping the honorifics.”

“Understood. Lise, you look cute today too. I love you.”

Please wait, I beg you. I feel like my face is about to catch fire. Why can’t he just have a normal conversation?

Instinctively, I took a step back, but Ralph closed the distance between us.

“Why are you running away? Don’t you like me?”

“W-Wait. . .”

“I won’t wait.”

Not only his tone but even his personality seems to have changed. He usually listens to what I say, but now he grabbed my arm and almost pushed me down.

“I-I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I want things to stay the way they were for a while. Please.”

“. . .I understand.”

As I desperately pleaded, Ralph nodded with a dejected expression.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I couldn’t hold back when I saw the blushing Lisette-sama, who I find so adorable. I’ll stop.”

“I’m the one who started it, so I’m sorry. If I suddenly changed my tone to ‘Ralph-sama, please stop,’ it would make you uncomfortable, wouldn’t it?”

“. . .!”

Then Ralph’s cheeks flushed, and he covered his mouth with one hand as if unable to contain himself.

“I felt a strong thrill. Please do it more.”

“O-Okay. . .”

“And no matter what kind of Lisette-sama you are, I love you. Even if you say dirty words to me or insult me, I can still be happy.”

“Please, really, stop.”

Realizing that the best thing is to keep things as they were, I made a firm vow to never do anything unnecessary again.

Chapter 36: Happy Warmth

On a winter evening as it approached, while having tea with Nadia in the hall, I noticed Ralph’s fidgety behavior as he stared at me intently.

“What’s wrong, Ralph?”

“. . .Well, actually, Lisette-sama, I have a favor to ask.”

It was rare for Ralph to ask me for a favor. Since I had been indebted to him, I replied, “If there’s anything I can do.”

Upon hearing that, Ralph’s eyes sparkled, and his cheeks blushed slightly with joy.

“Actually, I would like you to finish knitting this.”

Saying that, he took out a sock made of yarn, with only one side completed, and it looked incredibly familiar.

Upon closer inspection, it was the one I had been knitting in the forest cabin when I ran away from Ralph’s place.

I had thought it was lost when I lost consciousness and was taken away, so I was surprised to see that it had remained.

“After that, I made sure to collect it and keep it safe. I was planning to ask you after Lisette-sama forgave me for that day.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Also, this color is the same as my eyes, so maybe you made it for me.”

“W-Well. . .”

At that time, I thought I was going to die soon, so I hadn’t intended to give it to anyone. But the fact was, I unconsciously chose Ralph’s color.

When he said that to me, I felt somewhat embarrassed.

However, even though he could buy any luxurious item, he cherished the sock that I had knitted, which was only one side. It was so like Ralph that I couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s my fault for not consulting with Ralph, and I’m not angry.”

“Is that so?!”

“Yes, it is,” I nodded. But just as I was about to nod, Nadia, who was sitting next to me, hugged my arm tightly and glared at Ralph.

“Onii-sama, it’s also the color of my eyes! Maybe you made it for me!”

“Huh, it must be a misunderstanding.”

“That’s my line.”

“Alright, I understand. Let’s make matching ones for both of you!”

As they were about to start a fight any moment, I hurriedly called out to Ralph and Nadia, and they both said in unison, “Thank you!” and directed dazzling smiles towards me. The radiant smiles of the beautiful siblings were blinding.

Eventually, Nadia called me “Lisette-sama” and looked up at me with upturned eyes.

“Uhm, can I be a little selfish and ask for something?”

“Of course.”

“Since it’s uncomfortable for Onii-sama and me to have matching ones, I would like you to make a pair for Lisette-sama as well.”

“I also prefer matching ones with Lisette-sama, not with you.”

“Fine, I get it! Let’s make it matching! for all three of us!”

Once again, trying to calm down the two who seemed about to argue, I said that, and Ralph and Nadia both had similar delighted expressions on their faces.


A month later, I nodded approvingly as I looked at the three completed socks in front of me. They turned out quite well, even if I say so myself.

If I just called the two of them to the hall and handed them over, Ralph and Nadia would receive the socks with great excitement, looking at them as if they were treasures.

“Lisette-sama, thank you so much! I will wear them until I die, no, even after I die, I will have them put in my grave and wear them.”

“Yes, every day regardless of the season.”

“But really, just for this winter is enough.”

As soon as they tried them on and frolicked around like children, they were so adorable that a happy smile escaped me.

“But, you went through all the trouble of making them. . .”

“In return, let me make them for you again next year.”

“Is that okay?!”

“Yes, of course.”

Being able to casually talk about the future as if it were a given made me happy and warmed my heart.

“Lisette-sama, thank you so much!”

“I love you!”


I wondered if Ralph and Nadia would be delighted if I made and gave them gloves next.

With such thoughts in mind, I smiled at the two beloved ones and said, “Thank you for everything as well.”

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




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