
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 149.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒𝟗.1: 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 (3)

It had already been a month since Oswald returned to Iberia, and he had been very busy taking care of the Western Military District.

Fortunately, the headquarters was close to the County of Valencia, so Alicia, who had reached the 8th Circle, was able to maintain their married life by using teleport magic to come and go.

Of course, Alicia was also busy running the County of Valencia on behalf of Oswald. She participated in demonstrations of prototypes of transport aircraft, including gunships, produced at the Valencia Arsenal, and she was also stuck in her office all day like a signing machine, trapped in a paperwork hell.

“Hmm. . . Is the situation really that severe?”

“Yes, I think we may soon have to ask the Empire to increase the number of peacekeeping troops deployed through the CID.”

According to information heard through the Order, a plague, seemingly the curse of Pleg, the Evil God of Plague, was currently raging in the eastern continent of Titan, spreading beyond control.

The Huan Kingdom had already closed the Great Wall leading into the peninsula and deployed its navy to the sea to filter out foreigners as much as possible.

Even when it is a messenger from their sovereign state, the Great Zhou Empire. . . They met separately in Shenyang outside the Great Wall instead of Hanyang, where the capital was located. The problem was that the Manchurian land around Shenyang was also ravaged by the plague, with people dying.

“It’s bad enough to receive the Order’s blessings. . . Tsk.”

For them, who revered the spiritual ideology of Confucianism, the Order and its beliefs were objects of rejection. It would be different if their medical technology was advanced, but that wasn’t the case either. Their science and technology were quite advanced, but. . . their medical technology was actually behind that of the Imperial Empire.

“Penicillin will sell like crazy.”

Only Penicillin, which was effective against any plague, was selling like hotcakes. Of course, Earl Penicillin, who had died at the hands of Oswald, could no longer receive royalties for the medicine he had created.

His family had already been shattered due to all the human experiments he had conducted, and the patent rights for Penicillin had been taken by the Imperial government. Therefore, all the profits earned from the eastern continent could be put into the national treasury.

“But there are definitely limits to Penicillin.”

“Then, instead of coming to me like this, why doesn’t the Order go directly to the East and negotiate with the Emperor of the Great Zhou Empire? The Imperial family of the Great Zhou Empire wouldn’t deny Chronos, would they?”

The Imperial family of the Great Zhou Empire, also known as the Banryong or Dragonian clan. As the name suggests, they were actual Dragonians who had established themselves as royalty.

Didn’t their ancestors, the Dragons, also believe in the existence of Chronos and were entrusted with the task of protecting this Middle-earth? So, a child of such a Dragon would deny Chronos? In the first place, they had only adopted the spiritual ideology of Confucianism to solidify their own power.

The problem was that the choice they had made to strengthen their power was now driving the Empire to ruin. To deny Confucian ideology and introduce the Chronos religion now. . . would inevitably lead to political self-contradiction.

Therefore, they tried to subtly accept the doctors of the Chronos Order under the pretext of deploying CID peacekeeping forces to resolve the plague. That was the best they could do at the moment.

“Anyway, I understand the Order’s intentions.”

After sending the Order’s person away, Oswald focused on his work again.

Meanwhile, the Imperial government was already discussing the reinforcement of the CID peacekeeping forces. There was a sharp confrontation between those who said they couldn’t turn their attention outward because the civil war had just ended, and those who said that if the eastern Titan fell to the Evil God of Pestilence, they would also suffer considerable damage.

In response, the Emperor decided to convene the Imperial Council to ask for their opinions and decide whether to support the reinforcement, and government officials decided to vote on the matter according to the Emperor’s will.

“Tsk, the 3rd Prince Douglas is still missing, and the chaos of truth forces that took him are still active somewhere in this Empire. . .”

With only the last clue that the 3rd Prince was heading towards the Francia Peninsula, they were searching the Francia Peninsula like crazy with Hecaton. Of course, with the help of Peace Eye and the Kronen family. . .

Even so, they were having trouble finding the Seekers of Truth, and the Emperor shook his head as he watched those who were trying to expand their influence to a distant foreign country.


A huge underground city built under the Alps in the Francia Peninsula.

“That was really hard.”

“It took a long time just to gather the sacrifices.”

As long as they could extract life force, it didn’t matter if it wasn’t a human or demi-human. Therefore, they had to breed beasts and monsters in large quantities and use them as sacrifices.

Of course, the life force of beasts was insignificant compared to that of humans and demi-human, and only a few large beasts had a life force comparable to that of humans and Ain.

It was the same for monsters, but gathering humans in the territory of the Imperial Empire was literally a conspicuous act, so they had no choice but to replace them with monsters and beasts, even if it was difficult.

“It’s a good thing the southern route was free, otherwise it would have been difficult.”

There were still many unconquered areas in the Great Desert, so they were able to capture quite a few desert monsters, and they were able to import monsters from the Dragon Spine Mountains in large quantities through the port city of Chabahar, which was adjacent to the Dragon Spine Mountains. It was a city that was actually making huge profits from monster exports.

Most of these monsters were sold to arenas to become objects of gambling for nobles and capitalists, or used in various experiments. Moreover, the Dragon Spine Mountains were vast, and the monsters were tenacious, so their numbers did not decrease no matter how many were caught.

“It’s amazing that the Human Empire pushed these monsters out of the continent.”

The Human Empire had achieved what even the countries of eastern Titan had not dared to attempt.

“Let’s begin the ritual.”

“We will offer the noble bloodline of the Imperial Empire and millions of life forces as sacrifices to summon the archduke and his army.”

Finally, Muzak stood before the huge underground city. The underground city of the Alps, where the ancient dwarves had once built a city, and then the skaven had moved in and expanded it. And in Muzak’s eyes, there was a huge summoning circle and millions of sacrifices.


With Muzak’s shout, the Seekers of Truth began to chant spells. The 3rd Prince Douglas, standing at the center of the formation, screamed at them in despair, but it had no effect, and eventually, starting with Douglas, countless creatures on the summoning circle emitted tremendous life force, accelerating the summoning.

Soon, a blue light shot up from the summoning circle and soared high into the sky. The pillar of light, which had broken through the ceiling, soared to the top of the Alps, announcing its presence to the world.

What soon appeared was a massive-scale Chaos Garuda Demon. Alongside the blue-feathered demon, hundreds of thousands of harpies and Garuda Demons were summoned upon this land.

【We have finally arrived. 】

“Ah. . . Solomon. . .”

Muzak appeared before him, looking up at him with an ecstatic expression.

【Muzak, your contribution will be rewarded. 】

Then, Solomon, the archduke demon of chaos of truth, reached out his hand, and a small essence appeared on his palm. It was the essence of the chaos demon of truth. By absorbing it, Muzak would get closer to the truth and his demonization would progress.

Muzak did not refuse Solomon’s reward. He received the essence from him, absorbed it, and glimpsed the truth he had so longed for, gaining power.

【Ah. . . Solomon, I will pledge my loyalty in return for your reward. 】

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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