
The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 29.2

He kicked him with his foot.

Time split countless times.

Cain moved at an incredible speed, as if the phrase ‘in the blink of an eye’ was befitting, and the knights who had initially rushed in were pushed away one by one.

“Hit it!”

But four wasn’t the end.

The other knights, who had already gotten used to Cain’s speed, did not miss this gap.

Two, three, four.

They each gathered in a comfortable formation and thrust their weapons at Cain.

Cain smiled as he watched.

They were better than before, and they would get better next time.

The knights’ level was considerable, as if the willpower that had endured years as a warrior had not gone anywhere.

Of course, until now, they were like swords stuck in a rock. No one had thought to pull them out and swing them.

But now.

Cain, wrapping the white thunder, the Passive that ‘Winter’ emitted, around his entire body, slowly began to grasp the sword called the Ethelred Knights.

“Don’t stick your butt out━!”

A pointed flaw, simultaneous with the attack.

The knight bowed as he fell.

“Your shoulders are too far back.”

This knight would take care of his shoulders next time.

“If you rush in headfirst, your head will explode, you.”

The next knight would live a little longer and live by the Ethelred sword.

“When you two coordinate, it’s better to have a slight time difference rather than doing it at the same time.”

They would perform a sharper, coordinated attack.

Cain, who had come out of the underground storage and begun to move in earnest, was engaged in training that felt like actual combat, and the Ethelred Knights began to develop at a frantic pace.

Cloyd, who was watching the sight, was speechless.

Vanderbilt patted Commander Cloyd on the shoulder and said.

“It’s our turn next. Stop being surprised and warm up.”

“……Knight Vanderbilt. What in the world happened to the Young Master?”

Cloyd shook his head.

Even though he was an Expert, it was beyond his comprehension to see someone toy with dozens of knights like this.

No matter how talented Cain was, this was just absurd.

“I don’t know.”

Vanderbilt shrugged.

Since he had already seen him unleash a sword strike that froze the sea and shattered the horizon, this was nothing special.

“There are no shortcuts on the path of the sword. It’s just a matter of going faster or slower. But Young Master Cain…….”

“Commander Cloyd. No matter what you say, the Young Master is the Young Master.”

“But isn’t he moving too fast!”

His aura was increasing and thickening, so much so that he could be called a ‘Master’ beyond Expert.

Vanderbilt was also feeling it.

But true to his oath of loyalty to Cain, he looked at the same place as Cloyd with unwavering eyes.

It was where Cain, with his black hair flying, was making the knights kneel one by one.

“So, do you hate it?”

“It’s not that, but…….”

“There are no shortcuts on the path of the sword. But Young Master is the one who would have died if he hadn’t gotten faster.”


Cloyd was speechless.

He was just ashamed of himself for saying anything else now that Cain, who would have only been left with destruction if he didn’t change, had changed.

“You were the one who contributed to that situation, Commander Cloyd.”

The knights all collapsed like reeds.

Cain flicked his fingertips towards the two who were watching from afar, and Vanderbilt took a large step forward first.

Cloyd bit his lower lip, which had become thin with age, and followed behind him.

The knights avoided their positions, even if it meant crawling.

And three remained.

“Shouldn’t you rest a little?”


“I’ll be fine.”



And Cloyd, who silently held his sword.

The three most important people in the Ethelred Knights right now.

Cain leisurely picked up his wooden sword and opened his mouth.

“If you’re going to get tired from this much, you should just go die.”

“As expected of my brother.”

Abel’s eyes sparkled.

Cain inwardly sighed as he saw that expression.

‘It’s not because I’m amazing, but because I’m the master of the 〈Sacred Treasures of the Four Seasons〉, Abel.’

Among the effects of the sacred treasure, the Passive worked all the time once you became its owner.

The white thunder was the same.

How did Cain get so strong? How did he survive for ten years on the front lines?

His own effort and talent were important, but the biggest foundation was the power of the Passive.

The Passive of ‘Winter’ always infused him with strength.

The lightning gave him excruciating pain throughout his nerves, but it strengthened his body and increased his aura quickly.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Little by little, without rest.

‘Of course, if I try to use more than what’s allowed, I have to pay the price, but you know.’


Cain extended his left foot.

At the same time, the three he was facing took their respective stances.

It was difficult to face the three with the strength he currently possessed.

But Cain’s waist was straight.

If not today, then tomorrow.

If not tomorrow, then the next day.

He would definitely win someday.

It was the confidence that only Cain, who had stood at the top, could have.


The white thunder flowing from Cain’s back made a terrifying sound.

Cloyd, Vanderbilt, and Abel. The three of them were filled with fighting spirit, as if their blood was boiling.

A situation like gunpowder about to explode.


“A guest has arrived, so that’s all for today.”

A voice that was so calm that it sapped their energy spread through the training ground.

It was the voice of Arna, who stood at the entrance of the training ground.

She, with her lemon-colored hair shining, casually walked across the training ground where fighting spirit and thunder intertwined, and said.

“Count Lamaring sent someone again.”

Thud, thud.

She pressed down on Abel’s sword, directing it towards the ground, and pushed Cloyd’s sword to the side.

It was a moment when the vast difference in skill between the two and Arna could be seen.

“I guess we’ll have to see if this one is going to live or die.”

Cain smiled and placed his wooden sword on his shoulder.

As long as he didn’t risk his life, Arna, the strongest in Count Ethelred’s family, approached him.

“……You’ve gotten even stronger.”

“Kids this age grow up fast, that’s just how it is.”

“It’s heartbreakingly fast.”

The two of them locked eyes for a moment, and Arna turned around without changing her expression.

Cain and Arna.

Most of the knights who were watching were just swallowing their saliva at the subtle tension the two of them created.

“Let’s go see.”

Cain followed behind her, and soon the other three followed.

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