
The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 21.2

That terrible word is repeated endlessly, but nothing changes. Nothing can be born in the already-frozen sea.

Even the true ‘Arthuan’ sleeping under the sea couldn’t withstand Cain’s extreme cold.

His ears were ringing.

His whole body felt like it was burning and tearing apart, and it felt like even his soul was freezing as he tried to activate ‘Winter’.


The enemy is in front of him.

His allies are behind him.

Those who fight at the forefront must always be confident.

That is why Cain laughed.


The ‘Winter’ activate ‘Winter of Night’ froze the Arzweber coast to its core.

Primundi hesitated, but attempted to get away from him. Cain looked at her quietly.

“Witch of the Horizon.”


“No matter how much you try to approach it, you can’t reach the horizon.”

His sword was broken.

There was nothing in his hands.

However, Cain raised both hands, as if he were holding a sword.

It was a posture that suggested he was about to cut his opponent vertically.

Primundi continued to retreat, shaking her head, but her path was blocked.

No matter how powerful a witch she is, she cannot alter the entire world.

The starless night sky and the dark sea were ultimately created by her ‘miracle’, so there was a limit.

Cain’s gaze shifted away from Primundi, who appeared as a small dot in the distance.

Then he turned his body toward the frozen sea that stretched all the way to the horizon.

“But it’s easy to break.”

The pitch-black sea is frozen white.

The massive body of Arthuan, the dragon of the night, which was hidden beneath it, was revealed.

What had protruded was only the size of its claws, and the true dragon was hidden in the sea of darkness.


Active, Winter of Night.

It froze the world and stopped it at the horizon.

Passive, pure white lightning.

It ran through Cain’s entire body and grew in size as he wished.

[Too much future is being consumed.]

Even the ‘Winter’, also known as the Demonic Sword, sucked in a huge amount of the future enough to stop it.

Cain looked around and relaxed his mind.

‘The unknown future is less important than the present.’

He would not sacrifice the present for the future.

He would also not endure the present pain in the hope that it would get better someday.

It was a way of life that Cain, an adult who had been through hell for over thirty years, had acquired, not the boy Cain.


Cain, a single point in the world, distorts everything.

Primundi couldn’t take the pounding in her chest at that sight.

What she had desired for hundreds of years.

There was a belief that someone from this era would eventually reach the horizon that she could not reach.

And Cain.

Dark Sky Bright Light.

Original Style


Shot the crescent moon’s light.

It was in a different dimension from before.

It is not only cutting the enemy, but cutting the space itself.


A great light that cuts the frozen sea in half and even Arthuan’s body that is hidden beneath it!

A vertical beam of light extended outward, cutting through the sky, sea, and night.


The horizon visible in the distance had been cut in half.

Primundi laughed but was disappointed.

“You touched it, but you couldn’t break it.”

Cain gave her a glance before returning to his position facing the horizon.

If Kyrie was vertical, this time he extended his two hands towards the empty void and clenched them horizontally.

He then smiled refreshingly.

“Primundi, remember.”

The smile was identical to the one seen by the hero Abel at Arna’s grave.


Lightning bolts erupted from Cain’s two hands, like a storm.

It appeared that lightning was clenched in that empty space.

“Ethelred’s sword is two.”

Before the Holy See appeared in this world, there was a miracle that had been passed down by word of mouth.

It was a crucifix.

The two straight lines connecting the sky and earth were the light that cut through the darkness and manifested a miracle━!

━ May you have mercy.

Hope hasn’t changed from mouth to mouth or heart to heart in a long time.

━Oh God, look down on us.

That longing remained constant no matter what kind of world appeared, and it became a small light for the masters of winter to see through the dark night.

And so.

Dark Sky, Bright Light.

Outside style.


The winter sun is high and sharp.

Cain was the master of ‘Winter’ during this era.

His heart ached.

His joints were burning and the bones in his whole body creaked.

“I’ll endure it━!”

Cain clenched his teeth hard enough to break his molars.

A moment that only happens once.

The present is only now.

There is no turning back time.

It would be the same for someone who only lives once; however, for someone who lives again, now is something that cannot be traded!

That’s why Cain didn’t care about the consumption of the future that was ringing in his ears.

For the most flawless and brilliant now.

A light that is the complete opposite of Kyrie.

It was created in Cain’s hands and spread out as a horizontal wave, similar to the sunlight that burst forth from Abel’s Ardvark.

Cross Strike.

Kyrie Eleison.

Kyrie is the vertical moonlight that connects the sky to the earth.

Eleison is the horizontal sunlight that connects his current reality to the rest of the world.

The two sword auras intertwined, and the Cross Strike moved forward, breaking the frozen world.

And finally.


The horizon beyond my sight couldn’t take it and shattered into ice dust.

The stars returned to the night sky, and the original sea flowed from afar to the colorless coast.

Before he knew it, a faint blue-gray dawn light seeped in through the gap where time had passed.

That’s how ‘Witch’s Night’ got scattered.

Primundi, who had been floating in the distant sky, started to fall like a feather.


Before that.

Cain clenched his two fists and smiled broadly.

“Keep your promise, witch.”

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