
Dark Fantasy: Magical Eye Knight – Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Reunion (2)

TL: Potato-tan

Proofreader: Asianpotato


“Ugh, my head.”


The white-scaled dragon shook her head and stood up. She was currently inside a large pit.


“What happened?”


Aellasis put her two front paws on her head and groaned. She had finally released her transformation in the forest, carrying Russell on her back and flying at full speed.


Then she gathered all her strength, breathed on the devil, and got hit in the head.




The dragon’s head snapped up. That was because an overwhelming magical wave had spread from nearby.




Aellasis, who had crawled out of the crater, looked at where the surge had erupted from. Her azure eyes widened.




A grotesquely shaped monster was present. It was wrapped in white chains and struggled to get out, but the more it struggled, the tighter the chains became, trapping it in a paradoxical situation.


Aellasis’s gaze turned back. She wondered who had made such a magnificent chain.






Russell muttered. It was definitely hers. It was still far away, but the distance was no problem for his eyes.


Two figures emerged from the gap between the lush trees. One was a man, and the other was a woman. And the woman was the same person that Russell had left in his memories a year ago.


She had jet-black hair that resembled ebony, and her eyes were also black. She has flawless white skin and a golden ratio of facial features. The features of the face include large eyes, a straight but sharp nose, and red lips.


She was emitting a powerful magical energy. It had an appearance and magical energy that could not be mistaken.




At that moment, a roar was heard. Geliotos, the devil, was wrapped in white iron chains. No, it was a monster that was no longer deserving of the label “devil.”


Russell turned his attention to the monster, but he couldn’t tell whether it was a monster or a devil. Russell’s purple magical eyes glowed as he read the flow of this monster’s transformation.


Soon, the insides of the six-legged monster became clearly visible. There were two reasons why Geliotos had changed so terribly.


First, he utilized a significant number of orcs as raw materials to construct his body. Perhaps due to the genetic superiority of orcs over humans, he chose them as his base to enhance his stamina, strength, and skeletal muscles.


The magical circuit, or something like that, would naturally be solved as the devil’s amorphous body seeped in.


However, the fact that the body was made by liquefying the orc’s corpse and processing it with a spell caused Vulcan, the orc’s god, to interfere with his power.


The second were the several Stones of Life that Geliotos had planted in advance. The ability of the Stone of Life, created by extracting life force from humans as sacrifices, was to grant enormous regenerative ability and magical energy by parasitizing the body.


The process of forcibly attracting the body’s recovery from Vulcan’s divine power, which was collapsing, resulted in the current grotesque appearance.


Geliotos had been emitting monstrous screams instead of speech since before.




He struggled to break free from the chains, but they tightened like spider webs, restricting Geliotos’s movements.


Russell did not miss the opportunity. He gathered his remaining magical energy and flew into the air, and Geliotos also reacted to Russell’s murderous intent.




Along with a strange sound that no beast would make, a huge shockwave erupted from Geliotos’s entire body.


As a result, the chains that had been digging into his skin were released, causing sharp, thorn-like tentacles to burst out of his crimson skin, which was not covered by chains. Those countless tentacles wrapped Russell’s body momentarily.




Small, shredded pieces of flesh flew everywhere, revealing a completely unharmed, purple-colored Russell within. A black armor that was protecting his body now glowed and settled into place.


The sleek and sharp design of the armor protected his entire body without any seams or gaps.


Russell deflected the barrage of tentacle attacks with his greatsword and axe, blocked the rest with his coat-transformed armor, swung his weapons again.


The white trajectory of the axe and the huge, dark blade relentlessly struck the devil’s body. Geliotos screamed and struggled, but the chains that bound the devil’s legs forced his actions.




His axe was infused with magical energy and turned white before it plunged into the devil’s back. The hard outer skin did not break with a single swing.


“If it doesn’t break, keep hitting it until it does.”


Russell’s muscles swelled up momentarily, and he summoned an enormous amount of strength. And with lightning speed, the consecutive blows of the axe and greatsword struck relentlessly.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


The Stones of Life that appeared here and there on his back condensed the magical energy they had absorbed, strengthened Geliotos’s body, and hardened his outer skin, but they could not overcome Russell’s continuous strength. The fact that the muscles and blood, which had collapsed due to Vulcan’s power, were still flowing freely within the devil’s body also played a significant role.




In the end, Final Frost shattered the outer skin and licked the insides. This time, the frost and cold that spread from the blade couldn’t be shaken off. The frost quickly spread, freezing both the exterior and interior of the devil.


Geu, kaaaaaa. . .


And the great sword was sucked into Geliotos’s throat, who was screaming a silent roar with his mouth wide open.






The devil’s body twisted as the lightning bolt flowed through the great sword. The red Stones of Life embedded in his back emitted light as if they were making a final outburst.


Then the devil’s charred flesh squirmed and began to climb up the blade. Even though it was a black, tar-like liquid that had been struck by lightning, there was a burning will to catch Russell.


At that moment, the chains that had been tightly binding Geliotos’s body vibrated and dug inward.


The resonating chains emitted magical waves as they vibrated continuously, and the magical energy possessed by the Stones of Life was dispersed.


Taking advantage of the gap, Russell’s magical eyes glowed. The inside of the Stones of Life is embedded on his back, and in the center of it is the devil’s core.


Russell’s magic shot out from the edge of his blade, carrying his will, and the magic became a small form of Russell, traveling deep into the devil’s core.


━Stop! Stop it!


Suddenly, a voice echoed in Russell’s head. It was Geliotos’s voice. The devil’s voice was drenched in fear.


━Spare me. . . . . .!


“Screw you.”


Russell lightly brushed off the devil’s plea and reached his core. The largest Stone of Life, hidden deep within Geliotos’s body, seemed to be reaching its limit.


Russell’s eyes could see Vulcan’s power in the traces of energy left in the cracks engraved on the core.


Without even saying goodbye, he pushed his own magical energy in. Russell’s magical energy transformed into electricity, destroying all the Stones of Life that were connected to the core.


━This can’t be! This is unacceptable!


The devil cried out.


━How long have I waited?! I couldn’t see, smell, taste, or feel anything in a form that was not proper! After hundreds of years, I finally created a vampire’s factor and body!


The wriggling flesh surged, instantly swallowing Russell whole.


━Give me your body!


Geliotos’s elongated flesh transformed into tentacles, covering and eroding Russell’s body. His will was so strong that he even pushed away the chains that were pulling him, and he even overcame Russell’s lightning.


Finally, Russell’s body was completely buried in flesh.


In the darkness, a huge gaze emerged.


[That won’t do. No one can stop this child’s dream.]




The devil responded to the words he didn’t understand. Geliotos looked back into the dark, undirected space. And he faced it. He encountered a creature whose innumerable eyes merged into a single, massive eye.


The devil’s non-existent face was filled with shock.


━W, What the hell, this human. . . . . .?!


The core then exploded. The devil felt his consciousness fading away amidst the flood of questions he could not answer. Everything was shrouded in darkness.






Violent bolts of electricity erupted from the devil’s flesh. It was like thunder and lightning erupting from within. The red flesh instantly burned black before withering away.


The shriveled flesh gradually decreased in size and then suddenly exploded. The charred flesh splattered here and there, and its remains were scattered. There was no longer a trace of the devil’s energy anywhere.


With the shock of the violent explosion, Russell’s body flew into the sky. It felt like he had been spewing lightning and talking to the devil for several minutes, but in reality, it seemed like it had been only a few seconds.


Russell, who was flying in the air, changed his heavy armor back into a coat and adjusted his body to prepare for the fall. At that moment, something unexpected wrapped around his body. It was a white iron chain.




His body, which left only a short question, quickly fell to the ground, but its speed slowed down from the middle.


” . . . . . .”


She silently stared at Russell, tightly bound by the chains she had shaped with her magic.


Russell also glanced down at the faces of his family, whom he hadn’t seen in nearly a year. It had been almost eight or nine months since he left home with just a letter in early autumn.


Irrucil stared at his purple eyes. She seemed determined to hold onto the memory for an extended period. She then smiled brightly and said,


“Long time no see, little brother.”


Russell swallowed a sigh at the familiar voice, which rolled like a jade chime.


“Long time, no sight. Sister. What are you doing here?”


“To see you.”


“What about home?”


At Russell’s words, Irrucil stood with her hands on her hips in a crooked posture. She also erased her smile and pouted her lips, clearly indicating that she was upset.


“Thanks to you running away, I became the successor. I will be the next head of the family.”


Russell nodded. Since he was bound by chains, it was difficult for him to do anything else.


“That’s good.”


“What? What’s so good? Russell, the successor’s position was basically yours. Do you think I’m happy that the successor’s position came to me like this?”


“My wish does not include the position of the family head.”


“Then what do you want?”


The two continued their conversation in a casual tone, and Farrells arrived panting.


“Irrucil-nim! No, you can’t just run off like that. What am I supposed to do? . . . Huh?”


Russell’s gaze shifted towards the new arrival. He was a man, slightly shorter than Irrucil, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was an adventurer or mercenary who wore practical armor and a sword.


On the contrary, Farrell was also surprised to see Russell. His blue eyes widened.


“Huh, is it really like the drawing? I’ve seen that little notebook and thought, ‘Oh, come on, there’s no way someone looks like that’ ━Ugh!”


Farrells sat down unnaturally, clutching his stomach. Russell turned his gaze and saw Irrucil standing with her cheeks slightly flushed.






When Russell called, Irrucil quickly turned her head. But she did not miss the answer.


“Can you please release this?”


“No. Are you going to run away again?”


“I can’t run away.”


It was true. Right now, Russell has no magical energy at all. That was because he had used it all to destroy Geliotos’s core just before. Furthermore, Irrucil was a superhuman who was as adept at sensing and manipulating magical energy as Russell, if not more so.


Some soldiers even thought that if she personally held and swung the chains, there wouldn’t be any demon beasts left in the Northern Mountain Range.


Even Russell, with his physical body and magic at the time right before he ran away, wouldn’t be able to handle the outcome if he faced Irrucil.


Of course, his strength had increased exponentially since then.




At that moment, a girl’s voice rang out. The gazes of Russell, Irrucil, and Farrell all turned simultaneously. Farrell’s face turned pale.


“Th, th, that. . . . . .”


It was impossible to blame Farrell for forgetting his words. Anyone who saw a huge dragon soaring from the ground would be like that.


“Who are you? Why are you holding Russell like that?!”


An angry voice echoed, and a heavy dragon swiftly descended. Magical energy started to accumulate in its mouth, accompanied by a white flash and a burning sound.




Farrells jumped up at the lightning breath that flashed and was generated from the dragon’s mouth.


“Eugh! I, Irrucil-nim! First, that! The chains, the chains!”


“Who are you? I’m Russell’s older sister.”


Irrucil calmly spoke, despite the dragon and the display of lightning flying in front of her. Her quiet voice made the lightning from Aellasis’s mouth fade away.


“W, What? . . . You?”


“I’m his older sister.”


” . . . . . .”


Aellasis, who had been silent, quietly lowered her head and looked at Irrucil.


“You don’t look alike at all?”


Irrucil scratched her cheek and said,.


“Don’t we look alike? Well, we are half-siblings after all.”


“Half. . .sibling?”


Russell explained this to Aellasis, who appeared to have a question mark above her head.


“Aella. Stop it. This person is my older sister.”


As his confirmation fell, Aellasis nodded meekly. Soon, a white light flashed, and in place of the dragon was a white-haired girl who looked to be in her mid-teens.


The girl approached hesitantly and spoke.


“Are you really Russell’s older sister? She’s beautiful. . . . . .”


“Oh, thank you. You’re very cute too.”


“. . . .Hehe.  Am I?”


Aellasis blinked her eyes and looked up at the woman in front of her. She had a different atmosphere than any other woman she had ever met.


Farrells, who was making a stupid expression next to her, muttered.


“No. Am I the only one who’s surprised? Is no one else surprised by the dragon?”


Irrucil quietly looked at Aellasis. Since the time when a dragon appeared in a city called Calisden and Russell killed the dragon himself, she might have foreseen this situation.


There was a lot to hear from her younger brother, whom she had met in the past few months.


“Russell-nim, you did it.”


Jess approached, supporting Sarannen. Sarannen looked pale, but she was able to walk on her own.


“How about you? Are you feeling better?”


At Russell’s question, Sarannen replied with a pale face.


“Yes. When the devil’s magi disappeared, it became much easier. Thanks to Jess-nim’s power and Calia-nim’s magic, my life was saved.”


Druids are called the guardians of nature because they are such powerful beings. Until now, the devil’s energy, which had been polluting the forest and the mountains, had prevented the Druid from exerting her energy. However, after Russell killed Geliotos, her energy appeared to have returned.


“But Russell. Why are you doing that?”


The three people’s eyes turned to Russell, who was still bound by chains. He continued to shake his head as he observed Irrucil conversing with Aella.


“Let’s return to the territory first. Kai and the other orcs will also join us. And, Jess.”




“I found out some information about Sir Hailyn while I was dealing with one of the orc shamans earlier.”


Jess’s expression hardened. He seemed to be about to say something, but he looked around and nodded.


“I understand.”


There are many wounded right now. They had to pay their respects to the dead, report the results to Tatiana, the lord of the territory, and discuss future measures.


Russell and his party hastened their steps away from the battlefield and back to the territory. Everyone was too exhausted to speak after a whole day of battle.


“You don’t have to hold me like this.”


“I don’t believe you.”


Russell walked with his arm linked with Irrucil’s. Irrucil was quite tall even for a woman, so the sight of them walking side by side didn’t look awkward.


From behind, Calia and Aellasis looked at the two of them with strange eyes.


“Do you know who that woman is?”


“Uh, she said she was an older sister.”








Calia’s eyes narrowed. There was suspicion in her crimson eyes.


“As far as I know, I’ve heard that it’s hard to find a good relationship between siblings, even if you look for it. Isn’t that always the case?”


“But she said it was a half-sibling?”


“. . . . . .”


“But what does it mean to be a half-sibling?”


The sky, which had seemed like it would rain or shine, did not end up raining. That’s how clouds are.


As the day came to an end and night came, darkness naturally distinguished the light and dark of the clouds, and stars twinkled through the gaps.


On the silent plain where all bipedal beings had left, there was the wind blowing over the mountains, the grass swaying in the wind, and the corpses slowly rotting.


The devil, who had longed for flesh of mortality, was dead, and all that was left of him was a crater dug out like a bomb that had exploded and charred flesh that rustled.


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Dark Fantasy Magical Eye Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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