The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 85

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟓: 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡

Shortly before the operation began.

“We’ll split into three groups for today’s operation.”

Siwoo’s group, gathered in the room, listened to him intently.

Although there were many people, the living room and kitchen were spacious, so it didn’t feel too cramped.

Siwoo set up a large whiteboard on one wall of the living room and wrote A, B, and C with a whiteboard marker.

“First of all, A is the base of this raid, . Jung-gu, Ha-min, and I will go there. It is a place where the HSIU main force goes, and we don’t know who might be in , so it could be quite dangerous.”

He wrote the names of those who would go under A.

“Master, since HSIU is there, can I go?”

Chu Ha-min asked, raising his hand.

“I’ll send an official request for cooperation to the guild soon. The operation itself will be carried out very quickly so that no information is leaked to .”

The level of information handling required for this case was quite high.

Even Team Leaders like Hwang Jeong-gu hadn’t been told where they were going or what they were doing.

A small number of administrators from the Korean Hunter Association and the Korean branch of HSIU, and only Edward C. Blackwood, who was responsible for the entire case, knew the details of the plan.

The people currently gathered here were being told at Siwoo’s discretion.

As Siwoo cracked down on drug offenders across the country, he realized that ‘Awakener drugs’ were far more dangerous than he had thought.

The more refined and pure the drug, the better the effect, and it didn’t just slightly increase one’s abilities.

High-quality drugs could even raise one’s rank.

Of course, the problem was that most Awakened criminals used it.

“Today, a large-scale party and a trade fair will be held in every month. Team A will go there and arrest those involved in ‘Awakener drugs’.”

“Is the drug that dangerous? It sounds like something only weaklings would use.”

Seigen asked, sitting deeply in the sofa.

Even in Japan, drugs such as ecstasy and philopon were rampant and problematic, but Hunters had never arrested them through large-scale operations.

“It is dangerous. Very.”

Siwoo drew a human figure on the whiteboard.

“Let’s say there is a B-Rank Hunter. If this person takes the drug, this kind of change will happen.”

On the abdomen, which was drawn small, he drew a larger abdomen using a different colored whiteboard marker.

And he drew a slightly larger background frame on the background that had been drawn like a shadow outside the human body.

“It may be difficult to understand from the drawing. Simply put, a B-Rank can become an A-Rank. Until the effect of the drug wears off, that is.”

“Do you mean one’s rank goes up by one level?”

Hikari asked.

Siwoo scratched his head with the marker.

“Exactly how much each ability increases depends on the purity of the drug. However, one thing is for sure: everything, including rank, physical ability, and mana, increases.”

It’s true that it’s a temporary increase.

Like all drugs, its effects do not last a lifetime.

Because it’s a drug, not an ‘elixir’.

However, the problem is. . .

“That’s fine if a petty criminal takes the drug, but what happens if an Awakener above A-Rank takes it?”

“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”

“Or what if an S-Rank or SS-Rank takes it?”

At Siwoo’s question, everyone closed their mouths and turned pale.

“How long does the effect last?”

“Well, Master. For those that are heavily mixed with impurities, it seems to last about 5 to 10 minutes.”

“. . . . . .What about the pure ones?”

“I think the pure drugs last about 20 minutes.”

20 minutes.

In a fight between Hunters, 20 minutes was not something that could be easily dismissed as long.

“If the drug spreads as you said. . . The Hunter world will be a complete mess.”

Seigen muttered, fingering the handle of his cane.

“Surely no one would buy it to kill monsters when entering the Gate, so only the Awakened criminals will be thrilled.”

Siwoo continued his explanation.

“And as you may have noticed, Master, an organization that has been following Hikari recently, and an organization that has been following me have appeared.”

“Yes? H-Husband and me?”

Hikari seemed to realize it for the first time and was startled.

“One is the organization of Jiang Chen, Hong Kong’s largest drug dealer, who came to Korea for this deal, and the other is the <Red Fox>, a subsidiary of the Yamaguchi-gumi.”

“I see. . . I felt a slight presence, but I couldn’t find them. They were ‘professionals’.”

Seigen let out a faint murderous intent.

He was ready to kill them at any moment, but they didn’t even think of appearing within a certain distance.

“It seems that the two organizations have agreed to kill each other’s targets. Anyway, we’re going to use that to split into B and C and deal with them.”

Hikari’s target was Jiang Chen’s ‘assassin’, and Siwoo’s target was the Red Fox.

“What should we do with them?”

“It’s not necessary to capture them.”

Seigen smiled savagely when Siwoo answered.

He would show no mercy to the organization that targeted his granddaughter.

“Then I’ll mark the coordinates, so go to your positions.”

As Siwoo finished speaking, everyone packed up their belongings and headed outside.

At that moment, Ah-sul and No. 2 remained and looked at Siwoo.

“Master, what should we do?”

At his question, Siwoo handed him a map.

“Expect great things.”



The momentum of was not easily broken.

Despite Siwoo’s overwhelming magic and HSIU’s sudden surprise attack, the people of resisted fiercely.

It was a joint effort between <HSIU>, <Korea Hunters Association>, and [Heptagram], but in reality, the number of people was less than one-fifth of the criminals.

Furthermore, those people were not the ‘best’ of each organization.

They were the ones who had been organized to minimize information leaks and shorten the dispatch time.

Therefore, if it hadn’t been for Siwoo’s initial blow and the surprise attack, it would have been impossible to carry out the operation to capture .

“Ack! Is there no more support!”

A Hunter who had been hit by a skill and was bleeding from his abdomen asked Hwang Jeong-gu.

“Support. . . . I don’t think so!”

Hwang Jeong-gu threw a potion at the injured Hunter while floating his knife in the air and fending off the attacks of other criminals.

Judging from their individual strength and abilities, the bastards who were now attacking weren’t that strong.

However, the movements of humans resisting death are always fierce.

Furthermore, since they were drunk and on drugs, their actions were difficult to predict.


At that moment, the head of the bastard who was trying to ambush Hwang Jeong-gu from behind exploded.

“Jeong-gu, are you struggling with just this much?”

“Ah. . . Thank you, senior.”

Hwang Jeong-gu smiled awkwardly at Siwoo’s pitiful gaze.

How nice it would be if everyone in HSIU was as strong as that guy.

Hwang Jeong-gu looked at the absolute strongman with envy.

However, Siwoo just stabbed, slashed, and kicked the approaching enemies with a cold and emotionless face.

He didn’t even seem to feel anything.

The only change, if any, was that he would occasionally approach a strong-looking guy and swing his sword faster.

Just then.

Puck, puck, puck, puck!

“Keuk. . .!!”

A Hunter died with a single scream.

Hwang Jeong-gu threw his knife at his opponent and realized at that moment.

‘This bastard, he’s fast!’

It was no different.

Of the two bastards wearing small, round sunglasses, one of them easily caught Hwang Jeong-gu’s fast knife with his bare hand and crumpled it.

“It looks like all the Korean Hunters are this weak, Chiu.”

“Don’t let your guard down. Mice can run away easily, Liu.”

Chiu threw the crumpled knife to the side.

“I’ll take care of that strange flame guy, Liu.”

“Okay, then I’ll―.”


Liu, who had blocked Siwoo’s fist, grimaced and twisted his lips.

“I’ll take care of this arrogant bastard, Chiu.”

“You guys really. . . are ugly in a fair way.”

“Shut the fu*k up!”

As Siwoo made a surprised expression, Liu spat out a swear word and stabbed him in the neck with his fingertips.

Siwoo dodged back with a mana-infused attack.

“Unlucky bastard. I’ll shit on your face.”

“What a strange curse. By the way, where did Jiang Chen go?”

“How do you know that bastard’s name?”

Liu asked back, frowning at Siwoo’s sudden remark.

‘That bastard.’

It means that he is not on a vertical relationship with Jiang Chen.

Did the Ghost Corps get wiped out and get a new mercenary?

However, there is no way a mercenary would call his employer casually.

Siwoo reasoned based on Liu’s answer.

If he was higher in rank than Jiang Chen, he would not have fought here but would have escaped with him.

However, these bastards remained to fight, and Jiang Chen was nowhere to be seen.

Does that mean he is in a position to protect Jiang Chen but not under him?

“Are you guys bodyguards sent by your superiors?”

“. . . . . .Who the hell are you?”

Liu’s eyes narrowed sharply.

There is nothing as annoying as an enemy who knows your information.

Because you have to figure out ‘how’ and ‘from whom’ you heard the information.

“Who am I?”

Siwoo seemed to have guessed randomly but smiled broadly as if he had guessed correctly.

“I’m the one who’s going to beat you to death.”


Liu opened his dantian and pulled out a terrifying amount of mana.

Well-trained, heavy mana covered his body and inflated all of  Liu’s muscles.

It felt as if. . .

‘It’s like a hard rock.’

Liu’s momentum charged towards Siwoo.

Siwoo kicked at the bastard who was running towards him without hesitation.


However, his opponent didn’t even budge.

Like a heavyweight boxer’s heavy guard, he deflected the attack with all his muscles.

“Die, you bastard!”

Liu swung his fist and Siwoo put up his guard.

And the moment the fist hit the guard,


A strong shockwave exploded and Siwoo’s body rolled over and fell far away.

Hwang Jeong-gu was startled by the sight.

“Senior!! Are you okay?!”

“Worry about yourself.”

Chiu came at him with sharp claws.

Hwang Jeong-gu dodged the attack and shot a steel ball from the bottom up, hitting the bastard’s jaw exactly.


Normally, if you get hit in the jaw, your brain shakes and you either collapse or stagger.

However, Chiu spat on the floor as if nothing had happened.

“What an annoying skill.”

Chiu kicked his foot and approached Hwang Jeong-gu’s chest.

Hwang Jeong-gu took out his knife and stabbed Chiu in the head.

However, Chiu rolled forward and dodged Hwang Jeong-gu’s attack.

Hwang Jeong-gu kicked his face again.

Chiu caught Hwang Jeong-gu’s flying foot as if he had expected it and pulled it sharply.

Hwang Jeong-gu, who hadn’t been able to predict that move, lost his balance and fell to the floor.

In that short moment.

Chiu left traces of revenge on Hwang Jeong-gu’s face.


In the same way, a loud bang exploded and Hwang Jeong-gu’s head snapped back.

Chiu and  Liu moved their bodies and reunited.

Hwang Jeong-gu glared at them, blood gushing from his nose and mouth.

‘Did I get hit by a fist?’

His bones ached and his stomach churned.

Chiu, looking at such Hwang Jeong-gu, smiled broadly and said.

“How does it feel to be hit by the shock of the steel ball you threw?”


“We can return the shock we received as it is. Right, Liu?” 

“That’s right, Chiu.”

How annoying, really.

Hwang Jeong-gu wiped the blood with his sleeve and got up from his seat.

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