
How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives – Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Examination (5)

An amount of Demonic Energy that couldn’t be compared to that which flowed from the nameless wraiths of a small graveyard.

Of course, it was a level that couldn’t be compared to what I had dealt with in the past, but it was the strongest Demonic Energy I had seen since awakening in this new body.

“Dirty heretics……!”

Valent, clutching a faintly shining sword reflecting the holy power emanating from Daena’s hand, spat out ferociously.


The one who appeared to be their leader chuckled softly. A clear mockery.

The reason he could maintain his composure even after seeing the holy power blooming in Daena’s hand was obvious: a clear numerical advantage, our somewhat inexperienced appearance, and the several crossbows that would be aiming at us in the darkness.

At their current level, it was impossible for Daena and Valent to deal with them and simultaneously dodge all the sharp arrows flying from all directions. Maybe in a wide-open space, but this place was too narrow.

“If you don’t want a hole in your head, it would be wise to put away that damn light, woman.”

Daena bit her lip at his words.

Blaming herself for not expecting a Black Mage to directly enter a passage connected to the middle of the city.

I calmly examined them.

Only one could be called a Black Mage, the one standing in the lead, leaning on his staff. The rest behind him were minions.

I stepped forward and slowly opened my mouth. With a calm demeanor, as if I was out for a stroll.

“Are you doing business with this guy named Poil?”

At my nonchalant attitude, the leading Black Mage scoffed as if dumbfounded.

“Ha, you’re an interesting one. Or you’re just clueless.”

“Are you dealing in cursed items?”

He shrugged at my question.

“A guy about to die is sure curious. Yes, we buy and sell curses. Nothing new, really.”

“What kind of curses do you mainly handle? Breath of Kersia? Mihadrin’s Second Blessing?”

I asked as if genuinely curious, and he answered in a lower voice.

“……You’re saying some interesting things. I don’t know where you picked up those names, but do you think you can easily obtain such high-grade curses?”

“Ah, I guess that’s too much. I’m a bit disappointed.”


Scoffing at my words, he gestured to the minion behind him.


A sharp sound slicing through the air.


The arrow landed in the head of none other than the intermediary, Poil.


It seemed the arrowhead was coated with poison, as Poil’s face turned black in an instant.


The arrows flying from the darkness were quite threatening.

Daena and Valent’s faces darkened as they saw Poil collapse without even a proper scream.

Even if they protected vital areas with holy power, their attention would be divided once the battle began, and the arrows flying from the unseen archers in the darkness were a real threat.

I gestured to them as if to reassure them and calmly asked.

“Weren’t you on the same side?”

The Black Mage’s eyebrows twitched as I calmly questioned him, despite the arrow he shot to gain the upper hand.

“……We can no longer do business with someone who has broken their trust.”

Seeing that I wasn’t showing any particular tension, the Black Mage coldly replied and slowly raised his staff.

“Now, that’s enough stalling, kid.”

I looked at the Black Mage with lowered eyes.

The pointless conversation was partly to satisfy my curiosity, but the main purpose was to accurately grasp the Demonic Energy flowing from him.

Since I didn’t possess Demonic Energy now, I needed a little time to accurately identify the nature of the faint Demonic Energy emanating from him.

All Black Mages, or rather, all Black Mages except me now, receive Demonic Energy from demons.

And the Demonic Energy produced by the lesser demons belonging to the seven Great Demons, who digest human souls and various emotions to forge them into Demonic Energy, contain the unique properties of each group.

To those who wield holy power, it might feel like the same Demonic Energy, but having subjugated countless Black Mages and mastered the knowledge of various factions over the long years, I could tell immediately.

The faction he belonged to.

‘Bergecia Cult.’

Were the remnants of Pehern still surviving and continuing their lineage?


I looked at the Black Mage and gave a crooked smile. Ignorant fools.

“To catch me, you’ll need your High Priest to come, you know?”



As bewilderment crossed the Black Mage’s face at my unexpected reply, a dazzling light erupted.


The three stages required to activate magic.

Formula Deployment, Activation, and Manifestation.

Although there were numerous differences in the names used for each stage and the detailed adjustments within, all magic using Demonic Energy, holy power, and mana was completed through these three stages.

Therefore, unless prepared in advance with ample time, mages and surprise attacks were far removed from each other.

Of course, this was the case for those with average abilities.


Without any warning or precursor, a transparent orb, devoid of any color, shot out from my hand, piercing the darkness, and exploded in the midst of the enemies with a pop.


The light that erupted from the fingernail-sized orb in an instant.

What erupted among the heretical group wasn’t just bright light, but holy power that purified evil.

“Kehallin’s Orb!”

A gasp of admiration escaped Daena’s lips as she recognized the holy spell. A level of magic incomparable to simply creating a faint light that lingered near her hand.

“What the hell─”

A speed that was impossible to react to in an unguarded state. Confusion and disbelief filled the Black Mage’s eyes as he hurriedly turned his body.

He seemed to have never imagined that I, a mere kid in appearance, would be capable of casting magic at such speed.


Sacred light dispelling the Black Mage’s darkness.


The Black Mage in the lead let out a painful scream, clutching his robe, and as if that was the signal, the fight in the narrow passage began.


Crossbows were fired from the front with a sharp sound, but the situation was different now.

Daena and Valent, who had previously glimpsed my abilities, reacted faster than the enemy, who hadn’t expected the surprise attack.

Not a long difference, a mere split second.

But in a fight where a moment’s hesitation could mean life or death, that split second was enough to produce significant results.

The surroundings were no longer shrouded in darkness, but filled with light, clearly revealing the figures aiming crossbows at us.


They hurriedly fired their crossbows, but Valent and Daena were already closing in on them.

Unfazed by the two crossbow bolts that grazed him, Valent, zigzagging forward and raising his long sword, shouted loudly.

“In the name of God!”


Valent’s long sword and Daena’s mace, following close behind, crashed down on the enemies’ heads.


Black, white, and now red colors were embroidered in the air of the narrow passage.



The Black Mage, using his minions as shields, pushed them away and retreated to the back of the passage, screaming in pain and rage.

He seemed half out of his mind, having been bathed in holy power-filled light before he could even prepare.

Looking at his face, revealed by the bright light that had been hidden in the darkness, I said shortly.

“You look vile.”

As if displeased with my honest observation, he pressed down on his black robe with a pained hand and shouted, swinging his staff with a voice that seemed to tear. Black smoke rose from his hand, which had been exposed to the sacred light.

“Pehern’s Rusty Lance!”

He manifested a spell that seemed to have been prepared in advance. At the same time, Demonic Energy began to churn and flow from his body.


Daena shouted urgently, seeing this.

She effortlessly pulled out the mace half-embedded in the mangled body of a minion and turned towards me. Two minions blocked her path.


Unlike the Black Mage, the minions didn’t possess much Demonic Energy and were relatively unscathed. Of course, Valent and Daena were pushing them back, but they weren’t at a level where they could be ignored.

“Die, you brat!”


The Demonic Energy that poured out from the Black Mage’s body formed the shape of a black spear and shot towards me.

A final, desperate attack, not even leaving the minimum amount of Demonic Energy to protect his body from the still-shining light of the passage.

I calmly observed the Black Mage’s magic with a steady gaze.

Formula Deployment, Activation, and Manifestation.

The somewhat unstable form of Demonic Energy and the magic manifested directly without going through the first two stages.

He hadn’t chanted quickly like me, but barely managed to manifest a pre-prepared spell with the help of his staff.

In that case.

‘There’s nothing more to see.’

Five hundred years ago, he wouldn’t have even been able to meet my eyes.

‘Gabras’ Silver Shield.’


The light emanating from my hand created a sturdy shield, shimmering silver in front of me. At a speed far surpassing the enemy’s spell.

A holy magic spell I had learned directly from Inquisitor Anton Lebecht a while ago.

A defensive spell that was particularly effective against heretical attacks, namely Black Magic.


The black spear, emitting an ominous green light, crumbled helplessly, unable to penetrate the silver shield.


“This can’t be……!”

The Black Mage muttered in despair, watching his spell dissipate into mist. Seeing the smoke rising from various parts of his body, it seemed too late to recover.

Having lost even the minimum amount of Demonic Energy to protect his body, the Black Mage’s body slowly collapsed.


As the Black Mage weakly fell to his knees, Daena and Valent finished off the last minion.

I closed my eyes and focused my mind towards the other side of the passage. There was no more presence to be felt.

I had used more holy power than expected due to the unforeseen situation, but it was a clean finish nonetheless.

I turned my gaze towards the two who had finished off the remaining minions.


Valent was breathing heavily, wiping his sword. He had scratches here and there, but it seemed he hadn’t sustained any fatal wounds.

“……Let’s get out of here quickly.”

Daena said calmly, looking at the light of the passage slowly fading as its effect wore off.

Holding her mace with a worried expression, as if concerned about any remaining remnants, so as not to repeat the same mistake, I smiled serenely.

If these guys were truly affiliated with the Bergecia Catacomb, there was more I needed to find out before leaving.

Of course, there was no reason to tell these two directly.

I could have made an excuse about examining any remaining traces, but didn’t I have a perfect excuse right now?

“No, Candidates. There’s still something important left.”


The two looked at me with puzzled expressions as I spoke calmly. I pointed to the collapsed Black Mage and the corpses of the minions.

“Let’s pray for them.”

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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