The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 64.2

In an instant, the restrained fury was mixed with mana and swallowed the surroundings whole.

A burst of energy so strong, it could only be described as a gale.

“Let’s fight a bit.”

“Kukukuk. . . Kuhahahaha! That’s the mad dog I know!”

Choi Dae-soo stoked the embers of killing intent he had kept hidden deep inside him.

Someone who would be a shot of adrenaline into his bland life.

That’s what his rival, Min Siwoo, had always been.

Someone annoying, irritating and enviable, yet never boring.

Had there been anyone who had surpassed Choi Dae-soo in the last ten years?

Had there been anyone who could give him a thrill in his life as a hunter, which had always been as cold as ice?

There had been no one.

Do Kyung-hoo was strong, but he was not Choi Dae-soo’s match.

The same was true for the other top-ranked hunters in South Korea.

All of them were too weak to be called a rival.

“As expected, you’re the only one who can get my blood boiling!!”

A torrent of destructive mana surged out from around Choi Dae-soo.

It was just the release of his energy, yet the walls of the dungeon shattered, and the ground was overturned.


A fist shot out like lightning, faster than the sound.

Choi Dae-soo narrowly dodged the fist, twisting his neck.

If he had slowed down for even an instant, he would have been caught in Min Siwoo’s speed.

Even Choi Dae-soo, who was agile and quick on his feet, was outmatched by Siwoo’s swiftness.


Choi Dae-soo’s fist hit Siwoo square in the side.


Normally, his bones would have been broken and his flesh torn.

Instead, it was Choi Dae-soo’s fingers that throbbed as if he had hit a rock.

“What the hell is this body?! Are you eating iron?!”

“You’re not one to talk.”

Behind Siwoo, hundreds of letters and symbols gathered together in a ritual to create a gigantic mass of mana.

[Snow Flower: Ice Javelin]

Dozens of icy javelins, as cold as ice, flew through the air, scattering freezing energy and piercing the atmosphere.

‘𝙀𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙟𝙤𝙠𝙚.’

Choi Dae-soo tore up the ground and planted it in front of him like a stone wall.

Then, the ice spears created by Siwoo struck the stone platform, shaking the heavens and the earth.


The stone wall that Choi Dae-soo had erected was instantly shattered.

But Choi Dae-soo had already dodged out of the way.

While Siwoo was focused in front of him, a heavy attack struck him from behind.

A huge hammer, ablaze, charged at Siwoo’s body like a wild beast, and in that moment,

[Earth’s Roar: Golems’ Rampage]

Stone fists shot up from the ground and knocked the hammer up from below.

As the hammer flew into the air, Choi Dae-soo immediately summoned a different item.


A javelin appeared, shining with light.

Choi Dae-soo grabbed the handle and charged at Siwoo in the blink of an eye, while Siwoo drew the dagger at his waist and swung it.


Sparks flew as the two weapons collided.

Both weapons had mana imbued in them, so the clash of mana crushed the ground and shattered the ceiling.


Choi Dae-soo’s flagship, the javelin, was swung sideways.

If he had blocked it wrong, his upper and lower body could have been easily separated.

Siwoo imbued his dagger with mana to stop the movement of the sword and immediately created a magic circle.

[Song of Iron: Iron Fist]

As the ritual consisting of hundreds of shapes and letters filled his field of vision, Choi Dae-soo swung the javelin up and summoned a different item.

It was a skill powerful enough to crush a large truck flat, but the shield that appeared in front of Choi Dae-soo did not allow any damage.

“Impressive. You’ve got even more items now. Where did you steal all of them?”

Choi Dae-soo’s hunter alias was Berserker, but those in the hunter world who knew him well often called him something else:

‘Artifact Collector’.

Choi Dae-soo’s original technique, based on his ability to collect unique items and summon weapons to fight depending on the battle situation.

There are now hunters who follow his combat method, but there are few who can use it as effectively as Choi Dae-soo.

“Tch, tch. You sound as though you’ve misunderstood something. I obtained them all through legitimate transactions. But it’s you whose skills have increased.”

“Because I also won and took them fair and square.”

Siwoo and Choi Dae-soo conversed calmly, not even taking a breath.

Each move had been enough to inflict a fatal wound, but the two didn’t even seem interested.

Kang Yeo-hwa could not help but be speechless at the fierce battle that had taken place in just a minute or two.

She was an S-Rank hunter too, but the battle between her master and Choi Dae-soo was so fast, she could hardly follow it with her eyes.

Was this what a fight between masters who competed over thousandths of a second looked like?

“It’s been a long time since my blood has been boiling like this.”

“I haven’t felt like this for a long time either. It’s starting to get fun.”

Choi Dae-soo and Siwoo spoke casually as they stretched.


“Let’s loosen up a little.”

Soon after, a huge aura burst out from the bodies of the two hunters.

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