
The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 12

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐: 𝐅𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

“The A-rank hunter ‘Gert’ from the [𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝] in Hong Kong has visited Korea. Guide him to the necessary places and keep an eye on him to prevent any nonsense.”

The 〈Korea Hunter Association〉 was busy since morning.

Usually, when a high-ranking hunter visits, it is often for a good reason, such as clearing a gate or signing a contract with a guild.

However, Gert’s case was an unfortunate one.

A blood relative, and a brother who had lived as a criminal, had died.

If he made a mistake, he might go after the person involved in his brother’s death and fight them.

Of course, if a hunter were to kill another person, the punishment would not be light.

If the hunter had any sense, they would simply mourn their brother’s death and leave.

“But Gert. . . he’s known to be quite hot-headed. His hair is dyed red because he’s spilled so much monster blood. He’s definitely not going to let this go quietly. . . Oh, who did they say killed him?”

“It was a hunter from the HSIU Seoul Gangbuk branch. They said he was the youngest in Hwang Jeong-gu’s hunter team.”

“Damn it, Hwang Jeong-gu is also a hot-tempered bastard. It would be difficult if he clashed with Hwang Jeong-gu because he’s protecting his youngest, so make sure to tell Gert that it was HSIU. No matter how much he’s the king of gates, he should avoid HSIU hunters.”

HSIU was, in other words, the prosecutor’s office and police of the hunter world.

Just as no one fights the prosecutor’s office, regardless of how much of an enemy they are, hunters also try not to get involved with HSIU unless they have to.

The fact that the HSIU agency has strong authority and that there are not many good hunters in HSIU are separate matters.

The reason there aren’t many powerful Hunters is simply because the guild’s welfare, salary, and treatment are much better.

The hunter from the Hunter Association who had gone to meet Gert led him to his destination.

Republic of Korea National Institute of Scientific Investigation, ‘Hunter Forensic Science Department’

“This way.”

Gert followed the instructions of the National Institute of Scientific Investigation staff.

His face was as hard as cold marble.

“We will show you the body.”

The appearance of the deceased, who had been taken out of the morgue freezer, was more gruesome than he had imagined.

“Ah. . . . . .”

Gert could not continue speaking.

His beloved brother’s head had a sewn-up scar on it.

It was not just a simple tear wound that had been stitched up.

“We will give you some time to mourn.”

The National Institute of Scientific Investigation staff quietly went outside with the Hunter Association staff.

The morgue was filled with a cold air.

Gert quietly held his brother’s stiff hand.

The brother who had always picked him up whenever he fell.

The pillar of the family who had endured dirty blood for his family without uttering a single groan.

That pillar was now lying there, cold and lifeless.

Gert caressed his brother’s cheek.

He had lost a lot of weight since he had last seen him.

He was cold, so cold.

He never thought that his reunion with his brother after several years would be like this.

Blood seeped from Gert’s clenched teeth.

He endured it silently, pressing it down inside so as not to release his mana.

He should have stopped him when his brother said he was joining the organization.

Or he should have told him to come to Hong Kong instead.

A jumble of regrets washed over him like waves.

His brother had been a criminal.

He was an Awakened criminal that he himself sometimes dealt with.


He was his brother.

He was the only blood relative he had left in the world.

The guilt over his brother’s death, the self-reproach, the hatred for the other party.

All of those things mixed together and created an unknown emotion.

Only anger, murderous intent, tore at his chest and turned his eyes bloodshot.

He swallowed his emotions and called someone with a cold look in his eyes.

“Yes, I’ve arrived.”

His voice was filled with sorrow and anger.

Gert chewed on his words as if spitting out something bitter as he looked at his brother’s face.

“Secure the prey. I will tear out its heart myself.”


“Give me the stuff that Min-jun left.”

At Siwoo’s words, Min Si-joon hesitated for a moment.

“Hyung, you need the stuff that has Min-jun’s mana in it?”

TL: We’re switching “Hyung” instead of “older brother”.

A hunter’s item that contains their mana holds more information than one might think.

It is possible to infer the hunter’s fingerprint-like mana code, lineage, and even the strength and power of their magic power.

Of course, that is only if it is seen by someone who is skilled enough to decipher that mana.

“That’s. . . the day after Min-jun was killed, right? When I went to collect his belongings, his house had already been ransacked.”

“The house was ransacked?”

This was an unexpected development.

“Uh, they took everything. There was nothing left with mana in it, and they even took the laptop, appliances, and even stuff like history books.”

Min-jun was an archaeologist.

To him, research materials were as precious as his life.

He had hoped that his laptop and personal research papers would still be there.

“Do you have any pictures you took when it was ransacked? Let me see them.”

Min Si-joon showed Siwoo the pictures he had taken as evidence at the time.

Siwoo looked closely at the pictures taken from various angles one by one.


“I wonder if the criminal who killed Min-jun took away specific items or evidence to get rid of them. That’s what the hunters who investigated at the time said too.”

Siwoo shook his head.

“This is just a burglary.”


“Don’t you see that every space in the room is a mess? They wouldn’t do it so recklessly if they were looking for something specific. It would be confusing.”

“Then what if it was to get rid of evidence?”

“It seems more likely that the criminal’s evidence would remain this way. Do you know what the best way to get rid of evidence is?”

“. . . . . . . . . ?”


Someone who kills a person and perfectly disposes of the body goes around like this looking for specific items or evidence because they killed someone?

The modus operandi doesn’t match.

It’s too blatant.

It’s like saying, ‘I killed someone because of an item.’

This is a burglary, one hundred percent.

“You may not know this, but there are guys who specifically target the houses of dead hunters and rob them. They think there will be expensive items or a lot of money.”

He had learned this while working at HSIU this time.

However, although the quality of the crime was poor, it was not clear whether it was a violent crime, so it seemed that the police were investigating it rather than HSIU.

“Maybe a few fences will come out.”

He wondered if any of Min-jun’s belongings that had been stolen several years ago would still be there, but it is said that it takes several years to dispose of stolen goods.

“If you want, I’ll have some of our staff follow you. They’re my direct reports, so you can use them as much as you want.”

“That’s fine. They can’t abuse their authority like I can.”

Why did he even join HSIU?


Thief Hansen ran desperately.

His lungs were about to burst, and his legs were about to give out.

But he still ran.

His ankles throbbed, making him want to collapse on the spot.

Damn it, he must have broken his thumbnail on the sidewalk block he’d bumped into while running away.

The inside of his shoes was wet.

It was probably blood. Definitely blood.

‘What the hell! Why are you chasing me all of a sudden, you crazy bastard!’

He cursed inwardly.

He’d had bad luck.

He’d simply greeted someone who happened to be near the entrance to their hideout.

He’d asked how the person knew about the place, who had introduced them, what their purpose was, and that he should pay a fee since it was a toll road. Just the usual stuff.

But the other person had suddenly thrown a punch.

Thanks to that, his partner had collapsed on the floor, blood trickling from his mouth.

Hansen ran desperately towards the entrance to another hideout.

He could tell instinctively.

‘That guy is crazy!’

He was already out of sight.

Moreover, he kept muttering to himself.

Like talking to an invisible friend, saying things like, “Freeloader this” and “Freeloader that.”

If he ran just one more block, he would reach the other hideout.


His injured foot finally gave out.

Hansen rolled several times on the floor before crashing into the wall of the alleyway.

It hurt like hell.

“Ugh. . . Damn it.”

“Did you run far?”

A dry voice came from somewhere.

Hansen carefully lifted his head to find the source of the voice.

It was him.

“Fuck. . .”

“Did you run far?”

The man looked down at Hansen with emotionless eyes.

His eyes showed no emotion whatsoever.

Even snakes look at mice as prey when they see them.

However, there was no such thing in the man’s eyes.

“You son of a bitch, do you know who I am? You dare. . .”

Before Hansen could finish his sentence, the man’s foot kicked Hansen in the abdomen.

Hansen’s body was sent flying with a loud thud.

Hansen clutched his stomach and rolled around on the floor.

“Who are you?”

The man’s words pierced Hansen’s heart like a knife.

“Hic! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was just trying to make a quick buck. . . I really don’t know anyth—Argh!”

Bam, a sound reverberated through Hansen’s jaw.

It was because the man’s foot had hit him in the face at an incredible speed.

Hansen lay on the floor like a shrimp, clutching his mouth.

He didn’t know how many teeth had fallen out, but blood was dripping down his palm.

“Get up.”

A fierce command. Hansen stood up like a well-trained soldier.

“You know where the goods are? Take me there.”

“Yes. . . Yes?”


A fist struck Hansen’s stomach hard.

He couldn’t even breathe properly.

“I don’t like repeating myself. If you ask me again, I’ll shove a bowling ball down your throat.”

Hansen nodded, his face covered in tears, snot, saliva, and blood.

He was really unlucky.

He led the man to the hideout.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

He entered by pressing the password at the entrance.

As the iron door opened, a luxuriously decorated door appeared inside.

The guard in front of it greeted Hansen.

“Hey, what are you doing here at this hour? Who is that guy next to you? The boss will be pissed if he finds out you’ve brought someone he doesn’t know. Huh? What happened to your face? It’s covered in blood!”

“Ah. . . This guy is. . .”

“Me? I’m Siwoo.”


The guard asked Siwoo back, looking as if he was asking, ‘So what?’


The guard collapsed.

“Let’s go.”

Siwoo gestured to Hansen.

The interior was surprisingly clean and tidy.

No one would have guessed that there would be such a facility inside such a shabby building.

It felt like the lobby of a luxury hotel.

Hansen glanced at Siwoo as he approached the innermost door.

His expression was devoid of any tension or anxiety.

‘Crazy bastard!’

Hansen opened the door.

There, about a dozen people were laughing and chatting while playing poker.

There was a mountain of money piled up on the table, and there were quite a few gold and silver treasures among them.

“Huh? What are you doing here?”

A bearded man smoking a cigar asked.

“B, Boss! P, Please save me!”

Hansen ran to the boss’s side, blood dripping from his mouth.

“What the hell! Who is that guy behind you!”

The boss asked, pointing at the sharp-eyed man with his finger.

Siwoo ignored the gesture and scanned the room.

“There are several Awakeners here. You’re even gambling illegally with stolen goods. This is quite a catch.”

“What?! What are you talking about! Hey, arrest that guy!”

Siwoo chuckled and twisted his finger backward.

Snap, the sound rang pleasantly.

“I think I’ll use a skill for the first time in a while.”

【𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕? 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕟.】

“A chicken? That’s quite expensive. [𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞].”

【𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝 [𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞] 𝔸𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕】

A white circle appeared on Siwoo’s palm, and nine characters emitted light.

A dazzling, tingling sensation.

A tremendous wave of magic power surged out in a circle, centered on the magic circle.


An intangible shockwave swept through the room.

Everyone in the room, along with the tables, chairs, and decorations, went flying and slammed into the walls.

With just one skill, a dozen or so men were taken down.

However, he didn’t use it strongly enough to kill them.

“Ugh. . . W-Who are you!”

The boss staggered and glared at Siwoo.

His expression was full of anger.

“From HSIU.”


The boss looked dumbfounded at Siwoo’s words.

It was far from the answer he had expected.

“Is this where Awakeners are fencing stolen goods?”

Siwoo asked, picking up a jewel.

“D-Don’t be ridiculous! Even if you’re HSIU, you can’t just barge in without a warrant or an arrest warrant! You government dogs!”

“Oh, we can.”

We can.

For Awakened criminals, the entire world, including the nation, has adopted a principle of zero tolerance and strict punishment.

However, the reason why there are no high-ranking Awakeners in HSIU despite the tremendous privileges and benefits is that most of them join guilds and become Hunters.

Literally, it was a job that had only honor, but was dangerous and not very lucrative.

However, the reason Siwoo joined HSIU was different.

First, it allowed the use of force and killing against Awakened criminals.

He could use force to subdue them as soon as they were caught in the act or after a report was received.

Second, it gave him the right to indict and investigate all Hunters, regardless of their rank.

This meant that it didn’t matter if the other party was a world-class ranker, the guild master of a large guild, or even the president of a country.

“Hand over all the stolen goods. If you don’t want to suffer.”

So, Siwoo didn’t care about taking down a fence like this one.

He had joined HSIU to use his authority in the first place.

Siwoo followed the bearded man’s guidance and went to the back room.

There, he found a huge amount of gold and silver treasures, as well as artwork such as famous paintings and sculptures.

“Damn it, come to think of it, I heard that some crazy guy had recently appeared and was cleaning out fences. So it was you! I was glad that my rivals were disappearing. . . Go to hell with all that!”

“I only need to find one.”


Hwang Jeong-gu was always bewildered by the unexpected results, as Siwoo had already defeated several teams of fences in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas.

Siwoo spread his magic power like a thin spiderweb in all directions.

Even though it was a fairly large space, his magic power filled it without any gaps.

And there, he could find a very familiar trace of magic power.

Like the touch of someone he knew, a longing was conveyed to him through his mana.

Siwoo picked up an object lying on the floor in the corner.

“I finally found one.”

It was Min-jun’s book, locked with a padlock.

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