𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕𝟔: 𝐃𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲 (2)
Rayman stood before Kreion, his hands trembling slightly as he pointed his sword at him.
Cater pointed at Rayman.
“This human has caused me so much suffering. . . He is the last of the humans on this planet. . . Please, Creator, tie the final knot with your own hands!”
Kreion stared at Cater, who was prostrated on the floor, with impassive eyes.
‘. . .Cater was a monster created by misusing the power of the bio-bomb, and the artificial humans here were victims of it for generations.’
So what if he had fought the Ycloquasar a little better? What if he had made the design or instincts of the bio-bomb slightly different?
Kreion walked towards Rayman, lost in thought.
Rayman sharpened his sword. He was going to fight, even though he knew he couldn’t win.
‘He has the eyes of a man who has accepted death.’
Kreion walked past Rayman and up to Cater.
Cater looked up at Kreion, his eyes filled with tears of ecstasy.
“I want to ascend to the Chimeraz. . . by your side. That’s why. . .”
“So I wanted to prove my ability like this! To convey your great will to this isolated world. . .”
He wanted to say that it was just an excuse to justify his ambition, but Kreion wanted Cater to realize it for himself.
If Cater were to realize his own wrongdoings and mistakes, even now, Kreion intended to apologize to Cater, regretting the design limitations of the bio-bomb.
“You’ve destroyed everything.”
“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes?”
“. . .Eradicate anything you touch. That was the order I gave to the bio-bomb.”
“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes. . .! So. . . !”
“So why didn’t you self-destruct when you were the first to come into contact with the bio-bomb?”
“T-That’s. . .”
When he mentioned the truth that even Cater himself knew, Cater’s eyes wavered and his heartbeat quickened.
“Why did you carry out the order given to the bio-bomb?”
“Ah. . . T-That. . . . . . . . .”
“I don’t remember ordering that to anyone.”
If he had received information about the genetic blueprint and instincts of the Chimeraz from the bio-bomb, Cater would know the truth.
The reason why the bio-bomb infected Cater at that time was simply because the bio-bomb itself wanted to survive.
However, the consciousness that the bio-bomb had at the time of the initial infection had already died. The bio-bomb was as good as dead due to excessive friction heat and impact.
Therefore, the bio-bomb chose to survive in a different form by attaching itself to Cater. At that point, the bio-bomb was no longer a bio-bomb, so it could no longer carry out the order to destroy everything it touched, nor did it need to.
After all, the bio-bomb died in the middle of trying to completely infect Cater.
Cater must have known that fact as well.
“I interpreted it. . . . . . But that. . .”
“I’m telling you, your interpretation is wrong. Didn’t you think anything was amiss? Didn’t your desire to ascend into space create such an interpretation?”
But Cater didn’t admit it.
“I, I, I. . . . . . T-That. . . . . . That. . . . . . T-That. . .”
He shed tears again, his expression sorrowful as if he was being wronged.
At that moment, Kreion checked Asotus’s eyes to see what kind of face Rayman was making behind him.
It was an expression of indescribable hatred and resentment.
Kreion realized that his actions now were wrong.
He had thought that he would forgive Cater and apologize if he realized his wrongdoing.
The Kreion who had suddenly appeared in this world had no right to do that.
“. . . . . . . . . Yes. It was my fault in the first place. I had no right to blame you.”
Cater’s face turned red. In a pitiful way.
“Oh, oh. . .! Merciful Creator. . .! Then let me take responsibility for this planet. . .”
At that moment, Rayman ran past Kreion and slashed both of Cater’s wrists.
“Ah, ah. . .! C-Creator. . .! This last human is trying to kill me. . . !”
Rayman then raised his crude sword.
And Cater depended on Kreion until the end. Somewhat unpleasantly.
“Save me! Creator. . .! This human is trying to kill your loyal servant. . . !!!”
Kreion himself was not qualified to stop Rayman. He was also not qualified to protect Cater.
This was something that Rayman and Cater had to resolve.
And to ask for help. Wasn’t it Cater who started the long war in this world? If he had borrowed the power of the bio-bomb, he should be able to get up and fight Rayman right now. Why doesn’t he get up from where he is prostrated on the ground?
“You brought this upon yourself. If you want to survive, beg for forgiveness from the human who is trying to kill you, or fight and win like the humans of this planet did.”
“This is too much. . .! Denying everything I’ve done for you. . .! Please tell me that’s not true. . . !!!!”
It seems that the reason Cater is not getting up and fighting now is because his spirit has been broken.
The artificial humans of this planet have been wiped out, and even the last nation and army have perished. In the end, the artificial human named Rayman, who survived alone, is trying to fight to the end, even in the depths of his despair.
What kind of world would it have been if an artificial human like Rayman, not Cater, had received the power of the bio-bomb?
As he thought about it, Rayman slashed off both of Cater’s legs.
“Creator!! Why. . .! Why are you ignoring me. . .! Answer me. . .! Why. . .! Why. . . !? Why is this happening to me. . . .”
Kreion couldn’t get involved in this either.
In the end, Rayman ended the long battle by slashing Cater’s body a few more times and finally crushing his skull.
After that, Kreion apologized to Rayman and revived all the dead bodies that had piled up because of Cater.
He then told the Ririm to restore the ecosystem’s flora and fauna after eliminating all the groups of alien life forms created by Cater, including the mutant Cresecter and Lemegeton.
In the meantime, Lopez’s transparent AI machines also came down to the surface to closely examine the state of the planet, and they were able to figure out the relative time flow between the closed space and the outside space that had unfolded on this planet.
It turned out that about 7,816 years passed on this planet while 5 minutes passed outside.
➖What is your true identity? The gods I know are omnipotent.
➖Are you a god? Is it right to call you the creator of the monsters?
Kreion learned through a brief conversation with Rayman that he was an out-and-out ‘medieval man’ since the accident.
Therefore, he couldn’t explain about the star system, the Local Group of Galaxies, the species, the distortion of spacetime by gravity, or the Chimeraz.
Therefore, in order to explain the world and concepts that n-th generation artificial humans like Rayman didn’t know, he had no choice but to mix reality and myth appropriately.
➖I am a human from another planet. The humans there have a highly advanced civilization that allows them to traverse the universe.
He first corrected the mistaken story (or myth) about the humans of the space age that Cater had spread. The humans in space are not gods, and the moon that the artificial humans of this planet feared is a living bio-planet, so it will soon disappear.
➖Then, as various things happened, I alone gained the ability to manipulate life. From the moment I started using the legion, I became something other than human.
He couldn’t explain why he had a human body even though he wasn’t human, so he explained it to him using the concept of human resources so that he could understand it easily.
➖The humans of that universe call me a ‘monster’. But now I’m in an alliance with humans for a cause. . . .
It is said that in this world, they used the aggressive expression ‘Monstrous Beast’.
In the future, when the artificial humans here enter the space age, they will have to encounter the Chimeraz with a concept that is a bit more refined than monsters. If the artificial humans call the Chimeraz monsters at that time, the Chimeraz will answer kindly. They are not monsters or monsters, but the Chimeraz.
The isolated world of the 8th planet.
After hearing the whole story, Anima asked.
➖Is that explanation enough? You didn’t tell him the truth.
‘If I told him now, it would be a truth that he couldn’t understand or handle.’
So Kreion made sure that no one touched the 8th planet.
He decided to protect it so that it could be their world until the day they ascended into the space age, just as humanity had done.
The dark nebulae region that includes the Hecartra star system is still a closed space. The end of the closed space is dark like the event horizon or the imaginary end of the universe.
“Lopez. We have to get out of here as quickly as possible.”
“I sent the fleet to the end of the closed space, but it couldn’t pass through.”
“Is something blocking it like a wall?”
“There was no wall. There was endless space.”
“It’s not that we were blocked by something and couldn’t escape. It’s. . .Transcendencer.”
At that moment, the voice of an artificial intelligence called Transcendencer echoed in the heart.
➖As a result of analyzing the light residual patterns of the observers at the front and rear of the fleet arranged in a row, there was an irregular redshift phenomenon. Therefore, it is presumed that the currently closed space is irregularly expanding.
“Space keeps getting bigger, so we can’t get out. So, strictly speaking, it doesn’t make sense to say that my fleet went to the end of the closed space.”
“Like the universe is expanding?”
➖Yes. But, as I said, it is irregular. Unlike the expansion of the universe, the expansion speed was unnatural and intentional. Every time the fleet tried to approach the end of space, space would expand to match the speed of the fleet.
It was as if space was expanding only in response to the movement of the fleet, like an opponent running away whenever you try to catch up.
This made me suspect that the Ycloquasars intended to keep everyone trapped in this closed space.
➖Therefore, the current expansion of this closed space is either being intentionally influenced by the Ycloquasars outside the closed space, or the Ycloquasars still exist in the same space as us, inducing the expansion of the closed space with dark energy.
➖Therefore, the most realistic strategy for escaping from the closed space is to capture their War Harvester on the assumption that the Ycloquasars still exist in the same space as us and to understand their technology.
“Remember? The moment when the last four War Harvesters merged into one, erasing the area with a flash and disappearing.”
“I remember. The last War Harvester, which merged into one, disappeared in the form of spreading the mass and energy it had like a bomb in all directions.”
“It was different from the self-destruction we’ve been experiencing.”
“That’s right.”
➖The last War Harvester of this closed space must be somewhere in the closed space.
“We need to infect them with the virus while keeping them as intact as possible instead of destroying them. Only then will we be able to find a way to escape from this space.”
The Ycloquasars were beings that felt a gap no matter how many times we faced them.
Kreion looked back on what he had experienced so far while fighting the Ycloquasars, and after some deliberation, he opened his mouth again.
“Something similar to what happened when the planets of Hecartra were locked up might happen.”
“What do you mean?”
“The planets were trapped in a closed space and suffered thermodynamic death according to the relative flow of time. Therefore. . .”
Kreion uncovers the horrible truth that has not yet been revealed.
“We will also die thermodynamically slowly. Over a very long period of time.”
Even stars have a lifespan.
No matter what means of development are chosen, the binding force of energy and particles will weaken. If a long time passes and the stars go out and there are no more means to efficiently obtain energy, then we will no longer be able to maintain colonies, facilities, or armies.
Eventually, the allied forces in this closed space will be reduced. And the beings who will survive until the end will be Kreion and Lopez.
If we are weakened to such an extent when the closed space opens, and War Harvesters, who have been waiting for that moment, rush in, they will harvest our minds without any resistance.
➖When the closed space opens, perhaps right after Kreion-nim and Administrator are harvested, if we observe the human galaxy, it might be just a minute after the War Harvesters closed the space of the Hecartra dark nebula.
“It’s a time attack. . . . They trap their opponents in time for a while and cook them so that they are well-cooked when they open the package and eat them.”
“From the perspective of those trapped in time, it must have been an absurdly long time. Just like the planets did.”
Thinking about it this way, Kreion and Lopez came up with a single word.
Creators who are similar to that.
They are not gods, but beings who dream of their ‘immortality’ through the ‘mortality’ of others.
“They have the ability to destroy the existing world with a closed space and create a new world.”
Just as each planet of Hecartra had its own world.
“In that way, they keep their position and progress constantly, aiming for immortality, not survival.”
“Immortality. . . . If that’s not the purpose, there’s no reason to do things on this scale.”
Perhaps we should aim for the Ycloquasars who are intentionally expanding space somewhere in this closed space. We need to absorb them and find out how to release or escape the closed space.
However, there is something that must be confirmed before that.
This is an imaginary despair that can no longer be ignored.
“How much time do you think has passed outside the area where we are trapped?”
“That’s. . . . . . .”
Then, Lopez frowned slightly.
“. . .I don’t know.”
➖I don’t know.
“Can you say for sure that you don’t know?”
➖We can never know how much time has passed outside the space where we are trapped.
➖Because we cannot obtain any information from the outside at the moment.
Kreion nodded.
Because it was an expected answer.
“If we escape from this space or this closed space is released, we might face the power of the Ycloquasars.”
“Is it possible that it has become a dead universe because too much time has passed?”
➖It is extremely unlikely. Since their purpose is to harvest the minds of Kreion-nim and Administrator, there is no reason to wait for an eternity. If it were that far in the future, their minds would have advanced to such an extent that there would be nothing to gain by harvesting their minds.
Then, the world outside the closed space will be in one of two situations.
“Either the races of the entire local galaxy group, excluding this space, have become extinct, or they are in the midst of a fierce battle. From the Ycloquasar’s point of view, I think it will be one of those two situations.”
“If the entire group is already extinct and the Ycloquasars are surrounding us, then there is no way.”
That is the worst-case scenario that Kreion and Lopez can consider. That’s exactly the imaginary despair.
But we can’t give up hope.
“What if we’re in the midst of a fierce battle because only a little time has passed?”
“We will provide the information and technology of the Ycloquasars to the Believers. There are Believers outside the closed space.”
“We’ll fight again. . . .Well, that would be the best situation.”
And soon, Kreion’s legion and Lopez’s army left the Hecartra star system.
They began to move towards the end of the closed space to resist their fate.
Ludwig quickly regained his composure, befitting his rank as the second in command.
“I will rebuild the legion with what I have learned from the master and wait for the day you return. . . .”
Nazar promised.
“I will never close my eyes. If the master returns, I will be the first to find you.”
Gorgo said he would become stronger.
“I will do my best to protect our race.”
Gats willingly put his instincts behind him for Kreion.
“For the time being. . . . I will give my life for Anima-nim and Ludwig-nim.”
Linnea cried sadly because she was heartbroken.
“Niiiiing. . . . . . .”
And Anima.
All of them gathered in the colony of the 4th planet, which was being rebuilt.
Kreion had a short time to look back at his precious beings before boarding Asotus.
“Anima. I’m sorry that I have to leave this world’s burden to you.”
“It’s okay.”
She understood this time as well.
I promised her happiness, but I didn’t know this would happen. Still, she thankfully, and regretfully, took into account everything about Kreion.
Only then could Kreion take a heavy step towards Asotus.
“Wait, Kreion.”
I thought she was trying to say goodbye.
“I was grateful that you thought my eyes were beautiful back then.”
“. . .When we touched foreheads and exchanged memories.”
“I liked you since then.”
Clever as she was, she instilled in Kreion the will and mind to come back to her.
It was an intense word that touched his heart.
“I’ll wait. With our daughter.”
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