
Limited Time, Kitchen Maid of the Fourth Knight Order ~I Got a Job Because I Don’t Want to Get Married~ – Chapter 2

𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫 >> 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥 >> 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞

My decision to work was strongly opposed by my younger brother, Thor.

“Do you have to work because I’m going to school, Nee-sama?! If that’s the case, I won’t go to school!”

Thor, still in his growing phase, is already taller than me, who is petite. I hugged him tightly and patted his back to calm him down.

“Listen, Thor. Nee-sama had a choice between getting married and working. I chose to work.”

“Nee-sama is. . .getting married. . .?!?”

“Nee-sama really doesn’t want to get married, not at all! If I were to get married, it would only be to dad!”

Dad’s face melted with surprise.

“Nee-sama is. . .getting married. . .”

“If I work in the knight order, it would be a valid reason for not getting married. Nee-sama is working for her own sake. Will you forgive me?”

“Of course! Don’t worry, Nee-sama, I will protect you!”

“Thank you, Thor.”

While being hugged even more tightly, I continued to pat my brother’s back.

“Dad, mom, thank you for allowing me to work. I will do my best to not bring shame upon the Norchev family.”

“Ah. . .take care of your body.”

“You can always come back. No unnecessary hardships or endurance. That’s a promise with your mom, who would easily collapse.”

“Powerful persuasion.”

“If Alice is ever in a difficult situation, I will come rushing over. I’ll vomit blood on the spot, so we should go back together.”

“Mom, you’re being too dramatic.”

“This is nothing. I bled much more when I gave birth to you both!”

My mom, who appears frail and delicate, is surprisingly aggressive and playful.

Thus, having decided to work, I had an interview with a knight order that was urgently recruiting just a few days later.

Dressed in my best clothes, I stepped into the royal palace for the first time. After multiple procedures, I was able to arrive at the reception room a bit earlier than the scheduled time. Even though it’s probably the lowest-ranking reception room, it was still far more luxurious than our home. The tea served was also fragrant.

I was just holding back from gulping down the tea when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Upon standing, a tall man with a handsome face entered the room. Because of my past life experiences, I’m not fond of good-looking men.

I lowered my eyes to avoid being disrespectful.

“I am Alice Norchev.”

“I am Baldwin Somers. I apologize for keeping you waiting.”

“The one being interviewed arriving early is only natural. No need for apologies.”

Baldwin stared at me as if he had discovered something rare. His gaze was fixated on my crown.

I didn’t intend to say anything strange, but maybe I was impolite.

I bowed deeper, and Baldwin quickly extended his hand.

“Please, have a seat.”

Being escorted to the sofa, Baldwin spread out some documents.

“Let me explain. Miss Norchev will be working in the Fourth Knight Order. We will require you for all three meals every day.”

I’m familiar with the prestigious First Knight Order, the Second Order mostly comprised of nobles, and the meritocratic Third Order. But this is the first time I’ve heard of the Fourth Knight Order. Perhaps it’s just that I wasn’t aware of it.

Nodding, Baldwin began to speak.


“Given the early mornings and late nights, live-in accommodations are also available. While I won’t claim the house is worthy of a nobleman’s daughter, it’s quite decent. I’ll show you around later. You’re welcome to bring a maid, but generally, we’d like you to stay on the premises.”


“Anything you see or hear here is strictly confidential. Disclosing any of it could result in imprisonment, so please be cautious.”


Considering this is a knight order associated with the nobility, it’s only natural that there would be various goings-on.

Thor stays in a dorm while attending school, and my friends are all newlyweds. Maybe living here isn’t such a bad idea. It could be a nice gift for my parents to live like newlyweds again.

“You get one day off per week. The salary is as follows.”

I couldn’t help but look at it three times. Counted the zeros multiple times.

I can’t believe I’m making as much as my dad. . .Thank you, dad, for finding me this job!

“Normally, this would be a job for several people, but we’ve decided to entrust it to you, Miss Norchev, alone. This is reflected in your salary.”

I thought only unmarried noblewomen over 16 with no fiancés could be trusted with the kitchen of a knight order.

They can’t just hire anyone to cook food for nobles. It seems this also doubles as matchmaking, but that doesn’t concern me as a Viscount.

“The maximum term is three years, as any longer could interfere with marriage prospects.”

I don’t want to get married, so that’s fine.”

“First, I’ll show you the workspace. If you don’t think you can make meal deadlines, please let us know right away. Failure to do so may result in penalties, fines, or even dismissal. If you alert us promptly, we can cover for you.”

“Preparing three meals a day for a group of likely voracious knights by myself will be challenging, but I have no intention of quitting.

I’ll get paid, and I don’t have to get married!

Upon leaving the royal castle, we rode in a plush, travel-specific carriage. I was briefed on the job during the journey, but it was all pretty basic.

Don’t be late, don’t miss work without notice, and if you do, inform us. Don’t invite outsiders without permission.

I found myself looking at Baldwin’s face, which I had been avoiding, as he painstakingly explained what must have been past issues.

This guy has his own struggles too. . .

It’s my first job, so it’s only natural that I will make mistakes. My status might prevent me from being adequately warned.


I reply with a sense of deference. Baldwin looks at me for a moment before I’m the one to look away.

It’s not like it’s cute or anything. Honestly, it’s nerve-wracking being in the same space with a handsome guy.

“. . .Would you like to visit other knight orders?”

“Like going to observe how other noble daughters work?”

They’re probably of higher status than me. I could be called a kitchen maid, but what would they be referred to as?

“No, it’s a tour of the knight orders.”

I tilt my head slightly.

“. . .Is that mandatory?”


“I appreciate the generous offer, but I can’t impose on Somers-sama’s valuable time for my sake.”

“I see.”

Deciding not to concern myself with Baldwin, who fell silent after that.

Competent people are often a bit odd in some way.

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




💎ᴠɪᴘ – 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 (𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨) Free Ch1-100 (Password – AWEBSTORIES-FREE100CH)


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