
The Twice-Exiled Adventurer, Using His Super Rare Skills To Train a Squad of Beautiful Girls! – Chapter 73

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟑:𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭’𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

“Let’s lend a hand. There are people suffering under tyranny, and they are our fellow countrymen. If we ignore this, it will question the value of the Gaillia Kingdom we are founding.”

At my words, General Kytes displayed a cynical smile, and Count Doros gave a wry smile.


Even if he says that we should abandon them, deep down, I believe the Count also wants to help.

After all, this man has provided enormous support to the orphanages within his territory.

He has provided so much assistance that it’s been mockingly referred to as the “orphanage industry”.

Of course, part of this is because the Masrur Kingdom has proposed it as a condition for clandestine trade, but if the Count didn’t care about the orphans, he wouldn’t offer such extensive support.

His assistance would be more cursory and only in form, not substance.

The orphans wouldn’t be able to learn to read and write, study military strategy, or learn magic.

“The Gaillia Kingdom, unlike the Lintrite Kingdom, values people. Just being perceived that way alone, I believe, gives meaning to its founding.”

“Got it, got it. No need to say more, Lionel. The foundation of a country is its people.”

As if to surrender, the Count raises both his hands.

The matter was settled with a three-to-one majority in favor of providing assistance. Even the sole dissenter agreed, so everything is now resolved.

“So, the question is how we will help.”

General Kytes crosses his arms.

Now we will move on to discussing the technique.

It sounds cool to invade the royal capital, disperse the Royal Army, and liberate the citizens, but that’s difficult to do.

Considering the current morale of the Royal Army, we could probably win with the entire Gaillia army of about twenty thousand.

We still have over fifty thousand in numbers.

Their morale is shaky.

By the time we reach the battlefield, about eighty percent might have fled.

The problem is not there, but rather, considering their low morale, they wouldn’t choose to fight in an open field battle.

They would firmly close the gates of the royal capital Galangran and seclude themselves within. 

That’s the worst-case scenario.

Galangran, like Gaillia, has a much higher consumption rate than its production. That’s typical of large cities.

Meaning, if food is not brought in, starvation will occur almost immediately.

Of course, as the royal capital of a country, there should be considerable reserves, but do you think the kingdom’s government or the Royal Army would use those for the citizens?

They’d force the citizens to endure while not changing their own lives at all.

It’s as clear as day.

“If we surround them with a large army, eventually the castle gates will open. From the inside, out.”

Still crossing his arms, General Kytes said.

The citizens living in Galangran won’t be patient forever. When they reach their limit, there will be an armed uprising.

Waiting outside the castle gates for that to happen and then supplying them generously is actually the best way to win popular support.

It clearly positions us as the allies of justice, the allies of the people.

“But the problem with this approach is that too many people would die.”

A clash between the citizens and the Royal Army is unavoidable, as is a clash between the part of the Royal Army that allies with the citizens and the part that stays loyal to the kingdom.

If that happens, tens of thousands of people would die.

“We can’t bring the death toll to zero. No matter how hard we try, there are people who will die. But we want to reduce that number, even if by one or two.”

I don’t want to see more orphans like us.

It might sound naive, but. . .

The words I once swore with Luke are still alive within me.

Let’s create a world where children can live with laughter.

“Mama Nel. . . . . . .”

Meisha grasps my hand.

Did I make her worry?

I mustn’t do that.

“General Kytes. Can I borrow command and troops again? About two thousand.”

Reforming my brazen expression, I ask the general.

“Two thousand? Even twice that would be fine.”

“No, no. We can’t leave Gaillia’s defense too thin.”

There’s a chance other nobility forces will target Gaillia. That’s part of the struggle for power.

Currently, the reputation of General Kytes and his twenty thousand plus troops is a shield for Gaillia, but if it’s known that they have departed for the royal capital, there might be ambitious lords who make a move.

Even without considering the kingdom’s government, prosperous Gaillia is a tantalizing target.

Well, if we fail with just two thousand, it’s a number we can manage somehow.

“That’s not how it works. You should know that losing you is like losing an army of a hundred thousand.”

I joked, and the general got mad at me.

My apologies.

“If we have too many, we’ll stand out too much, increasing the chances of our operations failing.”

After a slight bow, I explained the plan.

It’s a ridiculous plan that probably wouldn’t occur to anyone who has received formal military training.

Invade with a very small unit, making the Royal Army let their guard down.

There’s no way they would be scared of an army of just two thousand.

When the Royal Army is deployed, the people of the capital are to evacuate. To prepare for this, adventurers will infiltrate Galangran as agents and arrange the details.

I’ve named it, the Great Night Escape Operation.

“Indeed, that’s a strategy we wouldn’t think of. Even if we ignore the lack of naming sense.”

Count Doros slaps his knee.

It seems he understands its usefulness.

“It can’t be helped. Lord Doros. Have you ever noticed that things our mothers made or bought for us lacked some sense?”

General Kytes says this.

That’s rude. Why compare with a mother?

Both your mother and I deserve an apology.

With all your heart.

“I understand.”

Count Doros nods in agreement.

Don’t agree with him.

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